Dividin' Biden Topic

My take this AM.

An administration's competency comes down more to his CHOICES to lead the Government than it does the POTUS I believe history shows us.
The POTUS (him or herself) has power, sure, but the overall ability and competence of his "people" matter much more IMO.

Biden is old. He IS (for good AND bad) a lifelong (nearly) member of our ruling "elite". He may COME from middle class roots, but it's been decades since he actually lived it! He may remember some, but he may not. My guess is he don't remember a LOT of stuff!
But, no matter IMO. HE is a figurehead largely. SO was Reagan, Bush, W, Clinton, etc.

The policies matter much more than the moving "lips" and they are managed by the "people".
Reality lags behind the policies.
For example, an economic act/change isn't felt on the streets of small towns for months!

Trump pl;edged to hire only the BEST, to drain the swamp............. and then filled his Cabinet with swamp creatures, criminals, conmen, and ***-kissers.

This AM, I'm hopeful, BASED on Biden's (the majority of them) CHOICES for Cabinet heads........... and I'm absolutely ecstatic about his choice to lead the Dept. of the Interior!!!

A Freaking HOME RUN!!

Putting an Indigenous American at the Head of protecting and managing our LAND!!!
It's about time.

Our Great Grandchildren will thank Joe Biden for this choice!
Today I celebrate him!
GREAT PICK President Joe Biden!!

Our Mother breathes a sigh of relief this AM.
Sacred places will STAY sacred.

12/18/2020 10:57 AM
^^^ Cabinet is one of the biggest upsides of Biden Prez
12/18/2020 10:59 AM
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Dividin' Biden Topic

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