Swamp #2 100 people in a Mall Topic

The trials and tribulations of a group of people and how they relate to the new Lakelane Collection Supermall in Southeast Michigan.


Joy (Amanda Seyfried) and Miranda (Lauren Conrad) work in the Casa del Pizza. The running gag is that they keep getting caught in innocent situations that make it look like they might be secret lesbians

Tank (Steve Howry) is ex jock who now sells jewelry in a mall kiosk. Really ladies man in his own mind. Running gag is gets turned down by different woman each week.

Carol Anne (Nana Visitor) and Jennifer (Anna Kournikova) are both salesladies in the new clothing store Budget Chic. Carol Anne is older and more experienced, Jennifer is younger and more current style hip. There different styles create tension.

Bob (Alexander Siddig) is the Mall Cop. He talks to everyone because he is writing a book.

Walter (Rene Auberjonis) is an older man that runs the pet shop. Running gag is him trying to sell different odd ball pet each week.

Sarah (Scarlett Pomers) works in the book store. Cute but pathologically shy. She lives a fantasy life with the people she sees day to day.

Ronald Jefferson (Tim Russ) is the Mall Administrator. Running gag is him getting on the other mall people about some "Mall rule and regulation"

Theme Song:

At the mall from the MTV Musical American Mall

Show Trivia!!

Scarlett was originally cast as Miranda but the producers decided to recast her as Sarah to take advantage of her natural innocence

Steve was originally in the pilot of "Late Afternoon in America" but quit the show to join the cast here

Show was originally set in the mid-80s as Major Malls were more hip then. After some anachronisms and the possibility of a crossover episode with "Woman, beer and pizza" the producer decided to bring it into the current times.

The theme song was originally going to be Billie Jean, when the mall was moved to modern day a muzak version of it was going to be used, but the American Mall soundtrack really seemed to fit the sprit of the show.
11/12/2009 12:29 PM
episode 2

The ladies at Budget Chic get a visit from an analyst from the Corporate office. He is attractive, but a little too old for Jennifer and a little too young for Carol Anne, but both ladies start fawning over him, not wanting the other to get him.

Joy and Miranda are cleaning up an oil spill in the food prep area. As they discuss movies Miranda slips and is caught in the arms by Joy, just as Bob is walking by the utility entrance to the store. He grins and walks away.

Walter is trying to dump puppies by making them seem lovable to kids, but his natural gruff attitude just makes the kids cry and run away.

Tank is hitting on an attractive "Paris Hilton type". She just holds up her hand in the stop gesture and says "Don't even think about it".

Bob has lunch with Carol Anne from Budget Chic. They talk about their common roots of having a father working on a production line.

Ronald Jefferson lets Sarah know that Regulation 3.8 section r forbids boxes of over 3 ft in length in walking aisles.

As Ronald walks away Sarah starts to imagine the 2 of them in an alley passionately kissing. Her fantasy is broken up when she trips over a box. "At least it was not over three feet" Sarah quips with a sigh!

11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 3

Tank starts a talk with the "it" girl from his High School. He starts his famous smooth pitch and she looks him in the eyes and asks him if he wants to go to a motel, he asks if she is serious, and she says...Of course not and walks away laughing out loud.

Bob sees Ronald Jefferson measuring the front doors of the mall. Asking why Ronald Responds "Regulation 7.5 section l says all doors must be within .5 inches in width. I thought this one looked wide.

Joy and Miranda are in a sales contest. If there store sells more of the new fried ice cream desserts than either the Fairside or Centerland malls they win a prize. There is an ice cream churn to make frsh ice cream, and Joy walks behind Miranda while she is churning, giving an elderly couple waiting for pizza a little shock!

The girls at Budget Chic get a surprise when afternoon talk show host Diva "Oppez" says, on her 4pm show, she loves the Store Budget Chic. The store gets flooded and both ladies make huge sales.

Walter finds a niche market selling older cats to Asians for food. After every sale he goes to the mirror and says..."No officer I had no idea what they were doing with them".

Sarah is having one of her fantasies with a mediocre looking man, when in walks a very attractive man who flirts her up a little. After he leaves she starts to fantasize about kissing him, but the mediocre guy from her early fantasy keeps butting in. The 2 guys end up starting a fight. As Sarah slips out of her fantasy gone wrong she wonders how she could do this so much and still be so bad at it?

Bob tells some Goth kids they can only smoke in the open atriums. Curious he trys to talk to them but they avoid him. Telling them that he is writing a book about mall people and really wants to talk to them their leader says "We are not gonna lay our souls on the floor just so you can give the sheep of the world your insight on what passes as culture in this sick sad world"!

11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 4

Tank spots a BBW in the food court. As he talks her up she interrupts him and states "I am not nearly fat enough to be interested in you"!

