Sometimes its not the SIM Topic

I know I'm going to get blasted but here it goes anyway.  To everyone who's vehemently complaining about the SIM, sometimes your team is just not good enough.  We all know there's a lot wrong with it but becuase you team is loosing does not mean its the SIMs fault.  My fear is you are getting "fed up" and telling everyone that fact and scaring EVERYONE away.  Soon your will be correct this SIM will shut down because it's a self fulfiulling prophecy.  This complaining is becoming a virus inflecting everything new and old players alike.  For myself I like playing this SIM warts and all.  Just my thoughts, Ok I'll take my beating now.





8/9/2010 5:22 PM
Are you drunk? Who is complaining about losing?
8/9/2010 6:09 PM
I might be drunk, lol.  Yes there are people, like I said the complaining is a virus.  And all of this complaining and people saying there not going to play anymore is going to cause the death of the SIM. 
8/9/2010 6:49 PM
The customers will cause the death of the sim??  No sir.  The lack of attention/caring by WIS to the basketball sim will cause its death. Which we all assume is the ultimate goal anyway.
8/9/2010 6:57 PM
I am not unsatisfied because of losing.  I, like many owners who have been complaining, win far more than I lose.  It's the lack of attention from the site that ****** me off... and then their blatant lack of anything close to logic when you do get a response.
8/9/2010 11:20 PM

I don't think they want to kill the SIM and they are not the most attentive bunch, all of that I agree with.  But the constant post son how much the SIM sucks and the threats of never playing again.  Is having an effect on everyone else and its making other people not play the SIM.  I'd like this to remain alive not scare people away

8/10/2010 5:42 AM
this sounds a little like blaming the victims to me - maybe the general customer malaise and dissatisfaction has more to do with things like um, I dont know, it's August and we still dont have the 09-10 player release? seriously - to me it's people who are still forming leagues and whistling happily along as if nothing is wrong that are out of touch
8/10/2010 8:03 AM
Felonius I want this league to continue, our complaining has done nothing.  Nothing at all.  So all we are doing now is scaring people off.  There are serious problems with the SIM we all know that.  But where does the criticism end?  Whistling along?  Not at all is more like our ecomony right now, we all know there's serious issues.  But if we keep on saying how bad it is the ecomony will get worse.  Its a self fullfilling prophecy.
8/10/2010 8:37 AM
Like ashamael said...people aren't griping because they're losing, they're griping because the sim is subpar and it gets no attention.
8/10/2010 5:09 PM
Half of the complaints go away if they would just acknowledge people and release the players. i play this for entertainment and dont win much but the lack of giving one FU...G SH.T is absolutley ridiculous. I have started playing a couple baseball leagues and they are awesome but I prefer BBall. I put alot of money into this site because i do not win alot. That does not bother me but not releasing the [players is completely WIS fault. Elebowotiz I agree alot of people ***** just to ***** but the problem with the NBA sim is in no way the players fault. 90 percent of the problem belong to WIS. PERIOD END OF STORY!!!!
8/10/2010 6:03 PM
he is right, though.  People threatening (and then carrying out the threat) of dropping long-standing leagues and leaving the site is not helping.  Those leagues are still dead.  It certainly has affected me.  I am one of those who doesn't want the 09-10 players without the fixes we've been told are coming.  I agree that it's ridiculous that we haven't gotten that patch, but the only real way it's effecting me is in that it's driving off many of my longtime friends and rivals, making filling leagues even harder than they were before (not to mention killing progressive leagues that are 20+ seasons running).

If they continue to drive away everyone I play with, then who will I play with?  Because of recent events, I've dropped one league entirely, watched another die and have not joined two progressive leagues - one of which after I said that I would, but then later flaked out on.  No, it's not the owners' fault that WIS has their head(s) up their ***(es), but there is something to the negativity that I see continually in league forums, both open & theme.  It makes me not want to play anymore.
8/10/2010 6:56 PM
I suck at the NBA sim; any success I've had was purely dumb luck.  I don't complain about my teams not winning titles, because they are usually at best a playoff team.

But that doesn't change the fact that WIS has wholeheartedly neglected this sim, and they are determined to drive it into oblivion.  I have no interest in any other sim, and with fantasy football starting soon, I will have no incentive at all to come to this site starting in about 3 weeks.  They're driving away paying customers because of their negligence, and they couldn't care less.  The fact that I suck - and realize/admit it - does not change that.
8/10/2010 7:26 PM
Posted by ashamael on 8/10/2010 6:56:00 PM (view original):
he is right, though.  People threatening (and then carrying out the threat) of dropping long-standing leagues and leaving the site is not helping.  Those leagues are still dead.  It certainly has affected me.  I am one of those who doesn't want the 09-10 players without the fixes we've been told are coming.  I agree that it's ridiculous that we haven't gotten that patch, but the only real way it's effecting me is in that it's driving off many of my longtime friends and rivals, making filling leagues even harder than they were before (not to mention killing progressive leagues that are 20+ seasons running).

If they continue to drive away everyone I play with, then who will I play with?  Because of recent events, I've dropped one league entirely, watched another die and have not joined two progressive leagues - one of which after I said that I would, but then later flaked out on.  No, it's not the owners' fault that WIS has their head(s) up their ***(es), but there is something to the negativity that I see continually in league forums, both open & theme.  It makes me not want to play anymore.
This is my point more than anything else.   We are driving people away with our negative talk.  About the losing thing its more isolated and really it was more to bring up the point the complaining is infectious.  Like I said before I agree with all the issues with this SIM and I'm not blaming anyone for what the SIM is lacking.  What I am saying is if we want to do our part in keep the SIM alive we have watch what we say.  And encourage more people to play not scare them off.
8/11/2010 8:51 AM
Well eleibowitz., when you've been waiting 2 years for a patch to fix PE and adjusted salaries, people become ****** off. It is only natural to vent in these forums. The failure to release the new players in a timely manner is just the last straw for alot of owners. Gathering ideas and suggestions has yeilded us nothing. So whats left ? ********  or leaving!!!!!     peace
8/11/2010 11:04 AM
Posted by chris_snid on 8/11/2010 11:04:00 AM (view original):
Well eleibowitz., when you've been waiting 2 years for a patch to fix PE and adjusted salaries, people become ****** off. It is only natural to vent in these forums. The failure to release the new players in a timely manner is just the last straw for alot of owners. Gathering ideas and suggestions has yeilded us nothing. So whats left ? ********  or leaving!!!!!     peace
Understood chris_snid I have not been doing this as long as some here.  And understand the frustration, all I'm saying is if you want to SIM to stay around maybe keep your comments lower key.  Because I can tell you somebody is seeing those comments for the first time

8/11/2010 11:57 AM
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