Heather Cox Richardson Topic

REPO includes Australia, Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S.
While a crackdown on illicit money should squeeze oligarchs, it also has the potential to alter our domestic politics. Recent reports show that politics in the U.K. has been awash in Russian money, and it seems likely that such cash has influenced the U.S. as well. This crackdown, along with new regulations about transparency in shell companies, might affect campaign finance.

ya think?
3/18/2022 10:08 AM

Heather Cox Richardson

March 18, 2022 (Friday)

This morning, President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping spoke about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, speaking personally for the first time since last November. In early February, before the invasion, Xi and Russian president Vladimir Putin met and issued a 5000-word statement pledging limitless “friendship.” But it is not clear Xi expected either the invasion or how badly it would go for Russia, as Ukraine has held its own against a military eight times its size and as countries across the globe have isolated Russia.
The White House readout of the call indicated that Biden explained the position of the U.S., and “described the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia as it conducts brutal attacks against Ukrainian cities and civilians.” Xi called for a diplomatic solution and Biden agreed, but it is clear the two leaders mean very different things from that understanding: Xi blames the U.S. for supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons; the U.S. hopes for help putting pressure on Putin.
It does not appear that Xi indicated what China intended to do, and later in the day, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said it is a “concern” that China might provide military or financial support to Russia. Still, Xi is facing a historic election in October, and there is little indication that tying China to Russia right now would help his political position. Certainly, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, who has relied on Russian support, appears now to be rethinking that reliance and is reaching out to rebuild former alliances. He has just visited the United Arab Emirates for the first time since 2011, when the Syrian war broke out.
Today’s update from the Pentagon did not suggest that Russia is winning its war of aggression. It began: “This is Day 23 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Russians remain largely stalled across the country.”
Russia’s ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina warned that Russia could treat that Balkan country the same way it is treating Ukraine if Bosnia and Herzegovina decides to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
The immediacy of the hot war in Ukraine has driven some important issues out of the news.
First, the war has affected not only Ukraine’s people and infrastructure, but also its ability to produce wheat, corn, and sunflower oil. Before the war, Ukraine was the world’s second biggest exporter of grains and biggest exporter of sunflower oil. It provided over half of the corn imports to the European Union, about a fifth of its soft wheat, and almost a quarter of its vegetable oil. (Soft wheat has less protein—gluten—than hard wheat, corn feeds Europe’s animals, and sunflower oil is in processed foods, including baby food, where it is hard to replace.)
Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky has urged farmers to plant as much as they possibly can, but Russians are moving into valuable farming land and killing farmers. Supply chains for fertilizer and animal feed are breaking down, causing prices to skyrocket just at planting season; roads and bridges are bombed out; and ships cannot leave ports in the Black Sea, meaning they cannot transport crops. Food prices in Europe are almost certainly going to spike this year.
More immediately, millions of the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on Ukrainian grains, are going to suffer. Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, and Turkey all depend on wheat from Ukraine. A disruption in grain supplies will send those countries into the market, driving up prices globally, especially as countries with their own grain slap controls on grain exports to make sure their people have enough. That will hurt the world’s least food-secure countries, like Bangladesh and Yemen. The U.N. World Food Programme has predicted 2022 will be “a year of catastrophic hunger.”
Second, here in the U.S., Biden’s nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, announced on February 25, has been proceeding as Jackson meets with senators who will cast votes on her confirmation. The American Bar Association today rated Jackson, a 51-year-old graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School with an impressive career history including service as a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, “well qualified” to serve on the court. This is its highest rating.
Republicans are opposing Jackson on the grounds that she has been easy on sex offenders who hurt children. This is easy to debunk—in fact, Jackson’s sentences were consistent with those of other judges—but it is enormously telling, since calling opponents sex predators is a common theme in today’s global right-wing movement as oligarchs or autocrats try to solidify their power by mobilizing an angry voter base.
In 2013, Putin shored up his waning popularity by passing legislation that banned allowing children to see “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations,” launching an attack on LGBTQ Russians. He said that Russia would defend “traditional” values against an assault of “genderless and fruitless so-called tolerance" that he said "equals good and evil.” He equated modern liberal democracies, with their defense of the rights of all, with pedophilia.
American evangelicals embraced that connection. Franklin Graham wrote: “In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues…. [H]e has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.” Since then, those opposed to modern liberal democracy have doubled down on the idea that they are opposing pedophilia, circulating stories about an underage sex ring in a Washington D.C., pizza parlor, for example.
That smear of liberal democracy with the stain of pedophilia covers over the destruction of democracy and covers up the concentration of power into the hands of a favored few. While Republicans are hinting that the well-respected Judge Jackson is soft on sex criminals, they are working to gather power into their own hands.
The third story that has flown under the radar is that the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Florida senator Rick Scott, has provided a blueprint for what the Republicans will do if they get a majority in the next election. In “An 11-point plan to rescue America,” produced by the group responsible for electing Republican senators, Scott promised that the Republicans “will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.” The plan continues: “The nuclear family is crucial to civilization, it is God’s design for humanity, and it must be protected and celebrated. To say otherwise is to deny science. The fanatical left seeks to devalue and redefine the traditional family, as they undermine parents and attempt to replace them with government programs. We will not allow Socialism to place the needs of the state ahead of the family.”
The plan promises that children will say the Pledge of Allegiance and “learn that America is a great country,” they will not learn critical race theory, and discussion of race will be banned from American society. The country will build former president Trump’s border wall and name it after him.
To protect the family, the Republican plan calls for destroying the business regulation, social safety net, federal promotion of infrastructure, and protection of civil rights that Americans have embraced since the 1930s and handing power over to the wealthy. It promises to “grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop socialism,” by which Republicans mean not international socialism in which the government owns the means of production—factories—for that is not on the table in the U.S. Instead, they mean a system in which voters can create a government that regulates business and uses tax dollars to provide services for all Americans.
Republicans, the plan says, will dramatically increase taxes on Americans earning less than $100,000, raising $1 trillion over ten years, although since they will also cut the Internal Revenue Service by 50%, the government might be hard pressed to collect those taxes. Since “government should not be doing anything that the private sector can do better and cheaper,” they will make sure all laws expire after five years, ending them with the idea that Congress will simply repass good laws. They would end Social Security (which, by the way, protects children as well as the elderly and disabled), Medicare, Medicaid, and so on. They will sell off all “non-essential” government assets, buildings, and land (are national parks essential?) and cut funding to states “other than disaster relief.”
This plan is “easily the most radical document put forward by a member of the leadership of a major political party in modern times,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank wrote.
“Americans deserve to know what we will do,” Scott said in his introduction to the plan.
Indeed, we do.

