The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

Posted by laramiebob on 9/2/2021 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/2/2021 5:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/1/2021 9:22:00 AM (view original):
Just unbelievable!

So much ignorance and so many judgments about..............well the whole world!!
Catholics ain't Christians, Islamic folks don't worship the same God, women politicians must be American hating communists, blah, blah, blah.

This Canuck is so lacking in self awareness is it just (as I said) NOT believable.
What denomination are you, Brother Canuck??

The answer is 10's and 20's.
They add up!
Even in Canadian currency.
Actually, it is you who is ignorant re: Catholicism, Islam and etc. and my comment was addressed to rsp777. I also have never said that about women politicians. I DID say that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist, because she is. I also said that she, AOC, and I-omar hate America. They do. They show hatred for law and order, as is evidenced in their anti police comments and the crap they seek to pass into law

For the record, I like Sarah Palin. I also think she was a poor choice to be running with McCain.. I also love Candace Owens, Y? Because she tells the truth. The left wing does NOT love the truth, but would rather believe a lie

I also think that some of those here are also left wing supporters and are here to push that agenda and chase off anyone who dares to disagree with them. It is what they do. Flood the chatrooms, and etc, but they (you) do not represent mainstream America..

Islam does NOT worship Almighty God. The God of Islam is not the God of those who follow Christ. I say that because they do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is diety. If you try to tell them that and are in one of those countries, you could lose your head. If you knew anything about that religion you would know that.

As for Catholicism, you need to find out what they teach, and preach. They do NOT preach salvation as described in the Gospel of John, but you need to search that out for yourself. They seek to control people by fear mongering. There is no purgatory, you cannot buy someones way out of there, and you can pray to Mary, but she cannot intercede for you, or even hear you. They 'sell' indulgences, and the pope is NOT equal with God. He cannot truly excommunicate you from the Love of God. Nobody can. They teach all that nonsense though.. and if that sounds like a Christ serving church to you, then well.., I tried, The current pope says he doesn't believe in hell, so yeah
For the record.

OK, you "like Sarah Palin" and "Candace Owens".............
You "like" airheads with tiny minds and lotsa hutzpah and no personal integrity.
Why am I NOT surprised.

OK, for the record.
There is a WHOLE LOT of Catholics who are gonna be upset to find out that they're not Christians and don't worship in a "correct" manner.
Nor pray to the right God, etc.

Also, Don't the Jews (also) reject Jesus as a "Son of God"??
So does that mean you are condemning the Jewish faith just like you do the Catholics?

I ask again. What denomination are you Brother Canuck??
Seems to me like you think YOUR denomination has the ONLY path to spiritual communion with the Maker.
I'm quite sure you are DEAD wrong on that.
And your judgmental obsession is gonna damn you straight to (that) Hell you believe in so strongly!

Have a great week, loser!
Thanks bob. I really didn't feel like taking the time to respond to the zealot assclown and you wrote a nice summation. If lostandbraindead were to move to the US it would doubtlessly be to Texas or Florida where he can feel right at home amongst the fear, ignorance, guns and misogyny.

Candace Owens... Let's see what the disingenuous "free market" supporter is up to.
9/2/2021 4:59 PM (edited)
I think our Canuck pal should waste some of his money on one of them "freedom phones" I hear she's hawking lately.
The dude apparently worships "grifters".
9/2/2021 11:59 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 9/2/2021 11:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/2/2021 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/2/2021 5:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/1/2021 9:22:00 AM (view original):
Just unbelievable!

So much ignorance and so many judgments about..............well the whole world!!
Catholics ain't Christians, Islamic folks don't worship the same God, women politicians must be American hating communists, blah, blah, blah.

This Canuck is so lacking in self awareness is it just (as I said) NOT believable.
What denomination are you, Brother Canuck??

