Due to the non-user friendliness of these forums, here is the link/text to the game that is once again putting me into "retirement"


I lost, at home 156-128 to a team that I went 7-1 against during the regular season. I double teamed Karl Malone (as usual) whose main defender is 90 DEF rated Buck Williams, and Malone goes off for 60!!!!!! mothereffing points. You have got to be taking the effing ****. By the way, every player on my opponent's team was below 100% fatigue while all of mine were at 100% fwiw...which compounds the situation

Regardless of what you do, this game does what it wants...and that's really the bottom line. Nothing matters but FG% and AST. DEF and DTs...HA!
7/27/2010 2:15 PM (edited)
Well, don't forget rebound %s, TOs, PFs, 3s, and FTAs.
7/27/2010 2:18 PM
well, there are things you can NOT do that helps.

one of them is to never, ever double team someone.  All it does is make everyone on the opposing team shoot better (including - no, ESPECIALLY - the guy you're DTing).

There are things you can do that will consistently put you in a good position to win.  The top owners in the sim win consistently for reasons beyond luck and randomness.  Yes, there is a lot of the latter, but there are concepts that most people either just don't get or want to ignore because it's not how it should work.  The fact is, there are things that work, and the owners that take advantage of them tend to do well.
7/27/2010 6:14 PM
Trevor has retired more than most pro boxers.
7/27/2010 6:27 PM
I can not hold back any longer - I'm sorry but enough is enough and sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do and say what a man has to say and that is why I feel impelled to come forward at this time to loudly and emphatically establish that I have no comment to make at this time
7/27/2010 8:55 PM
What'd he say?
7/27/2010 11:12 PM
Posted by ncih on 7/27/2010 6:27:00 PM (view original):
Trevor has retired more than most pro boxers.
Probably on par with Brett Favre.
7/27/2010 11:53 PM
Posted by felonius on 7/27/2010 8:55:00 PM (view original):
I can not hold back any longer - I'm sorry but enough is enough and sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do and say what a man has to say and that is why I feel impelled to come forward at this time to loudly and emphatically establish that I have no comment to make at this time
This man is the perfect candidate for political office.
7/28/2010 1:18 AM
Posted by ncih on 7/27/2010 6:27:00 PM (view original):
Trevor has retired more than most pro boxers.
I don't normally make some big announcement when I stop playing, I do make big announcements when the game takes an incredible ****, and if it causes me to stop playing, then so be it. I wanted to give this game another chance, but in the end it's like playing with a cobra...you might befriend it, get along with it, etc, but eventually, the damn thing is going to bite you. There are things beyond realms of possibility that happen in this game, and that was one of them.

Tell me my claim isn't legit/justified.
7/28/2010 11:25 AM
Posted by ashamael on 7/27/2010 6:14:00 PM (view original):
well, there are things you can NOT do that helps.

one of them is to never, ever double team someone.  All it does is make everyone on the opposing team shoot better (including - no, ESPECIALLY - the guy you're DTing).

There are things you can do that will consistently put you in a good position to win.  The top owners in the sim win consistently for reasons beyond luck and randomness.  Yes, there is a lot of the latter, but there are concepts that most people either just don't get or want to ignore because it's not how it should work.  The fact is, there are things that work, and the owners that take advantage of them tend to do well.
Your DT comment is ridiculous...that may be how the sim works, but if that's true, then that's a friggin joke.

I don't think playing a game where exploiting glitches is the main way to succeed is a good game to play.
7/28/2010 11:28 AM
Let's tell the whole story for people: colonels walked into a Progressive Keeper team that won over 60 games the previous season, then won 66 games for him this season.  After his 1st round bye, Malone went-off for 60 against him (and his 90+ DT defenders) and he got killed in Game 1 of Round 2.  While not very probable, I think we'd all agree certainly possible.  He has thus far won Games 2 and 3 by over 20 points each, while continuing to double Malone.  He did change his D setting though. 
7/28/2010 2:51 PM
Posted by colonels19 on 7/28/2010 11:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by ashamael on 7/27/2010 6:14:00 PM (view original):
well, there are things you can NOT do that helps.

one of them is to never, ever double team someone.  All it does is make everyone on the opposing team shoot better (including - no, ESPECIALLY - the guy you're DTing).

