This is ugly stuff...
3/7/2017 5:53 PM
Trump was wrong to tweet that Obama was to blame for 122 detainees at Gitmo released to return to the battlefield. Only 9 were released by Obama. Bush 43 released 113. Spicer tried to cover for his boss. Dammit, just admit you f'd up, Donald...

I hate spin. Is my I detest Robbie Mook. Constantly talks out both sides of his mouth.
3/7/2017 7:36 PM (edited)
Don't be so hard on Trump, Doc. We all occasionally slip up and say something that's not true.
3/8/2017 5:16 AM
He won't win over some people without being factual. Some don't mind his misspeaks, others do.

And Spicer should grow a pair...
3/8/2017 6:55 AM
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Innocent until proven guilty. Congress has no evidence that Trump conspired with Russia...

question...would you prefer Trump to be innocent, or guilty?
3/8/2017 4:16 PM
Innocent. I also would prefer world peace and an end to greed.
3/8/2017 4:20 PM
Agreed. And also that Obama had no hand in these leaks. That is police state stuff...
3/8/2017 4:22 PM
Agreed on that as well I think. Although I'm a tad behind maybe. Obama was twumped to have tapped the tower. According to the POTUS "Tweeter account" (I can't really believe I just stated THAT as a source).
I never heard any mention of Obama being linked to the "leaks". At least IF you're referring to the Wiki--leaks stuff. From what little I know IF those "leaks" are credible and "real" (all indications so far are that that is so) those "leaks" are incredibly damaging to the U.S. interests and abilities, PLUS it's real scary to comprehend IF our OWN agency is spying on US citizens----as the law supposedly forbids that without a warrant!!! Of course some believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Me........ I prefer Billy Bob's version. Easier to believe in.
3/8/2017 4:38 PM
Truth be told, there are many Obama holdovers in the Intel community. Wouldn't they just love to roast Trump? And it WAS Obama's IRS folks that targeted conservative groups. No proof yet, but I betcha they will find who has been leaking this stuff. I am no fan of Assange, but perhaps some good comes out of flushing some rats from the ship, regardless of whose drum they march to...
3/8/2017 4:51 PM (edited)
Regardless of how you vote, I think we are better off if the Intel community is impartial.
3/8/2017 4:54 PM
i absolutely want trump to be guilty because he is a despicable person...steps on people...cheats people..trump u.....lies ..birther...insults people who have been true public servants.. comment about obama..calls him sick.....yeah ihope he is guilty and im sure he is..
3/8/2017 5:51 PM
Do you think that is a healthy attitude for Americans to have, regarding this country and its institutions? Not better for our elected officials to be innocent of high crimes and misdemeanors? Better if guilty because you don't like him? Is party affiliation more important than country?
3/8/2017 6:28 PM
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"Is party affiliation more important than country?"

Doc. This statement of yours (above). The answer is to some (many?) the answer is a resounding YES!

Mitch McConnell comes to mind as an example when he openly declared he wanted Obama to fail at governing. The Republican party seems to have (over the last couple of decades) pretty much institutionalized that as their motto. With a few, more and more rare, exceptions!

Problem is for many former moderates (some Republicans) Dino pretty much got it correct when he ran down the litany of major societal issues that the Republican Party has been wrong on. It's almost 100% wrong. Hard to be wrong that consistently.

One glaring exception. Reagan's foreign policy. He (again, with a couple glaring exceptions) pretty much nailed it!
I get why folks wanted someone new............ a saviour. We all do. But to think Trump was it??? Man, that was laughable........ until.

As George Carlin said, never underestimate the power of dumb folks looking for a saviour. Well, he didn't say quite that, but close...........

Dear Abby the Trump Voter,

The intellectually shallow look for easy answers all the time. With BIG problems, easy answers rarely exist. It was very apparent to many of us what the intellectual level of Trump is. For that matter so was some other things easily apparent. Decency, character, depth and honesty come to mind.
I don't know how folks take anything he says seriously. He has a very long standing history of disregard for accuracy and truth.
He quite frankly just makes **** up as he goes. Spouts meaningless (and usually WRONG) statistics to back up some of the most outlandish claims ever uttered by someone actually seeking a serious leadership position.

BUT, that was all ignored by millions of poor saps looking for a golden haired saviour. Preferrably a white skinned one! (winky here)
I'm not angry or bitter. I'm just out of it! Out of faith in my government and out of belief in my Country anymore. We've lost our way. The republic is listing badly to one side and the scared dummies running the ship of state just want to throw overboard anyone actually willing to man the oars!! Please Help!


Still looking for that cave.

3/8/2017 7:03 PM
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