The answer is 10's and 20's.
They add up!
Even in Canadian currency.
Actually, it is you who is ignorant re: Catholicism, Islam and etc. and my comment was addressed to rsp777. I also have never said that about women politicians. I DID say that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist, because she is. I also said that she, AOC, and I-omar hate America. They do. They show hatred for law and order, as is evidenced in their anti police comments and the crap they seek to pass into law

For the record, I like Sarah Palin. I also think she was a poor choice to be running with McCain.. I also love Candace Owens, Y? Because she tells the truth. The left wing does NOT love the truth, but would rather believe a lie

I also think that some of those here are also left wing supporters and are here to push that agenda and chase off anyone who dares to disagree with them. It is what they do. Flood the chatrooms, and etc, but they (you) do not represent mainstream America..

Islam does NOT worship Almighty God. The God of Islam is not the God of those who follow Christ. I say that because they do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is diety. If you try to tell them that and are in one of those countries, you could lose your head. If you knew anything about that religion you would know that.

As for Catholicism, you need to find out what they teach, and preach. They do NOT preach salvation as described in the Gospel of John, but you need to search that out for yourself. They seek to control people by fear mongering. There is no purgatory, you cannot buy someones way out of there, and you can pray to Mary, but she cannot intercede for you, or even hear you. They 'sell' indulgences, and the pope is NOT equal with God. He cannot truly excommunicate you from the Love of God. Nobody can. They teach all that nonsense though.. and if that sounds like a Christ serving church to you, then well.., I tried, The current pope says he doesn't believe in hell, so yeah
For the record.

OK, you "like Sarah Palin" and "Candace Owens".............
You "like" airheads with tiny minds and lotsa hutzpah and no personal integrity.
Why am I NOT surprised.

OK, for the record.
There is a WHOLE LOT of Catholics who are gonna be upset to find out that they're not Christians and don't worship in a "correct" manner.
Nor pray to the right God, etc.

Also, Don't the Jews (also) reject Jesus as a "Son of God"??
So does that mean you are condemning the Jewish faith just like you do the Catholics?

I ask again. What denomination are you Brother Canuck??
Seems to me like you think YOUR denomination has the ONLY path to spiritual communion with the Maker.
I'm quite sure you are DEAD wrong on that.
And your judgmental obsession is gonna damn you straight to (that) Hell you believe in so strongly!

Have a great week, loser!
Thanks bob. I really didn't feel like taking the time to respond to the zealot assclown and you wrote a nice summation. If lostandbraindead were to move to the US it would doubtlessly be to Texas or California where he can feel right at home amongst the fear, ignorance, guns and misogyny.

Candace Owens... Let's see what the disingenuous "free market" supporter is up to.

Hey, I live in California, and I can say that we do not want him.
9/2/2021 12:54 PM
I don't think he'd survive for 72 hours in some place like Sasabe. (or Dos Cabezas, or Dudleyville, Or even Globe ---which is right tame)
The locals would ride his bones until, poof, he was Lefty.
9/2/2021 1:07 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/2/2021 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/2/2021 11:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/2/2021 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/2/2021 5:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/1/2021 9:22:00 AM (view original):
Just unbelievable!

So much ignorance and so many judgments about..............well the whole world!!
Catholics ain't Christians, Islamic folks don't worship the same God, women politicians must be American hating communists, blah, blah, blah.

This Canuck is so lacking in self awareness is it just (as I said) NOT believable.
What denomination are you, Brother Canuck??

The answer is 10's and 20's.
They add up!
Even in Canadian currency.
Actually, it is you who is ignorant re: Catholicism, Islam and etc. and my comment was addressed to rsp777. I also have never said that about women politicians. I DID say that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist, because she is. I also said that she, AOC, and I-omar hate America. They do. They show hatred for law and order, as is evidenced in their anti police comments and the crap they seek to pass into law

For the record, I like Sarah Palin. I also think she was a poor choice to be running with McCain.. I also love Candace Owens, Y? Because she tells the truth. The left wing does NOT love the truth, but would rather believe a lie

I also think that some of those here are also left wing supporters and are here to push that agenda and chase off anyone who dares to disagree with them. It is what they do. Flood the chatrooms, and etc, but they (you) do not represent mainstream America..

