Nuthin but air, I’m out for good Topic

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2/15/2010 9:34 PM
I used to hate on NC because he's very record-conscious, but now I just respect that that's how he likes to play the game and he's very VERY good when he has no restrictions, in all the sim games on this website, so kudos to him for playing/winning the way he wants.
2/15/2010 9:51 PM
I have no issue with that, Trevor. It's just that he talks a big game but doesn't want to back it up unless someone else does the work to set something up on his terms, which would defeat the entire purpose.
2/15/2010 9:53 PM
I agree with that....he's extremely particular and it does get frustrating from time to time/quite often lol.
2/15/2010 9:56 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By ashamael on 2/15/2010I have no issue with that, Trevor. It's just that he talks a big game but doesn't want to back it up unless someone else does the work to set something up on his terms, which would defeat the entire purpose
I have backed up everything I've ever said about my abilities in the nba sim. If you don't want to create the theme leage, that's fine. I can do that myself. But to prove you wrong, I would have to win a league where some of these people (whom you still haven't named) were in the league. Besides the fact that I've said that I wouldn't play OL anymore, it isn't a guarantee that they'd be in the particular OL I joined (which means you'd say it doesn't prove anything if I win that league).
2/15/2010 10:34 PM
heres a few of the better ol owners ash is probably talking about nc...

christspeak(guys a machine...join any ol...hes there)
darkangel777(currently has a 73-9 team)
jjmurphy1127(mixes it up nicely...plays a ton)
RamBeast(won very first league he did)
tnbishop(uses same cookie guys...boring)
airstilt(builds great teams around 66-67 wilt)
terrapin43(very creative owner...winner)
coolmay_one(MAY!...same names...same good results)

i could go on....but you can just check out the top owner ratings and most of those guys play ol pretty steadily

in theme league guys are on that list at all...its all open leaguers
2/15/2010 11:02 PM
I do appreciate the list dh555 as I like to practice against open league guys before submitting my teams into the theme leagues. If I can build a theme league team at $47 million that can consistently beat a $42 million christspeak open league team than I feel good.
2/15/2010 11:15 PM
The one cookie cutter player that really annoys me is Glen Rice. His RL performance rating is nowhere near is SIM value.

Nash doesn't annoy me so much because his overall performance rating, based on the way I rate players, is right behind Magic in terms of per minute performance points for the PG position.

Are there any good anti-cookie theme leagues out there that would fill? I use the cookies myself just because I want to win. But, it would be really fun to have a league that somehow eliminated a majority of the cookie cutter players.

Hey LTB is it time once again to fire up the Joes not Pros League again? It is a very anti-cookie cutter league for the most part. I have dominated that last 2 seasons of that League winning both times including a 2nd place finish, and a 4th place showing . . . LOFL. I'm getting sick of myself!
2/15/2010 11:32 PM
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2/15/2010 11:43 PM
hell yea! look at this heavyweight ltb, i love trash talking...this needs to happen...come on nc...step up

and please let me know when so i can join that open league too and get to witness it firsthand(and of course try to compete with you guys)
2/16/2010 12:00 AM
I'm terrible at trash talking because I'll come back and say something like the following: "honestly, nc is a great sim-baller and helped me out a lot in the beginning to learn how to play this game."

(true statement, btw. I was a noob who asked these forums for tips and took bits from him, monkee and a couple of others and forged my own style)

I just really want to see a team with few threes dominate a true OL. I might try and build one after my plethora of teams finish. I'm fixing to have 7 going simultaneously, which is about 3 more than I like playing with.
2/16/2010 12:22 AM
yea im waiting until bowis is over(when i should have some credits to burn) to jump back into open leagues...but would def make an exception if you guys battle it out

i had an open league team with only 08-09 kidd and 07-08 peja shooting any 3s at all...dont remember if it went under 500 for sure, but more then likely it did...won 53 games and lost the 7th game in the conference only successful defensive minded team...i built it around gerald wallace's ridiculous 05-06 season haha
2/16/2010 12:32 AM
I will say this is turning into one of the more interesting threads on this particular forum in a while.

Yes, vancem, I was just thinking this morning it was time to test the waters with Joes Not Pros v4. I've got a crazy couple days of work ahead of me but I'll start a thread in the classifieds as soon as I can.

I don't remember the last time I was in an open league, but I'd probably jump in if we could generate some heated interest around a particular one... I agree with ash that the owners in question are (with few exceptions) not going to appear in a theme league. The trick would be to find one under development that already has 3-5 of these guys signed up, and send the league # to interested souls. In other words, make a challenge theme league out of an OL.
2/16/2010 8:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by longtallbrad on 2/16/2010
Yes, vancem, I was just thinking this morning it was time to test the waters with Joes Not Pros v4. I've got a crazy couple days of work ahead of me but I'll start a thread in the classifieds as soon as I can.

I've also been wanting to try to generate interest in a theme league (preferably draft but not necessarily) allowing players only up until the 79-80 season. The PGs, SGs, and SFs from that point backward are almost completely ruled out by the current sim's biases. When was the last time you saw John Havlicek or Rick Barry do well in an OL, or any appearance of Billy Cunningham or Earl Monroe? But I fear the sign-up list would stall out at about 6.
2/16/2010 8:26 AM
Quote: I just really want to see a team with few threes dominate a true OL.

I'm with you, ash. I'd even push the number lower, to maybe 250. Maybe the thing to do is issue a broader WISNBA challenge - post an offer of a couple GCs to any owner that can win an OL with few than X number of 3s. (Maybe it needs to be an OL that happens to contain at least 3 of the top 25 owners, to ensure that the spirit of the challenge is met.)
2/16/2010 8:29 AM
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Nuthin but air, I’m out for good Topic

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