2017, 2018, 2019 Topic

These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
12/8/2020 10:11 PM
I think 99% of his domestic policies were garbage that did a lot to hurt the country.
12/8/2020 10:28 PM
And he was a C- in foreign policy IMO (Bush gets an F). Barely a passing grade just for not involving us in new wars, but he escalated other ones, hurt our international standing, and pulled out of the Iran deal.
12/8/2020 10:29 PM
I sincerely despise coreander with every fiber of my being.
12/8/2020 11:49 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
12/8/2020 11:59 PM (edited)
Posted by tangplay on 12/8/2020 10:29:00 PM (view original):
And he was a C- in foreign policy IMO (Bush gets an F). Barely a passing grade just for not involving us in new wars, but he escalated other ones, hurt our international standing, and pulled out of the Iran deal.
I agree with this reasoning but I would give him a D.
everything but one thing was a failure.
they did some good things in the Middle East with the Abraham agreements but he failed in Korea and Iran as said and set back everything from nato to Mexico to resistance to Russia and the trade war backfired and we have to regain trust from allies.

by ripping up the Iran treaty how can adversaries trust the word of the USA when it is always possible that another trump could come along.
that is a great setback that could take a while to overcome.
12/9/2020 12:02 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
well, the economy was doing fairly well under Obama. Trump just didn't **** it up. He's a pathological liar, a bully and a conman who cares only about himself. He totally mishandled the pandemic. He incited his supporters to hatred and divisiveness. How was he a good president? I was no big fan of GW Bush but at least he had some dignity and appeared to have some compassion.
Oh yeah, I forgot...his tariffs against China have totally screwed the American farmer.
12/9/2020 12:19 AM
I give him no credit for the economy because he inherited an excellent and extremely stable and not volatile economy. The economy would have been running at a steady pace without the tax cut.

we will eventually be paying for the colossal deficit spending surge he created unnecessarily partially contributing to spending restraint when Covid happened....you don’t put all your eggs in one basket and you save for a rainy day.
he also caused a greater widening of the economic stratas which leads to unrest which manifests in different ways.

he is clearly the worst domestic president since Herbert Hoover without any of Hoover’s philanthropic background.

as a president i generously give him an F.

He proved that the civil war was never really settled and racism and a lot of really bad right wing isms are alive and well in the USA.

his reputation will never be resuscitated and he will end up in the American history Dante’s inferno to spend eternity with the likes of George Wallace and Spiro Agnew and Joe McCarthy and other devisive destructive forces in the history of this nation.
12/9/2020 12:27 AM (edited)
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
Nearly every policy of his has been a blunder. You can directly link him to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives lost due to COVID alone.
12/9/2020 12:31 AM
One of the worst aspects of Trump is his cabinet picks and everything they have done to wreck their agencies from the inside out. Pruitt/Wheeler in the EPA is a great example. DeVos. These minor changes don't get news but do untold damage to the country. Cabinet is one of the biggest plusses of a Biden admin IMO.
12/9/2020 12:33 AM
Way more then a hundred thousand already and will be hundreds of thousands because of his attitudes and policies and flat out failures like refusing to use the defense production act and stifling experts and contradicting them and refuting them and shaming mask wearing and not having a plan for getting the vaccine to Maxine and not ordering enough dosage.
when it isn’t tax cutting murderously penny wise and dollar foolish.
bad leadership and no leadership and heartless and clueless.
the ugly American president.
bless his heart.
12/9/2020 12:39 AM
Posted by tangplay on 12/9/2020 12:33:00 AM (view original):
One of the worst aspects of Trump is his cabinet picks and everything they have done to wreck their agencies from the inside out. Pruitt/Wheeler in the EPA is a great example. DeVos. These minor changes don't get news but do untold damage to the country. Cabinet is one of the biggest plusses of a Biden admin IMO.
12/9/2020 12:39 AM
great years for america

what a joke

if you love order and hate law he's the president for you

the motherf*cker tore up every alliance and agreement we had with the world

to the best of his ability

drained no swamps

put the caliphate in the supreme court

and lied every step of the way

hates **** heel foreigners coming here

hired them for decades as cooks and maids

i god woodrow
12/9/2020 12:44 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
So much nonsense here...where to start?

To startvwith, "Muslim Ban" is a complete lie and democrat talking point. Muslims were not banned. There was no religious test for entering this country. Our friends from Morocco were just as welcome here in 2018 as 2012. What it was was a ban on nine countries (I believe nine) that had serious problems with terrorism etc and was absolutely the right decision to do for the safety and well-being of the American people. *****-footed Dems wouldn't have the balls to do anything like this for optics alone. Remember Isis? Well maybe you dont since the Trump administration did such a good job of wiping them off the map...
12/9/2020 7:01 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
Have you ever listened to anything before or after the good people on both sides quote? You like people that keep repeating that as so kind of damning evidence take it completely out of context. He wasn't including white supremacists in those both sides. In fact, he has condemned white supremacy REPEATEDLY. Some people believe statues/history should not be altered, personally I dont much care about confederate statues but this summer showed us how much a slippery slope that kind of mindset is when we've seen countless Washington, Jefferson, and Grant etc statues vandalized and called for to be torn down. Wanting to protect a statue doesn't in and of itself make you a white supremacist. You just lap up the dem talking points like the good little lefty npc dog you are
12/9/2020 7:07 AM
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