Islam does NOT worship Almighty God. The God of Islam is not the God of those who follow Christ. I say that because they do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is diety. If you try to tell them that and are in one of those countries, you could lose your head. If you knew anything about that religion you would know that.

As for Catholicism, you need to find out what they teach, and preach. They do NOT preach salvation as described in the Gospel of John, but you need to search that out for yourself. They seek to control people by fear mongering. There is no purgatory, you cannot buy someones way out of there, and you can pray to Mary, but she cannot intercede for you, or even hear you. They 'sell' indulgences, and the pope is NOT equal with God. He cannot truly excommunicate you from the Love of God. Nobody can. They teach all that nonsense though.. and if that sounds like a Christ serving church to you, then well.., I tried, The current pope says he doesn't believe in hell, so yeah
For the record.

OK, you "like Sarah Palin" and "Candace Owens".............
You "like" airheads with tiny minds and lotsa hutzpah and no personal integrity.
Why am I NOT surprised.

OK, for the record.
There is a WHOLE LOT of Catholics who are gonna be upset to find out that they're not Christians and don't worship in a "correct" manner.
Nor pray to the right God, etc.

Also, Don't the Jews (also) reject Jesus as a "Son of God"??
So does that mean you are condemning the Jewish faith just like you do the Catholics?

I ask again. What denomination are you Brother Canuck??
Seems to me like you think YOUR denomination has the ONLY path to spiritual communion with the Maker.
I'm quite sure you are DEAD wrong on that.
And your judgmental obsession is gonna damn you straight to (that) Hell you believe in so strongly!

Have a great week, loser!
Thanks bob. I really didn't feel like taking the time to respond to the zealot assclown and you wrote a nice summation. If lostandbraindead were to move to the US it would doubtlessly be to Texas or California where he can feel right at home amongst the fear, ignorance, guns and misogyny.

Candace Owens... Let's see what the disingenuous "free market" supporter is up to.

Hey, I live in California, and I can say that we do not want him.
Yeah, I typed California instead of Florida. I corrected it. He'd get his *** handed to him in Cali.
9/2/2021 5:00 PM
that makes more sense
9/2/2021 7:41 PM
RSP and L Bob.. I can't see you.. so give up on it already. All you do is name call. = Childish
9/2/2021 9:56 PM (edited)
Posted by wylie715 on 9/2/2021 12:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/2/2021 11:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/2/2021 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/2/2021 5:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 9/1/2021 9:22:00 AM (view original):
Just unbelievable!

So much ignorance and so many judgments about..............well the whole world!!
Catholics ain't Christians, Islamic folks don't worship the same God, women politicians must be American hating communists, blah, blah, blah.

This Canuck is so lacking in self awareness is it just (as I said) NOT believable.
What denomination are you, Brother Canuck??

The answer is 10's and 20's.
They add up!
Even in Canadian currency.
Actually, it is you who is ignorant re: Catholicism, Islam and etc. and my comment was addressed to rsp777. I also have never said that about women politicians. I DID say that Nancy Pelosi is a Communist, because she is. I also said that she, AOC, and I-omar hate America. They do. They show hatred for law and order, as is evidenced in their anti police comments and the crap they seek to pass into law

For the record, I like Sarah Palin. I also think she was a poor choice to be running with McCain.. I also love Candace Owens, Y? Because she tells the truth. The left wing does NOT love the truth, but would rather believe a lie

I also think that some of those here are also left wing supporters and are here to push that agenda and chase off anyone who dares to disagree with them. It is what they do. Flood the chatrooms, and etc, but they (you) do not represent mainstream America..