This "manifesto" from Scott should TERRIFY any sane and rational person. If it doesn't then you're an absolute disgusting FASCIST.
3/19/2022 11:53 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 3/18/2022 4:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker on 3/18/2022 10:10:00 AM (view original):
REPO includes Australia, Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K., and the U.S.
While a crackdown on illicit money should squeeze oligarchs, it also has the potential to alter our domestic politics. Recent reports show that politics in the U.K. has been awash in Russian money, and it seems likely that such cash has influenced the U.S. as well. This crackdown, along with new regulations about transparency in shell companies, might affect campaign finance.

ya think?
Any kind of "campaign finance" reform will make the whole of Washington collectively shudder. Maybe we find out the who's who of who's dirty. Maybe the gang always harping on "Soros" and "Dirty money" will be forced to speak a little less Russian when they try to fill their campaign coffers. The whole system is corrupt, this we know. Maybe it's time to see just how it's being corrupted and by whom.
i wanna talk about this again

see how she says squeezing oligarchs when it comes to the bad guys

but alter our domestic politics when it comes to the good guys

classic spinorama

i love her and i agree with her but really a girl who can use words like she can should be better at not bein a tool
3/20/2022 10:06 PM
she's being cirumspect

"seems likely that"

call a spade a spade

foreign or domestic
3/20/2022 10:08 PM

March 20, 2022 (Sunday)

Tomorrow, the Senate will begin confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, nominated by President Joe Biden on February 25, 2022, to take a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Jackson is currently a federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. This small circuit is prominent and prestigious because its location in Washington, D.C., means that it decides cases concerning the U.S. government. It is often seen as a stepping stone to the Supreme Court. Three current members of the court—Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Clarence Thomas, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh—served previously as judges on the D.C. Circuit.

