Open dialogue with Tigerpark (cont) Topic

The other thread was getting long and I didn't want you to miss this. You said keep the question coming. Since you danced around the questions the first time, some of these are repeats. I have pointed out what the question is so that you know what to address.

1) Revisit question number 1. The two of you were called out and accused of collusion because you took turns picking off esf0242's recruits and you did not think it was anyone's business that you were father and son? Also if your son is 21 now and this took place 14 months ago, he would be 20 or 19. Pretty much a full grown adult. This is the good old USA where the age of majority is 18 (unless you are refering to drinking).

2) You did not answer question 2 at all. The question is: "If you are not using akite to scout for you, why are the two accounts staying so close geographically (again this happened 9 times)?"

Z32fanatic is a well known and respected coach, please do not try to attach your name to his. To humor you have included z32's rise in wilkinson. Notice the mileage differences.

D3 – tigerpark- S. Sewanee in Sewanee, TN, akite is 164 miles away at Maryville, z32 is 651 miles away at Carnege Melon
Seasons 125 – 128
D2 – tigerpark – Truman State in Kirksville, MO, akite is 77 miles away at Quincy, z32 is 524 miles away at Henderson State
Season 129
D1AA – tigerpark – Penn in Philadelphia, PA, akite is 56 miles away at Delaware, z32 is 726 miles away at Tennessee Tech

3) Again you avoided the question. The question is "If you are not directing your son/son's account, why is he targeting your chief rivals at the expense of his own team?"

To help clarify thing for you:
I never said chief recruiting rivals. Chief rivals for the Big Ten championship. From season 112-114, Notre Dame went 27-0 in the Big Ten and beat you in the conference championship game 3 straight times. They also went to back to back NC games winning 1. Season 114 and 115, akite goes out of his way to disrupt his recruiting. From season 123-126, Penn State went 34-1 in the Big Ten and beat you in the conference championship game 3 times. We also went to 3 NC games winning 1. And I beat you the first 6 times we played before season 127. Starting season 127, akite started to target my RBs while signing garbage to the rest of his class.

Please see my examples from below for why I say I was targeted by him. Please look at season 129 and tell me you can not see anything wrong. (all are from my original post)

Season 127. I am in the middle of 2 battles with the Rutgers coach (caesari). I have been around a long time and thought I had a decent shot. To save money for the battles, I locked onto a high rated, low potential RB named Steven Miles from Virginia Beach, VA. 414 miles to PSU, 1050 from Wisconsin. On the last day of signings, Wisconsin jumped on him. The rest of Wisconsin’s class was garbage, no one rated above 60 in guess except for a QB. He must have saved up a bunch of money because I spent over 67K on Miles and he beat me for him. From Wisconsin. It would have had to cost him over 90K. There were much better options available closer to him. It also caused me to lose my battles with Rutgers. A setback, but nothing earth shattering, I could rebuild the OL next season and my RBs were deep and talented.

Season 128. Akite moves to Pitt, but has no bowl money. I decide to keep an eye on him, but don’t worry too much. I am in the middle of all out recruiting war with huskerfan26 at Temple. 7 battles. I still need a RB, but with so many battles I can’t afford to go after a really good one. I settle on a potential fullback named John Hines out of Downington, PA. 163 miles to PSU, 277 miles to Pitt. Pitt is busy recruiting garbage. Guess ranked 75 class. On the last day before signings, who pops up on John Hines? Pitt. A garbage RB … just depth for me. Here comes akite again. I had a feeling he would be coming for him. I did not even fight for him. (I also lost a battle with Syracuse for a LB) I focused everything I had left on the battles with Temple. I was able to pull them out, but now I am really short at the RB position. On the coaches chat, akite teased huskerfan about losing 7 battles to the same coach. I sent huskerfan (a coach I have a great deal of respect for) a site mail telling him to avoid conflict with akite if possible so that he doesn’t become a target.

