Round 1 Roster Selection Strategies, 2021 Topic

Posted by DoctorKz on 6/13/2021 10:02:00 PM (view original):
These write ups have me looking forward to trying some different strategies in the Next 24 that runs afterwards...
I always see ideas here that I simply didn't consider...I may not play all six, but I will surely try my hand at a few...
Likewise, some great ideas being tossed around that I’m trying to incorporate
6/14/2021 6:36 AM
Here is the link to the thread being discussed on previous pages relating to defense and the value of modern/deadball pitchers:
6/14/2021 9:20 AM
Hello all. I’m back with yet another seminar on how not to assemble your teams. Last year I didn’t make the cage after having advanced the previous two years because of dropouts. My general trend is down so I’m not very confident about this year’s teams, and I’m not going to even try to make predictions. Quoted stats are normalized and don’t include $200K guys unless they’re going to have to play.

.257 Magnum

Bennett Park

I only play low caps in the WISC, so I generally don’t have a good sense of what good low cap teams look like. Something tells me that they look nothing like this team.

This team took me the longest to build. I built 6 different versions and never really liked any of them. My initial thought was to use as many super-high OAV and super-low AVG $200K guys as I could get away with. I eventually settled on 4 hitters and 3 pitchers, though I went as high as 5 pitchers at one point. At first I wanted as high an average as possible, and my first team was at .270, with an AVG# of .285 for the non-200K guys. Those early teams were heavily reliant on hitters walks though, and I felt after a while that everyone would want high OAV pitchers, who would probably be low BB guys, so relying on walks for offense didn’t seem to be the right strategy. I built a couple of teams where the pitchers were decent hitters, with the idea of batting them leadoff to save PAs for the hitters, but I didn’t like those teams either. I finally decided to trim down the number of $200K pitchers and focus on home runs, so I didn’t care as much about AVG. I don’t like this team either, but I was running out of time and ideas.

The $200K pitchers got me 18 points of BA, which seems worth it.

Offense: 5.369 PA, .262/.335/.445 (.271/.339/.458 x-$200K, which will be relevant if I by some miracle make the postseason), 229 HRs
Pitching: 1,354 IP, 2.55 ERC#, 0.32 HR/9+


Shea Stadium

I’ve never seen this movie. But I have a vague idea of what it’s about, and the relevant sin here would seem to be sloth.

I feel like the pitchers from the second half of the first decade of the 20th century tend to be good values, so when I saw this theme I immediately decided that I would use one of those years. As this was probably the first team I completed, I don’t particularly remember my reasoning behind choosing these years, but I’m guessing it has to do with the fact that the 2007 Posada (who will also appear on my following two teams) and Chipper are among my most often used players in the sim. I only used two 1907 hitters, Sherry Magee and George Stone. My pitching staff is all 1907 except for 4 relievers. I like my offense here quite a bit, but for some reason I skimped on pitching. I spent $49.9M on bats and only $40.1M on arms. I don’t know why I did this. I suppose it’s because I prefer offense, and others tend to spend less on offense which allows me to get away with spending less for hurlers. I chose Shea to try to stretch out my mediocre innings. Maybe I should have spent more time on this team, although that doesn’t appear to have worked for my $70M team so who knows?

Offense: 5,387 PA, .319/.395/.489 (.323/.401/.496 in the postseason), 149 HRs
Pitching: 1.397 IP, 2.37 ERC#, 0.17 HR/9+

G – I – R – L – F – R – E – N

Braves Field

It’s rather depressing to me that there’s likely an entire generation of people out there who either don’t know who Jonathan Richman is, or only know him from his Greek chorus-esque appearances in the movie There’s Something About Mary. He should be universally known for having fronted The Modern Lovers, who, in their first iteration, recorded just one early 70’s album but featured drummer David Robinson, later of The Cars, and keyboardist Jerry Harrison, later of Talking Heads. The original Modern Lovers album is an absolute joy, featuring the anthemic Roadrunner and other classics such as Pablo Picasso and Astral Plane. My team name here refers to another of that album’s songs, Girlfriend, which includes my favorite drum entry of all time. The drums can best be described as *stumbling* into the song; the percussive equivalent of when you’re walking through the woods and your foot gets caught on one of those tree roots that grow out of and back into the ground.