Islam does NOT worship Almighty God. The God of Islam is not the God of those who follow Christ. I say that because they do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is diety. If you try to tell them that and are in one of those countries, you could lose your head. If you knew anything about that religion you would know that.

As for Catholicism, you need to find out what they teach, and preach. They do NOT preach salvation as described in the Gospel of John, but you need to search that out for yourself. They seek to control people by fear mongering. There is no purgatory, you cannot buy someones way out of there, and you can pray to Mary, but she cannot intercede for you, or even hear you. They 'sell' indulgences, and the pope is NOT equal with God. He cannot truly excommunicate you from the Love of God. Nobody can. They teach all that nonsense though.. and if that sounds like a Christ serving church to you, then well.., I tried, The current pope says he doesn't believe in hell, so yeah
For the record.

OK, you "like Sarah Palin" and "Candace Owens".............
You "like" airheads with tiny minds and lotsa hutzpah and no personal integrity.
Why am I NOT surprised.

OK, for the record.
There is a WHOLE LOT of Catholics who are gonna be upset to find out that they're not Christians and don't worship in a "correct" manner.
Nor pray to the right God, etc.

Also, Don't the Jews (also) reject Jesus as a "Son of God"??
So does that mean you are condemning the Jewish faith just like you do the Catholics?

I ask again. What denomination are you Brother Canuck??
Seems to me like you think YOUR denomination has the ONLY path to spiritual communion with the Maker.
I'm quite sure you are DEAD wrong on that.
And your judgmental obsession is gonna damn you straight to (that) Hell you believe in so strongly!

Have a great week, loser!
Thanks bob. I really didn't feel like taking the time to respond to the zealot assclown and you wrote a nice summation. If lostandbraindead were to move to the US it would doubtlessly be to Texas or California where he can feel right at home amongst the fear, ignorance, guns and misogyny.

Candace Owens... Let's see what the disingenuous "free market" supporter is up to.

Hey, I live in California, and I can say that we do not want him.
You are both dead wrong. I would live in Couer d'alene Idaho

Right at the West start of the Kootenays

Pop is around 65 = 70,000 = perfect and Spokane is just 45 - 50 mins West if you need a half a million pop city

Great Golf, Fishing, swimming, X country skiing, and awesome people
9/2/2021 10:15 PM (edited)
ok whitey mcwhite
9/3/2021 2:24 AM
Posted by bagchucker on 9/3/2021 2:24:00 AM (view original):
ok whitey mcwhite
That makes no sense. 'Splain, if you want
9/3/2021 3:07 AM
Couer D'Alene, Idaho,

That's perfect!! It is beautiful there.
But since the white-eyes drove all the Nez Perce out the place got overrun with racists.
You'll fit right in with about 85% of the populace.
Aryan brothers and sisters, along with (white) Nationalists, skinheads, and all sorts of assorted vermin and haters of folks with darker skin tones.

Did ya know, Idaho is one of our fastest growing states?
All the fearful folks are moving to Boise.
Get away from all but the whites.
They still haven't figured out who their enemy really is yet.
Most never will.
They're blinded by their OWN bigotry and ignorance.
As I said.......... your kind of people!
9/3/2021 9:05 AM
Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.
9/3/2021 9:38 AM
Check out the following if interested in a lot more about that topic, and great human.
9/3/2021 12:40 PM
9/4/2021 12:12 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 9/4/2021 12:12:00 PM (view original):
Let's check out what's going on in lostandlost's neck of the woods...
In my neck of the woods? Racism is rare. Not so in the US of A. The murder RATE is about a 6th of what is it in the dear old USA

Hom rate in Vancouver is about 2.6 per hundred thousand per year. LA is ten times that, East St. Louis, is 50 times that, in fact about 130 per hundred thou per year. Why? We are not as violent a people. In fact, I cannot think of a free country where violence is higher than in the US

What you show here is an atrocity.. it is not the rule, for sure.

9/5/2021 3:34 AM (edited)
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The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

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