TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

I have written everything on my mind so I will take a sabbatical.
I do not want to rile anyone up.
Never my intention.
And it does interfere with my leisure time and some ventures I’m involved with.

When some less divisive threads develop I will put my 2 cents in from time to time.

I hope saying this is not going to inspire insults
but you can only hope.
5/11/2023 3:31 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 5/11/2023 3:33:00 PM (view original):
I have written everything on my mind so I will take a sabbatical.
I do not want to rile anyone up.
Never my intention.
And it does interfere with my leisure time and some ventures I’m involved with.

When some less divisive threads develop I will put my 2 cents in from time to time.

I hope saying this is not going to inspire insults
but you can only hope.
You make sense
5/11/2023 6:01 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 5/11/2023 3:33:00 PM (view original):
I have written everything on my mind so I will take a sabbatical.
I do not want to rile anyone up.
Never my intention.
And it does interfere with my leisure time and some ventures I’m involved with.

When some less divisive threads develop I will put my 2 cents in from time to time.

I hope saying this is not going to inspire insults
but you can only hope.
no problem with your posts here, lenny...they seem well thought out and reasonable, whether I agree with them or not. Can't say the same for many who post here.
5/11/2023 6:39 PM
Posted by bagchucker3 on 5/10/2023 1:41:00 AM (view original):
trump guilty o defamation & abuse

not guilty o rape

civilly not criminally

i don know how they come up with the first and not the second

but hey i'm just a guy

if there's a lawyer around that could splain

please do

Name one thing you like about Joe Biden and ONE thing he has done to make the country better
5/17/2023 3:26 AM
Not be Donald Trump. Case closed. But if you want something else, how about a 3.4 unemployment rate, which matches a 50 year low,
5/17/2023 1:30 PM

Catfishing is a deceptive activity in which a person creates a fictional persona or fake identity on a social networking service, usually targeting a specific victim.[1] The practice may be used for financial gain, to compromise a victim in some way, as a way to intentionally upset a victim, or for wish fulfillment. Catfishing television shows have been produced, often featuring victims who wish to identify their catfisher. Celebrities have been targeted, which has brought press attention to catfishing practices. It could also be the Catfisher is a social pariah and simply uses social media as a means of contact he doesn't receive in his or her current social setting. Finally, the person could simply be a narcissist who gets satisfaction by controlling or directing others without their knowledge. Fishbowling would be an example of this activity. You are being observed in the fishbowl as the narcissist directs the manner or topics in a manipulative manner for personal gratification. The last is a clear indication of psychosis.

5/17/2023 3:09 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 5/17/2023 3:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bagchucker3 on 5/10/2023 1:41:00 AM (view original):
trump guilty o defamation & abuse

not guilty o rape

civilly not criminally

i don know how they come up with the first and not the second

but hey i'm just a guy

if there's a lawyer around that could splain

please do

Name one thing you like about Joe Biden and ONE thing he has done to make the country better
i like that his wife works

he strengthens democracy while weakening autocracy
5/19/2023 7:06 AM
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I did live in the SF bay area for over 30 years. Inflation is at a 2 year low. Nothing is bad bout making America great. Too bad, Donald Trump has no interest in doing that. I firmly believe the right wing only wants freedom for themselves, and everyone else can go jump in a lake. If you don't agree with their point of view, you are crazy, or evil, on insane. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think you should live life the way you want to, love who you want to, dress how you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Still waiting for anyone to tell me how two men marrying each other, and loving each other hurts anyone else. Still waiting to hear how a man dressing as a woman hurts anyone. Still waiting to hear how believing in a God different from the one you believe in, or even not believing in a God at all hurts anyone.
5/21/2023 1:13 AM
if that makes me evil or insane, so be it.
5/21/2023 1:14 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/21/2023 1:13:00 AM (view original):
I did live in the SF bay area for over 30 years. Inflation is at a 2 year low. Nothing is bad bout making America great. Too bad, Donald Trump has no interest in doing that. I firmly believe the right wing only wants freedom for themselves, and everyone else can go jump in a lake. If you don't agree with their point of view, you are crazy, or evil, on insane. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think you should live life the way you want to, love who you want to, dress how you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Still waiting for anyone to tell me how two men marrying each other, and loving each other hurts anyone else. Still waiting to hear how a man dressing as a woman hurts anyone. Still waiting to hear how believing in a God different from the one you believe in, or even not believing in a God at all hurts anyone.
Wylie, in re: to your last 3 questions/comments:

I will pass on this one. I will say that the whole narrative is an offence to any reasonably morally upright person. it is an attack on the character of the country. Unless it stops, the US will collapse, and there will be no place on Earth to run to for refuge. Whether or not you believe in God is your choice.

It could be that you are too young to remember what it was like when people were naturally friendly to one another. .. only women wore earrings, and never more than two, and people smiled so much more. The darkness over America is a huge danger, and the whole world sees it. .Unless there is a turn around.. the country will be finished within 5 years, if not sooner. Canada is on exactly the same road

If you cannot see what's wrong with that (Men in the Girls bathrooms for eg ) Men marrying men. and etc then no amount of explaining will make any difference to your core belief on this thing.