Given the song’s mention of the Fenway it would’ve been optimal for me to have chosen Fenway Park, but I didn’t think I drafted enough innings for that. The Museum of Fine Arts (with the room where they keep the Cezanne) is across the street from the old Huntington Avenue Grounds so I would’ve loved to have played there, but I didn’t have any players who called that home, so I settled for Braves Field, which was just a short pleasant walk from the MFA through the Fenway.

As for the team? Well, $110M is the cap where I feel most comfortable, so if it’s not good I’m in trouble. I think it is good. The process of creating it was pretty basic: find a bunch of players who I like at this cap who either have teammates who are also usable at $110M or have $200K teammates. Assuming I advance, each of my $110M teams will feature a late Red Sox Babe Ruth. I’m guessing that Kauff/Falkenberg and Bernhard/Lajoie will be popular combos. I’m guessing that Pagliarulo/Poole will not be. I’m using ’92 Schilling in a 2-man tandem (tandem is the only way to use that Schilling at just over 5 IP/G) which is fine, but using his teammate Kruk as my starting 1B in round 2 is probably evidence that even if I advance I’m in trouble.

Offense: 5,461 PA, .328/.428/.533, 142 HRs (R2: 5,402 PA.329/.415/.533, 155 HRs),
Pitching: 1,397 IP, 1.88 ERC#, 0.34 HR/9+ (R2: 1,427 IP, 1.99 ERC#, 0.21 HR/9+)

Double, Double Toil and Trouble

National League Park II

Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

How did Willie the Shake know what my 2021 WISC $120M team would look like?

Actually it’s probably not as bad as all that. It looks like a decent $120M team. I went with doubles since most of the guys I’d usually use fell into that category, but you’d think I’d try out teams from the other categories just to make sure that I liked doubles team the best. But I didn’t. Which is very odd. I certainly had the time, and team-building is perhaps the most fun aspect of playing this game. And not only is team-building fun, it’s free. And yet, with my $90M, $120M and $140M teams, instead of trying out various combos I pretty much picked one and went with it. And then I wonder why I don’t advance. Sometimes I’m my own worst enemy. Maybe most of the time.

The team itself should be fine though. I hadn’t used ‘93 Olerud in a while; it seemed like he was good for a long time but then got bad but hopefully he’s good again. Some more of the usual suspects made it: Posada, Berkman, Goslin. I’ve recently had great success with the 2016 Daniel Murphy so I gave him a whirl. Bill Mueller tends to outperform his meager salary so I included him. My pitching staff is a bit risky. I went with three 2-man tandems, which is fine, but I’m going to need to have each tandem average around 8 innings per game because I only drafted 145 non-$200K relief innings. My tandem starters have enough innings/pitches to make it work, but a few long extra inning games early on might doom this team. Not sure if it was worth the risk. And, of course, my first game was an 11-inning loss. Hell-broth indeed.

Offense: 5,416 PA, .345/.428/.547, 154 HRs
Pitching: 1,405 IP, 1.68 ERC#, 0.36 HR/9+

1900’s Need Not Apply

West Side Grounds

Alternate team name: 1900’s? We don’t need no stinkin’ 1900’s.

I feel like around 7 years ago everyone used to use the 19th century hitters and I’d get all aggravated about it, and now I’m using them more than everyone else. Go figure. I’ve been on an 1890’s Phillies kick recently (Clements/Thompson/Delahanty/Hamilton), and I’ve always liked the 1880’s pitchers, including Lady Baldwin and Tim Keefe, both of whom seem like pretty good bargains. Keefe will make half of the starts, with Baldwin and 2005 Pedro tandeming the other half. Pedro will likely get consistently rocked here, but hopefully not surrender too many insurmountable leads. My bullpen, mostly from the 2000’s, is good. This is a DH league so I needed more innings, but it’s still a pretty big red flag that this team’s ERC# is significantly higher than that of my $120M team.

My offense should be good (and it better be), with Brouthers from the 1880’s and Utley and Nomar helping out the ‘90’s Phils and their crosstown compatriot Denny Lyons. I’m worried about my pitching here, but at least I’m pretty confident that I inadvertently win the prize for the most balanced salary totals across my three chosen decades:

1880’s - $46,647,801
1890’s - $46,803,626
2000’s - $46,548,112

That and a couple of bucks gets me on the subway.

