Minimum Wage Topic

Posted by greeny9 on 6/23/2014 6:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/23/2014 6:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/23/2014 5:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/23/2014 5:44:00 PM (view original):
Setting policy that creates jobs and expands the tax base and reduces the tax burden across the board is good for every class.
Explain "expands the tax base."
I would be more than happy to.  

If a person gets a newly created job and collects monies created in the private sector, he takes little or no money from the government. (Taxpayer)

The same worker now expands the tax base two fold.  He requires less taxpayer money to support him and he contributes into the collected tax monies.  He relieves the tax burden.  This is what a growing economy does. More people working equals more tax money collected by the government (Taxpayer) and the less money required by the government (Taxpayer) to support the government (Taxpayer) .  

It's really quite simple.

Yah, I for one dont understand how creating a sales tax that replaces income tax is going to create jobs.  I would say if anything its going to be a net loser of jobs because when the bottom 1/2 of the tax payer base is suddenly paying more taxes to the government they have no choice but to spend less money on stuff.  What happens when people spend less money?  the economy suffers and some people will lose their jobs.  Can you explain Douggie how I am wrong in this analyses?
No I cannot.  That's like putting a bandage on a severed leg. 

Switching tax  burden around is like swapping spit from a guy with TB to a girl with herpes.  You may think you're doing something but nobody wins.

Nobody got better.  Still sick.  

What you need is a cure. 

Switching taxation from the middle class to all classes is a temporary cure for the middles and no big deal to the top but puts unneeded pressure on the poor. 

What you need to do is kill the cancer.

6/23/2014 7:08 PM
6/23/2014 7:13 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/23/2014 6:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/23/2014 6:52:00 PM (view original):
AHH!  I'm glad you asked.  

To create a job you need money.  Wealth.  Investment dollars.  It's a gamble.  It's the Yankee in us.

In order for your business to thrive you must have a good idea and product supported by motivated workers who are willing to commit in order to advance.

This advancement comes in all shapes and colors. Every good and free individual is allowed to carve out their piece of the pie.

Some want to break away and start their own company.  Others take their investment and gamble in another direction.  Some choose to stay put and move up the ladder as the expansion continues. All boats rise.

More people working equals less people looking for work.

And there is the rub.  

The question to me should not be how does a job get created.  Your question should be how does a job not get created.

Thanks for the speech. But, uh, you didn't really answer the question.

You said before: create jobs, expand the base, etc.

What drives job creation?
I'm trying to bring you along slowly.  

Let's cut to the chase.


And now this will start an old argument all over again but it's true.

The government is just to big and damned intrusive.  It has a role but it's rolling all over us.  Big Gov needs Hillary to show IT the reset button, not Putin.

You can't start a business today with all the government regulation.  Big Gov needs to pull the rod out of their *** and leave us alone.

The bureaucracy and little tables set up in little rooms across the country in new buildings paid for by the Taxpayer with unelected bureaucrats making new law under cover of some subsection in some bill passed by some now long forgotten senator  and never up for a vote or input by the people who pay the taxes and are the Government. It's crazy time out of control.  Baseline budget is law and insists we grow beyond the percentage of GDP while ignoring inflation and interest rates. That's just beyond stupid.  

It's not WHAT drives job creation.  It's WHO drives job creation.  It's not the government.  It's YOU. You are the people. You are the Taxpayer. You are the government except you no longer have a voice.  Some pencil pusher in a cubicle with a pension is sucking the life out of you.

The government is growing and you are dying.  And they can't take care of you.  That's your job.
6/23/2014 7:38 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/23/2014 7:06:00 PM (view original):
To create a business you (usually) need investment. In order to get that investment you have to show that there is or will be demand. Increasing taxes on the middle class reduces demand.
6/23/2014 7:50 PM
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Dougy should go live in Somalia.  He'd love the small, uninvolved government.  Everybody is free to do whatever they want, no government intervention whatsoever.  Beautiful.
6/23/2014 7:53 PM
Posted by dahsdebater on 6/23/2014 7:53:00 PM (view original):
Dougy should go live in Somalia.  He'd love the small, uninvolved government.  Everybody is free to do whatever they want, no government intervention whatsoever.  Beautiful.
Somalia has a government. It does what it wants to whomever it wants. Everybody is free to die unless you do what they want. 


We'ed love to hear your ideas though.

We wonder if you are as good at solutions as you are calling out.

We're waiting.

6/23/2014 8:14 PM (edited)
It's quite apparent that any proposed solution that doesn't screw the wealthiest people in this country is not viable in BL's world.  Basically, because he says so.

It's INCONCEIVABLE to him that sharing the tax burden could POSSIBLY work.

In BL's world, it's quite acceptable that:

"In 2010, the top 1 percent of tax returns included 18.87 percent of all adjusted gross income and 37.38 percent of all federal individual income taxes paid. The top 5 percent earned 33.78 percent of income and paid 59.07 percent of taxes, and the top 10 percent earned 45.17 percent of income and paid 70.62 percent of taxes."
6/23/2014 8:42 PM
It's not only acceptable, it'd be better if it was tilted even more.
6/23/2014 9:21 PM
**** THE RICH *************!!!  HELLS YEAH!!!!
6/23/2014 9:25 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 6/23/2014 9:21:00 PM (view original):
It's not only acceptable, it'd be better if it was tilted even more.
So tell us BL.  How do you create a job?
6/23/2014 9:28 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/23/2014 9:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/23/2014 9:21:00 PM (view original):
It's not only acceptable, it'd be better if it was tilted even more.
So tell us BL.  How do you create a job?
By increasing demand.
6/23/2014 9:30 PM
Demands for jobs?
6/23/2014 9:50 PM
6/23/2014 9:53 PM
Well….how does it work?
6/23/2014 9:55 PM
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