Walter tries to turn common fish into exotic fish with waterproof paint.

Joy was late because she went to Miranda's house to see if UPS had a package on her porch. They had and she got it, although since it had started to rain the package was wet. Jennifer from Budget Chic came into Casa del Pizza and heard the end of the conversation..."Your box is soaking wet".

Carol Anne has been starting to put up big numbers and Jennifer had been slipping. Jennifer has been trying to show off her knowledge of fashion, almost useless to the customers of Budget Chic. Carol Anne feels a little funny when a customer has her old boyfriend in tow.

Ronald Jefferson Calls out Bob on his uniform, as regulation 4.8 section h states clearly that the tie shall not be wider than 4". His was clearly in violation. Bob, having a bad day, pulls out a switchblade he confiscated a few weeks back and proceeds to split his tie in 2, balling up the cut off half and handing it to Ronald. Clearly flustered Ronald says "Thats Better" and briskly walks away.

Sarah starts to have a job fantasy where she is the President of Books Inc. She sees herself making the tough decisions and suddenly is called out by the VP of marketing in a board meeting for not knowing anything. Shaking her head from the dream she notices she has put all the new Palin books on the shelf upside down. "eguor gniog"? She asks.

Bob catches a shoplifter who took a watch from Tanks Display. Bob talks to Tank for a while about his life and his prowess with "Babes". As he walks away Bob says to himself "I can do a whole chapter on what he thinks of himself.
11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 5

Bob gets a visit in the Mall from his favorite Uncle. As he talks to him he really starts to have regrets over his life choices. Voicing them to his Uncle, the Uncle slaps him in the back of the head and says "Get over it"!

Sarah gets a Romance novel for a customer. As she reshelves one that they didn't buy she falls into a Fantasy about the studd on the cover. She is in Riding Clothes and he grabs her and kisses her hard. She rips his shirt off and pulls him towards her. Another Customer, a rather portly gentleman, asks her where the books on travel are. She directs him to the back of the store and starts to fantasize again, only she is with the portly man. Trying three times she gives up in frustration.

Ronald Jefferson is on a ladder measuring the tree in the center of the Mall. Bob asks him what he is doing. Regulation 5.1 section d states that no decoration in the mall shall exceed 15 feet 3 inches. The tree is ok. When Bob asks if all this is worth it Ronald says "Strict adherence to mall regulations is the only thing that seperates us from a grocery store"!

Walter gets a ferret collection. A group of people in black ropes purchases one and before the sale is completes asks "Do you know if a ferrets soul is flammable"? Walter responds "Do you want it to be"?

Joy and Miranda both start flirting with an attractive customer. After he leaves they start to fight briefly but both realize that their friendship is more important than some guy. As they make up and hug a group of geeks from the local high school see them and all have to use their inhalers.

Both ladies from Budget Chic try the new Japanese Restaurant "Koi Ki Kaoku". They both come down with food poisoning and spend the last 4 hours of the shift taking turns running to the ladies room.

Tank trys an African American female this week. After she realizes that he is hitting on her she responds "Not if you were Johnny Depp"!

11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 6 Crossover Episode with "Women Beer and Pizza" The Show

Casa Del Pizza is being renovated so the Girls are Sent to the Pizza place in the other show to see how other shops run. After a full day of pizza learning the Girls go to the bar next door to unwind. As they get drunk they get a little touchy feely and Natalie D'Aprino, a closet lesbian, sees then and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Bob accompanied them, at the request of Ronald Jefferson. He starts a long, but irritating, conversation with Hogan family Matriarch Constance Hogan.

Back at the Mall Felicia Hogan and Maria Nogano from the other show have won a shopping spree at the Mall. They buy a book from Sarah and then go into Budget Chic. The girls really talk down to both Carol Anne and Jennifer. IRS Special Agent Gold is also there to keep an eye on the Girls spending. After he asks Sarah what the girls bought there, Sarah starts to have an "Interrogation" fantasy about him. Ronald Jefferson questions the Agent about credentials and seems satisfied.
11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 1

In Budget Chic Jennifer tries to get more sales by selling to some of the plus girls at her old Comm Coll. Carol Anne is facinated by the new lingerie line they got in.

Walter convinces a customer that feeder mice make better pets than Gerbils.

Sarah is walking back to her store when she notices Joy and Miranda working. she fads out and pictures all three of them at a club chatting in witty ways and dancing with only the best guys. Distracted she trips over the leg of a bench.

Joy and Miranda see Sarah fall and watch her get up to make sure she is ok. Joy notices that there is some flour on the back of Miranda's pants. She swats it away just as Sarah glances inside. Sarah starts to fade into a 3 way hug, shudders and walks away.

Ronald Jefferson informs Carol Anne and Jennifer that regulation 5.7 section b clearly states that no display will be less than 18 inches from the front door.