There are things you can do that will consistently put you in a good position to win.  The top owners in the sim win consistently for reasons beyond luck and randomness.  Yes, there is a lot of the latter, but there are concepts that most people either just don't get or want to ignore because it's not how it should work.  The fact is, there are things that work, and the owners that take advantage of them tend to do well.
Your DT comment is ridiculous...that may be how the sim works, but if that's true, then that's a friggin joke.

I don't think playing a game where exploiting glitches is the main way to succeed is a good game to play.
How dare you?  You insinuate that I and other successful owners are exploiting glitches and that is the only way we win?  Man, I take you with a huge grain of salt most of the time (when it comes to the sim)... but you're crossing the line now.

Here's why you don't win in the sim:  You're bad and you refuse to learn.  The only reason you have such a strong team right now is because you flat out took over a strong team in a progressive league.  You may very well win your first and only 'ship with a team someone else built.

Yes, the sim has *many* issues.  Yes, it can be *very* random.  But the fact is, there are ways to build a winning team that aren't "glitches".  They are bonified, time-tested-and-proven, legitimate ways to put yourself in a position to win 60+ games.  Because you're too dumb to figure them out doesn't make the sim unplayable, and it sure doesn't make anybody better than you (read:  most everyone) exploiters.

Now insert some comment about how you only do your own special little themes when you build a team.  That's cool.  But you obviously don't win with them and you don't have fun, so why keep torturing yourself?

7/28/2010 3:16 PM
Posted by all3 on 7/28/2010 2:51:00 PM (view original):
Let's tell the whole story for people: colonels walked into a Progressive Keeper team that won over 60 games the previous season, then won 66 games for him this season.  After his 1st round bye, Malone went-off for 60 against him (and his 90+ DT defenders) and he got killed in Game 1 of Round 2.  While not very probable, I think we'd all agree certainly possible.  He has thus far won Games 2 and 3 by over 20 points each, while continuing to double Malone.  He did change his D setting though. 
Against a team that I went 7-1 against in the regular season. I'm not entirely sure why a "whole story" had to be told here.
7/28/2010 7:51 PM
How dare you? You insinuate that I and other successful owners are exploiting glitches and that is the only way we win? Man, I take you with a huge grain of salt most of the time (when it comes to the sim)... but you're crossing the line now.

------I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying a game where some/many of us are trying to exploit glitches, isn't worth playing. It's a knock on the game, not the players that try to take advantage of how the game is.

Here's why you don't win in the sim: You're bad and you refuse to learn. The only reason you have such a strong team right now is because you flat out took over a strong team in a progressive league. You may very well win your first and only 'ship with a team someone else built.

------I don't understand while you're getting all uppity. I love the "You're mad because you lose" argument, because it doesn't and has never applied to me. I've ran 25 seasons with players 1972-73 and prior and have done probably 10 or so where I was seeking records or trying some new weird/bizarre concept. My record, lack of playoffs/championships doesn't bother me in the least, so for you to retort this is hilarious. The game isn't worth playing, not because I haven't been wildly successful, but because it's far below average and doesn't get an ounce of time/love.

Yes, the sim has *many* issues. Yes, it can be *very* random. But the fact is, there are ways to build a winning team that aren't "glitches". They are bonified, time-tested-and-proven, legitimate ways to put yourself in a position to win 60+ games. Because you're too dumb to figure them out doesn't make the sim unplayable, and it sure doesn't make anybody better than you (read: most everyone) exploiters.

-----You're taking this way too personally...again my rage is against the game, not against the players who play to it's weaknesses to whatever degree. I don't really give a damn how good I am compared to everyone else in this game. My record speaks for itself, and I don't pull my **** out and tell people how great I am at this game, because I'm not. I play this game for other reasons than just "to win". Anyone can copy a good team.

Now insert some comment about how you only do your own special little themes when you build a team. That's cool. But you obviously don't win with them and you don't have fun, so why keep torturing yourself?

-----I enjoy, or used to enjoy this game, beyond winning...I guess mainly for camaraderie purposes. You're not me, so you don't really know what piques my interests and what doesn't, so if I have the wrong mindset just because I don't think/play like "win at all costs" guys like you, then so be it....like I give a damn.

7/28/2010 8:01 PM
Posted by felonius on 7/27/2010 8:55:00 PM (view original):
I can not hold back any longer - I'm sorry but enough is enough and sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do and say what a man has to say and that is why I feel impelled to come forward at this time to loudly and emphatically establish that I have no comment to make at this time
7/28/2010 11:33 PM
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