2017, 2018, 2019 Topic

You got taken to the woodshed in this dumb thread by everyone, go away.
12/9/2020 7:30 AM
Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago??

That's the only measure that really matters.

Is the Country more (or less) divided than 2016?
Is our economy stronger or weaker?
Is our security weaker or stronger?

ANY honest appraisal is extremely damning to the Trump reign.
He will, quite assuredly, go down as the VERY worst POTUS since at least U.S. Grant.
Perhaps, the worst in all our History.
THAT will depend on the outcome of ALL the criminal investigations into his finances and entanglements with Russian $$$.
Should someone uncover provable evidence of his "money laundering" or other crimes against the State his legacy as the MOST corrupt and biggest P.O.S. POTUS will be assured!
12/9/2020 7:57 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/9/2020 7:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
So much nonsense here...where to start?

To startvwith, "Muslim Ban" is a complete lie and democrat talking point. Muslims were not banned. There was no religious test for entering this country. Our friends from Morocco were just as welcome here in 2018 as 2012. What it was was a ban on nine countries (I believe nine) that had serious problems with terrorism etc and was absolutely the right decision to do for the safety and well-being of the American people. *****-footed Dems wouldn't have the balls to do anything like this for optics alone. Remember Isis? Well maybe you dont since the Trump administration did such a good job of wiping them off the map...
Trump, during the campaign trail, specifically said that his goal was to prevent all Muslims from entering the United States. Of course, this is unconstitutional. But the ban was enacted to serve that very purpose. It's the closest he can get to a Muslim ban. I disagree with the ban regardless, but don't deny what the intention clearly was. Democrats did NOT make this up.

As for ISIS, it was also declining under Obama. Btw, they still very much exist.
12/9/2020 8:03 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/9/2020 7:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
Have you ever listened to anything before or after the good people on both sides quote? You like people that keep repeating that as so kind of damning evidence take it completely out of context. He wasn't including white supremacists in those both sides. In fact, he has condemned white supremacy REPEATEDLY. Some people believe statues/history should not be altered, personally I dont much care about confederate statues but this summer showed us how much a slippery slope that kind of mindset is when we've seen countless Washington, Jefferson, and Grant etc statues vandalized and called for to be torn down. Wanting to protect a statue doesn't in and of itself make you a white supremacist. You just lap up the dem talking points like the good little lefty npc dog you are
I don't think there were any good people on the Confederate side. None. You realize that the right held a Nazi rally, right? If you watch livestream footage of the event, you can't go 5 minutes without seeing some racist imagery. If I'm a normal, not-racist person just there to defend the statue of a traitor who hated America and fought to preserve slavery, I'm leaving the second I hear a speech saying, "Gas the *****! Race war now!"

Sorry, this wasn't like BLM where the violent ppl are the minority. That gathering was infested with the alt-right.
12/9/2020 8:07 AM
I don't think Trump was the worst President even in my lifetime (that would go to Bush). The last 100 years have also had some stinkers; Nixon, Reagan, Hoover, and Wilson if we stretch the timeframe.

But Trump is certainly up there.
12/9/2020 8:10 AM
In case you're wondering about the intent of the Muslim ban, don't take it from me

''Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” - this was an official campaign press release

"So when he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban.’ He called me up. He said, ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'” - this was Rudy Giuliani talking about the ban
12/9/2020 8:18 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
Well we could show you a hundred things he said and did that were VERY good for America... If we did this, you would plug your ears and tell us how stupid we are

Merry Christmas

BTW Sanata's place is under lockdown. he won't be in your chimney this year

Also: What do you wanna bet that Big Government is soon going to tell you what KIND of mask to wear. Size, color, and so on?? And you rage on about Trump.. thing is, he sees this crap for what it is.. POWER over the people. CONTROL, over everything. MARXISM being pushed into every corner of our nation

Good luck with Biden. I think you are going to need it.. Hopefully, the truth comes out and the election is overturned

NONE of you Anti Trumpers know this, but he hasn't sent soldiers off to fight a meaningless war. Obama, Clinton, Bush, et all cannot make that claim
12/9/2020 8:53 AM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 12/9/2020 7:57:00 AM (view original):
Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago??

That's the only measure that really matters.

Is the Country more (or less) divided than 2016?
Is our economy stronger or weaker?
Is our security weaker or stronger?

