Mike T23: "MLK was ate up with VD." Topic

One was stanley Levinson, Kings top aide and speech writer. Another was Jack Odell who was incharge of a Northern branch of the SCLC, Kings polical orginization. I cannot find the name of the third. He was hired by Odell.
4/11/2011 12:09 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 4/10/2011 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Wow Anton, that seems a bit harsh.

It does point out that this is all about politics. I pointed out a small flaw in one of your icons and you flipped.

You cannot even discuss a simple political issue that does not fit in the framework of your world view.

Sad really.
This has nothing to do with MLK or politics, and everything to do with you blatantly lying to me. We could be talking about the ******* weather, and if you lied about it as brazenly and as often as you lie when talking about other topics you'd get exactly the same reaction from me.

You are a liar, swamp. It has never been as clearly spelled out as it was right there.

You insult me and disrespect me every single time you have the ******* gall to lie. You deserve no civility, no politeness, because your lies are exponentially worse than any obscenity I could possibly concoct. You are scum. You are filth. You defile every conversation you have with your dishonest bullshit, and there is no amount of derision and contempt that is too much for a serial liar like you.

You have earned every single vile word I pin on you.
4/11/2011 1:34 AM

Wow, so you finally snapped. I wonder who had 4/11 in the pool.

As I have pointed out I never lie in these forums. I share a different world viewpoint than you. We have different opinions.

Your pre-psychotic rant is just more proof that you have no respect for anyone that doesnt think exactly like you.

4/11/2011 2:29 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 4/11/2011 12:09:00 AM (view original):
One was stanley Levinson, Kings top aide and speech writer. Another was Jack Odell who was incharge of a Northern branch of the SCLC, Kings polical orginization. I cannot find the name of the third. He was hired by Odell.
I looked up both of these men. It seems they were in the communist party in the 50's and later joined The Southern Leadership Conference. I think they were more interested in getting basic human rights rather than overthrow the Govt. They also withdrew from the communist party in the late 50's.
4/11/2011 4:18 AM
Posted by swamphawk22 on 4/11/2011 2:29:00 AM (view original):

Wow, so you finally snapped. I wonder who had 4/11 in the pool.

As I have pointed out I never lie in these forums. I share a different world viewpoint than you. We have different opinions.

Your pre-psychotic rant is just more proof that you have no respect for anyone that doesnt think exactly like you.

Just off the top of my head from reading yesterday....saying Bush was more popular than Gore in 2000 was a lie.  Therefore, that above post is a lie.  There is a trend here.....
4/11/2011 9:22 AM
Posted by moosep on 4/11/2011 4:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 4/11/2011 12:09:00 AM (view original):
One was stanley Levinson, Kings top aide and speech writer. Another was Jack Odell who was incharge of a Northern branch of the SCLC, Kings polical orginization. I cannot find the name of the third. He was hired by Odell.
I looked up both of these men. It seems they were in the communist party in the 50's and later joined The Southern Leadership Conference. I think they were more interested in getting basic human rights rather than overthrow the Govt. They also withdrew from the communist party in the late 50's.
Wow, that's not like swamp to thoroughly research any allegations he posts, I'm shocked!
4/11/2011 11:09 AM
You very clearly and obviously lied, swamp. Saying that MLK had 'connections to Communists' is unequivocably guilt by association, right out of the McCarthy/JBS playbook. And then you turned around and on the same page of the thread denied doing it.

That's not "just politics". That's not a difference of opinion. That's not a misinterpretation. That is ******* fact.

You are a liar. A brazen, unrepentant, disgusting liar.

**** you. **** your mother. **** your mother's mother, and her mother's mother, and her mother's mother's mother, and every single ******* one of your female ancestors all the way back to the ******* trees. 
4/11/2011 11:09 AM
So when does one stop being a communist?

You are implying things I never said.

Are you saying that these 2 men, high placed in the Orginization, stopped believing in Communism? They just stopped?

They believed it enough to join. Something in America that is very rare. Not like you would join a church or some other group.

And then they just quit?

How does this work.

My point was never that MLK was a communist. Or that the SCLC was being run by a secret communist plant.

It is just another example of a mainstream left wing group having people far to the left of almost all Americans in its midst. And no one seemed to notice.

So in the end the question "Was MLK associated with communists" seems like a mater of opinion.

So please call me names and launch into another rant. I realize that is all you have Anton.
4/11/2011 12:22 PM
**** off, liar.
4/11/2011 12:24 PM
Posted by The Taint on 4/11/2011 9:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by swamphawk22 on 4/11/2011 2:29:00 AM (view original):

Wow, so you finally snapped. I wonder who had 4/11 in the pool.

As I have pointed out I never lie in these forums. I share a different world viewpoint than you. We have different opinions.

Your pre-psychotic rant is just more proof that you have no respect for anyone that doesnt think exactly like you.

Just off the top of my head from reading yesterday....saying Bush was more popular than Gore in 2000 was a lie.  Therefore, that above post is a lie.  There is a trend here.....
And so because of Anton I have to defend myself as a "LIAR".

My position that Bush was more poular that Gore is that fact that he won the election. He did lose a narrow pop vote. I was trying to make a comment on the larger issue of the left never dropping the issue of 2000. They keep it alive as a way to create dissent. Make people uneasy about Republicans.

I stated that Bush was more popular. From one point of view that isnt accurate.

Does that mean I lied about it? Really?

And can you read Anton's attacks against me and not see a disturbed person. The level of hate is epic. This is Charlie Sheen stuff.

Do not listen to Anton. Read what I say and analyze who is disucssing watercooler issues and who is trying to defend a position with his last dying breath!
4/11/2011 12:28 PM
Are you saying that these 2 men, high placed in the Orginization, stopped believing in Communism? They just stopped?
Why, is it not possible for someone to re-assess their belief system?  I was raised a Catholic but turned away from all organized religion as I learned more about it.
I was more of a moderate growing up but again as I learned more about our economic, domestic and foreign policies, became more aligned with the far left viewpoint.  I trust people more when they don't hold to rigid viewpoints, no one group or person has the correct answer, we should all learn to be more flexible and question our beliefs.

4/11/2011 12:46 PM
You turned away from the orginization. Did your values and belief structure change? Where you less "Christian"?

Just because you quit a group does not make your values change, it might, but it doesnt mean it does.

4/11/2011 1:43 PM
It isn't accurate at all. It's blatantly false from anyway you look at it.
4/11/2011 1:55 PM
Sorry it's out of context, but I had to post on the irony:  "I trust people more when they don't hold to rigid viewpoints, no one group or person has the correct answer, ...."

I suppose I should not trust you then, since you have a rigid viewpoint yourself:  "no one group or person has the correct answer"...

I do, however agree with this:  "we should all learn to be more flexible and question our beliefs."
4/11/2011 4:54 PM
Posted by silentpadna on 4/11/2011 4:54:00 PM (view original):
Sorry it's out of context, but I had to post on the irony:  "I trust people more when they don't hold to rigid viewpoints, no one group or person has the correct answer, ...."

I suppose I should not trust you then, since you have a rigid viewpoint yourself:  "no one group or person has the correct answer"...

I do, however agree with this:  "we should all learn to be more flexible and question our beliefs."
Once again great eye!
4/12/2011 5:53 PM
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