Funk 52 - Explain Yourself Topic

1st Round (1) 66-67 Wilt Chamberlain - Starting Center

There was obviously a ton of avenues that I could have ventured with the first round pick. However I felt the need to take Wilt; if not only for the fact that I have never used him.

Stat Lines

46 MPG; 24.2 PPG; 24.2 RPG; 68.3 eFG%; 7.8 APG; 1.7 SPG; 4.5 BPG;

4.5 TOPG; 1.8 FPG; 18.5 Usage% and 83 Def

2nd Round (48) 01-02 Paul Pierce - Starting Shooting Guard

With back to back picks I felt the need to address a few areas. So this pick was a three point choice, plus having a solid defense didn't hurt the cause.

Stat Lines

40 MPG; 26 PPG; 7 RPG; 1.9 SPG; 50.8 eFG%; 210 3PT; 520 FT

2.9 TOPG; 2.9 FPG; 29.4 Usage% and 90 Def

3rd Round (49) 69-70 Willis Reed - Starting Power Forward

I know that in this position I had lots of option. I could have selected a PG at this moment, but I eventually settled on a 2nd rebounder.

Stat Lines

38 MPG; 22 PPG; 14 RPG; 51.5 eFG%; 1.2 SPG; 2.1 BPG

2.6 TOPG; 3.5 FPG; 22.1 Usage% and 90 Def

4th Round (96) 92-93 Joe Dumars - Starting Point Guard

Stat Lines

40 MPG; 23.5 PPG; 4 APG; 1 SPG; 50.4 eFG%

1.8 TOPG; 1.8 FPG; 24.5 Usage% and 90 Def

5th Round (97) 08-09 Gerald Wallace - Starting Small Forward

Stat Lines

38 MPG; 16.6 PPG; 8 RPG; 50.4 eFG%; 1.7 SPG

2.1 TOPG; 2.9 FPG; 20.6 Usage% and 95 Def
4/7/2010 2:35 PM
John Stockton, Julius Erving, Kevin Willis, Danny Granger, Erick Dampier, Chris Bosh & Tim Hardaway

Stockton: I've always wanted to use his 94-95 season (the 60% efg% one). I actually am using it in a progressive, but I just took over the team, didn't build it, so I wanted to build a team around it. I hated Stockton as a player, but he gives me some very specialized things that I like in the sim very, very much. Who can complain about 40%+ ast%? Lot of steals, too. Doesn't foul too much and doesn't turn the ball over that much considering the amount of assists AND possessions he has (a combination of PPR & tov% shows how studly he really is). Defense is good. Gets to the line a decent amount for a guy who won't be the first or second (or even third) option on offense. I really struggled with putting a team around him, however. We'll see how it works out.

Dr. J - Probably going to use his 81-82 season (almost 55% efg%, 9%+ oreb, 12%+ dreb) and put him at SG full time. This pick was originally supposed to be the Mailman, and if not him, then McHale. Once both of those were out, I was looking for someone I could put at guard who could give me boards and extra possessions. The good doctor literally does a bit of everything except shoot the 3. And should things turn out differently later in the draft, I could use him at the 3, or use a different version (still possible, but doubtful) and put him at the 4. Plus, the only other time I used Erving, I messed up late in the draft and ended up not getting his full potential out of him (I drafted more possessions than my team could actually get).

Kevin Willis - using the 43%+ rebounding season. This was not where I was going at all, but with every time someone passed him, I thought more and more about it. I was going to do what I did last time and build a platoon in the 6th round for my PF - a platoon that rebounded a lot (but fouled a lot) and did little else. Instead I've got someone who'll actually shoot the ball quite a bit, which is good because I only will end up with 2 guys over the illustrious 22.1% usage in my starting line-up. He only shoots 48% from the field, but with almost 60% ast% just between Stockton and Dr. J, I'm hoping he'll be better than that. He doesn't foul much, which is a huge bonus from what I was expecting. He plays good defense and shoots 80% from the line, but he doesn't really do anything else. Which is why he went in the third. I'm shocked he fell to virtually the end of the round, though. IMO, he's a late 2nd/early 3rd round pick. I was going to pick Tyson Chandler here originally - and still almost did.

Danny Granger (08-09) - I used this guy last season. But I didn't get his full potential out of him, because no matter what I did, I could NOT get him, Ginobili & Vinsanity to actually play the rotation I designed for them (should have got them to play just under 7800 minutes combined). Because I really wanted the ast% of Manu and VC in at the end of games, I had to start them, so they ended up playing the extra minutes and DG had to suffer.

