Recruiting Update - Schedule Proposal 2 Topic

The only thing I say is that BCS schools should be able to keep their money.  That's part of being in a major conference.  Money is a advantage in real life and should be in this game also. 
9/25/2015 11:12 AM
But that conference money in HD has allowed conference coaches to work together for the overall benefit of the conference. Especially evidenced in certain D1 conferences.

I can't really imagine Jim Harbaugh calling Urban Meyer and congratulating him on landing the stud back from Florida because that will benefit Michigan's recruiting budget in the future.
9/25/2015 12:09 PM
Posted by oldwarrior on 9/25/2015 12:09:00 PM (view original):
But that conference money in HD has allowed conference coaches to work together for the overall benefit of the conference. Especially evidenced in certain D1 conferences.

I can't really imagine Jim Harbaugh calling Urban Meyer and congratulating him on landing the stud back from Florida because that will benefit Michigan's recruiting budget in the future.
9/25/2015 12:40 PM
i do agree its gotten out of hand, but it also serves a real purpose, to offset the consolidation of coaches geographically. in d2/d3 i think it works just fine. d1 i do agree its over stated, but i don't think that means you go for the butcher knife. i think it is was 50-75% of what it is now, it could work well.

the realism part - i also agree. but as usual, my objection is that context is everything. if part of the picture is not realistic, i don't think you can hold the rest in a vacuum. we may need something unrealistic somewhere else to offset the unrealistic piece in another place. in this case, there are 2 major lacks of realism that are offset by this lack of realism. first, 2/3 teams are sim coached, and don't have competent (relatively speaking) human coaches. so the clustering of human coaches creates an effect not seen in real life. second, sims for some insane reason, recruit totally nationally, no local bias. even just fixing that would make the effect of where humans are less important. now, ALL that matters for regional recruiting is the humans there, the sims play literally 0 part because they don't recruit locally. they need to recruit locally. if that unrealistic aspect was fixed, i could see weight to the realism argument in this instance - but i dont agree you can just consider the realism of the bonus money issue in a vacuum, it has to be considered in the larger context.
9/25/2015 12:54 PM (edited)
Not all conferences work together.  I know the Big Ten in Phelan, the Big East, the Pac 10 and Big 12 do not work together.  They recruit vs each other and take players from other schools.  The only conference that I feel does this out of the majors are the ACC.  Once in awhile Duke and NC battle but most guys if they dont get players locally will take the international players. 
9/25/2015 1:35 PM
I don't mean any disrespect to you or to suggest what you say isn't valid, but I do believe the "gentleman's agreement" is alive and well in most worlds. So, apparently does seble, as indicated in his initial post on these proposed changes:

"Due to the benefits of postseason money, there is way too much cooperation between teams in the same conference."

Again not intending disrespect, but he's probably in the best position to know.
9/25/2015 2:09 PM
Posted by possumfiend on 9/25/2015 2:09:00 PM (view original):
I don't mean any disrespect to you or to suggest what you say isn't valid, but I do believe the "gentleman's agreement" is alive and well in most worlds. So, apparently does seble, as indicated in his initial post on these proposed changes:

"Due to the benefits of postseason money, there is way too much cooperation between teams in the same conference."

Again not intending disrespect, but he's probably in the best position to know.

For what i have seen in Phelan and Tark (I've been in both almost 10 years) I dont know any gentlement's agreements between players in the same conference. Guys take or go after my players all the time and i've done the same thing. We discuss after what happened but there is no agreement. I see it more in Div 2 than Div 1 but that is what i've seen in the worlds i have played in for many years. 

9/25/2015 2:51 PM
I think there are numerous threads on this topic. Here's one from about a month ago. I've quoted one comment below that is a pretty good representation of the opinions presented.