Judge Jackson has a wide range of experience, having both worked in private practice at corporate firms and served as a public defender, during which time she defended detainees at Guantanamo Bay. After earning her degrees from Harvard University and Harvard Law School, where she was a supervising editor on the prestigious Harvard Law Review, she served as a law clerk for three judges, including Justice Stephen Breyer of the Supreme Court, whose seat she has been nominated to fill.

Today, reporters are focusing on how she might decide on cases relating to hot-button issues like abortion and gun rights. But what is at stake with our current Supreme Court is far broader than the question of how a justice will vote on any one issue: it is whether the federal government can protect the rights of citizens from state laws taking away those rights.

This question comes from the 1940s. In the wake of World War II, the gap between America’s stated democratic principles and the abusive treatment of racial minorities and women, especially in the southern states, was so glaring that pressure built to reinforce the idea that our laws should apply to everyone equally. Media-grabbing stories, like that of the sheriff who was acquitted by an all-white jury after putting out the eyes of Black veteran Issac Woodard, made the United States look far more like Nazi Germany than Americans liked.

But the laws necessary to protect Black and Brown Americans, including returning veterans, could not pass Congress because of the resistance of segregationist Democrats. So, under the guidance of Chief Justice Earl Warren, the former Republican governor of California, the Supreme Court began to protect Black Americans from abuse by using the equal protection clause and the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply the protections in the Bill of Rights to the states.

The Fourteenth Amendment was ratified in 1868 as former Confederates in charge of state legislatures passed laws relegating formerly enslaved Americans to a state of second-class citizenship. The amendment addressed that legal establishment of racial hierarchies by stating, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The amendment gave Congress the power to enforce the amendment “by appropriate legislation.”

In the 1950s, the Supreme Court based civil rights decisions on the Fourteenth Amendment, and it continued that trajectory in the 1960s and 1970s. The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawing segregation in public schools, the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut decision protecting the right of married couples to contraception, the 1967 Loving v. Virginia decision permitting interracial marriage, and the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision protecting a woman’s right to abortion without excessive government regulation all come from this doctrine. Under it, the federal government took up the mantle of protecting the rights of individual Americans in the states from the whims of state legislatures.

But opponents of these new civil rights protections quickly began to object that such decisions were “legislating from the bench,” rather than permitting state legislatures to make their own laws. These opponents began to call for “originalism,” the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted only as the Framers had intended when they wrote it, an argument that focused on the creation of law at the state level.

Those who embraced this literal version of the Constitution called themselves “originalists” or “textualists,” and their intellectual representative was Justice Antonin Scalia, whom President Ronald Reagan appointed to the Supreme Court in 1986. The following year, six Republicans joined Democrats to reject extremist Robert Bork, who had openly called for the rollback of the Supreme Court’s civil rights decisions.

At the time, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) warned that “Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, Blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is—and is often the only—protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy….”

Kennedy’s words then seemed outlandish, but now, thanks to the three Supreme Court appointments by former president Donald Trump, six of the nine members of the court are originalists. They have indicated their willingness to permit state legislatures to act as they wish, overturning constitutional rights like abortion, outlawing “divisive” instruction in our classrooms, and suppressing the vote of minority voters.

Justice Stephen Breyer, under whom Jackson clerked, offered a new intellectual counterpoint to originalism that sought to move beyond the political lines of the post-Reagan era. He explained that we should approach constitutional questions by starting at the beginning: what did the Framers intend for the Constitution to do? Their central goal was not simply to protect liberties like free speech or gun ownership, he argued; their goal was to promote democracy. All court decisions, he said, should take into consideration what conclusion would best promote democracy.

The conviction that the point of the Constitution was to promote democracy meant that Breyer thought that the law should change based on what voters wanted, so long as the majority did not abuse the minority. Every decision was complicated, he told an audience in 2005—if the outcome were obvious, the Supreme Court wouldn’t take the case. But at the end of the day, justices should throw their weight behind whichever decision was more likely to promote democracy.

It is notable that in her decisions, Judge Jackson has argued for this approach, repeatedly focusing on democracy and the rules that preserve it. In her 118–page decision in Committee on the Judiciary v. McGahn (2019) concerning whether Congress could compel members of the executive branch to testify, she famously wrote: “Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings.”