That ain't happening this season.

The guy is too good and offers too much to not get the full 102% out of him. There are few players in this sim that get to the line as much as he does per 48 minutes WHILE shooting from behind the arc as much as he does (and shooting both as well as he does, 88% & 40% respectively) - and none of them have his defense. He gives me more blocks and can rebound decently well for a 2. Since he'll spend most of his time at the 3, I wanted a SG that could rebound (thus Dr. J). He has the perfect amount of minutes for the cost in a high cap league, too. I'm hoping with Stockton feeding him the ball, his 52% efg% soars and that he accurately shows his beastly nastiness. He, Dr. J & a guy I'll take in the 6th will rotate at the 2 & 3 positions. I was looking hard at Durant earlier for this pick, but he didn't shoot enough threes for what I wanted. That, and some bastid took him way earlier!

Erick Dampier. He's exactly the type of guy I have come to really like having on my roster. Low(er) foul, reasonably high efg%, 40% total rebounding, blocks some shots, doesn't turn the ball over a ton, gets to the line quite a bit for a lower usage guy (though he doesn't shoot that well from there, that is not nor ever has been my primary concern). I'll flesh out both of my core rotations (three guys at the 4/5 and three at the 2/3) in the 6th. Tickled with how things turned out despite plans B through P going down the drain.

Chris Bosh. I was really wanting to go another way with this pick, but the guy I really wanted just got picked (Joel Przbylla). So instead of picking a big & a wing (and letting scrubs fill up the back-up PG role), I went with a guy that can play all 3 frontcourt positions, give me some boards and get to the line a lot (while shooting well from there). He also has a good tov% and doesn't foul much. I likely won't end up using all 2900 minutes, but I'll get close.

Tim Hardaway. As I said before, I went a different route than originally planned. That's the way most draft leagues go, though. I wanted a guy that could come in when Stockton goes out and give me much of the same thing, but someone who could also play the 2 and give me some threes. When both are on the floor at the same time, I'll have 70% ast% between the two alone (I, unlike neil, think that more than 65% ast% is NOT a waste). That means whoever's playing up front should be shooting at an unreal level (and the two of them as well).

These two are 100% at all five positions between them. That gives me some more flexibility.

All in all, the seven of these guys gives me almost a full slew of minutes. I've got about $2.5 million to spend. I'll probably just get some specialized people that I can throw in the mix to rest guys when I need to. I don't like wasted money on minutes, but sometimes you can use it to your advantage.
4/7/2010 4:58 PM
Air Sun Tzu

Artis Gilmore: 3419 mins. $10.1 mil. 19.9% usage. 71% paint. Arms like a gorilla. 20pt/17rebs. sweet %'s. 94 def, like a silverback. all-time nba fro. at no. 19... hello, moto.

Carlos Boozer: 2564 mins. $7.8 mil. 26.9% usage. 55% paint. intense eyes. 20pt/11rebs. sweet, sweet %'s. 95 def. 1550 pts in limited mins meshes with big daddy. at no. 30... booze-it up!

Mookie Blaylock: 3056 mins. $7.1 mil. 21.9% usage. 52% perimeter. a baboon-like temperment. 89 def with sticky hands. 221-threes made. at no. 67... seemed the right time.

Jerry West: 2845 mins. $7.4 mil. 25.5% usage. 3-zone-shooter. high-strung. 1900 pts. 90 def - covers lots of ground. soft touch at the free throw line. at no. 78... the team captain.

Anthony Mason: 3143 mins. $7.8 mil. 17.6% usage. 56% paint. the wheel-hub. 22% dreb. 80 def - fills inside straight. good size at the sf. at 115... a steal!

i was successful completing my experiment (3 starting paint players). i also like the texture of this group. i believe the real strength will be the guard play even though gilmore and boozer are impact guys. the starting 5 have 300-3's and lots of boards to get the ball back into mookie's hands. i think it's always prudent, when drafting the logo, u start him at the 2. i like how ash is evaluating when the player goes in the draft. best available player. i think the panty raiders will be fun to manage.

4/7/2010 11:27 PM

I wanted Lebron or Rodman but instead I got...

