Tax Cuts Consequences Topic

Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
1/4/2018 4:06 PM
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
Trump and Pence will be lucky to not be in jail.
1/4/2018 4:07 PM
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
Alabama was a huge win for the Republicans!

errrr, wait.
1/4/2018 4:08 PM
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
$1.5Trn is only if the economy is stagnant not if it grows. Can we give it a chance before denouncing it, please? Do you know what I am talking about? I do this for a living.

If you run a business, Jeff, and borrow $1.5MM but for that money you increase your net profit by $2MM you actually made money, a lot of money. Give the plan a chance. If it is a failure then I will stand side by side with you and denounce it.
1/4/2018 4:33 PM
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 3:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/3/2018 9:12:00 PM (view original):
Perhaps you prefer the Wall Street Journal?
So you believe BHO was a good president? Correct?

Wages stagnant and GDP barely moving. Just making sure.
I do think he was a good president and wages have been stagnant since the 1970's. It's a problem that has plagued whoever has been president.

An article from Fortune about Obama and GDP. It wasn't as bad as the talking points say it was.

What about the racial divide? ISIS? Our standing in the world as wimps (See Putin and Crimea)? Alienating Israel? ACA? He never passed any laws to stop corporate inversions. He over regulated the Banking industry. He was bad. I wish I could convince you somehow. I am a banker for a living and under him the past eight years we have really suffered and as a result our customers have too.

Part of the reason Trump won was because America as so angry at BHO. I respect your opinion but I vehemently disagree with it. No one divided the country more than BHO. For the record if he ran as a Democrat I would have voted for him too. I have zero loyalty to the GOP.
1/4/2018 4:36 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
$1.5Trn is only if the economy is stagnant not if it grows. Can we give it a chance before denouncing it, please? Do you know what I am talking about? I do this for a living.

If you run a business, Jeff, and borrow $1.5MM but for that money you increase your net profit by $2MM you actually made money, a lot of money. Give the plan a chance. If it is a failure then I will stand side by side with you and denounce it.
Every non-partisan economic study says that growth will not be anywhere near high enough to offset the cuts.

And I’m not a deficit hawk. My problem with the cuts has less to do with the deficit and more to do with how the cuts were made.
1/4/2018 4:37 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
$1.5Trn is only if the economy is stagnant not if it grows. Can we give it a chance before denouncing it, please? Do you know what I am talking about? I do this for a living.

If you run a business, Jeff, and borrow $1.5MM but for that money you increase your net profit by $2MM you actually made money, a lot of money. Give the plan a chance. If it is a failure then I will stand side by side with you and denounce it.
Worked well in Kansas!
1/4/2018 4:43 PM
Sorry, but did one of our resident Political "experts" just say that O'Bumble was a good POTUS, and then turn-around and whine about the new tax plan possibly raising the National Debt? Hypocritical much?
1/4/2018 4:57 PM
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
1/4/2018 5:15 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/4/2018 4:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
$1.5Trn is only if the economy is stagnant not if it grows. Can we give it a chance before denouncing it, please? Do you know what I am talking about? I do this for a living.

If you run a business, Jeff, and borrow $1.5MM but for that money you increase your net profit by $2MM you actually made money, a lot of money. Give the plan a chance. If it is a failure then I will stand side by side with you and denounce it.
Every non-partisan economic study says that growth will not be anywhere near high enough to offset the cuts.

And I’m not a deficit hawk. My problem with the cuts has less to do with the deficit and more to do with how the cuts were made.
Could you show us JUST ONE of those nonpartisan studies. Go for 3 or 4 if you want to. I would settle for just 1.

Could you expand upon your problem with HOW the cuts were made? THANKS!
1/4/2018 5:28 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/4/2018 4:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 4:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 4:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sjurat on 1/4/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
I voted for Trump and his new tax plan assures that Red States win for the foreseeable future --- so I am all for this bill.

Now I do get crushed by this new tax bill - via the SALT limitation and the elimination of itemized deductions - however, the long-term effect will allow my children a chance at achieving a standard of living that we have today or betterment.