Her conclusion began: “The United States of America has a government of laws and not of men.”
3/21/2022 7:47 AM

Heather Cox Richardson

March 21, 2022 (Monday)

Today is the anniversary of Georgia Senator Alexander Stephens’s Cornerstone Speech, given in 1861 just after he became the provisional vice president of the Confederacy. All these years later, the themes of that speech are still with us.
Stephens spoke in Savannah, Georgia, to explain the difference between the United States and the fledgling Confederacy. That difference, he said, was slavery. The American Constitution was defective because it based the government on the principle that all men were created equal. Confederate leaders had corrected the Founding Fathers’ error by basing the Confederate government on the idea that some people were better than others.
In contrast to the government the Founding Fathers had created, the Confederacy rested on the “great truth” that “the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”
Their determination to promote their new philosophy meant that the southern states insisted on states’ rights. The majority of Americans, speaking through the federal government, insisted on reining enslavement in, restricting it to the southern states where it already existed, while southern enslavers wanted to expand their “peculiar institution” to the nation’s newly acquired western lands. In white southerners’ view, federal oversight was tyranny, and true democracy meant that state legislatures should be able to do as their voters wished.
So long as a majority of voters in the southern states voted for human enslavement, democracy had been served. Those same states, of course, limited voting to a few wealthy white men.
The Republican Party had organized in the mid-1850s to stand against this version of American democracy. Those who joined the new party recognized that if enslavers were able to take control of new western states, they would use their votes in Congress and in the Electoral College to take over the federal government and make slavery national.
The government, Illinois lawyer Abraham Lincoln warned, could not “endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided,” he told an audience in June 1858. “It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new—North as well as South.”
For his part, Lincoln insisted on basing the nation on the idea that “all men are created equal,” as the Founders stated—however hypocritically—in the Declaration of Independence. I should like to know,” Lincoln said in July 1858, “if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle and making exceptions to it where will it stop…. If that declaration is not the truth, let us get the Statute book, in which we find it and tear it out! Who is so bold as to do it!”
Less than a month after Stephens gave the Cornerstone Speech, the Confederates fired on a federal fort in Charleston Harbor, and the Civil War began. When it ended, almost exactly four years later, southern state legislatures again tried to circumscribe the lives of the Black Americans who lived within their state lines. The 1865 Black Codes said that Black people couldn’t own firearms, for example, or congregate. They had to treat their white neighbors with deference and were required to sign yearlong work contracts every January or be judged vagrants, punishable by arrest and imprisonment. White employers could get them out of jail by paying their fines, but then they would have to work off their debt.
To make the principle that all men are created equal and entitled to equality before the law a reality, Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution and sent it off to the states for ratification. The states added it to the Constitution in 1868. The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed that “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
That’s quite a sentence. It guarantees that no state can discriminate against any of its citizens. And then the amendment goes on to say that “Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”
This is what is at stake today, both in the Senate hearings on the confirmation of the Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson, and more generally. Is our democratic system served so long as state legislatures can do what they wish without federal interference? Or should the federal government protect equality among all its citizens?
Ideally, of course, states would write fair laws without federal interference, and to create those circumstances after the Civil War, Congress passed the Military Reconstruction Act, permitting Black men to vote, and then passed and sent off to the states for ratification the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing the right to vote to Black men. When the Fifteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1870, the system had been fixed, most American men believed: the right to vote should protect all interests in the states.
Quickly, though, southern states took away the vote of the Black voters they insisted were trying to redistribute wealth from hardworking white taxpayers into public works projects to benefit the states’ poorer inhabitants. With Black voters cut out of the system, state legislatures enacted harshly discriminatory laws, and law enforcement looked the other way when white people violated the rights of Black and Brown citizens.
After World War II, the Supreme Court used the due process and the equal protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to overrule state laws that favored certain citizens over others, and Congress passed the 1965 Voting Rights Act to give Black and Brown Americans a say in the state governments under which they lived.
Now, the Republicans, at this point to a person, are echoing the pre–Civil War Democrats to say that democracy means that states should be able to do what they wish without interference from the federal government. So, for example, Texas—and now other states—should be able to ban abortion regardless of the fact that abortion is a constitutional right. States should be able to stop public school teachers from covering certain “divisive” topics: Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) asked an apparently nonplussed Judge Jackson, “Is it your personal hidden agenda to incorporate Critical Race Theory into our legal system?” And states should be able to restrict the vote, much as southern states did after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment and as 19 Republican-dominated states have done since the 2020 election.
Members of the new Republican Party in the 1850s recognized that, in that era, the doctrine of states’ rights meant not only the continued enslavement of Black Americans in the South, but also the spread of enslavement across the nation as southern enslavers moved west to create new states that would overawe the free states in Congress and the Electoral College. The spread of their system was exactly what Stephens called for 161 years ago today.
Now, in 2022, as Republican-dominated states lock down into one-party systems, their electoral votes threaten to give them the presidency in 2024 regardless of what a majority of Americans want. At that point, the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equal protection before the law will be vitally important, if only the Supreme Court will enforce it.
And that’s a key reason why, 161 years to the day after enslaver Alexander Stephens gave the Cornerstone Speech, the confirmation hearing of a Black woman, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court matters.
3/22/2022 9:22 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 3/19/2022 11:53:00 AM (view original):

