TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

I'm actually unaware of what you speak as I don't watch TV news but I'm a gonna guess you're talking about "events"/sideshows surrounding Plump's visit to the progressive capital of Minneapolis.

As a "peace-loving true American" (which Indeed I AM!) I'm gonna cry foul.
In my great and unmatched wisdom I'm sure you're wrong about them protestors.

The folks that you are referring to are indignant Midwesterners of the sweater-vest type.
And when you invade their territory with the intent of looting they arch their backs up and act like, well, Minnehotan's and they USED to shoot to kill.
Ask Jesse or Cole or any of the gang.

Oh......... and why shouldn't we hate Trump? He's made a mockery of our elections, ****** on the Constitution daily, conspires with crooks of the swampiest types (Guiliani and pals are JUST the beginning), to self aggrandize and profit on every so-called deal he makes, all while bilking honest folks of labor and hard earned money thru layers of lies and fraud.

How many bankruptcies are required before a conclusion can be made that the "party in question" is a cheating, lying, scumbag who should NOT be entertained for anything!! Much less business deals or the National treasury and good will?

Wait! I KNOW the answer to this one because of my "great and unmatched wisdom"------------- one too many for 63 Million fellow voters like all3!
10/11/2019 3:46 PM
Yet another attempt by a Trump-hater to legitimize every bad action displayed by his fellow haters. So sad. So very, very sad.
10/11/2019 3:56 PM

I will admit gladly to being a Trump hater. Was in 1980 when he was Pro Choice and a Dem. supporter and donor.
Hated him while he was doing all the "testing out" of the code words and the positions of the base he needed to court.
Hated him then, hate him now......... for being everything that is bad about hedonistic values and egotistical views.

He'll forever go down as the American peoples greatest mistake, far far bigger than Nixon, or Reagan, or W, or Grant remember him lol?
10/11/2019 4:32 PM
I know this because I possess great and unmatched wisdom...................
10/11/2019 4:34 PM






10/11/2019 5:17 PM
Posted by all3 on 10/11/2019 3:56:00 PM (view original):
Yet another attempt by a Trump-hater to legitimize every bad action displayed by his fellow haters. So sad. So very, very sad.
yet another attempt by a Trump supporter to deflect away from anything Trump may have done by anyone who says anything negative about Trump. That is a classic Trump tactic.
10/11/2019 7:09 PM



10/11/2019 7:28 PM

10/11/2019 8:20 PM
the president has no more ***** to give

he's looking forward to his trial in the senate

this is the most fun he's had in years

when he can be number one in eyeballs and clicks

loose cannon seeks same
10/11/2019 10:50 PM
he's like that dude in the tower in las vegas

spraying sh*t everywhere

goin out with a bang
10/11/2019 11:17 PM
Today, Trump said he “didn’t know if Rudy was still his lawyer because he hasn’t talked to him”—that’s the sound of the first wheel of the bus rolling over Rudy Colludy.
10/12/2019 3:53 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 10/11/2019 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 10/11/2019 3:56:00 PM (view original):
Yet another attempt by a Trump-hater to legitimize every bad action displayed by his fellow haters. So sad. So very, very sad.
yet another attempt by a Trump supporter to deflect away from anything Trump may have done by anyone who says anything negative about Trump. That is a classic Trump tactic.
Trump did what exactly that prompted these haters to beat innocent animals and attack officers?

Is this just more BS lying from a hater, or can you actually tell us one thing this comment is trying to deflect from?

Something does NOT become the truth simply because you want it to, or because you keep saying it over and over. (Like me being a supporter.)

Why can't you simply admit to being a hater and doing and saying whatever you think it will take to get others to join you? Are you ashamed and/or embarrassed by the fact? If not, simply own it instead of looking like a fool by trying to tip-toe around it so much.
10/12/2019 9:57 AM
I watched ALL of the Lyin’s appearance in Louisiana last night. It was so completely off-the-chain offensive, sad, petty, pathetic and ignorant that it goes far beyond anything this country has ever witnessed. It shouldn’t be accepted by ANYONE to see a President drag the country down to its most vile and disgusting mud. The levels of hypocrisy and and ignorance reached on that stage last night should SICKEN YOU as a CITIZEN, not as a liberal or conservative. This country is sinking deep and sinking fast. We’ve all been sold a **** sandwich and we’re fighting over who gets the first bite. It’s ******* SAD. Maybe it really is time for it to all just burn.
10/12/2019 10:42 AM
I watched NONE of it and yet have no doubt of the accuracy of which you speak. I wish I could disagree with your conclusion.
10/12/2019 11:05 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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