Michael Jordan 88-89: Haven't used this guy in forever and a day, but it's fun trying to build around one of the few players who seems capable of doing almost everything in this sim. His TOs (3.6 pg) and lack of 3s or even a perimeter game to speak of are the only notable drawbacks. His rebounding and assists give me a lot of flexibility in how to round out the squad.

I wanted Marion but instead I got...

Swen Nater 79-80: Big Swen has become a favorite of mine, especially in higher cap leagues. At his best he's nearly Rodman-like as a rebounder, scores only a bit but very efficiently, and is a capable defender. I wish he blocked shots and held onto the ball better (3.2 TOPG). All in all, second round is perfect for him and he could have (should have) gone a few spots higher.

I wanted Stojakovic but instead I got...

Robert Parish 88-89: Nothing spectacular but extremely solid cog - rebounding %s of 13.1 and 24.6, he scores more than Nater and even more efficiently. I thought about going in various directions here, but thought it was worth shoring up my front court and knew I wouldn't get a combination offensive rebounder and efficient inside scorer in the next round (at least, not one who didn't foul a ton).

I wanted Calderon but instead I got...

Kevin Johnson 96-97: Dunno if I've ever used this guy in a draft league before and his subpar defense almost gave me cold feet. I was hoping Brandon, Calderon or D. Harper would fall to me, but this KJ brings a lot to the table - especially 30.9 ast% and 439 FTMs.

I wanted Kirilenko but instead I got...

Antawn Jamison 08-09: He's done so well for me in the $42 mil ODL that I was suspicious about his value in a $52 mil league, but the more I window-shopped for a fifth rounder the more I kept coming back to him. The KJ pick cemented Jamison's fit with this squad: a SF who rebounds fairly well, shoots some 3s, and doesn't turn the ball over much. His main drawback is that he only passes once in a blue moon, but with a backcourt of KC and MJ I don't need a playmaker at SF.

All in all, I'm happy with this start. Usage is a little high but I think still workable. I should be very strong on the boards, a reasonably balanced attack in all 3 zones, good defense at 4 out of 5 spots (and the ability to switch defensive assignments in the backcourt depending on matchups), plenty of free throws, and good to great efficiency across the board (eFG%s of 54.6, 55.4, 57.0, 54.6, and 50.7).

Things to fret about include more TOs and PFs than I would like and no blocked shots to speak of. I'm definitely counting on solid rebounding to give me any chance I have of controlling the possession equation.
4/8/2010 9:48 AM
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4/8/2010 4:14 PM

1) 1968-69 Jerry Lucas - Took him becuase of his high eFG% of 56.7 along with 12/26 reb%. Usg% is at 16 and only has 3.2 fouls per 48 min

2) 2005-06 Shawn Marion - A guy I always wanted to use. My plan was to use him as my 3rd scoring option at 22.3 usg% at eFG% of 56. Plus strong rebounding at SF 8/22 reb%. Plus very low TOV% of 7.7 plus only 3.3 fouls per 48 mins. 94 defense and 2.1 stl% to boot.

3) 2006-07 Vince Carter - Vinsanity my big time scorer. 31.4 usg% at a eFG% of 50. Will need some rebouding and some assits to help with his eFG and clean up the misses. He also give dreb% of 13.7 and assist% 17. Again low TOV% of 10.5.

4) 1995-96 Penny Hardaway - This was a hard decision for me it was between Penny, KJ and Rondo. The reason for Penny was I needed a 2nd scoring option and thought pickings would be slim for a scoring PF. He has a usg% of 25.5 with and eFG% of 54.9. Has a 23.9 assist and 2.5 stl%. Has a TOV% of 13.5 which is very low for a point guard.

5) 1980-81 Larry Smith - One word rebounding. Would of preferred a little more usage he only has 13.4 but that would make Jerry Lucas my 4th scoring option which is not a bad thing. 17/24 reb% the fouls are high 5.9 per 48 mins but in the 5th round sometimes you have to give up something.
4/9/2010 5:03 PM
PG Chris Paul (95 DEF): primary scorer, passer, defender