Season 129. Now I am really watching akite. I know he is going to jump on my RB recruit. I avoid battles even though I really want to go after OL McRae who is only 114 miles away. I save my money and wait. I turn Jason Haynes 18 ranked RB green the first day. Later I flip Aaron Plummer 21 ranked RB green when he is only pursued by sims. I also turn Capps 68 RB green as a fall back. On purpose I chose RBs which are good, but not great. That way there are better options for akite to pursue. That way akite can’t use the excuse that he only wanted the best possible RB and sacrificed the rest of his class for him. Day 1 goes by, Pitt shows up on no recruits. Day 2, Pitt starts to show up on D1AA recruits. I know he is saving his money to hit me. Here is the list of his recruits:
DB Harper, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
DB Aldrich, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
DL White, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
LB Schwartz, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
LB Walker, ranked 107
OL Mills, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
OL Jones, unranked only shows up on D1AA searches
WR Dawson, ranked 113
QB Cody, ranked 192
Final night before signings, he shows up on Haynes. Last cycle before signings, he shows up on Plummer. I sent in a ticket about targeting other coaches as soon as I saw him on Haynes. It is now 2 days after signings started and I appear to be ahead on both RBs. But it has cost me 120K of my recruiting budget.

4) You did not address this question either. The question is "Why did akite move from Wisconsin to Pittsburgh?"

IF you don't know, then lets hear from akite. While avoiding my second question, you mentioned that you discussed world changes with him so maybe you talked about this move also. I moved from LSU to PSU because I am a PSU alum. As to my recruiting skills, Guess ranked 1 in season 124, 2 in season 125 and 2 in season 126. Wonder why I was a target for your "son" in season 127?

5) Please look at Season 129 above. Please try to explain the thinking. Focus on the fact that he had at least 140K saved up and he chose to go after both of my very mediocre RBs. I picked them because they don't stand out and there were much better options to spend that kind of cash on. The only thing that made them stand out was that they were considering PSU.

6) Any chance of hearing from your son on any of this?

2/12/2017 12:19 AM
i think it's both awesome and hilarious you caught dude cheating. especially love the part where he gives himself a shout out in the forums about how great his recruiting class is, lol. but what's with the open dialogue about it?
2/12/2017 12:36 AM
Why isn't Trump asking to see Tigerparks sons birth certificate?
2/12/2017 12:36 AM
Geesh, Tigerpark. It's not like you committed a crime here. You cheated at a football simulation game. You can't dance around it, or wisecrack your way through it. You've been caught - the evidence is clear for everyone to see.

Just come clean. Admit that you cheated, why you did it, apologize to those coaches you targeted and everyone can move on.

If not, I can tell you this isn't going way.
2/12/2017 9:32 AM
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Thank you for the reply. Because akite is willing to repeatedly purchase seasons with no reward points, we see nothing wrong with the behavior here.

Their accounts have been noted and we will be monitoring them in the future.

Thank you.

2/13/2017 5:28 PM
"There is no concrete evidence that tigerpark135 and akite30 were working together to recruit."

So, apparently he didn't site mail himself the plan...
2/13/2017 6:37 PM
Posted by treyomo on 2/13/2017 5:28:00 PM (view original):

Thank you for the reply. Because akite is willing to repeatedly purchase seasons with no reward points, we see nothing wrong with the behavior here.

Their accounts have been noted and we will be monitoring them in the future.

Thank you.

if wasnt so ticked i would LMAO, but your spot on
2/13/2017 7:15 PM
Posted by treyomo on 2/13/2017 5:28:00 PM (view original):

Thank you for the reply. Because akite is willing to repeatedly purchase seasons with no reward points, we see nothing wrong with the behavior here.

Their accounts have been noted and we will be monitoring them in the future.

Thank you.