Offense: 5,979 PA, .362/.439/.576, 132 HRs
Pitching: 1,464 IP, 1.77 ERC#, 0.24 HR/9+

Giving 110%

Ameriquest Field in Arlington

When I first saw this theme I thought that I'd resist the bait and instead choose my usual high-cap pitching staff. But the more I thought about it, the 2020 pitchers should have their HRs allowed normalized down so significantly that I should be able to draft a decent staff with a high gross HR/9. 7 of my 10 non-$200K pitchers are from 2020, with the exceptions being Santana (who I assume will get pummeled here since he gets hit hard at $120M, but oh well), ’16 Kershaw and ’17 Kimbrel. I added three extreme suck $200K guys to get my gross HR/9 up to 1.1. For some reason I didn’t even think to look for the Lima strategy that ozomatli discovered, and I regret that. But what I really regret is screwing up my stadium. I think the +1 HR rule originally registered with me, but then I forgot it and submitted a team with Jefferson Street Grounds. But really, the optimal play here was Mile High, but when I was informed of my incorrect stadium it was too late to change my roster to add the extra needed innings so I just went with Ameriquest. Fail.

I think my team is still decent though. The extra high cap enabled me to use a bunch of guys I’d never consider, such as the ’80 Brett and the ’41 Williams. I think my numbers look pretty good; I just wish I’d done a better job of thinking it all through beforehand.

Offense: 5,645 PA, 374/.475/.617, 180 HRs
Pitching: 1,485 IP, 1.43 ERC#, 0.53 HR/9+

See you all next year.
6/14/2021 3:09 PM
Writeups with music education are such a wonderful bit of bonus content here.
6/14/2021 4:49 PM
Good stuff... this is by far my favorite part of WISC. These write ups are where it’s at.
6/14/2021 6:41 PM

I’m not sure how I feel about my teams this year. I got most done relatively quickly since I’m commishing 6 leagues, but I don’t really have strong feelings either way. I’m curious to see how they do.

Enjoy these not-so-sexy write-ups.

$70M – I Lost 261 lbs and I Feel...meh

Miller Park

I didn’t spend a ton of time on this one. My approach was to go with as low as a BA as possible and focus on homers and walks. For pitching, I focused on low walks and homers and went with Miller Park to kill hits, and boost the long ball.

My offense, led by ‘96 Ripken, ‘53 Kiner and ‘62 Cash, has over 200 homers. ‘47 Nicholson and ‘67 Boyer also add some pop. My staff is anchored by ‘98 Moyer, a staple for me at low caps. ‘07 Maddux, ‘20 Greinke, ‘90 Swindell and ‘94 Reynolds fill out the rotation. My bullpen should greatly assist us if we can pass them a lead: Eck, Rivera, Howe and Rasmussen.

Offense: .264/.369/.451, 205 HR, 731 BB

Pitching: 1,368.1 IP, 1.19 WHIP, 0.86 HR/9, 1.48 BB/9, 6.72 K/9

$90M – 1902-2002 – RIP

Pro Player Stadium

I had a bit of tunnel vision with this one, as I immediately wanted to use ‘02 Bernhard, especially at this cap. I probably could have built a better team, but I don’t feel horrible about this one. Pedro and Odalis Perez back up Bernhard, with Byrd providing a hold-your-breath option in the 4th spot.

I figured the best approach was modern-dominated pitching staff and deadball-dominated lineup. Roy Thomas and Jimmy Barrett are at the top of the order to create some RBI opportunities for Hickman and Abreu. Luis Castillo, Bobby Wallace, Jimmy Collins and Ossee Schreckengost round out the order. This team has a very strong bench with Loretta, McGraw, Alomar Jr. and Kinkade that should help later in games. The bullpen is also very solid with Wagner, Rhodes, Hawkins and Rivera.

This feels like a middle of the pack team to me, but hopefully they exceed expectations.

Offense: .313/.382/.429, 250 2B, 531 BB

Pitching: 1,320 IP, 1.02, 0.87 HR/9, 1.73 BB/9, 6.33 K/9

$110M – Where Did All My Friends Go?

Polo Grounds V

I didn’t invest much time in this one either, because I didn't want to drive myself crazy with tinkering, and then trying to decide which team to use. I created two iterations and selected the one I liked best.

I ended up with an interesting balance for each. Team 1 hits some homers, and has an older, low HR/9 staff with good defense. Team 2 has a modern staff with lots of Ks and a lineup of high BA/low HR hitters that can play at Target Field. It was hard choosing between them, but I figured Team 2 stood the best chance in Round 2 if I got there. I know some will say you have to get there first, but if I do get there, I want to compete. And I think my Round 1 team can still produce.