A couple areas that no one is mentioning :

1 - Inflation will come back - albeit not like the Carter-era - the Middle Class will have tons of extra dollars and will spend - thus driving up demand/inflation. We are already seeing it in the housing market (up 7% last year). But the inflation will also make bonds and cds more attractive to the ever-expanding retiring Baby Boomers - thus securing their retirement in something other than the stock market.

2 - Here's the biggie --- most of the States expanded Medicare - guess what - the floor is going to drop out on the Federal funding and the States will need to make up the difference. This will make the local muni's problems with pensions (San Diego / Hartford) look like child's play.

Trump will be re-elected - if he wants it - if not Pence will step in. The GOP will control the Senate and WH for the next 7-11 years - which mean the SCOTUS will end up being 6-3 or 7-2 conservative for the next 30 years.
How does adding an estimated 1.5 trillion to the debt and the roll back of environmental regulations do anything to allow your children a chance a better standard of living.

These breaks roll off for regular ole Joe's after 2025. Then your kids get to pay more than they would have in 2017.
$1.5Trn is only if the economy is stagnant not if it grows. Can we give it a chance before denouncing it, please? Do you know what I am talking about? I do this for a living.

If you run a business, Jeff, and borrow $1.5MM but for that money you increase your net profit by $2MM you actually made money, a lot of money. Give the plan a chance. If it is a failure then I will stand side by side with you and denounce it.
Every non-partisan economic study says that growth will not be anywhere near high enough to offset the cuts.

And I’m not a deficit hawk. My problem with the cuts has less to do with the deficit and more to do with how the cuts were made.
I am going to a seminar regarding the tax cuts next week. I will see what the "experts" state. I myself am not 100% certain they are great for the middle class. They will definitely help business and the rich as well as those who make $75k or less.
1/4/2018 7:13 PM
I think the Rust Belt is tired of funding the coastal states. Look at the issues that states like Cali and CT are having. So they raise state income taxes and property taxes and people can deduct from Federal Taxes. Well the states with low or no income taxes have had it. I live in MA and I will pay more.
1/4/2018 7:16 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 7:16:00 PM (view original):
I think the Rust Belt is tired of funding the coastal states. Look at the issues that states like Cali and CT are having. So they raise state income taxes and property taxes and people can deduct from Federal Taxes. Well the states with low or no income taxes have had it. I live in MA and I will pay more.
You realize that blue states like CA, NY, and MA pay way more in federal taxes than they take in federal funds, right? And red states like AL, KS, and WV take way more in federal funding than they pay in?

The rust belt isn’t funding **** for the coastal states. It’s the other way around.
1/4/2018 8:28 PM
From the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders have spent months promoting the myth that red low-tax states are subsidizing blue high-tax states because of the deduction for state and local taxes.

An Associated Press Fact Check finds it’s actually the other way around. High-tax, traditionally Democratic states (blue), subsidize low-tax, traditionally Republican states (red) — in a big way.

Republicans are trying to eliminate the deduction as part of the sweeping tax package working its way through Congress. They added back a deduction for up to $10,000 in property taxes, in a concession to Republicans from high-tax states such as New York and New Jersey. California Republicans are pushing to extend the deduction to local income taxes, too.

It is true that taxpayers in high-tax states benefit the most from the deduction. However, these states send far more tax dollars to Washington than residents in low-tax states.

In fact, most high-tax states send more money to Washington than they get back in federal spending. Most low-tax states make a profit from the federal government’s system of taxing and spending.

1/4/2018 8:30 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 1/4/2018 8:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 7:16:00 PM (view original):
I think the Rust Belt is tired of funding the coastal states. Look at the issues that states like Cali and CT are having. So they raise state income taxes and property taxes and people can deduct from Federal Taxes. Well the states with low or no income taxes have had it. I live in MA and I will pay more.
You realize that blue states like CA, NY, and MA pay way more in federal taxes than they take in federal funds, right? And red states like AL, KS, and WV take way more in federal funding than they pay in?

The rust belt isn’t funding **** for the coastal states. It’s the other way around.
You are 100% wrong. Cali is in dire straights. CT is hurting. Why do you think GE left?

You are so dumb it is hilarious. How about red states like Ohio and Texas? Dummy.
1/4/2018 8:43 PM
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Tax Cuts Consequences Topic

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