Heather Cox Richardson

March 18, 2022 (Friday)

This morning, President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping spoke about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, speaking personally for the first time since last November. In early February, before the invasion, Xi and Russian president Vladimir Putin met and issued a 5000-word statement pledging limitless “friendship.” But it is not clear Xi expected either the invasion or how badly it would go for Russia, as Ukraine has held its own against a military eight times its size and as countries across the globe have isolated Russia.
The White House readout of the call indicated that Biden explained the position of the U.S., and “described the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia as it conducts brutal attacks against Ukrainian cities and civilians.” Xi called for a diplomatic solution and Biden agreed, but it is clear the two leaders mean very different things from that understanding: Xi blames the U.S. for supplying Ukraine with lethal weapons; the U.S. hopes for help putting pressure on Putin.
It does not appear that Xi indicated what China intended to do, and later in the day, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said it is a “concern” that China might provide military or financial support to Russia. Still, Xi is facing a historic election in October, and there is little indication that tying China to Russia right now would help his political position. Certainly, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, who has relied on Russian support, appears now to be rethinking that reliance and is reaching out to rebuild former alliances. He has just visited the United Arab Emirates for the first time since 2011, when the Syrian war broke out.
Today’s update from the Pentagon did not suggest that Russia is winning its war of aggression. It began: “This is Day 23 of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Russians remain largely stalled across the country.”
Russia’s ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina warned that Russia could treat that Balkan country the same way it is treating Ukraine if Bosnia and Herzegovina decides to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
The immediacy of the hot war in Ukraine has driven some important issues out of the news.
First, the war has affected not only Ukraine’s people and infrastructure, but also its ability to produce wheat, corn, and sunflower oil. Before the war, Ukraine was the world’s second biggest exporter of grains and biggest exporter of sunflower oil. It provided over half of the corn imports to the European Union, about a fifth of its soft wheat, and almost a quarter of its vegetable oil. (Soft wheat has less protein—gluten—than hard wheat, corn feeds Europe’s animals, and sunflower oil is in processed foods, including baby food, where it is hard to replace.)
Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky has urged farmers to plant as much as they possibly can, but Russians are moving into valuable farming land and killing farmers. Supply chains for fertilizer and animal feed are breaking down, causing prices to skyrocket just at planting season; roads and bridges are bombed out; and ships cannot leave ports in the Black Sea, meaning they cannot transport crops. Food prices in Europe are almost certainly going to spike this year.
More immediately, millions of the world’s poorest people, who are dependent on Ukrainian grains, are going to suffer. Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, and Turkey all depend on wheat from Ukraine. A disruption in grain supplies will send those countries into the market, driving up prices globally, especially as countries with their own grain slap controls on grain exports to make sure their people have enough. That will hurt the world’s least food-secure countries, like Bangladesh and Yemen. The U.N. World Food Programme has predicted 2022 will be “a year of catastrophic hunger.”
Second, here in the U.S., Biden’s nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, announced on February 25, has been proceeding as Jackson meets with senators who will cast votes on her confirmation. The American Bar Association today rated Jackson, a 51-year-old graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School with an impressive career history including service as a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, “well qualified” to serve on the court. This is its highest rating.
Republicans are opposing Jackson on the grounds that she has been easy on sex offenders who hurt children. This is easy to debunk—in fact, Jackson’s sentences were consistent with those of other judges—but it is enormously telling, since calling opponents sex predators is a common theme in today’s global right-wing movement as oligarchs or autocrats try to solidify their power by mobilizing an angry voter base.
In 2013, Putin shored up his waning popularity by passing legislation that banned allowing children to see “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations,” launching an attack on LGBTQ Russians. He said that Russia would defend “traditional” values against an assault of “genderless and fruitless so-called tolerance" that he said "equals good and evil.” He equated modern liberal democracies, with their defense of the rights of all, with pedophilia.
