When Trump's Lawsuits get dismissed... Topic

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12/18/2020 7:14 AM
Two questions.

1. If you're the Supreme Court, are you suggesting that you completely break the rules to hear a frivolous lawsuit because of the mob? That doesn't seem like a good
2. Let's say the court heard the case. Do you really think they would vote in favor of it? Going further, let's say the SC rejected the lawsuit on a 7-0 decision, and let's say they specifically agree that there was no evidence of widespread fraud. Do you honestly believe that the 50 million or whatever would simply accept the results at that juncture?
12/18/2020 8:03 AM
Your first question misses the point. Who's to say it's a frivolous lawsuit? At this point there's actually mountains of evidence pointing towards significant irregularities in this election. It's a question of procedure - and dismissing a suit based on "standing" tell us nothing.

On point B, no. For the most part. The more transparency the better. But we live in a world of divergent realities - and that's not going to change anytime soon.
12/18/2020 8:11 AM
To flesh this out...

On Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, did something happen? Two things did. One of them has an explanation.

We know that two things happened because we have a nearly-perfect seismograph of events: the election prediction market, now large and sophisticated. In any liquid and sophisticated market, expected events do not move the market. Major market moves therefore correspond to new and unexpected information.

We saw two major reversals of the prediction markets, which went from roughly 15-85 to 85-15 and back again: one on Tuesday evening, and one on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday evening, the market learned that Trump was outperforming the major polls. What did it learn on Wednesday morning?

Whatever that event, it was not expected. At least, anyone who expected it could have made a lot of money. No one makes money by knowing what counties report late. And the data available to professional traders is just as good as that available to both the media, and the campaigns. The Trump campaign thought it was winning. Did the Biden campaign think it was losing? Or…

Yet it is still not impossible for me to imagine that this second event was somehow something subtle, fresh, beautiful and clean, like a raft of suburban Republican wine moms realizing, at the last possible moment, that Black lives matter, and rushing to cast their last-minute postal votes. Science, too, can prove this theory—auditing a random sample of ballots, for the telltale pinot-grigio stains…

I do think I think like a scientist. I know something happened. I just want to know what happened, and why. From my knowledge and experience of American history— if I can still say this on the Internet—there has never been a historical period when our elections were clearly free from fuckery. I therefore find fuckery to be a reasonable Bayesian prior. But, like the citizens in Starship Troopers, I would like to know more.

If this thesis is true, it’s actually kind of cool that 20 years into the 21st century, the ghosts of LBJ and Ballot Box 13 are with us still. By fighting and winning the fuckery war, by cranking up the old heirs of Tammany one more time, the Democratic Party shows that it is a still a thing, it can still bring it, it can still play, it deserves to rule.

Soccer players call this being “physical.” If you remain an electioncuck, I offer you this argument for free: it is the best case I can make for your sorry quisling soul. The case that might makes right is in fact extremely sound—why not just come out and make it?
12/18/2020 8:24 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 12/18/2020 8:11:00 AM (view original):
Your first question misses the point. Who's to say it's a frivolous lawsuit? At this point there's actually mountains of evidence pointing towards significant irregularities in this election. It's a question of procedure - and dismissing a suit based on "standing" tell us nothing.

On point B, no. For the most part. The more transparency the better. But we live in a world of divergent realities - and that's not going to change anytime soon.
The court gets to say it's a frivolous lawsuit. That's how standing works. Welcome to the legal system. The Texas lawsuit might be the easiest legal decision of all time. It's 100% frivolous.

I'm glad that we agree on point B. Around 30% of the country in involved in a fascist cult. That will never end well. I don't think a full-on election audit will lead to more transparency - but to be fair, I looked it up, and there were absolutely some people calling for results to be audited before the election, INCLUDING liberals. So I don't think it's a horrible idea.
12/18/2020 8:36 AM
The answer to what happened that morning is simple. The midwestern states started counting mail-in votes from large, Democratic strongholds, which made it clear that Biden was going to win. Look, this issue isn't complicated. We have legal remedies for these problems. The Trump legal team had every opportunity to find evidence of fraud and present them in court, which largely leans conservative. They failed. There is zero conclusive evidence that widespread fraud occurred. Irregularities DID happen, sure. This was an irregular election.

I don't think the DNC is a criminal mastermind organization. Remember the Iowa Caucus?

I have some questions for you, and everyone else pushing this talking point about fraud: doesn't it seem kind of crazy that the story on election fraud is always changing? How Republicans are making about a million claims and not sticking to a single one of them? How the pre-election narrative about mail-in ballots has almost nothing to do with the current claims of fraud? And how the claims from the lawyers in public vs in court are EXTREMELY different? How Trump admin officials can at once claim fraud, while also working with/talking about the incoming administration? How the goalpost for when the results are going to be overturned keeps moving backwards? How Republicans could have been talking about these potential problems before the election, and maybe solved them (I.E. Dominion), but chose AFTER Trump lost to have all these "discoveries"? How Trump's own administration repeatedly undermines him on fraud points? How Trump managed to scam his followers into giving him money for legal remedies AND promised that they were coming, despite the narrative now changing to have always said that the courts weren't an option?
12/18/2020 8:46 AM
What a ******* loser
12/18/2020 9:51 AM
When Trump's Lawsuits get dismissed... Topic

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