"I dont want to scout for weeks even if only for 30 mins a day."

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of quitting here, but the continued use of this hyperbole bugs me.

If you find yourself feeling compelled to scout, on average, anywhere close to 30 minutes per day, you are doing it waaaaay wrong. I scouted a total of about 30 minutes last season. The feature is that you can scout as much or as little as you'd like. There's certainly a diminishing returns effect on trying to pinpoint every worthwhile target. If you have the time and love doing it, by all means spend as much time scouting every day. But what you're really doing is just looking at more and more players you're not going to recruit; and I doubt we're going to see much competitive advantage for a guy or gal who spends hours and hours pouring over the recruit pool vs a coach who simply casts out a net, see what comes back, then uses the filtering tools to prioritize 4 or 5 different types of targets per opening.
9/2/2016 3:36 PM
at least for me, it is uncomfortable to approach scouting in a way that I know is a shortcut that will leave guys I could should look at undiscovered
9/2/2016 4:03 PM
Posted by possumfiend on 9/2/2016 1:49:00 PM (view original):
Mostly agreed with gil above. I guess my other point would be that if you have a beef with what he says then call him on it by asking him questions and genuinely debate the issue. That can be done without calling him names.

Spud says a lot of things, but not everything he says is off base. Interspersed in his musings are some valid points now and again. He's certainly entitled to make them.

It would just be nice if we could keep things civil.
i pretty much agree, but also want to give credit to folks the folks who tried. i didn't partake it too many of the discussions but i saw plenty of times people tried to debate an issue with spud on reasonable grounds, and he was unwilling to go along with it. at that point, there isn't much constructive you can do, you only have a range of ****** options available to you. overall, i get where you are coming from.
9/2/2016 4:10 PM
Posted by hughesjr on 9/2/2016 8:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dacj501 on 9/2/2016 6:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by favre3xmvp on 9/1/2016 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 9/1/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
I disagree, many of us long time players are being fair minded in our reasons for leaving. Most of us have made it clear there are multiple factors. Even some are adding to our good bye, "for now".
I am leaving in part because I don't enjoy the new recruiting system, and in equal part because of users like our buddy Spud here telling me what a ***** I am because of the reasons I don't like the new system, so frankly, **** both the new system and users like spud.

And it's not "for now" for me. You won't see my hairy *** here again after 10/7.
@dacj: I wish you would stay. I have enjoyed playing the game with you.

When I stopped playing a couple months ago, it had nothing to do with game play and everything to with personal attacks on the forums. But my issue seems to have been resolved.

We do need to try to be less attacking and more friendly on these forums.

People think because they 'paid' for something, it gives them the right to be jerks, attack people and call the most disgusting names. They think that is free speech, guaranteed in the constitution and all that.

But, 'Free Speech' has nothing to do with members speaking in private clubs (which is what this is) .. Free Speech forums do not allow bullying (fighting words) or obscenity, even if a private club for private members provided for free speech; which it does not.

I like what chapel and Benis are doing with the guide. I like the effort that some many others (like cubcub) are also putting in.

I know some people don't like the changes .. and if they don't like them then they should discuss them reasonably here and they should stop paying to play the game (if they dislike it that much). They should also be able to discuss that reasonably here as well.

But the name calling and personal attacks need to stop. And I hope you stay dacj.
+1, it is a shame we are loosing so many great players over this update. Oh, I also like the cub cub part.
9/2/2016 4:36 PM
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/2/2016 10:46:00 AM (view original):
Posted by mullycj on 9/1/2016 8:00:00 PM (view original):
"And, debater, it isn't just the game. 3.0 is just an excuse for loud, petty, self-indulgent departures, as well as the occasion for some people to leave who were contemplating it already, as they have posted. But there has always been a type of person who takes advantage of the anonymity the Internet gives him, and there always will be."

...and some wonder how Spudtard became the MOST hated poster in BETA. Being an ****** comes so naturally to him. Amazing how you continue to ridicule a group of coaches who are bother better than you AT the game and have contributed more than you ever will IN the game.
well, despite the dickish nature of his post, spud does have a point. when there are major changes in any game, it serves as an excuse for folks to leave. always has, and always will. it happened with major changes in HD, potential, and the new engine, and should only be expected again.

however valid, that doesn't mean the game is not in serious trouble, or that a lot of folks who are leaving, wouldn't have stayed under different circumstances. only time will tell how the game will hold up to this release. my concern is that we are in the range where human loss really matters. 200 coaches to 150, its barely noticeable. i mean, it is surely noticeable, in terms of how good the coaches making the NT are, in terms of how dominant single conferences can be, and when you look around at all the empty conferences, you can obviously tell. but the overall experience, its fairly similar. coaches who want to play humans join full conferences, and play human-dominated post season tournaments. coaches who don't, they find empty conferences a bit easier, but that is probably a boon for them, not a negative. somewhere in the 100 range, it starts to break down, more and more sims find their way into the post season. maybe even 70 humans is enough to maintain the illusion, but i have to believe that competitive folks cannot hold the same respect for this game, if the NT starts featuring two dozen sims. we already have divisions below 70, and the fewer people you have, the more the loss of a single person hurts. is the game a complete joke by 50? 40? i don't know, but we aren't that far off in some cases, so a big hit to the # of coaches is a good, valid reason to be concerned. i don't think spud's point changes that reality.
Gillespie,I suspect you were probably involved in the last play testing that Seble conducted. The loud mouths were the ones who supported the changes Seble wanted and which now includes some of the great guys coming back to the game. LMAO! Veteran coaches tried telling Seble that his changes were going to upset a lot of people. I can't say what % of guys bailed on the game after he implemented that mess, but we know it is high and the attrition has continued. The other day I took a look at D-III in Rupp, and there was some mention of there being 312 openings at that level. There are around 384 teams in D-III which leaves a lot of SIMS. Phelan looked to be emptied out, and at some point, it seemed like the turbo worlds were full.

