Student Loans Topic

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Where was your outrage when they bailed out the banks? Are you a bootlicking stooge or just have the memory of a goldfish?

12/14/2020 4:02 PM
Government actually helping out the little guy for once? I've got no problem for that.
12/14/2020 4:04 PM
How about the 2 trillion tax break that in essence gave free cars and free college tuition to people who didn’t need it.

all3 has a basic philosophical repulsion to anything free to the middle class and lower middle class.

no matter what the benefit to the big picture.

no doubt he would have voted for Hoover in 1932 and against social security......Medicare and Medicaid and obamacare..:....
12/14/2020 4:16 PM
And what better way to make a dent into poverty and lessening the income gaps then to have free 4 year state college programs.

community colleges are only 2 years.

we are finally back on the path of legislating from heart and mind with creativity and the spirit of pure religious brotherhood which the so called religious right reject woe is them.
12/14/2020 4:25 PM
What do you mean? Clearly Trump is a man of God. Don't you remember the time he stood in front of a church holding a Bible upside down looking like he had to poop, after he had the crowd that was there gassed and shoved away?
12/14/2020 4:29 PM
Come on, this isn't helping out, this is handing out.

As I've explained here several times, I grew-up getting Government hand outs (free/reduced school lunches and free cheese distributions), so I know what it is like to need to work for things like a bike and a basketball, let alone my (paltry to some) 2-year College Degree. If I (and millions of others) can do it, so can those of today.

I see you were too busy name-calling and talking BS that you neglected to even offer a way this gets paid for. What a surprise - or NOT.
12/14/2020 4:29 PM
Man did those guys STOMP you. Nuff said!
12/14/2020 4:32 PM
Try a 12.5% reduction in the DOD budget.
Or, then again, taxing the rich.
12/14/2020 4:34 PM
Let's also end the waste of time and money that the 'War on Drugs' has been. Legalize marijuana. There. I just saved billions, took power away from the Cartels south of the border, thusly stabilizing a neighbor while we're at it, while increasing tax revenue.
12/14/2020 4:37 PM
Biden should start a trade war and give the farmers billions and billions of Socialist dollars
12/14/2020 4:39 PM
The more people that go to college the less it is worth. That is why grad is the new undergrad, in terms of market value and getting you a job. Soon enough PHD will be the new grad. Lefties don't understand economics or the law of supply and demand, but, gold help them, they do have big "fee fees" sensitive enough to power a small country.
12/14/2020 4:40 PM
End all tax exemptions for religious institutions and PACs. Done and done.
12/14/2020 4:40 PM
Posted by all3 on 12/14/2020 4:29:00 PM (view original):
Come on, this isn't helping out, this is handing out.

As I've explained here several times, I grew-up getting Government hand outs (free/reduced school lunches and free cheese distributions), so I know what it is like to need to work for things like a bike and a basketball, let alone my (paltry to some) 2-year College Degree. If I (and millions of others) can do it, so can those of today.

I see you were too busy name-calling and talking BS that you neglected to even offer a way this gets paid for. What a surprise - or NOT.
Far be it for me to dissuade you from your point of view.

I just give my opinion based on my life experience.....shared life experience......known life experience........understanding of history and society and educational opportunity.

and how do you pay for it
you can if you want to.
start by having proper and moral priorities in budgets and tax bases. and have community service in exchange for govt. help.
actually adopt a more judeo Christian value system you claim to be so keen on.

in my humble opinion democrats are the spiritual and religious people and we do believe in the old saying that god helps those that help themselves but it is right and just for a govt to help create a better framework.

think about others more.....chicken soup for the soul.
12/14/2020 4:43 PM (edited)
Also, while you're at it, actually take a look at the gap that has developed since your community college days between stagnant wages and the ever increasing cost of living. "I did it so they can" isn't valid. The playing field is nowhere near the same.
12/14/2020 4:42 PM
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