2016 Presidential Race Topic

Posted by moy23 on 9/24/2015 7:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/24/2015 12:34:00 AM (view original):
Raising taxes and cutting spending would shrink the economy. It's bad policy.

The deficit is already shrinking, almost entirely because the economy is growing. Current policy puts the deficit at zero in the next few years.
And what happens when the economy stops growing and debt continues to rise?

I didn't say pay off the entire debt but there is a healthy debt # and its not $18 trillion and rising. Pay down the debt now while times are good and revenues are at all time highs. Reform govt spending programs now while things are good and don't wait for the next shoe to drop. The economy will shrink again, by how much no one knows. Better to be prepared than to pretend the economy will always be growing. I've seen this model before where valuations on tech stocks were linear and expected to continually rise.... Remember the .com boom?

But hey - that's my non-expert opinion.
Going back to this...what makes you think the debt now is unhealthy? 

You say you're in finance, would you consider it a crisis if someone had an income of $100,000 a year and also a mortgage of $100,000?

The reality is that we pay a very manageable amount of money every year servicing the debt, interest rates are low, and a large part of our economic security is tied to not purposefully shrinking the economy.

You ask what happens if the economy stops growing? We'd be in trouble. So we shouldn't purposefully tank the economy to try to pay back debt we owe (mostly) to ourselves. I say try because your plan would slow tax revenue, increase unemployment, and cause more people to need more government aid. We'd have to increase the deficit to deal with that and suddenly it's 2008 again.

A better plan is to continue on the path we are on. The economy is growing and the deficit is shrinking. As long as we don't do something stupid (drastically cut spending and increase taxes, elect Trump, change to a flat tax, etc) we'll be fine.

Total debt really doesn't matter. Deficits are what need to be carefully managed. You can run them when you need to, but you don't always need to.
9/24/2015 12:21 PM
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Posted by moy23 on 9/24/2015 12:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 9/24/2015 12:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/24/2015 11:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 9/24/2015 10:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 9/24/2015 10:18:00 AM (view original):
Too bad that he's going to withdraw.
Wishful thinking.
No, he'll get out once his support starts to give way. Or if he starts to run out of money. He may be worth $3 or $4 billion dollars, but most of that isn't liquid. He doesn't have a rich donor base and it's going to cost $1 billion to win the general election.

I doubt he wants to risk most or all of his cash on the presidency. He's already famous. He's already rich. He has everything to lose and not much to gain.
I'll disagree somewhat on "not much to gain".

Trump's an egomaniac.  Having the spotlight of the presidency shining on him for 4 years is appealing to him.  If he walks away from his candidacy, he once again becomes irrelevant.  He doesn't even have "The Apprentice" to go back to.  He'll just be the super-rich jackass that nobody's paying attention to for the next four years.
Agree. I also think he's not spending that much money, at least as much as one would think. Most of his marketing so far has been media publicity which is free, and online social media campaigns which doesn't cost much relative to other outlets.
****.  I hate when BL agrees with me because it usually means I'm wrong.    But, in this case, he really has little to gain.   As I said, a failed Presidentail run or Presidency is not something he wants.   Because he's an egomaniac.     He'll be much happier being on FOX every Thursday telling us how he'd have done a much better job than the President.    He won't become irrelevant because FOX would love to have him on every day telling us how he'd be doing a much better job.

As for "The Apprentice", do you not think some network won't step all over themselves to get Trump signed up for something?

Or, even as a last resort, he can pick a fight with Rosie O'Donnell again.

What won't happen is Trump fading from the spotlight.   He'll probably get more TV time by not being President than he would as one.

9/24/2015 1:11 PM
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Cutting spending and raising taxes will cause the economy to shrink and put us back into a recession.

You're saying, "bad things could happen in the future so let's go ahead and purposely do bad things now."
9/24/2015 2:09 PM

Lemme guess.   After this "I'm not going to debate this with you in the presidential thread" and this "Glad you have your opinion. I have mine. We disagree. Go figure. Nuff said". BL is still on the same subject.

That's one thick skulled son of a *****. 

9/24/2015 2:17 PM
And predictable as the sun rising in the east.
9/24/2015 2:18 PM
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9/24/2015 3:24 PM

9/24/2015 3:28 PM
Posted by moy23 on 9/24/2015 3:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 9/24/2015 2:17:00 PM (view original):

Lemme guess.   After this "I'm not going to debate this with you in the presidential thread" and this "Glad you have your opinion. I have mine. We disagree. Go figure. Nuff said". BL is still on the same subject.

That's one thick skulled son of a *****. 

You got to make your last point. I made mine. If you don't want to continue, that's fine.
9/24/2015 3:37 PM
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Over again? You replied saying, "I'm not going to debate this with you," and then wrote two paragraphs arguing against my point. So I responded with two lines.

Wait...am I talking to moy's wife instead of moy? That would explain the dumbassery. Go ask moy how things work. I'm sure he'll be happy to explain it to you.
9/24/2015 4:13 PM
Posted by moy23 on 9/24/2015 4:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 9/24/2015 4:13:00 PM (view original):
Over again? You replied saying, "I'm not going to debate this with you," and then wrote two paragraphs arguing against my point. So I responded with two lines.

Wait...am I talking to moy's wife instead of moy? That would explain the dumbassery. Go ask moy how things work. I'm sure he'll be happy to explain it to you.

What's BH?
9/24/2015 4:20 PM
Posted by moy23 on 9/23/2015 10:16:00 PM (view original):
I will say this ... Realistically the next President should raise taxes..... And make MAJOR spending cuts. It's the best way to get the country out of the hole our politicians are digging ourselves into. Once we begin paying down the $18 trillion national debt we can start to lower taxes again and increase spending where its wise to do so.
Hey look, it's moy, starting us on this topic.
9/24/2015 4:21 PM
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2016 Presidential Race Topic

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