SG Andre Iguodala (76 DEF): complementary perimeter (23%) scorer/passer

SF Rasheed Wallace (94 DEF): complementary perimeter (36%) scorer/rebounder

PF/C Mel Daniels (92 DEF): second option scorer, 40 REB%

C/PF Wes Unseld (83 DEF): complementary post scorer, 37 REB%

G Charlie Ward (83 DEF): good 3P threat, 28 AST%

SF/PF Andrei Kirilenko (91 DEF): swiss army knife, 5 BLK%

A team with a little bit of everything. Just not sure if that's the way to succeed. Still have > $4M with only 7 mpg to fill. Hmm... I now realize, Ward doesn't sub well for Paul because of their vastly different usage percentages. Aargh! Okay, may take some minutes over Iggy if there's some chemistry issues, and Iggy may spend some time at SF if Sheed isn't working. Not terribly efficient use of capital, but it may work if my backup at PG with the high usage doesn't tank things.
4/11/2010 4:42 PM
What's there to explain since I really don't know what I'm doing? Okay here goes:

1. Moses: Wanted Rodman but that didn't work out. 100% at 2 positions which is what I wanted. Almost went for Dwight Howard. Should be dominant at PF position.

2. Fat Lever: Great D and great rebounding at the guard position. 100% at 2 postions. Does everthing very well except for scoring.

3. David Lee: Surpize, surprize, surprise. Never thought about him being there for me in round 3. 100% at SF allows him to dominate most opponents on the glass. Good FG%. Good D. Negative numbers are pretty low. Had to totally rethink what I wanted to to with this team after I took him.

4. Jose Calderon. Took ash's advice to heart and knew that I needed more assists than what Fat offered. EFG% and Assist% both are excellent. Low turnovers too.

5. Michael Redd: I needed points and 3's. A great shooter. Good numbers overall and decent D. Can start or come off the bench at either SG or SF. Very low turnover guy.

6. Round 6 the plans unveiled: I learned from Monkee that winning the possession battle is crucial. Defense is critical in the Kfunk draft. So the plan is to move Moses to SF and Lee to SF. Then draft the best possible center combo in round 6 in terms of points, rebounds, and defense. Plus, wanted a few blocks and assists to cover Moses' weaknesses. Mike Lewis has 93 D along with TOT REB %39, some assists and 2.9% blocks. Jim McDaniels has 87 D, TOT REB %35 and 27% usage shooting over 51% from the field and 3.5% blocks. Looked hard at Glen Rice here too but liked the way that the big lineup was doing in the SIM practices.

Will the big lineup work? In RL I say no way. David Lee at full time at SF is crazy. Looking for big tme offense off of the bench round out the roster.
4/11/2010 8:36 PM
Everything worked out well:

1. KG 02-03 Will Play SF. A true Superstar who gives me everything
2. Dikembe Mutombo Starting Center. Great D/ Boards / Blocks / high eFG
3. Troy Murphy Starting PF. Great D / high eFG because of a lot of 3FGA hitting them at 45%. DReb of 30% is a plus.
4. Maurice Cheeks Starting PG. Great D / high eFG / low to's and enough Ast.
5. Brandon Roy Starting SG. Gives me everything that was . D might be a concern against MJ/Kobe etc. Low personal fouls though.
6./7. Kurt Thomas and Andrew Bogut Backup frontcourt. High DReb and D/ good eFG
8./9 Hoped my guys were still and I was right. One won't be a surprise, the second was probably never used in kfunk before.

We will see.
4/12/2010 4:52 AM

the name fits my team well....ill be throwing alot of things at you all at once in one big mess of a team

1. 87-88 Charles Barkley - rebounds are the most important thing in the sim i either wanted to get a boardlord or a 3 that rebounds well...wanted was a tough decision between chuck and bird...both are amazing..went with chuck because of the orebs and paint scoring

2. 06-07 Jason Kidd - i usually plan my draft teams around the first guy picked...with barkley i wanted a super high efg% scoring monster...was looking at mchale/boozer/mcadoo/dirk....really thought id get dirk....havent had the pleasure of using him yet and loved the thought of a barkley/dirk forward combo...all those guys went and kidd fell to me....despite the poor shooting, it was a no brainer

3. 07-08 Manu Ginobili - kidd made me think about changing my draft plans....could use 92-93 barkley and go half court with great d which i learned is very important in 52 mil...still wasnt sure but when my pick came and manu was still there, it was another no brainer...he fits both styles...thrilled to get other 2 guard could match his combo of high scoring with 3s and fts at a good %, assists, rebounds, and defense

