Faux Outrage, Silly Tantrums, & a Nation for Sale Topic

Posted by tangplay on 10/7/2017 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/7/2017 7:42:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/7/2017 7:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/6/2017 11:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/6/2017 10:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/6/2017 9:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 10/6/2017 7:07:00 PM (view original):
Standing up for this nation and what it aspires to be is exactly what they are doing. They may not be doing so in the best way or the way you would do so, but they see what they think is a problem in this country and they are protesting to try and address that problem.
And "a few isolated, local incidents" ?? I'm guessing you are not an African-American so you have no idea how they feel or how the feel. Neither do I but at least I have some empathy for them.

54% of police shootings were white people
28% were black
18% were Hispanic

The protests are ongoing because the facts aren't reported. The media portrays it as every shooting being of a black person.
Less than 15 percent of the US population is black. The actual ratio is the problem
Blacks are less than 15% of the US population but commit just over 50% of the homicides in the US. That ratio is a problem. And don't call me a racist- those numbers are from the Obama Administration Justice Department.

People seem to think death-by-cop should be like affirmative action- the numbers should match race ratios in the population. That is lazy thinking, and it doesn't make sense when you have segment of the population committing crime at an extremely disproportionate rate.
Hmmmm....maybe because black people have been institutionally segregated against for years... If you raise someone poorly, they will act poorly. Maybe fix the problems instead of complaining about the results.
I'm huge on self accountability. There are plenty that make the right choices and go to college and/or pursue careers. The blame for the high crime rate among blacks is put solely on the backs of black males. Stick around and raise your children. For close to 40 years now, blacks have been given as much, if not more, opportunity than any other race.
Except that institutional racism puts people in poverty and our educational system makes sure they stay there.
Yup, look at the history of redlining for a really good look at the institutional racism that has been a part of this country since the earlier 1900's.
10/9/2017 10:58 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/9/2017 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Not sure which NFL you watch, but I've seen a lot of protesters playing. One guy, who had been benched due to marginal competency, opted out of the last year of his contract where he stood to earn $16.9 million. If that doesn't show he lacks the judgment to be a starting NFL QB, I'm not sure what does.

So there's 1 unemployed protester. And you can't think of 1 NFL racist, rapist, or murderer whose unemployed? the media loves people who don't research or think for themselves. click $, click $, click $
Ummm if, say, Taco Charlton kneeled, he won't play. Greg Hardy would have if he were still around.

Your argument does not make sense to me. There are more people who have raped women than who have protested. I am not talking about Kaepernick. I am talking about Jerry Jones saying he will bench players who don't stand.
More rapists than protesters? In the world or in the NFL? If you mean the NFL... wow. Please show me the proof there are more rapists on these teams than kneelers. Because I've seen a LOT of guys kneeling.

Mr. Jones is an employer. A condition of employment with the Dallas Cowboys (America's Team) is you stand and honor the flag.

If they don't like it, go work someplace else. Just like the rest of us. Players have the right to free speech; he has he right to hire and fire his employees. The world keeps spinning.
Except the players right to free speech is being infringed in my opinion. They should not get consequences for speaking their mind. Jerry Jones and Donald Trump are free to speak their mind, but they should not threaten.

The fact that Jones is OK with people like Hardy on his team, but not someone who protests is disgusting.

No one likes the Cowboys anyway.
People get fired all the time for speaking their mind. See Curt Schilling.
Schilling got a couple of warnings before being ousted...same with Olbermann.
10/9/2017 11:06 PM
Posted by The Taint on 10/9/2017 11:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/9/2017 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Not sure which NFL you watch, but I've seen a lot of protesters playing. One guy, who had been benched due to marginal competency, opted out of the last year of his contract where he stood to earn $16.9 million. If that doesn't show he lacks the judgment to be a starting NFL QB, I'm not sure what does.

So there's 1 unemployed protester. And you can't think of 1 NFL racist, rapist, or murderer whose unemployed? the media loves people who don't research or think for themselves. click $, click $, click $
Ummm if, say, Taco Charlton kneeled, he won't play. Greg Hardy would have if he were still around.

Your argument does not make sense to me. There are more people who have raped women than who have protested. I am not talking about Kaepernick. I am talking about Jerry Jones saying he will bench players who don't stand.
More rapists than protesters? In the world or in the NFL? If you mean the NFL... wow. Please show me the proof there are more rapists on these teams than kneelers. Because I've seen a LOT of guys kneeling.