Generally, I won't battle a conference mate. EXCEPTIONS: 1) We both show up on the recruit in the same cycle. 2) I have considerably more money and the recruit is nearer my school

9/25/2015 3:19 PM
10/11/2015 11:58 AM
I know personally, all things being equal, I prefer to go after a player that is considering someone from another conference. It's not any kind of agreement. I just prefer to do that because I don't want to anger a conference mate, and I also do see the value of the conference earning more money. However, the disappearance of post season cash would probably not change my behavior much if at all. If it's early in recruiting I'll do it. I rarely come in late on someone unless it is after signings start.
10/11/2015 2:00 PM
Could we use money or points left over from the past seasons to tr y and recruit transfers and guys leaving for the NBA to possibly stay? My NCAA 2010 basketball game had that ability where if you had left over recruiting points when you had a kid who may think about going pro that was boarder line that you could convince him to possibly stay. Same with transfers, and what if you added more player demands through out a season. Much like todays players with kids being unhappy with playing time a bit easier, have that possibly be part of their personality that they may leave if not feeling like they are getting enough time. I like these ideas, makes the game more than just a 6 day recruiting period with a few set line ups and possibly no changes all season.
10/15/2015 4:29 PM
Posted by chapelhillne on 10/11/2015 2:00:00 PM (view original):
I know personally, all things being equal, I prefer to go after a player that is considering someone from another conference. It's not any kind of agreement. I just prefer to do that because I don't want to anger a conference mate, and I also do see the value of the conference earning more money. However, the disappearance of post season cash would probably not change my behavior much if at all. If it's early in recruiting I'll do it. I rarely come in late on someone unless it is after signings start.
This is somewhat how I feel. I have been in Phelan Big East for years and I have never seen any agreements. If all things are equal I will battle a non conference mate over a conference mate not because of conference money but because other owners in your conference kind of feel like family while non conference mates feel like strangers, and I think conference chat is the biggest reason for that.

I don't think taking away conference money will change my strategy on battling or not battling conference mates. This most recent season I jumped on a conference mates player just a couple of cycles before signings.The drawback of battling a conference mate is you may get less conference money, but the positive is you will have bettered your team while weakening a team you may play 3 times during the season which will have a bigger impact in your future seasons prestige..
10/25/2015 1:14 AM
two things that bother me.

Now if you take over a sim team it will most likely take 4 seasons to rid your team of sim recruited players. That makes sim teams even less desirable.

Someone who is starting a new team will not be recruiting his first season with the team. That lowers my desire to start a new team in a new world. Part of the excitement of adding a new team is recruiting for that team, now I would have to wait a season to recruit. The last team I started I was on vacation and I took the team because the season was starting and I wanted to recruit a new class for a team. Under the new system I would not of started that team.

10/25/2015 1:21 AM (edited)
"If it ain't broke then do not fix it."

The proposed system is a solution in need of a problem. It will require MORE time in this make believe world and it will require much more attention during recruiting. This complicates HD greatly. D1 coaches may like it, but those of us who use HD as an escape, not a vocation will be saddled with a much greater commitment of time.

There are enough mentors and experience coaches to help with new players. There is a great deal of information available to educate said players if they choose to read it. We all learned about recruiting and sometimes with hard lessons. It has become a right of passage in HD.

This will limit the desire to move to a new school.

It gives a decided advantage to current players.

It needlessly complicates the game.

There are more D2 and D3 coaches than D1. It could be said you are catering to the minority.

There are more pressing issues to deal with. Like sim recruiting or being bombarded with Practice messages when you have a veteran team. Or unrealistic foul and Free Throw numbers to often. Stream line game play, do not complicate it!

I have been in Phelan since season 2 without interruption (86 seasons), I will try the whatever changes, but as proposed I doubt I stay with WIS at all.
10/26/2015 6:46 PM
Posted by dpm1227 on 10/26/2015 6:46:00 PM (view original):
"If it ain't broke then do not fix it."

The proposed system is a solution in need of a problem. It will require MORE time in this make believe world and it will require much more attention during recruiting. This complicates HD greatly. D1 coaches may like it, but those of us who use HD as an escape, not a vocation will be saddled with a much greater commitment of time.

There are enough mentors and experience coaches to help with new players. There is a great deal of information available to educate said players if they choose to read it. We all learned about recruiting and sometimes with hard lessons. It has become a right of passage in HD.

This will limit the desire to move to a new school.

It gives a decided advantage to current players.

It needlessly complicates the game.

There are more D2 and D3 coaches than D1. It could be said you are catering to the minority.

There are more pressing issues to deal with. Like sim recruiting or being bombarded with Practice messages when you have a veteran team. Or unrealistic foul and Free Throw numbers to often. Stream line game play, do not complicate it!

I have been in Phelan since season 2 without interruption (86 seasons), I will try the whatever changes, but as proposed I doubt I stay with WIS at all.
10/29/2015 9:39 PM
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Recruiting Update - Schedule Proposal 2 Topic

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