For all the Negative Beta - Consider your actions Topic

Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets.
6/16/2016 12:13 AM
Posted by emy1013 on 6/15/2016 7:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/15/2016 1:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 6/15/2016 3:28:00 AM (view original):

only, hes already made a half dozen changes (plus probably two dozen bug fixes) and hes got a list of about 10 more changes he wants to get done in the next round, with more to come. how can you say he's not listening to anyone with sense? he's not listening to you, but if he was, he'd be proving your point.

seble has been acting on feedback from guys like OR and chapel, and many other reasonable HD coaches. you are so blinded by your bias its incredible.
Thank you, gillispie1. A couple of those guys are having their kicks trolling me and making up names that would make a fifth grader proud, such as Coach Dud. Ignore them. I do. That's what I mean by background noise, they aren't really part of any conversation about beta.
But neither are you, are you? I haven't seen you post any ideas or suggestions. All I've seen you do is ride someone's coattails by saying how great their comment was or to stay positive because negativity sucks, blah, blah, blah. I can accept it if I missed some things and I'm wrong, just show me where. But as there are negative trolls so are there positive ones and I've seen nothing from you that could be deemed as actually contributing anything of note to any of these threads.
Actually, I'm not going to read the threads for you. Get someone else to read them to you.
6/16/2016 12:18 AM
Posted by Trentonjoe on 6/15/2016 8:18:00 PM (view original):
I have a couple reasons why it is an improvement:

1. It allows recruiting to be done over weeks instead of two days. In all honesty, I will still probably do most of my work in just a few days but now I am not beholden to the narrow window, ESPECIALLY if the pre loading of first cycle actions is implemented.

2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

3. The player potential be broken into 5 categories instead of three is super useful (at least for me).

4. It's new. We don't know all the "tricks" yet. Recruiting has an element of risk to it again.

Those are my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.
I appreciate your comments, I haven't seen them from some of the other 'stop your whining' posters. Here's my thinking though, they could easily have done achieved points 2 and 3 without a huge update and there is really no good reason preloading of the first cycle wasn't implemented 8 years ago. I'm not sure that you want to hang your hat on point 4, saying it's good because it's new also gives legitimacy to all those people who say it's bad because it's new.

I'll admit that I've been skeptical of the update, not only because I would have favored smaller changes that have much wider support, but also because WIS's history with releasing major changes is somewhere on a continuum between 'Not Ready for Primetime' and 'Epically FUBAR.' Regardless of the update, I'll believe a decent rollout when I see it.

One question though, if they are really concerned about user retention, then why go straight to a massive update that is guaranteed to **** off the biggest possible percentage of your current user base? Especially one that will cause the game to be paused for 4-6 weeks. And it has been made painfully clear that there are no plans or budget to attract new users.

Now I know that the update is coming, and I'll give it a few seasons with the teams I have left. Maybe I'll be surprised and won't have to burn credits to finish beta testing like we did with potential, but the burden is on WIS, not on users who are expressing concerns.
6/16/2016 6:42 AM
Posted by acn24 on 6/16/2016 6:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Trentonjoe on 6/15/2016 8:18:00 PM (view original):
I have a couple reasons why it is an improvement:

1. It allows recruiting to be done over weeks instead of two days. In all honesty, I will still probably do most of my work in just a few days but now I am not beholden to the narrow window, ESPECIALLY if the pre loading of first cycle actions is implemented.

2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

3. The player potential be broken into 5 categories instead of three is super useful (at least for me).

4. It's new. We don't know all the "tricks" yet. Recruiting has an element of risk to it again.

Those are my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.
I appreciate your comments, I haven't seen them from some of the other 'stop your whining' posters. Here's my thinking though, they could easily have done achieved points 2 and 3 without a huge update and there is really no good reason preloading of the first cycle wasn't implemented 8 years ago. I'm not sure that you want to hang your hat on point 4, saying it's good because it's new also gives legitimacy to all those people who say it's bad because it's new.

I'll admit that I've been skeptical of the update, not only because I would have favored smaller changes that have much wider support, but also because WIS's history with releasing major changes is somewhere on a continuum between 'Not Ready for Primetime' and 'Epically FUBAR.' Regardless of the update, I'll believe a decent rollout when I see it.

One question though, if they are really concerned about user retention, then why go straight to a massive update that is guaranteed to **** off the biggest possible percentage of your current user base? Especially one that will cause the game to be paused for 4-6 weeks. And it has been made painfully clear that there are no plans or budget to attract new users.

Now I know that the update is coming, and I'll give it a few seasons with the teams I have left. Maybe I'll be surprised and won't have to burn credits to finish beta testing like we did with potential, but the burden is on WIS, not on users who are expressing concerns.
+1 stated better than I could have done it
6/16/2016 7:15 AM
2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

I think this is a fallacy but will wait to see what happens. WHY?
The top coaches are the top coaches for a reason. They study the recruiting environment and take calculated moves with the highest % chance of success. There are not many battles for top recruits because these top coaches know a prolonged battle with another top coach could risk the entire recruiting class. I believe this will not change in the new world.