American evangelicals embraced that connection. Franklin Graham wrote: “In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues…. [H]e has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.” Since then, those opposed to modern liberal democracy have doubled down on the idea that they are opposing pedophilia, circulating stories about an underage sex ring in a Washington D.C., pizza parlor, for example.
That smear of liberal democracy with the stain of pedophilia covers over the destruction of democracy and covers up the concentration of power into the hands of a favored few. While Republicans are hinting that the well-respected Judge Jackson is soft on sex criminals, they are working to gather power into their own hands.
The third story that has flown under the radar is that the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Florida senator Rick Scott, has provided a blueprint for what the Republicans will do if they get a majority in the next election. In “An 11-point plan to rescue America,” produced by the group responsible for electing Republican senators, Scott promised that the Republicans “will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.” The plan continues: “The nuclear family is crucial to civilization, it is God’s design for humanity, and it must be protected and celebrated. To say otherwise is to deny science. The fanatical left seeks to devalue and redefine the traditional family, as they undermine parents and attempt to replace them with government programs. We will not allow Socialism to place the needs of the state ahead of the family.”
The plan promises that children will say the Pledge of Allegiance and “learn that America is a great country,” they will not learn critical race theory, and discussion of race will be banned from American society. The country will build former president Trump’s border wall and name it after him.
To protect the family, the Republican plan calls for destroying the business regulation, social safety net, federal promotion of infrastructure, and protection of civil rights that Americans have embraced since the 1930s and handing power over to the wealthy. It promises to “grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop socialism,” by which Republicans mean not international socialism in which the government owns the means of production—factories—for that is not on the table in the U.S. Instead, they mean a system in which voters can create a government that regulates business and uses tax dollars to provide services for all Americans.
Republicans, the plan says, will dramatically increase taxes on Americans earning less than $100,000, raising $1 trillion over ten years, although since they will also cut the Internal Revenue Service by 50%, the government might be hard pressed to collect those taxes. Since “government should not be doing anything that the private sector can do better and cheaper,” they will make sure all laws expire after five years, ending them with the idea that Congress will simply repass good laws. They would end Social Security (which, by the way, protects children as well as the elderly and disabled), Medicare, Medicaid, and so on. They will sell off all “non-essential” government assets, buildings, and land (are national parks essential?) and cut funding to states “other than disaster relief.”
This plan is “easily the most radical document put forward by a member of the leadership of a major political party in modern times,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank wrote.
“Americans deserve to know what we will do,” Scott said in his introduction to the plan.
Indeed, we do.

This "manifesto" from Scott should TERRIFY any sane and rational person. If it doesn't then you're an absolute disgusting FASCIST.
This is bang on

In “An 11-point plan to rescue America,” produced by the group responsible for electing Republican senators, Scott promised that the Republicans “will protect, defend, and promote the American Family at all costs.” The plan continues: “The nuclear family is crucial to civilization, it is God’s design for humanity, and it must be protected and celebrated. To say otherwise is to deny science.
The fanatical left seeks to devalue and redefine the traditional family, as they undermine parents and attempt to replace them with government programs. We will not allow Socialism to place the needs of the state ahead of the family.”
3/23/2022 8:22 AM
We “radical leftists” just don’t give a flying **** about your “christian” nuclear family bullshit. 1950 was 70 ******* years ago. That Cher song is about all you “family values” boomer idiots have left because clocks don’t go backwards. I can’t WAIT for you Reagan-era chuds to finally die off. Congrats on being part of the worst generation ever.
3/23/2022 9:40 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 3/23/2022 9:40:00 AM (view original):
We “radical leftists” just don’t give a flying **** about your “christian” nuclear family bullshit. 1950 was 70 ******* years ago. That Cher song is about all you “family values” boomer idiots have left because clocks don’t go backwards. I can’t WAIT for you Reagan-era chuds to finally die off. Congrats on being part of the worst generation ever.
What part of my last post did you not agree with, and why?