ANY honest appraisal is extremely damning to the Trump reign.
He will, quite assuredly, go down as the VERY worst POTUS since at least U.S. Grant.
Perhaps, the worst in all our History.
THAT will depend on the outcome of ALL the criminal investigations into his finances and entanglements with Russian $$$.
Should someone uncover provable evidence of his "money laundering" or other crimes against the State his legacy as the MOST corrupt and biggest P.O.S. POTUS will be assured!
Trump did not divide the country. That is what MSM, CNN, and the democrats did.. Every day.. for 3 years. I am amazed that you refuse to see this
12/9/2020 8:54 AM
Marx famously said, "Socialism is when the government does stuff. It's more socialist the more stuff it does. And if it does a real lot of stuff, it's communism. Also socialism is when people wear mask to fight virus."
12/9/2020 8:58 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/9/2020 7:30:00 AM (view original):
You got taken to the woodshed in this dumb thread by everyone, go away.
Nailed it. And seriously, this post below is a perfect example of just how DELUSIONAL these reprobates in clown shoes are...

“Trump did not divide the country. That is what MSM, CNN, and the democrats did.. Every day.. for 3 years. I am amazed that you refuse to see this.”

12/9/2020 9:59 AM (edited)
Posted by tangplay on 12/9/2020 8:58:00 AM (view original):
Marx famously said, "Socialism is when the government does stuff. It's more socialist the more stuff it does. And if it does a real lot of stuff, it's communism. Also socialism is when people wear mask to fight virus."

Which one?
12/9/2020 9:59 AM
Speaking of clown shoes...

You are blocking the author of this post, DougOut.
12/9/2020 10:00 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/9/2020 7:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 12/8/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/8/2020 10:12:00 PM (view original):
These were all great years for America. Very strong and quickly improving economy. No new wars. Vast increase in jobs and lowest unemployment levels in generations. Obviously a once in a 100 year pandemic hit in 2020 which changed everything, but really in all seriousness how was Trump a bad president? His tweets weren't always presidential sounding and he wasn't PC but I just don't get it. George W. Bush was an incomparably worse president.
Let’s see top of my head

the Muslim ban
the border decisions
the tax cuts for the 1%
the increased civilian deaths on his wanton drone strikes
the economy is never actually about the president as it’s a continuing flowing thing but yeah ******* up the pandemic hurt the economy and is on him
encouraged divisions at every turn, didn’t denounce QAnon or white supremacy (good people on both sides)
the nonsense happening in Michigan is 100% on him
cant accept electoral defeat and is encouraging people to not accept electoral defeat which undermines democracy possibly forever
created ******* bad faith trolls like you
spent millions upon millions of tax payer money at his clubs
bilking hundreds of millions of “campaign” donations
wrecked the state department
wrecked the doj
****** up all headway with North Korea

top of my head
So much nonsense here...where to start?

To startvwith, "Muslim Ban" is a complete lie and democrat talking point. Muslims were not banned. There was no religious test for entering this country. Our friends from Morocco were just as welcome here in 2018 as 2012. What it was was a ban on nine countries (I believe nine) that had serious problems with terrorism etc and was absolutely the right decision to do for the safety and well-being of the American people. *****-footed Dems wouldn't have the balls to do anything like this for optics alone. Remember Isis? Well maybe you dont since the Trump administration did such a good job of wiping them off the map...
yeah, he banned countries with "serious" terrorist problems, but there were countries that have serious terrorist problems that he didn't ban. Coincidentally, those countries he didn't ban were countries he has financial interests in. Like I said before, he cares about no one but himself.
12/9/2020 12:01 PM
Posted by Aldershot on 12/9/2020 8:54:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 12/9/2020 7:57:00 AM (view original):
Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago??

That's the only measure that really matters.

Is the Country more (or less) divided than 2016?
Is our economy stronger or weaker?
Is our security weaker or stronger?

ANY honest appraisal is extremely damning to the Trump reign.
He will, quite assuredly, go down as the VERY worst POTUS since at least U.S. Grant.
Perhaps, the worst in all our History.
THAT will depend on the outcome of ALL the criminal investigations into his finances and entanglements with Russian $$$.
Should someone uncover provable evidence of his "money laundering" or other crimes against the State his legacy as the MOST corrupt and biggest P.O.S. POTUS will be assured!
Trump did not divide the country. That is what MSM, CNN, and the democrats did.. Every day.. for 3 years. I am amazed that you refuse to see this
As someone who does not even live in America, you don't really know what goes on here, just like I would not assume to say what life is like n Canada. I don't know since I am not there. You're entitled to voice your opinion. I am entitled to completely ignore your opinion.
12/9/2020 12:05 PM
Yeah, Trump cares only about himself. Let's just totally disregard the Historical Peace Treaty he engineered. That would actually be admitting he did something good for others, which several here would never do, because of their own hatred and selfishness.
12/9/2020 12:51 PM
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