With the new randomness it will take the top coaches a few seasons to "recalculate" the effect of preferences, but once they do, I think we will see the same results as we do now.
6/16/2016 7:17 AM
Posted by mullycj on 6/16/2016 7:17:00 AM (view original):
2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

I think this is a fallacy but will wait to see what happens. WHY?
The top coaches are the top coaches for a reason. They study the recruiting environment and take calculated moves with the highest % chance of success. There are not many battles for top recruits because these top coaches know a prolonged battle with another top coach could risk the entire recruiting class. I believe this will not change in the new world.

With the new randomness it will take the top coaches a few seasons to "recalculate" the effect of preferences, but once they do, I think we will see the same results as we do now.
I think it will give the second tier coaches a chance when they go after an A list recruit. What you posted mully is what I hope changes, I want to see the old philosophy of "battling for a recruit is bad" no longer be the optimal opinion. I am hoping you are wrong, sir!
6/16/2016 9:23 AM
Posted by acn24 on 6/16/2016 6:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Trentonjoe on 6/15/2016 8:18:00 PM (view original):
I have a couple reasons why it is an improvement:

1. It allows recruiting to be done over weeks instead of two days. In all honesty, I will still probably do most of my work in just a few days but now I am not beholden to the narrow window, ESPECIALLY if the pre loading of first cycle actions is implemented.

2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

3. The player potential be broken into 5 categories instead of three is super useful (at least for me).

4. It's new. We don't know all the "tricks" yet. Recruiting has an element of risk to it again.

Those are my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.
I appreciate your comments, I haven't seen them from some of the other 'stop your whining' posters. Here's my thinking though, they could easily have done achieved points 2 and 3 without a huge update and there is really no good reason preloading of the first cycle wasn't implemented 8 years ago. I'm not sure that you want to hang your hat on point 4, saying it's good because it's new also gives legitimacy to all those people who say it's bad because it's new.

I'll admit that I've been skeptical of the update, not only because I would have favored smaller changes that have much wider support, but also because WIS's history with releasing major changes is somewhere on a continuum between 'Not Ready for Primetime' and 'Epically FUBAR.' Regardless of the update, I'll believe a decent rollout when I see it.

One question though, if they are really concerned about user retention, then why go straight to a massive update that is guaranteed to **** off the biggest possible percentage of your current user base? Especially one that will cause the game to be paused for 4-6 weeks. And it has been made painfully clear that there are no plans or budget to attract new users.

Now I know that the update is coming, and I'll give it a few seasons with the teams I have left. Maybe I'll be surprised and won't have to burn credits to finish beta testing like we did with potential, but the burden is on WIS, not on users who are expressing concerns.
This is all I have to hang my hat on, I like the game now more than before potential. I have a wee bit of faith.
6/16/2016 9:26 AM
Posted by p6453 on 6/16/2016 9:43:00 AM (view original):
Posted by p6453 on 6/16/2016 9:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets. complain about negative posts and the way theonly has handled himself yet you continue with remarks like "immature" and phrases like "as long as they don't soil the carpets". You're just as bad with your rah-rah "Go Seble" as others have been with their bashing of his update. And speaking of adding nothing to conversations, I'm betting the "+" and "1" buttons on whatever keyboard you're using are almost worn off completely.

When the update rolls out and some long-term Coaches leave after trying it, they won't be missed. Me included. When you stay, no one will care.

Now I post just like CoachPud.
Coach Spud is not 100% right but he's closer than you guys. The update isn't so bad anyone should leave but it is clearly useless, why not do what 99.999% of people want and change up jobs. Seble is just a little stubborn. At least Seble is doing polls.
6/16/2016 10:58 AM (edited)
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 6/15/2016 7:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/15/2016 1:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gillispie1 on 6/15/2016 3:28:00 AM (view original):

only, hes already made a half dozen changes (plus probably two dozen bug fixes) and hes got a list of about 10 more changes he wants to get done in the next round, with more to come. how can you say he's not listening to anyone with sense? he's not listening to you, but if he was, he'd be proving your point.

seble has been acting on feedback from guys like OR and chapel, and many other reasonable HD coaches. you are so blinded by your bias its incredible.
Thank you, gillispie1. A couple of those guys are having their kicks trolling me and making up names that would make a fifth grader proud, such as Coach Dud. Ignore them. I do. That's what I mean by background noise, they aren't really part of any conversation about beta.
But neither are you, are you? I haven't seen you post any ideas or suggestions. All I've seen you do is ride someone's coattails by saying how great their comment was or to stay positive because negativity sucks, blah, blah, blah. I can accept it if I missed some things and I'm wrong, just show me where. But as there are negative trolls so are there positive ones and I've seen nothing from you that could be deemed as actually contributing anything of note to any of these threads.
Actually, I'm not going to read the threads for you. Get someone else to read them to you.
So you prove my point then. Thank you.
6/16/2016 11:05 AM
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets.
And again, what EXACTLY does this comment add to the conversation, hypocrite?
6/16/2016 11:06 AM
Posted by taniajane on 6/16/2016 7:15:00 AM (view original):
Posted by acn24 on 6/16/2016 6:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Trentonjoe on 6/15/2016 8:18:00 PM (view original):
I have a couple reasons why it is an improvement:

1. It allows recruiting to be done over weeks instead of two days. In all honesty, I will still probably do most of my work in just a few days but now I am not beholden to the narrow window, ESPECIALLY if the pre loading of first cycle actions is implemented.

