Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

I know. They said he couldn't do it. The Dems made fun of him. So what does TRUMP do? He gets the vaccine in record time.

He set a world record. TRUMP is a stud for getting us the vaccine.
12/8/2020 7:22 PM
Ima call it "the Biden vaccine". Ironically. His nay-sayism inspired the drug companies to prove him wrong. USA!!!!
12/8/2020 8:19 PM
Posted by DougOut on 12/8/2020 7:22:00 PM (view original):
I know. They said he couldn't do it. The Dems made fun of him. So what does TRUMP do? He gets the vaccine in record time.

He set a world record. TRUMP is a stud for getting us the vaccine.
Bullshit. the brits and the Russians got it faster and sold it to over 20 - 30 countries between them.
and tramp forgot ( refused ) to buy doses from Pfizer and Israel is now getting contracted doses from Pfizer today and none for us until June.
the president was a Trump.
12/8/2020 8:30 PM
And we got a vaccine problem because of trump as people who won’t wear a mask won’t get a jab either.
they’re schmatt.

and where in Zod’s name is the rollout plan.
no where and why.
no staff for it.
a lack of smart and competent and scientific people in the White House.

that’s why they do and must delegate everything to the states and cities and naturally later blame the states and cities.
12/8/2020 8:36 PM
I know. The whole world is talking about the TRUMP vaccine. America loves TRUMP. The right man at the right time.
12/9/2020 8:27 AM
Vaccine: I won't even take it. Much ado about nothing.

Now our government is telling us who we can have in our homes, and that they must all wear masks. Big Pharma is in this too. A local Naturpath center ordered locked down. Fitness cneters and the Rec center locked down. THIS is where people get stronger, d-uh

Meanwhile, we march to the drummer;s beat, cuz after all, they know what's best for us = 'Health officials'

Mental health is suffering and hurting far more people than any virus

Anyone here got this thing figured out yet???

12/9/2020 8:42 AM

I can keep you safe from the Russians stealing our elections.

The democrats and the Chinese?

12/9/2020 12:19 PM
Posted by Aldershot on 12/9/2020 8:42:00 AM (view original):
Vaccine: I won't even take it. Much ado about nothing.

Now our government is telling us who we can have in our homes, and that they must all wear masks. Big Pharma is in this too. A local Naturpath center ordered locked down. Fitness cneters and the Rec center locked down. THIS is where people get stronger, d-uh

Meanwhile, we march to the drummer;s beat, cuz after all, they know what's best for us = 'Health officials'

Mental health is suffering and hurting far more people than any virus

Anyone here got this thing figured out yet???

That’s a shame
12/9/2020 12:22 PM
Posted by DougOut on 3/13/2020 12:26:00 PM (view original):

From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, in the United States, there were 60.8 million cases of swine flu, as well as 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated.

Obama’s acting director of health and human services declaredH1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009. That was when the United States had only 20 confirmed cases of H1N1 and no deaths.

Two days later, the administration made an initial funding requestfor H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.

On Oct. 24, 2009, six months after his administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency, Obama declared it a national emergency.

By then, H1N1 had claimed more than 1,000American lives, according to the CDC.

When Obama made his declaration, thousands of people were lining up in cities across the country to receive vaccinations, as federal officials acknowledged that their vaccination program had gotten off to a slow start, with some states having requested 10 times the amount they had been allotted, the New York Times reported at the time.

TOTAL # of deaths reached over 18,000 in the USA. NOT GOOD. Let's hope we do a better job this time.

Never forget, Doug

12/9/2020 12:23 PM
I know. I'm so happy PRESIDENT TRUMP has given us the vaccine that will save MILLIONS and MILLIONS!

Bidens first act as the guy that stole the election should be to declare a national holiday for TRUMP and the TRUMP VACCINE.
12/9/2020 12:31 PM
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/9/2020 12:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 3/13/2020 12:26:00 PM (view original):

From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, in the United States, there were 60.8 million cases of swine flu, as well as 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated.

Obama’s acting director of health and human services declaredH1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009. That was when the United States had only 20 confirmed cases of H1N1 and no deaths.

Two days later, the administration made an initial funding requestfor H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.

On Oct. 24, 2009, six months after his administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency, Obama declared it a national emergency.

By then, H1N1 had claimed more than 1,000American lives, according to the CDC.

When Obama made his declaration, thousands of people were lining up in cities across the country to receive vaccinations, as federal officials acknowledged that their vaccination program had gotten off to a slow start, with some states having requested 10 times the amount they had been allotted, the New York Times reported at the time.

TOTAL # of deaths reached over 18,000 in the USA. NOT GOOD. Let's hope we do a better job this time.

Never forget, Doug

Never forget.
12/9/2020 12:33 PM
I know. That's why we're all so thankful TRUMP is in charge during this 100 times deadlier virus.

If Biden were in charge we wouldn't be close to having a vaccine. BLESS YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP.
12/9/2020 12:38 PM
While Trump has handled the Virus pandemic poorly, he WAS instrumental in getting vaccines available so relatively quick.
Of course, sadly, some here will refuse to acknowledge even that, as they are so filled with hatred and denial.
The truth is the truth - just admit it.
12/9/2020 12:47 PM
Posted by all3 on 12/9/2020 12:47:00 PM (view original):
While Trump has handled the Virus pandemic poorly, he WAS instrumental in getting vaccines available so relatively quick.
Of course, sadly, some here will refuse to acknowledge even that, as they are so filled with hatred and denial.
The truth is the truth - just admit it.
The whole world went to work on it.
Don’t give him more credit then he deserves.
he did not order enough doses and did not develop distribution plans
so he still failed our country
and people around the world will get vaccines also many before us.
he doesn’t get a statue from me.
Obama and Biden would have done much better.

Give me a business of the people man.
12/9/2020 1:20 PM

Did he sneeze and **** his diaper again?
12/9/2020 2:06 PM
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Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

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