4. 91-92 Patrick Ewing - at this point i was sure i was going for a uptempo high scoring team...too big a fan of barkleys 87-88 season and i didnt think i could get enough solid defenders that didnt foul way too much...since i had kidd and barkley rebounding very well at their positions, i planned on grabbing amare and his insane high% scoring...i figured i could grab him in the 5th since he wasnt drafted at all last time...wrong...shap wisely took him for his own high scoring team(mcgrady malone and amare damn!)...dont care for pattycakes too much but he scores alot with good efg% and i loved the fact he was a great was either him or elton brand

5. 92-93 Mark Price - needed a good low usage oreb/def guy with this pick...had junkyard and erica in mind...those guys are great...but after looking at possible guards to play with kidd and manu, price really stood out...i wanted scoring from downtown at a high efg% with some fts mixed in for the other 2 guard mins and a backup pg with a high ast%....price fit both so i pulled the trigger figuring there would be plenty of bigs still in the 6/7th round

6. 79-80 Mark Landsberger - pretty obvious why i took this hero...i love how players take on a life of their own in this sim....never heard of him before wis...he was probably a bum irl...but since he cleans the offensive glass hes a solid sim rotation player

7. 92-93 Cedric Ceballos - i saw this season on someones team before and really wanted to use it...hes like a mini-barkley with the great efg% paint scoring and orebs....he pushes barkley over to pf for 10 mins a game but i can live with that since everyone besides price helps on the defensive boards

8. 04-05 Reggie Evans - sh!t....i was just about to type that ill include reggie since im starting him...but then it hit me that i cant start a guy i didnt draft....hell...i cant even use this reggie since hes 4.1 mil...really wish i drafted him instead of cedric now... i guess landsberger is starting now...dammit

well i like my team a little less then when i started typing this but ill still be able to fill reggies mins with low usage off rebounders...just not as good as him...i feel good about this team...we should rebound very well and score alot at a good %...turnovers and fouls will be a problem and i dont have great say this is a playoff team, but with the competition in this league anything can happen
4/12/2010 7:13 AM
Happy Daze

Not gonna get all stat crazy here, but just brief explanations of each pick.

1. Dwight Howard - don't think I need to explain this pick - #12 overall. Really wanted the Chuckster but he was taken immediately before me. My 3rd proxy was... McHale. Yikes!

2. Steve Nash - #37. Whoa. What was I thinking? I'm stll trying to figure that out.. think I got sucked into the influence of the cookie on this one. Passed on Jason Kidd and Dikembe Mutombo who were both also on my radar at this point.

3. Marques Johnson @ #60. Always wanted to use this guy. Passed him up multiple times in other drafts. More importantly, I thought Kevin Willis was taken at this point when I was picking as someone mentioned a "Willis" in the forum. I didn't bother to check it was Willis Reed, not Kevin Willis.

4. Brad Daugherty - Another off the wall pick. Has he ever even been used in a Funk League? Passed on Ewing.

5. Sidney Moncrief - Agree w/ ash in that this was my best pick since Howard. Needed a PG/SG w/ good D since Nash blows on that end and he was the best of the rest.

6. Happy Hairston - Never used him but willing to give the guy a shot at a starting role in the frontcourt. Needed some boards.

7. Shane Battier - Needed a high PER guy and didn't know uva took Mike Miller. Passed on Eddie Jones. Was debating just taking Tony Parker as well due to his high FG% but stuck w/ Shane and his 3s.

This team has pretty high eFG%. All players except 2 scrubs over 52%. D could be much better though, only 2 starters in the 90s. dh555 probably has a great team since he got the guy I wanted (Barkley) and got 2 guys I didn't want but probably should've taken (Kidd and Ewing).

Overall self assessment of D.. due to all the screw ups (Nash over Kidd, the Willis thing, Daugherty for no good reason other than Ewing has fouls galore, and then there's the Mike Miller duplicate proxy pick). Chances of playoffs 40-50%?
4/12/2010 10:49 AM
Quote: Originally Posted By katernberg on 4/12/2010
4. Maurice Cheeks Starting PG. Great D / high eFG / low to's and enough Ast.
5. brandon Roy Starting SG. Gives me everything that was . D might be a concern against MJ/Kobe etc. Low personal fouls though.

This was my exact starting backcourt last season.. great chemistry. They were picked in the same order but just in rounds 3 and 4. Made the playoffs as a 6 seed with about 42 or 43 wins.

Your team should be better though, looks like your early picks were stronger.
4/12/2010 12:09 PM
Funk 52 - Explain Yourself Topic

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