2. It should promote battles for the top recruits in D1 so the second and third tier programs have chance to compete against the first tier teams.

3. The player potential be broken into 5 categories instead of three is super useful (at least for me).

4. It's new. We don't know all the "tricks" yet. Recruiting has an element of risk to it again.

Those are my thoughts, take them for what they are worth.
I appreciate your comments, I haven't seen them from some of the other 'stop your whining' posters. Here's my thinking though, they could easily have done achieved points 2 and 3 without a huge update and there is really no good reason preloading of the first cycle wasn't implemented 8 years ago. I'm not sure that you want to hang your hat on point 4, saying it's good because it's new also gives legitimacy to all those people who say it's bad because it's new.

I'll admit that I've been skeptical of the update, not only because I would have favored smaller changes that have much wider support, but also because WIS's history with releasing major changes is somewhere on a continuum between 'Not Ready for Primetime' and 'Epically FUBAR.' Regardless of the update, I'll believe a decent rollout when I see it.

One question though, if they are really concerned about user retention, then why go straight to a massive update that is guaranteed to **** off the biggest possible percentage of your current user base? Especially one that will cause the game to be paused for 4-6 weeks. And it has been made painfully clear that there are no plans or budget to attract new users.

Now I know that the update is coming, and I'll give it a few seasons with the teams I have left. Maybe I'll be surprised and won't have to burn credits to finish beta testing like we did with potential, but the burden is on WIS, not on users who are expressing concerns.
+1 stated better than I could have done it
Agreed, very well stated Acn.
6/16/2016 11:07 AM
Posted by cubcub113 on 6/16/2016 10:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by p6453 on 6/16/2016 9:43:00 AM (view original):
Posted by p6453 on 6/16/2016 9:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets. complain about negative posts and the way theonly has handled himself yet you continue with remarks like "immature" and phrases like "as long as they don't soil the carpets". You're just as bad with your rah-rah "Go Seble" as others have been with their bashing of his update. And speaking of adding nothing to conversations, I'm betting the "+" and "1" buttons on whatever keyboard you're using are almost worn off completely.

When the update rolls out and some long-term Coaches leave after trying it, they won't be missed. Me included. When you stay, no one will care.

Now I post just like CoachPud.
Coach Spud is not 100% right but he's closer than you guys. The update isn't so bad anyone should leave but it is clearly useless, why not do what 99.999% of people want and change up jobs. Seble is just a little stubborn. At least Seble is doing polls.
So you are of the opinion that the update is clearly useless?
6/16/2016 11:11 AM
Posted by emy1013 on 6/16/2016 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets.
And again, what EXACTLY does this comment add to the conversation, hypocrite?
Nothing, but I think it's okay that seble cuts him some slack, even though he adds nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave him around as long as he doesn't soil the carpets.
6/16/2016 11:50 AM (edited)
Posted by dacj501 on 6/16/2016 11:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 6/16/2016 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets.
And again, what EXACTLY does this comment add to the conversation, hypocrite?
Nothing, but I think it's okay that seble cuts him some slack, even though he adds nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave him around as long as he doesn't soil the carpets.
6/16/2016 12:34 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 6/16/2016 11:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 6/16/2016 12:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by duke137 on 6/15/2016 2:44:00 PM (view original):
You know what the real problem is? You whiners are taking everything about HD, way too seriously. It's a game fellows!!! So just chill out a little bit, relax, and see how this whole thing turns out. It might surprise you. And, if you don't like how it turns out, then simply QUIT. Remember, it's just a game.
I think it's okay that seble cuts them some slack, even though they add nothing to the conversation. He knows HD has really immature people playing the game, so might as well leave them around as long as they don't soil the carpets.
And again, what EXACTLY does this comment add to the conversation, hypocrite?
Read it.

Seble has put up with whiners, kiddies playing in the sandbox throwing sand at one another, begging to change the game to suit each individual's own interest without a bigger vision of the game, name-calling, ad hominem attacks, you name it, for years now. From what I see of the recent posts, he ignored the background noise for good reason, just as I am learning to do. From one of his recent posts, though, it sounds like he is tiring of the toxicity of the forums for years and may move to put an end to it. I'm saying I think he can continue to cut that type of people some slack. He has to recognize that that type of player will always be around and continue to ignore the tripe.
6/16/2016 1:03 PM
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For all the Negative Beta - Consider your actions Topic

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