If you want to understand why wokeness gets pushed so hard by corporate America, think about what the left was doing 10 years ago. They were standing outside of big banks screaming "Occupy Wall Street, we are the 99%". If I were Bank of America, I'd want to talk about safe spaces and pronouns too.
12/4/2020 2:20 PM
I don't see how the two are mutually exclusive.
12/4/2020 2:43 PM
It's not even pushed hard. The simple explanation is that they can make more money by pandering to marginalized groups. Vaguely supporting BLM without actually doing anything is pretty easy and profitable.

Let me ask you this, though. What are these companies *actually doing* to support, for example, trans people besides changing their logo for pride month?
12/4/2020 2:48 PM
Amtrak screwed me and I’ll never go back to them.
the people on the train are great but the company sucks.
12/4/2020 3:20 PM
Right now India is engaging in the largest general strike in human history, full stop.
12/4/2020 4:20 PM
Posted by tangplay on 12/4/2020 2:48:00 PM (view original):
It's not even pushed hard. The simple explanation is that they can make more money by pandering to marginalized groups. Vaguely supporting BLM without actually doing anything is pretty easy and profitable.

Let me ask you this, though. What are these companies *actually doing* to support, for example, trans people besides changing their logo for pride month?
What they are doing is sowing dissent and they know this. Divide and conquer tactics. There are lot of lefties that are happy to be useful idiots that push extreme or absurd social positions that will **** off a lot of people on the right, equally entrenched in their own views. Pronouns are a great example of this. 10 years ago this was not an issue. I know a whole host of "they's" now who were perfectly happy with their given pronoun 5 to 6 to 7 years ago. It became political, it became a mode of expression, and it became a way to further divide the right and the left. It's a non-issue that gets two groups of people whose interests generally align to hate each other.
12/4/2020 4:28 PM (edited)
And in hating each other, they stop protesting the banks, wall street, and the 1%. Even socialists like Bernie and AOC would have MUCH broader appeal if they were not forced into the identity politics arena by "public" demand. AKA, Nike says buy Kaepernick sneakers be woke while we keep using slave labor (Uighurs) in China.

We need a populist that is half Trump, half Bernie, and steers clear from identity-based issues (aka ones that divide people!!).
12/4/2020 4:27 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/4/2020 4:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 12/4/2020 2:48:00 PM (view original):
It's not even pushed hard. The simple explanation is that they can make more money by pandering to marginalized groups. Vaguely supporting BLM without actually doing anything is pretty easy and profitable.

Let me ask you this, though. What are these companies *actually doing* to support, for example, trans people besides changing their logo for pride month?
What they are doing is sowing dissent and they know this. Divide and conquer tactics. There are lot of lefties that are happy to be useful idiots that push extreme or absurd social positions that will **** off a lot of people on the right, equally entrenched in their own views. Pronouns are a great example of this. 10 years ago this was not an issue. I know a whole host of "they's" now who were perfectly happy with their given pronoun 5 to 6 to 7 years ago. It became political, it became a mode of expression, and it became a way to further divide the right and the left. It's a non-issue that gets two groups of people whose interests generally align to hate each other.
Or, and here's a theory, they were always they/them, but either didn't have a term for how they felt or didn't feel that society would accept them until recently.

Shouldn't you blame the right for abandoning class interest because they're triggered over ******* pronouns? As far as I'm aware, most of the left is still down for OWS.

If someone told me, "Well, I was into taxing the 1% until some people on the left started putting pronouns in their Twitter bio; now I am fully on the right on economic issues and have no interest in OWS," I would think that the issue is probably with them.
12/4/2020 4:47 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/4/2020 4:27:00 PM (view original):
And in hating each other, they stop protesting the banks, wall street, and the 1%. Even socialists like Bernie and AOC would have MUCH broader appeal if they were not forced into the identity politics arena by "public" demand. AKA, Nike says buy Kaepernick sneakers be woke while we keep using slave labor (Uighurs) in China.

We need a populist that is half Trump, half Bernie, and steers clear from identity-based issues (aka ones that divide people!!).
Again, if you're divided based on this, the stupidity is on you.

Bernie's policies haven't changed. What policies would you change on the left? Look at AOC's Twitter right now. She's talking about stimulus, marijuana, jobs issues, and class. I'm genuinely confused as to what you want the left to change, besides being more wrong on issues of identity.

For example, trans people DO exist, and studies do show that transitioning lowers the rate of suicide and increases wellness. For race, it's just a fact that systemic racism exists and is a problem. Do you want the left to move further away from the truth on these issues?

If you want to complain about corporations, that's fine. I agree with you (as do MOST PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE). You realize that the "woke corporations" thing is made fun of on the left, right? We don't have solidarity with Nike.

You're proving my point. Nike and other companies do not actually care about these social issues; they're vaguely gesture at some woke **** and then do nothing to stop the exploitation that they condone overseas. It seems like the left recognizes this and the right doesn't.
12/4/2020 4:54 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/4/2020 4:27:00 PM (view original):
And in hating each other, they stop protesting the banks, wall street, and the 1%. Even socialists like Bernie and AOC would have MUCH broader appeal if they were not forced into the identity politics arena by "public" demand. AKA, Nike says buy Kaepernick sneakers be woke while we keep using slave labor (Uighurs) in China.

We need a populist that is half Trump, half Bernie, and steers clear from identity-based issues (aka ones that divide people!!).
i love the uighurs! i get to say wiggers and not get slapped

12/5/2020 11:24 AM
"Wigger"?! After being called that a couple thousand times in my teens and early twenties, I haven't heard that word in 30 years, other than the few times I've used ir here, trying to explain my past and experiences. Old that's old does become new again.
12/5/2020 5:25 PM
12/6/2020 7:15 AM
Doesn't really fit the definition.

12/6/2020 9:33 AM
12/6/2020 10:13 AM
12/6/2020 12:58 PM
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