Cost Structure Proposal Topic

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People concerned with credits could effectively be forced from D3/D2 by removing credits at those levels.
7/31/2017 8:19 AM
generally agree with the proposals, though i think you could also consider a model where your seasons are free but you have to pay to unlock scouting, gameplanning, whatever semi-essential features you want, and/or remove ads, etc. get people in the door, if they like it, they will want more customization. a lot of popular apps work like this.

I'd get rid of credits altogether at D3 now that HD3 has blurred the line between the two divisions quite a bit. to me, D3 should be treated like the kiddie pool in this game and there should not be an incentive for experienced players to subsidize their other teams in D3, building super teams and running roughshod over potential new players.
7/31/2017 8:31 AM (edited)
"D3 should be treated like the kiddie pool in this game and there should not be an incentive for experienced players to subsidize their other teams in D3, building super teams and running roughshod over potential new players."

This was my thinking as well. It would encourage long time users to move up and make room for new folks to learn the game. A lot of coaches would still stick around D3 for various reasons (I can't see mfmyers ever coaching anywhere except Dickinson for example) but I think it would open it up.

I wouldn't want to get rid of credits 100% at D3 for 2 reasons
1) It still is a cool incentive and something to shoot for with the new folks
2) People would probably lose their sh!t. Reducing is probably an easier and more agreeable compromise.
7/31/2017 8:41 AM
Regarding #1 (and #3): I don't think the cost of HD is the problem. People who want to play games like this will pay to play games like this. The current price is not unreasonable. The real issue is marketing. How many people really know about the game? That's the biggest growth opportunity . . . not lowering the price for those who are already here.

I don't necessarily have a problem with removing credits from D2/D3. There should be incentive to get to D1. But you also don't want to turn D2/D3 into wastelands that new users have to venture through to earn their way to D1 (and probably, crappy D1 schools in crappy conferences), because that's going to be a bad experience as well. And then, if/when D1 in a particular world becomes full, people get stuck at D2 with nowhere to go. Another reason to leave the game.
7/31/2017 8:45 AM
Posted by bathtubhippo on 7/31/2017 8:31:00 AM (view original):
generally agree with the proposals, though i think you could also consider a model where your seasons are free but you have to pay to unlock scouting, gameplanning, whatever semi-essential features you want, and/or remove ads, etc. get people in the door, if they like it, they will want more customization. a lot of popular apps work like this.

I'd get rid of credits altogether at D3 now that HD3 has blurred the line between the two divisions quite a bit. to me, D3 should be treated like the kiddie pool in this game and there should not be an incentive for experienced players to subsidize their other teams in D3, building super teams and running roughshod over potential new players.
"there should not be an incentive for experienced players to subsidize their other teams in D3"

An easy solution to that would be: credits earned in D2/D3 can ONLY be used in that world. Credits earned in D1 can be used anywhere.
7/31/2017 8:47 AM
Another thing I'll add-

I think it is beyond stupid for WIS to give reward points that can be used for amazon gift cards. They're just giving away money.
7/31/2017 8:50 AM
Mega Pack with twenty seasons? Grab everything while you can!
7/31/2017 9:11 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/31/2017 8:19:00 AM (view original):
People concerned with credits could effectively be forced from D3/D2 by removing credits at those levels.
Thinking about, if you're effectively cutting the price in half(actually more), I'd definitely remove credits from D2/D3. $5 for 7 weeks(or 4 weeks if you take downtime out of the equation)? That's nothing.
7/31/2017 9:19 AM
You know this is all just mental masturbation
7/31/2017 10:10 AM
What you are missing is many people don't play because of the cost, they quit because the enjoyment from the game is not worth the time they put into it. I know of people with free credits quitting Because they just don't want to spend any time on this anymore. Until you improve the game that's not going to change.
7/31/2017 10:14 AM
The game is what it is. Expecting a change is also mental masturbation.

Plenty have said "I'm out when I run out of credits." Which makes no sense to me. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm not eating free turd sandwiches because they're free.
7/31/2017 10:38 AM
Posted by mullycj on 7/31/2017 10:14:00 AM (view original):
What you are missing is many people don't play because of the cost, they quit because the enjoyment from the game is not worth the time they put into it. I know of people with free credits quitting Because they just don't want to spend any time on this anymore. Until you improve the game that's not going to change.
Sure, a lot of people have quit. But you're still here. I'm still here. So there are some people who still want to keep playing.

Here is my thought- if you can attract more people to the game and get them to stick around for more than 1 season you can increase revenue. With increased revenue comes additional support.

I think this is the thing that is most important to understand. As long as populations continue to decrease, WIS is going to do NOTHING. Not even fix the champs page. But, if you start increasing populations the big wigs in charge may look at it and say, okay, now we have something here, let's go work on these items. They're now worth our time.
7/31/2017 10:52 AM
It's a good game. And, IMO, it's cheap. I'd think the target audience is already here. But there's no way a majority percentage of people playing some game at WifS is playing HD. No idea how you get them to play, FREEHD didn't work, but that's where to start. I don't know if it's the time commitment, the crappy first season where you play with assigned players, the learning curve or something else entirely. But the people at WifS already like SIM games.
7/31/2017 11:03 AM
Something that a lot of the long time users, who have been here since v1 of the game do not seem to realize. Or care about.

There are a number of "new" users here who are only seeing the current v3 version of the game for the first time, and they've either never played v1 or v2, or played so long ago that they barely remember the game. I'm in the latter category.

For those of us who are basically new owners in HD under v3, we don't have all the baggage that the legacy users are carrying (the "this game sucks now" people). We're seeing the game ONLY for what it is now. And we're enjoying it for what it is now, because we don't have experience with the old versions of the game to compare it to.
7/31/2017 12:53 PM (edited)
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