Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

We have to find a way to make it seem like not getting a vaccine is part of Critical Race Theory. Remember Critical Race Theory? That thing Republicans wouldn't stop talking about until two weeks ago when someone pointed out their voters are committing mass suicide?
8/2/2021 6:07 AM
I too would love to read that "news" report.
8/2/2021 11:11 AM
What news report??? A news report showing that Republicans were talking about critical race theory?
8/2/2021 12:01 PM
8/2/2021 12:32 PM
Posted by DougOut on 8/6/2021 8:15:00 PM (view original):

We at the CDC have determined all babies should be required to wear a mask. You don't need a special mask for this. Just find an extra one in a drawer or maybe in the glovebox. Don't worry that it's too big. Just pull the strings around their little baby heads until it's tight. We came up with this idea from our work with little baby beagle puppies. They made a lot of noise. These masks should help muffle the noise your baby makes when it cries. Stay tuned for farther mandates.
Doug out.. PLEASE.. for eg what if one of 'them' sees this???

Glenn Hall had the right idea. 540 plus consecutive games. He didn't wear a mask, either
8/9/2021 8:20 AM
No worries, I consider the "source". It's comforting to know the two of You think alike though. Makes me more confidant.
8/9/2021 8:44 AM
I’m wondering why republicans weren’t against the formation of the TSA or why they’re still ok with us taking our shoes off to get on a plane. What about my freedom to wear shoes, huh?
8/9/2021 4:44 PM
8/9/2021 7:13 PM
13,977 Floridians are in the hospital RIGHT NOW being treated for COVID-19. This is the most ever. Again.

8/9/2021 8:26 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 6/22/2020 12:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 6/21/2020 9:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 6/20/2020 1:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 6/20/2020 12:13:00 PM (view original):
Somebody took the Purge movies too seriously.
What would stop it from becoming reality?

(I'd really LOVE to hear the newby try to explain, but you're fair and rational, so go ahead.)
Other responses, but no effort at all to answer this. Wonder why.
Tang already answered this. People just aren't that bad.

Look, I've already expressed my opinion about this "defund the police" business. An ~15% average increase in spending on policing in the 90s resulted in a >75% reduction in homicides, including about 8000 fewer homicides per year with black victims. Defunding the police is not going to help vulnerable populations, even in the more moderate sense of "reduce funding for the police." Several economists have done studies in the past ~15 years demonstrating that there is a statistically significant inverse correlation between police funding and crime rates. This at least strongly suggests that people are responding to the risk/reward balance - make it harder to get away with murder, and less people get murdered.

But the ceiling isn't that high. Let's try to be realistic. Most US cities didn't have professional police until the mid- to late-19th century. Many rural areas didn't have police until well into the 20th century. It's not like the average family was experiencing regular burglary, rape, and murder. Neurotypical human beings are built to be pro-social. We're willing to push the rules, but not totally break them until we're very desperate. The founding fathers left lots of correspondence records. They didn't seem to spend a lot of time fretting about being pillaged and murdered in their beds. I think the suggestion that without police everyone should expect their kids to be napped, their wives to be raped, and their TVs to be stolen is incredibly unrealistic. Crime rates would rise, but that doesn't mean everyone would be routinely victimized.
Well, who could have seen this coming?

The big local news for the past week to week and a half around the DC Metro Area is Mayor Bowser's fight with the City Council to rush through funding to hire 100+ new officers for Metro Police. Turns out that cutting funding for the police force wasn't so great for the black community. Turns out there is a double digit increase in the homicide rate, the majority of which has centered around lower-income minority-dominant communities. Now the DC black community is calling out for "justice" again, asking for more police support.

8/10/2021 2:47 PM
Dahs on point again. Police reform is still broadly needed, which would require raising police budgets in many cases.

I think "defund the police" is a horrible slogan because it confuses multiple camps of people - some think that police are expected to do too much and that there should be a shift to mental health professionals and such in certain cases, which is defensible, and some think that police should be abolished or substantially removed, which is not.

If I can remember correctly, this was still my argument last year, although I was curious to see how the experiments would turn out. In the end, it wasn't great. I don't think the broader crime wave in America can be attributed to a small amount of cities marginally cutting police budgets, however.
8/10/2021 3:18 PM
Back to back homers, guys.

Though I wouldn’t call it a crime wave, there’s been upticks here and there in red and blue cities but overall we’re still much better off and safer than the 70s or 90s.
8/10/2021 3:45 PM
Uofa still riding that purple unicorn (to avoid reality).
8/10/2021 3:51 PM

”Although this misinformation is a real issue, and has driven a partisan divide in vaccination, not every unvaccinated person is being brainwashed by conservative media. The larger issue is that the conservative media’s devotion to undermining vaccination encourages Republican elected officials with political ambitions to make irresponsible public-health decisions, because they understand how media coverage shapes the attitudes of the GOP’s voters. Vaccine mandates for things such as school and air travel are supported by more than 60 percent of Texans, despite the state’s conservative lean. But Republican elected leaders fear the wrath of the GOP primary electorate more than they fear thousands of residents of their states dying of COVID-19.

Abbott and Texas Republican legislators have undermined virtually every effort to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. In June, Abbott signed legislation that would deny state contracts or licenses to businesses that require proof of vaccination. Last month, he issued an executive order banning cities and other jurisdictions from enacting mask and vaccination mandates, even though schools across the state already and rightfully require other vaccinations for students to enroll. “The new Executive Order emphasizes that the path forward relies on personal responsibility rather than government mandates,” Abbott proclaimed, while issuing a government mandate. Many Texas cities are in revolt, instituting their own mask mandates in defiance of Abbott’s directives and taking the governor to court.

Abbott did, however, direct state troopers to stop vehicles suspected of transporting undocumented immigrants, a reaction to the widespread conservative falsehood that immigrants are propelling the pandemic surge. The primary step Abbott has taken to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, in other words, is to encourage armed agents of the state to engage in racial profiling. You know, in the name of freedom.

These efforts are not justifiable on the principles conservatives claim to hold. They are not small-government measures, given that they represent intrusive state intervention. They do not respect local control, given that they bar cities and other jurisdictions from taking measures that their residents want them to take. And they are not deferential to the free market, given that they seek to use the state to punish businesses that engage in mitigation efforts. They are designed solely to appeal to the culture-war shibboleths of right-wing media, no matter how many Texans die as a result.

A pathetic irony is that Texas Republicans such as Senator Ted Cruz, who has proposed banning vaccine mandates on the federal level, formerly insisted that the seriousness of the pandemic was a liberal plot to harm Trump and would subside when he left office, as would liberal support for mitigation measures. But now Cruz, ever the craven apparatchik, the type of man who kissed the ring of someone who smeared his father and insulted his wife, is opposing the policies that would more quickly end the pandemic and make such measures unnecessary.“

8/13/2021 9:54 AM


Republican Sen. Rand Paul and his wife had not bought or sold stock in an individual company in at least 10 years when Kelley Paul purchased shares of the drug company Gilead Sciences in early 2020.

The purchase came early in the novel coronavirus' initial wave through the United States — and one day after the first U.S. clinical trial began for Gilead's remdesivir as a treatment for Covid-19, according to records reviewed by CNBC.

8/13/2021 1:15 PM
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