Post of the Week....
2/13/2017 9:34 PM
full disclosure; i came into Leahy ND in season 98, my first elite with 7 active worlds between esf0242 & jmcgarry, i was approached by tigerpark in site mails about "friendly" recruiting practice among elites. he explained we should agree beforehand upon which 5 & 4 stars in our common 180 we would "claim" in order to save money vs. OSU, PSU & Tenn who were also need to butt heads w/ each other with these other guys right there too right? plus he had an agreement w/ them already so i didnt want to be the guy to upset the order of things. he had been at UM for 3 seasons already & i fell for it. after 2 seasons of site mailing back n forth a list of guys we would divvy up I asked the coaches in our ...conference if indeed this was the case. the two owners i approached both were aghast at my suggestion. I knew i was a sucker at that point. i backed out of the agreement. i started winning big(ger) at that point & heres where BK's timeline of akites moving up begins to progress. i was wrong, i admit it. and i have kept this 2-3 season agreement silent for not wanting to incriminate myself, well that is no longer paramount here. I know in my heart the other account does not involve anyone but TP himself. I am leaving WIS & keeping thta initial relationship private no longer matters. i apologize to all. its for real the only world/time anything like that has occurred in my 377 seasons of GD. my belief is TP thought id never bring it up & is always taunting me in responses for that reason, b/c he knows i had a moment of guilt as well. well...there it is. what does this mean here that there is established collusion, i being the person involved. i am sorry i am leaving and my rep will take a hit, but i wanted to come clean.
2/13/2017 10:11 PM (edited)
if WIS has the ability to go back in time on sitemails between us they can verify what i say is true & if i am not mistaken one of those owners i approached about the supposed agreement is still here in the big 10. i wonder if they recall my sitemail, he even followed me on twitter since we were such "friends" which i am sure is why the "not my president" quip earlier on was put out there
2/13/2017 9:59 PM
Wow. What a great time for me to look at the GD forums for the first time in a long time. I quit playing GD about 2 years ago--could be a little less--can't remember the exact time and don't care to look it up. I quit GD because of the blatant collusion of tigerpark and the refusal of the clowns who run GD to do anything about it.

It started with me when I took over Central Michigan and he sent me a nasty condescending sitemail telling me not to put any money into any recruit he was going after. I played along and told him my main goal was to take over Michigan St. as I have been a lifelong Michigan St. fan. In a few seasons I qualified for Michigan St and immediately got a sitemail from tigerpark (who was at Michigan) telling me not to battle his Michigan team and Notre Dame and Ohio St as they had agreements on the top recruits in the area as to who would take who and they would not battle each other (which they never did in the 2 or 3 seasons I was at Michigan St) His reasoning to me was that is was unfair that Penn St had the easiest recruiting area in the Big 10 so they had to collude together to make it "fair". I was told I could take the left over recruits.

After a couple of seasons and watching the evidence--no battles between the 3 teams--and during one season a top 5 recruit 20 miles from one of the other 2 teams let Michigan come in and take that player and meanwhile a top 5 (by position) player 20 miles from Ann Arbor was scooped by one of the other 2 teams with no battle from Michigan. A 4th grader in today's pathetic school system with Common Core math could figure out they were cheating.

I sent the info to customer service at GD along with a copied and pasted sitemail from tigerpark to me admitting he was colluding with the other teams and the Penn St reason for it. Amazingly to me, GD customer service came back and told me there was not enough evidence to prove collusion!!!!! A copied and pasted admittance of a sitemail admitting guilt, that I am fairly sure customer service has access to, was not enough for them.

I stopped playing GD because of this. I was more ****** at GD customer service than the cheating tigerpark.

This is now collaborated by esf0242 above.

tigerpark should be banned for life and they should never take his money on a credit card from another user name. .
2/13/2017 10:27 PM
How can anyone feel good about anything they accomplish with their teams, knowing they cheated to get there?

And I doubt any coach at Michigan across any world gives a rat about what Central Michigan is up to, lol.
2/13/2017 10:41 PM
The only thing I want to add is that with the Notre Dame coach admitting to colluding we have 2 we know about. tigerpark told me the Ohio St coach was in on it--but, as we have seen tigerpark is a serial liar--so I have no evidence that the Ohio St. coach was in on the collusion. Regarding Ohio St I only know about the suspicious never battling MIchigan or Notre Dame in the seasons I was at Michigan St. The Ohio St. coach could be innocent.
2/13/2017 10:41 PM
you might be able to infer the coach i sitemailed tooslim that let me know i was duped.
2/13/2017 10:43 PM
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Open dialogue with Tigerpark (cont) Topic

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