Mr. Jones is an employer. A condition of employment with the Dallas Cowboys (America's Team) is you stand and honor the flag.

If they don't like it, go work someplace else. Just like the rest of us. Players have the right to free speech; he has he right to hire and fire his employees. The world keeps spinning.
Except the players right to free speech is being infringed in my opinion. They should not get consequences for speaking their mind. Jerry Jones and Donald Trump are free to speak their mind, but they should not threaten.

The fact that Jones is OK with people like Hardy on his team, but not someone who protests is disgusting.

No one likes the Cowboys anyway.
People get fired all the time for speaking their mind. See Curt Schilling.
Schilling got a couple of warnings before being ousted...same with Olbermann.
So, if you warn people to shut your mouth first then it's okay to oppress free speech?
10/10/2017 8:29 AM

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

10/10/2017 8:52 AM
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
10/10/2017 9:03 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 8:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 10/9/2017 11:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/9/2017 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Not sure which NFL you watch, but I've seen a lot of protesters playing. One guy, who had been benched due to marginal competency, opted out of the last year of his contract where he stood to earn $16.9 million. If that doesn't show he lacks the judgment to be a starting NFL QB, I'm not sure what does.

So there's 1 unemployed protester. And you can't think of 1 NFL racist, rapist, or murderer whose unemployed? the media loves people who don't research or think for themselves. click $, click $, click $
Ummm if, say, Taco Charlton kneeled, he won't play. Greg Hardy would have if he were still around.

Your argument does not make sense to me. There are more people who have raped women than who have protested. I am not talking about Kaepernick. I am talking about Jerry Jones saying he will bench players who don't stand.
More rapists than protesters? In the world or in the NFL? If you mean the NFL... wow. Please show me the proof there are more rapists on these teams than kneelers. Because I've seen a LOT of guys kneeling.

Mr. Jones is an employer. A condition of employment with the Dallas Cowboys (America's Team) is you stand and honor the flag.

If they don't like it, go work someplace else. Just like the rest of us. Players have the right to free speech; he has he right to hire and fire his employees. The world keeps spinning.
Except the players right to free speech is being infringed in my opinion. They should not get consequences for speaking their mind. Jerry Jones and Donald Trump are free to speak their mind, but they should not threaten.

The fact that Jones is OK with people like Hardy on his team, but not someone who protests is disgusting.

No one likes the Cowboys anyway.
People get fired all the time for speaking their mind. See Curt Schilling.
Schilling got a couple of warnings before being ousted...same with Olbermann.
So, if you warn people to shut your mouth first then it's okay to oppress free speech?
No. But Schilling is not a good example
10/10/2017 9:19 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 9:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
Thats because Fox is told what they are supposed to say. I like CNN, it seems to be the most balanced.
10/10/2017 9:50 AM
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 8:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 10/9/2017 11:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/9/2017 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Not sure which NFL you watch, but I've seen a lot of protesters playing. One guy, who had been benched due to marginal competency, opted out of the last year of his contract where he stood to earn $16.9 million. If that doesn't show he lacks the judgment to be a starting NFL QB, I'm not sure what does.

So there's 1 unemployed protester. And you can't think of 1 NFL racist, rapist, or murderer whose unemployed? the media loves people who don't research or think for themselves. click $, click $, click $
Ummm if, say, Taco Charlton kneeled, he won't play. Greg Hardy would have if he were still around.

Your argument does not make sense to me. There are more people who have raped women than who have protested. I am not talking about Kaepernick. I am talking about Jerry Jones saying he will bench players who don't stand.
More rapists than protesters? In the world or in the NFL? If you mean the NFL... wow. Please show me the proof there are more rapists on these teams than kneelers. Because I've seen a LOT of guys kneeling.

Mr. Jones is an employer. A condition of employment with the Dallas Cowboys (America's Team) is you stand and honor the flag.

If they don't like it, go work someplace else. Just like the rest of us. Players have the right to free speech; he has he right to hire and fire his employees. The world keeps spinning.
Except the players right to free speech is being infringed in my opinion. They should not get consequences for speaking their mind. Jerry Jones and Donald Trump are free to speak their mind, but they should not threaten.

The fact that Jones is OK with people like Hardy on his team, but not someone who protests is disgusting.

