and you would probably support stoning gays and pro choice people to death, as well as any members of a religion that isn't yours. Personally I am glad you are not an American ( not that there are not Americans who feel the same way you do). Canada can have you (and any of the other right wing, intolerant Americans it wants)
8/16/2022 12:14 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/16/2022 12:09:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 8/15/2022 11:29:00 PM (view original):
I would actually support a policy banning people with lnf's political beliefs from the country, ironically enough because of very similar reasons to why he wants to ban Muslims.

Go kill gay people, storm capitols, and push religion somewhere else.

Like, seriously. Look up what actually happens in Saudi Arabia. It's what the far right wants here. I have no idea why people like you hate "radical Muslims" so much, considering they agree with your ideology more than most people do in America. People in the far right have already started to openly cite Saudi Arabia and Iran as positive examples of the types of cultural changes they want to push in America.

So go the **** away.
Hogwash. re people on the right

Islam supports stoning women to death for adultery, and if they were raped, they have to prove it.

cultural changes they want to push in America. Right.

Stop lying
These are both things that people on the far right in America support.

Now, in this case, when I say "far right," I actually do mean "far right." But fortunately for you, these groups are gaining traction in America (the MTGs of the world). Many people are now citing Saudi Arabia as a positive cultural force

I mean the doubting rape victims is kinda a broader conservative thing.

You're just being a hypocrite. Radical Muslims believe in most of the same **** that your conservative brethren do. In 5 years, will there really be a vast difference in cultural policy between Hungary, governed by a white nationalist fascist that conservatives literally invited to their political conference in America, and Saudi Arabia or Iran, states governed by Islamic extremists? I doubt it.

The ironic difference is that there actually are more progressive and moderate cultural Muslims than there are Christians as a proportion of their populations.
8/16/2022 1:27 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 8/16/2022 12:14:00 AM (view original):
and you would probably support stoning gays and pro choice people to death, as well as any members of a religion that isn't yours. Personally I am glad you are not an American ( not that there are not Americans who feel the same way you do). Canada can have you (and any of the other right wing, intolerant Americans it wants)
LNF, of all people, should not be making this criticism of Islam. He calls for people's death all the time. I could easily tie a direct link between his beliefs and genocide.

Super easy: gay people are dangerous to society/pedophiles, and what does LNF think should be done to pedophiles?

damn what a strong line between him and the radical Muslims he hates. Yall literally believe the same thing with a slightly different religious handbook
8/16/2022 1:29 AM
If LNF had his way in America, it would just be what he thinks sharia law is, except MORE radical and with Christianity.

Sharia law isn't even that crazy or radical! LNF is actually more conservative in some ways than religious extremist Muslims.

Just find a radical mosque and start planning a jihad. You'll fit right in
8/16/2022 1:30 AM

Do they need to make it any more obvious? You're on the wrong side, LNF. Join your Islamic brethren.
8/16/2022 1:32 AM
There are about 4 million muslims in the United States. No beheadings or stonings
and very low crime rate.
In many Muslim countries - despite the people not wanting barbsrism they live in fear because they are ruleded run by an autocracy. There are many muslim countries while not democracies like Iran despite being modern enforce Sharia even though the people oppose barbarism as much as possible. All atrocities are from the religious government. Iraq which is trying to be democratic does not have religious insanity. Same for Jordan and Syria - dictatorship yes - religious violence no or very limited.

England has lots of muslims and they have a successful integrated society as does France and Israel has 20% muslims and attacks by muslims is rare and there are no beheadings.
8/16/2022 2:03 AM
Women and gay people in America aren't scared of Muslims. They're scared of Christians like LNF.
8/16/2022 3:31 AM
"...Christians like LNF." Sorry, I take issue with that quote.

LNF (judged by his OWN words, posted here) is NO real Christian. His heart is full of hatred and his mind is mush!

Dogmatists like LNF = Jihadists!
8/16/2022 9:06 AM
yeah its crazy how ignorant of their own good book new testament christians have become

purely cray cray

8/16/2022 11:29 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 8/16/2022 9:06:00 AM (view original):
"...Christians like LNF." Sorry, I take issue with that quote.

LNF (judged by his OWN words, posted here) is NO real Christian. His heart is full of hatred and his mind is mush!

Dogmatists like LNF = Jihadists!
Would LNF accept the argument that radical Muslims aren't really Muslims because the Quran is peaceful?
8/16/2022 1:55 PM
Ask him........... oh wait..................lol
8/16/2022 1:59 PM
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