I get that you don't give a ff about anything but your over exalted self.. but if you don't think that comment about the family is dead on, you are of a brainless wonder

and maybe you should give a f because your gen is the most willingly ignorant gang I have ever seen. Ours was the best ever..

Finally: Stop acting like a total a$$hole every time you see a post that is 'beneath your dignity' or in most cases, way over your head
3/23/2022 2:47 PM

Sees a stupid plan to STOP regulating business and shrink the size of government.

Calls it's supporters fascists.

You're always an angry, closed-minded, rather myopic guy, but I've never seen you post something quite so glaringly stupid before.
3/23/2022 3:15 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 3/23/2022 3:15:00 PM (view original):

Sees a stupid plan to STOP regulating business and shrink the size of government.

Calls it's supporters fascists.

You're always an angry, closed-minded, rather myopic guy, but I've never seen you post something quite so glaringly stupid before.
For the record I - me - I never even once called a substantive post by RSVP “stupid “ like you have.
Even he knows that. I only criticized the kind of comments you made here and and the idiotic type of back and forth with autocrapper canine and his sometimes really nasty posts. But never degraded him on substantive posts.

You sir are a hypocrite if the highest order and I knew that you would get into the mud.
3/23/2022 3:33 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 3/23/2022 3:15:00 PM (view original):

Sees a stupid plan to STOP regulating business and shrink the size of government.

Calls it's supporters fascists.

You're always an angry, closed-minded, rather myopic guy, but I've never seen you post something quite so glaringly stupid before.
For the record I - me - I never even once called a substantive post by RSVP “stupid “ like you have.
Even he knows that. I only criticized the kind of comments you made here and and the idiotic type of back and forth with autocrapper canine and his sometimes really nasty posts. But never degraded him on substantive posts.

You sir are a hypocrite if the highest order and I knew that you would get into the mud.
3/23/2022 3:33 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 3/23/2022 3:15:00 PM (view original):

Sees a stupid plan to STOP regulating business and shrink the size of government.

Calls it's supporters fascists.

You're always an angry, closed-minded, rather myopic guy, but I've never seen you post something quite so glaringly stupid before.
For the record I - me - I never even once called a substantive post by RSVP “stupid “ like you have.
Even he knows that. I only criticized the kind of comments you made here and and the idiotic type of back and forth with autocrapper canine and his sometimes really nasty posts. But never degraded him on substantive posts.

You sir are a hypocrite of the highest order and I knew that you would get into the mud.
3/23/2022 3:33 PM
Thrice even! What'd he say?? Prolly a kind zephyr of a sensible idear................ then again...........
3/23/2022 5:00 PM

Heather Cox Richardson

March 22, 2022 (Tuesday)