No one likes the Cowboys anyway.
People get fired all the time for speaking their mind. See Curt Schilling.
Schilling got a couple of warnings before being ousted...same with Olbermann.
So, if you warn people to shut your mouth first then it's okay to oppress free speech?
No. But Schilling is not a good example
Is that because he is a conservative?
10/10/2017 11:21 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 11:21:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 8:29:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 10/9/2017 11:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/9/2017 9:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/9/2017 5:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/9/2017 5:17:00 PM (view original):
Not sure which NFL you watch, but I've seen a lot of protesters playing. One guy, who had been benched due to marginal competency, opted out of the last year of his contract where he stood to earn $16.9 million. If that doesn't show he lacks the judgment to be a starting NFL QB, I'm not sure what does.

So there's 1 unemployed protester. And you can't think of 1 NFL racist, rapist, or murderer whose unemployed? the media loves people who don't research or think for themselves. click $, click $, click $
Ummm if, say, Taco Charlton kneeled, he won't play. Greg Hardy would have if he were still around.

Your argument does not make sense to me. There are more people who have raped women than who have protested. I am not talking about Kaepernick. I am talking about Jerry Jones saying he will bench players who don't stand.
More rapists than protesters? In the world or in the NFL? If you mean the NFL... wow. Please show me the proof there are more rapists on these teams than kneelers. Because I've seen a LOT of guys kneeling.

Mr. Jones is an employer. A condition of employment with the Dallas Cowboys (America's Team) is you stand and honor the flag.

If they don't like it, go work someplace else. Just like the rest of us. Players have the right to free speech; he has he right to hire and fire his employees. The world keeps spinning.
Except the players right to free speech is being infringed in my opinion. They should not get consequences for speaking their mind. Jerry Jones and Donald Trump are free to speak their mind, but they should not threaten.

The fact that Jones is OK with people like Hardy on his team, but not someone who protests is disgusting.

No one likes the Cowboys anyway.
People get fired all the time for speaking their mind. See Curt Schilling.
Schilling got a couple of warnings before being ousted...same with Olbermann.
So, if you warn people to shut your mouth first then it's okay to oppress free speech?
No. But Schilling is not a good example
Is that because he is a conservative?
I meant to back up your point.
10/10/2017 11:23 AM
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 9:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
Thats because Fox is told what they are supposed to say. I like CNN, it seems to be the most balanced.
I would agree that it is probably the "most" balanced, but it is still on the far left. There's no such thing as a balanced news source anymore.
10/10/2017 11:23 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 11:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 9:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
Thats because Fox is told what they are supposed to say. I like CNN, it seems to be the most balanced.
I would agree that it is probably the "most" balanced, but it is still on the far left. There's no such thing as a balanced news source anymore.
The idea of balanced news is a fallacy. You cant please both sides on a consistant basis.
10/10/2017 11:24 AM
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 11:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 9:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
Thats because Fox is told what they are supposed to say. I like CNN, it seems to be the most balanced.
I would agree that it is probably the "most" balanced, but it is still on the far left. There's no such thing as a balanced news source anymore.
The idea of balanced news is a fallacy. You cant please both sides on a consistant basis.
Unless you, y'know, just TELL THE ******* NEWS instead of twisting it to fit your political narrative.
10/10/2017 11:28 AM
Posted by toddcommish on 10/10/2017 11:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 11:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 10/10/2017 9:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 10/10/2017 9:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bronxcheer on 10/10/2017 8:52:00 AM (view original):

Fox & Friends hosts are outraged at black NFL players kneeling, but laugh at white MLB player in a flag Speedo

Fox hosts regularly attack NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem to protest police brutality, claiming the players disrespect the American flag

Yep, they are just as bad as CNN and MSNBC. The media on both sides are a bunch of jokes. I used to enjoy Sean Hannity and Herman Cain, but all they do is repeat the same talking points and interrupt anyone who disagrees with them.
Thats because Fox is told what they are supposed to say. I like CNN, it seems to be the most balanced.
I would agree that it is probably the "most" balanced, but it is still on the far left. There's no such thing as a balanced news source anymore.
The idea of balanced news is a fallacy. You cant please both sides on a consistant basis.
Unless you, y'know, just TELL THE ******* NEWS instead of twisting it to fit your political narrative.
If a news channel reports that 99% of climate scientists agree that climate change is man made, is that biased?
10/10/2017 11:32 AM
Posted by jmcraven74 on 10/6/2017 7:19:00 PM (view original):
If you can't be mature in your responses, I will continue to report you Dino. Try to act like an adult and not call names.
**** you.

that's maturity. **** you craven bitchwad would be immature. lucky for all o us ich bin old und gravacious
10/10/2017 11:34 AM
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Faux Outrage, Silly Tantrums, & a Nation for Sale Topic

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