Tank is hitting on an older woman that was shopping in the mall. She informs him "I have shoes older than you, and I would rather date them"!

Bob sees a gentleman collapse and uses the mall defibrillator and cpr to bring him back to life. He chats with him and thinks that he will get some good "book" stuff on this. His mood changes when he finds out that the man died on route to the Hospital.
11/12/2009 2:40 PM

The new mall is finally open. Mayor Robson (guest spot by Clancy Brown) even cut the ribbon.

Bob finds a couple of kids shoplifting CDs, makes them return them, and instead of turning them in tries to understand why 2 rich kids would do this.

Joy and Miranda are trying the new super sour lemon drops when a pizza pan drops with a large clang. As they both turn they bump into each other in a forced pucker, just as Tank is looking in the window.

Over at Budget Chic Jennifer is gloating over her sales, when Carol Anne shows her the notice that they should push the new line...Chic clothing for plus size women, something Jennifer abhors.

Tank is working on the woman that takes care of the plants in the mall. When he goes through his famous "Smooth Pitch" she turns and asks "Does this work on anyone"?

Ronald Jefferson Makes a point to let the girls at Casa del Pizza know that mall regulation 2.3 section d forbids any food preparation less than 15 minutes before closing!

As Sarah shows a customer a copy of "The Fountainhead" her mind wanders to a young couple walking in the mall. In her mind she creates a fantasy where he is with her and they are at the park. They make clever jokes and he pulls her into his arms and kisses her, causing Sarah to accidentally call the customer darling.

Walter is getting the store organized and makes his first sale...a dead turtle to a 12 year old girl. As she leaves he mutters to himself about not being able to prove it was dead.
11/12/2009 2:40 PM
episode 7 The fantasy episode.

Sarah visits a Gypsy at a street fair on the way to work. The Gypsy tells her that she will "Touch" everyone around her. One by one she makes contact with all the cast and they all have a fantasy like her

Bob Imagines he is a Pirate Captain. He is fighting a ship where the crew is all animals!

Ronald Jefferson is a hippie who just lies around and says "Cool Dude" a lot.

Bob is on his book tour and is interviewed by Larry King (Guest)

Joy and Miranda Are walking through a field and look at each other and kiss. Each girl suddenly wakes up, looks at the other girls, shudders and walks away.

Jennifer runs her own design house, as Carol Anne is a Cinderella like cleaning lady. Carol Anne is Marie Antoinette ordering Jennifer's execution.

Tank sees himself as a Hugh Heffner with throngs of babes.

Sarah wonders why everyone is so distant looking, but has no fantasy!

11/12/2009 2:41 PM
Season finale

The ladies in Budget Chic are in a contest for most sales. Carol Anne has been a clear leader the last few weeks but this week is close. Jennifer is visited by her verbally abusive father. Carol Anne seeing how much winning means to Jennifer doctors the results so she will win. Jennifer discovers the deception and try to thank her, but Carol Anne refuses to let her speak.

Sarah makes a sale to a man who has been at her store a few times. After he leaves she starts to fantasize about him. He returns to the store and asks Sarah for a date. She agrees. Having several disaster fantasies about her date she calls him and cancels, making up a lie about her father having a heart attack. He says to call her when things call down and she says sure, but when she hangs up she tears up his phone number.

Ronald and Bob are getting the mall ready for the City Inspectors. Ronald keeps pushing the regs and Bob keeps talking to anyone he can.

Joy and Miranda close the store for an affair of an all Women softball team. The girls, not big newspaper readers, don't know that they are an all Lesbian team. Everyone in the mall gives a gentle nod when they see who is in Casa Del Pizza.

Tank is being pursued by a secret admirer. All sorts of gifts and notes are showing up. The season ends with everyone looking for tank and a shot of him tied up on a wooden chair.

Walter is up to his old tricks, trying to sell a mutt as a pure bred. He is surprised when it is actually a local news team hidden camera report.
11/12/2009 2:41 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By gin_caesar on 11/12/2009kill yourself
11/12/2009 2:52 PM
Anyone with a suggestion of a cute but shy woman, age 25-33 for the role of Sarah please sitemail me...will get associate producer credit
11/12/2009 2:57 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By swamphawk22 on 11/12/2009Anyone with a suggestion of a cute but shy woman, age 25-33 for the role of Sarah please sitemail me...will get associate producer credit
You spelled "accomplice" wrong.
11/12/2009 3:10 PM
if a woman is shy, why would she be an actress? Do you understand the concept of acting? Any actress worth a damn can pretend to be shy...
11/12/2009 3:33 PM
I want someone who looks the part, just wanted to throw it out and see I could get the perfect girl...have a few ideas but nothing I am really happy with so thought the masses would help me out.
11/12/2009 4:21 PM
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Swamp #2 100 people in a Mall Topic

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