Right on cue, Republican Senator Mike Braun of Indiana today told a reporter that states not only should decide the issue of abortion but should also be able to decide the issues of whether interracial marriage should be legal and whether couples should have access to contraception. He told a reporter: “Well, you can list a whole host of issues, when it comes down to whatever they are, I’m going to say that they’re not going to all make you happy within a given state, but we’re better off having states manifest their points of view rather than homogenizing it across the country as Roe v. Wade did.”
After an extraordinary backlash to his statements, Braun walked back what he had said, claiming he had misunderstood the question. “Earlier during a virtual press conference I misunderstood a line of questioning that ended up being about interracial marriage, let me be clear on that issue—there is no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race, that is not something that is even up for debate, and I condemn racism in any form, at all levels and by any states, entities, or individuals,” he said.
But he had stated his position quite clearly, and as he originally stated it, that position was intellectually consistent.
After World War II, the Supreme Court used the Fourteenth Amendment to protect civil rights in the states, imposing the government’s interest in protecting equality to overrule discriminatory legislation by the states.
Now, Republicans want to return power to the states, where those who are allowed to vote can impose discriminatory laws on minorities.
Senator Braun is correct: it is not possible to overrule the Supreme Court’s use of the Fourteenth Amendment to protect civil rights on just one issue. If you are going to say that the states should be able to do as they wish without the federal government protecting civil rights on, say, the issue of abortion, you must entertain the principle that the entire body of decisions in which the federal government protects civil rights, beginning with the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision ending segregation in the public schools, is illegitimate.
And that is off-the-charts huge.
It is, quite literally, the same argument that gave us the claimed right of states to enslave people within their borders before the Civil War, even as a majority of Americans objected to that system. More recently, it is the argument that made birth control illegal in many states, a restriction that endangered women’s lives and hampered their ability to participate in the workforce as unplanned pregnancies enabled employers to discriminate against them. It is the argument that prohibits abortion and gay marriage; in many states, laws with those restrictions are still on the books and will take effect just as soon as the Supreme Court decisions of Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges are overturned.
Braun’s willingness to abandon the right of Americans to marry across racial lines was pointed, since Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, whose confirmation hearing for her elevation to the Supreme Court is currently underway in the Senate, is Black and her husband is non-Black. The world Braun described would permit states to declare their 26-year marriage illegal, as it would have been in many states before the 1967 Loving v. Virginia decision declared that states could not prohibit interracial marriages. This would also be a problem for sitting justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni.
But it is not just Braun talking about rolling back civil rights. This week, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has challenged the Griswold v. Connecticut decision legalizing contraception, and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) has questioned Obergefell.
Seventy percent of Americans support same-sex marriage. In 2012—the most recent poll I can find—89% of Americans thought birth control was morally acceptable, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that as of 2008, 99% of sexually active American women use birth control in their lifetimes. And even the right to abortion, that issue that has burned in American politics since 1972 when President Richard Nixon began to use it to attract Democratic Catholics to the Republican ticket, remains popular. According to a 2021 Pew poll, 59% of Americans believe it should be legal in most or all cases.
A full decade ago, in April 2012, respected scholars Thomas Mann, of the Brookings Institution, and Norm Ornstein, of the American Enterprise Institute, crunched the numbers and concluded: “The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. When one party moves this far from the mainstream,” they wrote, “it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges.”
And yet, in the last decade, the party has moved even further to the right. Now it is not only calling for an end to the civil rights protections that undergird modern America, but also lining up behind a leader who tried to overthrow our democracy. A column by Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post yesterday was titled: “Fringe Republicans are not the problem. It’s the party’s mainstream.”
Rubin points out that Republicans refused to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol, refused to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act (which as recently as 2006 enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support), and refused to impeach Trump for an attempt to overthrow our democracy. The party brought us to the brink of defaulting on the debt, and it tolerates white nationalists in its ranks.
At the state level, prominent Republicans spread covid disinformation, suppress voting, and harass LGBTQ young people. To end abortion, certain Republican-dominated states are offering bounties to anyone reporting women seeking abortions beyond six weeks in a pregnancy. Worse, Rubin notes, “a law in Idaho would force rape victims to endure nine months of pregnancy—while allowing their rapists to collect a bounty for turning them in if they seek an abortion.”
The confirmation hearings this week for the elevation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court have illustrated that Republican lawmakers are far more interested in creating sound bites for right-wing media and reelection campaigns than in governing. Led by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Republicans have tried to label Judge Jackson as soft on child pornographers, a smear that has been thoroughly discredited by, among others, the conservative National Review, which called it “meritless to the point of demagoguery.” Their attacks, though, will play well to their base on social media.
Similarly, Cruz made a big play of accusing Jackson of pushing Critical Race Theory in a private school on whose board she sits. “Do you agree…that babies are racist?” he asked, sitting in front of a poster with blown-up images from a book by African American studies scholar Ibram X. Kendi that the school has in its library.
On Twitter, the Republican National Committee cut right to the chase, showing a picture of Judge Jackson under her initials, which were crossed out and replaced with “CRT.”
3/24/2022 12:19 PM
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