Once again I see that the guys defending this mess Seble is bringing to us are ones who have losing records in HD, or have not been in the game long enough to open their mouths let as well be critical of a veteran manager panning the changes. There were a lot of things Seble could have done to the existing system to improve how it worked, but no, we will still have the previous mess and lack of attention to the now being replaced version incorporated in a system that is being considered 'beta' for several seasons.

No, the "sky is not falling", (which is a ridiculous criticism in the first place), but if WIS were paying attention, they would realize these changes have the potential to upset a lot of guys. Of the teams that had coaches in Rupp, I would be willing to bet many of them have, or had multiple teams in HD. I have seen a number of posts suggesting that coaches are going to be dropping teams. Should they not bail on the game entirely, HD/WIS still loses. What seems to be missing here is that guys have spent a lot of time and resources in the hobby and they do have valid concerns about the health of the game.

The fact this is a hobby and not a huge part of life for anyone to be critical of a guy mentioning that is insensitive to the reality of the situation. It is a hobby, should be one that is fun, but if one has to spend a huge investment of time to keep up, that makes the whole thing a bad idea. HD has always seemed like an easy game to play with subtle complexity. How is a new guy coming into the game going to feel about it now. :)

If they were going to advertise for this product and aggressively recruit new people, it should have been done a long time ago.
9/2/2016 5:27 PM (edited)
Hello I join in Aug 7. How long until I can see my team and look at who to pick for next season
9/2/2016 9:38 PM
Posted by gillispie1 on 9/2/2016 1:36:00 PM (view original):
i mean, i generally get where you are coming from possum, but the guy clearly has something coming. it may not be the best word choice, but its not like mully is disparaging of the mentally handicapped in general. i don't think he means to imply that spuds behavior is that of someone who is actually retarded, that would be insulting, yes, but i don't think he means that. its just a less than ideal name for a less than ideal individual. seems like you are trying to walk the line - saying, if he called him spud the *******, or whatever, that would be A-ok, but if you cross the PC line, its not? or maybe i misunderstand. if its the principle in general, not crossing the PC line, then make it about the principle in general.
Spudhole seems pretty awesome...
9/2/2016 10:37 PM
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Scouting at d2and d3 is discouraging... Doing it in Rupp now and It's really too complicated. I think I am going to drop more teams and only play d1.
9/2/2016 10:43 PM
tell a new guy entering Allen D3 tomorrow why it is discouraging
9/2/2016 10:59 PM
Posted by possumfiend on 9/2/2016 11:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by mullycj on 9/2/2016 11:13:00 AM (view original):
The forum was already a better place before you showed up Spudtard. Try taking 6 months off while you create a 3rd ID and lets see if it gets better.
Hey mully - I don't really care if you disagree with spud or his point of view - there are many people who do, but who do so rationally and with constructive criticism and intent.

So why do you persist in personally attacking the guy with the use of such insulting, bullying and bigoted name calling? The name by which you refer to him is deeply troubling. It's not funny, it's not cute, but it is offensive and speaks more to your character (or lack thereof) than it will ever speak about spud.
Possum, thank you for your post. It is good to see a post of a mature and sensible nature, a post seemingly out of character in these forums. Really, though, don't let the hate he continually spews bother you. To be so full of hate is his problem, not yours or even mine. He needs an outlet so it doesn't build up; he needs a boogeyman, and if it weren't me it would be someone else. No problem, it really is just background noise once you realize what a dark place he is coming from. For anyone with a handicapped family member or a handicapped friend, of course the name-calling is troubling and indefensible (though it was interesting to see a couple of guys try to defend it). For anyone with a heart it is also offensive. I pointed out some time ago that a normally developing child gets over that name-calling stage at about age 9 or 10, so if you are going to feel sorry for anyone maybe that would be the place for your sympathies.

As for my comments about the game, they pretty much get ignored once someone reads the name of the poster and launches yet another immature ad hominem attack. Rarely have the points I made about the game been disputed, and I did change my mind on a couple of things as a result of some of the constructive points that others raised. It isn't impossible to have constructive dialogue here, you just need to ignore the haters. So as the forums go forward, just dismiss the outpouring of hate from a handful of individuals as background noise and continue to focus on the game itself. That'll work.

Thanks again for your comments.
9/3/2016 12:52 AM
I think the idea at D2 and even D3 is to take at least a few chances and see if you can land some D1 players. It has been possible to do in Beta. But I don't think I would go strictly after D1 players because if you miss on all of them you will put yourself in a bind. It's hard to predict how effective this strategy will be until we actually have a real world recruiting. I was able to get ranked players with my D3 team, but I am not sure if this will be possible in the "real" worlds.
9/3/2016 12:52 AM
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Posted by zorzii on 9/2/2016 10:43:00 PM (view original):
Scouting at d2and d3 is discouraging... Doing it in Rupp now and It's really too complicated. I think I am going to drop more teams and only play d1.
It is probably a bit tougher at the lower levels but you can do it. You need to be more intentional and focus only on what you really need. You can do tons of states at all 3 divisions. You also can't really send out too many asst scouting trips.
9/3/2016 7:52 AM
It's not that Benis, it's more what will I miss. Will I land what I need. I can't pulldown anymore so am I setting myself up
for a mess in the second part of recruiting since d1 players won't sign in the first period. It's tougher in d3 than d2, how will we retain newbues.
9/3/2016 9:02 AM
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