My lineup is anchored by ‘28 Lindstrom and ‘99 Clarke, with ‘11 Miggy, ‘04 Abreu, ‘07 Granderson and ‘75 Morgan providing some good OBP and slugging through the middle. ‘08 Scutaro and ‘79 Wynegar round things out. This team is well rounded and plays good defense, which should complement my pitching staff well.

02 Bernard once again makes an appearance, backed by ‘67 Horlen, ‘02 Lowe and ‘03 Mussina, with ‘15 Kershaw providing depth. This staff doesn’t walk many or give up many HR, so with my defense, they should do well. My bullpen is a mixed bag, with some guys I’ve never used before, but the stats are good: ‘18 Quinn, ‘18 Doolittle, ‘01 Karsay, ‘96 Helling and newcomer ‘20 Stashak.

Offense: .315/.399/.480, 279 2B, 665 BB

Pitching: 1,451 IP, 0.97 WHIP, 0.57 HR/9, 1.7 BB/9, 5.8 HR/9

$120M – Double or Nothing...Please Not Nothing

Target Field

I was really tempted to take a chance and go with homers. I figured most would go with doubles or triples – and count on others to do the same – so they’d feel more comfortable rostering some higher HR/9 pitchers. Ultimately I chickened out. Hopefully there are a few HR teams, just so I can see how they would’ve fared (and chastise myself when they inevitably do well).

I tried to get as close to the limit in the other 3 categories as possible with all my hitters, to be able to compete with anyone. I have a good mix of high BA, with triples and some homers. ‘32 Waner and ‘18 Speaker anchor the lineup, with ‘46 Vernon, ‘48 Williams, ‘17 Jose Ramirez and ‘93 Lajoie providing some middle of the order slugging. I went heavy on + plays up the middle with Speaker, Lajoie and Dick Bartell to help my pitchers.

My rotation is a staple of guys who should fare well at Target Field, but we shall see. ‘15 Kershaw, ‘18 Degrom, ‘17 Kluber and a couple guys with stud stats who I’ve never used before: ‘20 Darvish and ‘20 Maeda. ‘05 Halladay will provide some rotation depth, and Wagner, Carlos, Eck and Street make up the pen.

I always love these teams when I build them, but with so many others building similar teams, it’s really hard to bank on any kind of success.

Offense: .336/.401/.514, 442 2B, 520 BB

Pitching: 1,485.2 IP, 0.90 WHIP, 0.74 HR/9, 1.54 BB/9, 10.28 K/9

$140M - ‘10, ‘20 and...’00? The Pattern is Off.

Busch Stadium

My decades seemed pretty evident right away and I didn’t try much else: 1910s for SP, 1920s for offense and 2000s for RP. Although I strayed from that breakdown a bit, I stuck with the decades and I like the team I was able to put together. I went with Busch to cut down on homers and help take advantage of all the triples my team has.

22 Collins and ‘20 Speaker top the order, with ‘25 Heilmann, ‘22 Sisler, and ‘20 Jackson making up the meat of the order. ‘22 Cobb and ‘08 Chipper provide some additional juice. This team also has a very good defense. They also don’t strike out much

10 Johnson, ‘10 Ford and ‘00 Pedro make up the rotation, with ‘19 Nehf providing support. A strong bullpen features ‘15 McCabe, ‘18 Northrop, ‘02 Wagner, ‘09 Rivera and ‘02 Gagne.

Again, a team that I feel great about, but we’ll see how they match up with the rest.

Offense: .355/.426/.522, 361 2B, 105 3B, 652 BB

Pitching: 1438 IP, 0.89 WHIP, 0.25 HR/9, 1.83 BB/9, 7.2 K/9

Variable Cap – Fahrenheit 172

Metropolitan Stadium

I figured this wasn’t a variable league where highest cap was necessarily better, so I shot for around $10M of extra cap. I added a couple useless mopup guys in Matusz and Straily (nowhere near to the extent ozo did, which I should have thought of), and bought myself an extra $2M.

