I'm the reason it IS fun, however!!
9/20/2009 11:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mudbone1969 on 9/18/2009The unofficial story I've gotten on this in the past is that the Sim has a built in "equalizer" that enables teams to compete with a team that is far superior in a playoff series. I asked why and the answer was to give hope to owners who aren't quite so good at building good teams. They figure good owners will keep playing and winning titles anyway.

It's all about the $$$ and it's obscene.

This is most definitely NOT TRUE. There is no adjustment logic of any kind.

Touching on the topic of luck: just like in the real World Series (or any other short series), luck can always play a role. When you have two evenly matched teams, all it takes is a bit of luck to swing the tide one way or the other.
9/21/2009 9:48 AM
So then some of the people on this site just have all the bad luck.And other people on this site have all the good luck???
9/21/2009 11:48 AM
we read and hear of the bad luck, in part because it is dramatic. we do not hear or read about the good luck so much because that is akin to bragging and who wants to get beat up. all the other stuff in between rolls on unnoticed because it is relatively boring. So what we are exposed to in the forum is skewed toward the negative and if all we read is this negative stuff it is easy to concoct alternate explanations.
9/21/2009 12:05 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By tzentmeyer on 9/21/2009
Quote: Originally posted by mudbone1969 on 9/18/2009 The unofficial story I've gotten on this in the past is that the Sim has a built in "equalizer" that enables teams to compete with a team that is far superior in a playoff series. I asked why and the answer was to give hope to owners who aren't quite so good at building good teams. They figure good owners will keep playing and winning titles anyway.

It's all about the $$$ and it's obscene.

This is most definitely NOT TRUE. There is no adjustment logic of any kind.

Touching on the topic of luck: just like in the real World Series (or any other short series), luck can always play a role. When you have two evenly matched teams, all it takes is a bit of luck to swing the tide one way or the other
He essentially ends the speculation with this post.
9/21/2009 12:06 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By winnetka1 on 9/21/2009
we read and hear of the bad luck, in part because it is dramatic. we do not hear or read about the good luck so much because that is akin to bragging and who wants to get beat up. all the other stuff in between rolls on unnoticed because it is relatively boring. So what we are exposed to in the forum is skewed toward the negative and if all we read is this negative stuff it is easy to concoct alternate explanations.
Hmm, I'll admit I have had some good luck. It is just been out-weighed by some pretty bad luck. I have won exactly 2 post-season series where I was quite sure my team wasn't as good as the competition. Maybe four times, I have been stopped by teams that were my equal. The other six times, I am quite sure I was beaten by lesser teams. I realize the multiple-round format stacks the odds against any particular team, but I am quite certain that with just average luck I should have one or two more championships.
9/21/2009 2:41 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By thurst63 on 9/21/2009
So then some of the people on this site just have all the bad luck.And other people on this site have all the good luck???
This post pretty much says it all. Cup half empty people have all the bad luck, and cup half full people or at least people with controled emotions, recognize chance and randomness when they see it.

An impartial third party, who has never played this game before, could accurately predict that some owners would think there is built in streakiness or that some owners have all the bad luck. I think most outsiders, who know anything about statistics, would be shocked if there weren't people on here claiming conspiracy theories. Its to be expected as a natural occurance due to the way the game works.

Interesting to point out that some of the most adament supporters of conspiracy theories are the people that play live. The more you involve your eyeballs, the more "unlikely" events you will notice. And since its human nature to focus on the negative unlikey events, rather than the positive ones, thats not a good thing if you are an emotional person.
9/21/2009 5:10 PM
well said, boog

Anything that is scrutinized will surely be jaded toward the negative by the masses. It is human nature, like you say.
9/21/2009 5:17 PM
I never expected this thread to deteriorate into this, I'm unluckier than you are conspiracy theory. I'm glad tzent, for whom I have nothing but respect, stepped in to close this can of squirming maggots.

Not that I would expect him to admit the truth if some kind of 'equalizing factor" existed.

As far as I'm concerned, if I thought for a second that it was the case I'd simply stop playing.
9/21/2009 6:23 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By boogerlips on 9/21/2009
Quote: Originally Posted By thurst63 on 9/21/2009
So then some of the people on this site just have all the bad luck.And other people on this site have all the good luck???
This post pretty much says it all. Cup half empty people have all the bad luck, and cup half full people or at least people with controled emotions, recognize chance and randomness when they see it.

An impartial third party, who has never played this game before, could accurately predict that some owners would think there is built in streakiness or that some owners have all the bad luck. I think most outsiders, who know anything about statistics, would be shocked if there weren't people on here claiming conspiracy theories. Its to be expected as a natural occurance due to the way the game works.

Interesting to point out that some of the most adament supporters of conspiracy theories are the people that play live. The more you involve your eyeballs, the more "unlikely" events you will notice. And since its human nature to focus on the negative unlikey events, rather than the positive ones, thats not a good thing if you are an emotional person.

Lucid observations Boog. I might add that atribution theorey would predict the most sucessfull owners attribute their sucess to the "skills" more than luck, while those less sucessful (myself included perhaps) over-atribute to luck.
9/22/2009 12:45 AM

9/22/2009 8:44 AM
I know for a fact that Tarek and Muddy are friends, and they have been to Wrigleyfest together. Tarek would have told this to Muddy if it were in fact true, and Muddy would have kept quiet about it until Tarek was canned and he no longer had a reason to keep it under wraps. I don't have a dog in this fight, but if I had to put down $ on either Tzent or Muddy being right, I'd put it all on Muddy.
9/24/2009 4:30 PM
Your money would be better spent on Muddy's mom.
9/24/2009 5:01 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By tzentmeyer on 9/21/2009

Quote: Originally posted by mudbone1969 on 9/18/2009
The unofficial story I've gotten on this in the past is that the Sim has a built in "equalizer" that enables teams to compete with a team that is far superior in a playoff series. I asked why and the answer was to give hope to owners who aren't quite so good at building good teams. They figure good owners will keep playing and winning titles anyway.

It's all about the $$$ and it's obscene.

This is most definitely NOT TRUE. There is no adjustment logic of any kind.

Touching on the topic of luck: just like in the real World Series (or any other short series), luck can always play a role. When you have two evenly matched teams, all it takes is a bit of luck to swing the tide one way or the other.
A 77 win team is not evenly matched with a 109 win team. One of the teams was UNDER .500, while the other won two out of every three.

I've seen it happen multiple times already. In fact I just beat a team in 4 games that owned me all season. I won just 2 of 12 in the regular season vs that team.

I'm not saying it's true or it isn't, but this is hardly a convincing answer, especially considering the sources.
9/24/2009 7:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by toddcommish on 9/24/2009Your money would be better spent on Muddy's mom.

9/24/2009 7:55 PM
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