Not to sound insulting, you don't see anything wrong, etc... because perhaps you don't know right from wrong. You are not unique in that. Well over half the people in America and Canada are in the same boat

Meanwhile the US of A is involved in a war that is none of their business... and the bad guy is Zelensky. Not Putin.
BILLIONS of your tax dollars are being poured into the Ukraine, to supply weapons and artillery to fight against Russia. You ok with that? It is your money.

I fail to see how praying silently in close proximity to an abortion clinic harms anyone, but you do it and can be arrested. What is so wrong with standing against the slaughter of over 60 million babies? Some almost born. It is nothing more than a form of birth control, in over 98% of the cases. I fail to see how securing the US South (and North) borders can do anything but help the country get healthy again.

One more question: Why is the left so dead set against voter I.D.??

They would not be able to cheat.
No other reason makes sense
5/22/2023 5:03 AM (edited)
Posted by wylie715 on 5/21/2023 1:14:00 AM (view original):
if that makes me evil or insane, so be it.
Nah. They think I am insane and evil.

I have a problem when children are targeted for indoctrination re: LGBTQ.. I have a bigger problem with the people who think it is okay to mutilate children and teach them the idiocy that a boy can be a girl for a while.. and people who would sex change a child belong in jail.

Nobody has the right to tell you what to think, and yet it is being done 24-7 viz MSM, Big business, Hollywood, and in your universities. The 'MOB' tries to tell you to vaxx or be a reject. and etc.

This is INSANITY. there are two genders. I knew this when I was 3.
5/21/2023 7:06 AM
Naw, buddy. You are the insane party here. The biggest problem seems to be that you have learned little to nothing since you were THREE!!

You do NOT KNOW that there are two genders.
Because there are not.............there are many.

The rest of your "problems" with the NOW are just your own fear and bigotry rearing its big ugly head!!
And spend about 110% of your time on this site telling others what to think!!

Pot meet kettle!
5/21/2023 8:45 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 5/21/2023 6:47:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/21/2023 1:13:00 AM (view original):
I did live in the SF bay area for over 30 years. Inflation is at a 2 year low. Nothing is bad bout making America great. Too bad, Donald Trump has no interest in doing that. I firmly believe the right wing only wants freedom for themselves, and everyone else can go jump in a lake. If you don't agree with their point of view, you are crazy, or evil, on insane. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think you should live life the way you want to, love who you want to, dress how you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Still waiting for anyone to tell me how two men marrying each other, and loving each other hurts anyone else. Still waiting to hear how a man dressing as a woman hurts anyone. Still waiting to hear how believing in a God different from the one you believe in, or even not believing in a God at all hurts anyone.
Wylie, in re: to your last 3 questions/comments:

I will pass on this one. I will say that the whole narrative is an offence to any reasonably morally upright person. it is an attack on the character of the country. and unless it stops, the US will collapse, and there will be no place on Earth to run to for refuge. Whether or not you believe in God is your choice.

It could be that you are too young to remember what like was like when people were naturally friendly to one another. .. only women wore earrings, and never more than two, and people smiled so much more. The darkness over America is a huge danger, and the whole world sees it. . and unless there is a turn around.. the country will be finished within 5 years, if not sooner. Canada is on exactly the same road

If you cannot see what's wrong with that (Men in the Girls bathrooms for eg ) Men marrying men. and etc think no amount of explaining will make any difference to your core belief on this thing.

Not to sound insulting, you don't see anything wrong, etc... because you don't know right from wrong. You are not unique in that. Well over half the people in America and Canada are in the same boat

Meanwhile the US of A is involved in a war that is none of their business... and the bad guy is Zelensky. Not Putin.
BLLIONS of your tax dollars are being poured into the Ukraine, to fight against Russia. You ok with that? It is your money. I just hope you down wake up one morning and learn that 3 US cities were nuked. Imagine the panic
First of all, I am not all that much younger than you. Who cares if men wear earrings? I notice you did not give an explanation of how that hurts anyone, just that you think it is wrong. I see nothing wrong with men marrying men, women marrying women, or men marrying women. Again, how does that hurt anyone? No answer because there isn't one. I do have some qualms re men who identify as women in women's bathroom. They say they feel uncomfortable in a men's bathroom. Well, what about all the women who may feel uncomfortable with a man who identifies as a woman in the women's room? Why is his/her comfort level more important than their comfort level?

I can't believe your arrogance telling me (or anyone else) that I don't know right from wrong. Maybe according to your views, but just because you see something as right or wrong, that does not make it right or wrong.

I don't know a lot about the Ukraine war, but I do know I feel pretty strongly that Putin is wrong in just about anything he does or say. You say Zelensky is the bad guy and not Putin? Russia attacked the Ukraine, not the other way around. Ukraine is just defending itself. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you think Putin is not the bad guy. After all, your buddy Trump is so far up Putin's ***....
5/21/2023 1:23 PM
"Nah. They think I am insane and evil."
I don't think you're evil or insane, just unable to see anything from any point of view except your own.
5/21/2023 1:25 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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