I wanted a nice mix of pitchers across eras. I opted for a rotation of ‘16 Kershaw, 98 Maddux, ‘99 Pedro and ‘20 Bieber on low PC, with ‘15 Alexander as a stud long man. The bullpen is a mix of modern relievers and high IP/game oldtimers, including Miller, Eck, Blue, Carlos, Northrop and Miller.

I focused my offense on high average/low K hitters, with a little thump spread throughout. ‘20 Sisler and ‘27 Hornsby top the order, with ‘26 Ruth and ‘42 Williams manning the middle. ‘41 Dimaggio, ‘05 Wagner, ‘85 Brett and ‘09 Mauer round things out. Hitting should not be a problem for this team. I went with Metropolitan Stadium to take advantage of my extra IP and hopefully hit a few extra homers.

I’m excited to read this team’s boxscores each day, regardless of how they do.

Offense: .366/.456/.617, 325 2B, 248 HR, 787 BB

Pitching: 1,659 IP, 0.92 WHIP, 0.6 HR/9, 1.71 BB/9, 9.1 K/9

6/14/2021 11:11 PM (edited)
$120m Nobody else mentioned drafting a couple low HR pitchers to spot against HR teams. Do people actively manage or is it all Set it and forget it?
6/15/2021 9:25 PM (edited)
Posted by rbow923 on 6/15/2021 9:25:00 PM (view original):
$120m Nobody else mentioned drafting a couple low HR pitchers to spot against HR teams. Do people actively manage or is it all Set it and forget it?
I have no clue how anyone can be successful at this game without actively managing. I firmly believe it's the only reason I have had moderate success. I know ozomatli said in an interview he is mostly set it and forget it and that just blows my mind.
6/15/2021 10:50 PM
I definitely actively manage, but not to the point where I’d draft a specific type of pitcher for a specific type of team I may or not not play against.

instead I just draft based on what I know.

this is something I could definitely improve on. Was thinking today on my plans for next years tourney and what I’m gonna do differently already ha
6/15/2021 11:12 PM
seemed appropriate for $120m because we knew what we were going to face.
6/15/2021 11:51 PM
Posted by rbow923 on 6/15/2021 9:25:00 PM (view original):
$120m Nobody else mentioned drafting a couple low HR pitchers to spot against HR teams. Do people actively manage or is it all Set it and forget it?
Honestly, I was banking on none of the good owners doing it. I thought long and hard about it, and I'm sure others did to, but I didn't think any of the top owners would chance it. I'm confident I can beat the bottom 30% of owners if they have a HR team. I did draft Carlos though, if needed. My Degrom also has a HR/9+ over 260 and Kershaw is over 160. I think I can hold my own on the road and I'm certainly not worried about facing those teams at home, at Target Field.
6/15/2021 11:57 PM
Posted by NebHusker on 6/15/2021 10:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rbow923 on 6/15/2021 9:25:00 PM (view original):
$120m Nobody else mentioned drafting a couple low HR pitchers to spot against HR teams. Do people actively manage or is it all Set it and forget it?
I have no clue how anyone can be successful at this game without actively managing. I firmly believe it's the only reason I have had moderate success. I know ozomatli said in an interview he is mostly set it and forget it and that just blows my mind.
Yeah, I don't actively manage at all. In the playoffs I'll use some regular season RPs as SPs but that's it.

If I draft a platoon I obviously have to, but this is why I avoid platoons at all costs.
6/16/2021 12:02 AM
Active managing is one of my favorite aspects. I'm confident I make better adjustments than the defaults. I've never really considered how I'd set things up if I didn't plan on checking in every game on every team, which I basically have always done.
6/16/2021 1:00 AM
Posted by redcped on 6/16/2021 1:00:00 AM (view original):
Active managing is one of my favorite aspects. I'm confident I make better adjustments than the defaults. I've never really considered how I'd set things up if I didn't plan on checking in every game on every team, which I basically have always done.
I actively manage way more in the WISC than other leagues. Usually, I'll peak at my pitching staff every cycle or two to make sure no one is fatigued, but other than that, I'll take a deep dive once a week to see if I can spot any trends or if any shakeups are needed. In the WISC, I find myself constantly scouting opponents and looking for an edge.
6/16/2021 8:35 AM
I draft very minimally for innings, so I typically draft just enough to know I can get through with 90% fatigue on all my guys. So I’ll manage that, but typically the guys I drafted have very specific roles that I’ll manage to ensure they’re coming in when they’re supposed to.
6/16/2021 10:53 AM
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