Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Bottom line… I mean, the woman’s out there saying that the Israelis are occupying the Palestinians, and then a journalist asks her, “Like, where? What do you mean?” “Well, they just are! Everybody knows the Israelis are a bunch of occupiers.” “The Palestinians?” “Yeah, you know, in the settlements.” “The settlements? The Israelis are occupying the Palestinians in the settlements?” “Yeah! Israel’s nothing but a bunch of occupiers.”

They finally kept probing and she eventually had to acknowledge that she didn’t know what she was talking about. She was just repeating slogans that she’s been taught, slogans that she’s heard from the mouths of her professors, typical left-wing ranting and raving BS that end up just being cliches. She spouts all of them and has no idea what she’s talking about. “In another speech, she promised that it will not be long before we have wiped capitalism off the face of the earth.”

7/22/2018 6:10 PM
You get what you wished for, Doug.
7/22/2018 6:15 PM
I didn't WISH for anything.

You get what you voted for.

Let a sleeping dog lay. DON'T KICK THE DOG!

You want the get the horns.

Welcome to the new RUSH LIMBAUGH thread.

You can't walk it back fast enough. There's not enough *** to kiss in this universe to ever change it again.

Your hate stops here.

Or maybe you can shoot a few more Republican Congressmen.
7/22/2018 6:39 PM
The world is revolting against the 1%

The 1% can no longer be allowed to dictate our economics or how we vote or how we feel and treat and relate to our neighbors everyday.

The 1%

That would be the viewership and listeners of CNN and PMSNBC and NPR fake news combined.
7/22/2018 6:48 PM

TOWNSEND: He conflates collusion with meddling and the effect on the election. These are three separate things. The Russians interfered in the 2016 election and they continue meddling to this day. The intelligence community made no assessment of the effect of that meddling on the 2016 results, and Bob Mueller hasn’t opined yet about collusion. So these are separate things the president seemed to conflate. The intelligence folks are in there for like two hours a day talking to him. So I’m quite sure that he’s been briefed about it. It’s hard to understand why he always hedges here.

RUSH: You know, Fran Townsend worked for Bush, and as I say, I have to be very judicious about this, but this kind of thinking about the media, this kind of abject ignorance about the media is why they were able to drive her boss’s approval numbers down to the high twenties. I’m sorry, but I just have to say it. The president she worked for got knocked down to 28, 27% approval. It was worth nothing but a solid five hours of reporting on CNN when it happened.

And it’s all rooted in thinking you can placate the media. It’s all rooted in thinking that you can tame them. It’s all rooted in thinking you can make them like you! Which seems to me to be a Republican obsession now and then. There’s no evidence that it will ever work, no evidence that it ever has worked, and yet it seems to be a primary objective.

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7/22/2018 7:54 PM

Michael Isikoff, chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News.

“Obama cyber chief confirms ‘stand down’ order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016 — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a ‘back burner’ after he was ordered to ‘stand down’ his efforts in the summer of 2016.”

7/22/2018 9:17 PM
Don't look now.......but China is losing the trade war.

Maybe now we get fair trade. BUSH or OBAMA could have never done it.
7/22/2018 9:23 PM

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump’s approval rating edged higher during a week in which he faced withering criticism following a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, signaling that he is positioned to weather the latest controversy sparked by his unusual brand of politics.

Mr. Trump’s job approval rating rose to 45% in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the highest mark of his presidency and up 1 percentage point from June. The survey was taken over a four-day period that started July 15, a day before Mr. Trump’s news conference with Mr. Putin in which he questioned the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Underpinning Mr. Trump’s job approval was support from 88% of Republican voters. Of the four previous White House occupants, only George W. Bush, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, had a higher approval rating within his own party at the same point in his presidency.

7/22/2018 9:34 PM

RUSH: Christopher Wray, the FBI director, was out at the Aspen Institute for ideas, as opposed to the Aspen Institute for skiing. And they were talking about ideas at the Aspen Institute. And you know what Christopher Wray said? Are you ready for this? He said, “Look, the Russians do not tamper in our infrastructure, in election infrastructure.”

I said, “Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what?” Say that again. Happily. “The Russians do not tamper in our election infrastructure.”

So what does that mean? For those of you in Rio Linda what it means, point-blank, is the Russians don’t deal with tampering with the votes. Election infrastructure is the polling place, the voting machines, the people that count the votes and do all that. That’s the voting infrastructure. And here’s the director of the FBI, the descendant of James Comey. James Comey, Clapper, Brennan, all these people that have been trying to tell us the Russians screwed with the votes. That’s what they’ve been trying to say. That’s what they’ve been referring to. They want you to imply, they have come out and said so directly, but stealing the election, that’s what that means.

But then we had the Rosenstein-announced Mueller indictment last Friday in which he made it clear that not a single vote was changed and not a single election outcome was affected by any of this. So Christopher Wray, the FBI director, owns up and says, “No, no, no. They do not tamper in our infrastructure. They try to destabilize the integrity of our system by usually backing losers and getting the losers all upset claiming something went awry, and that promotes disharmony and distrust of the election system.”

Why couldn’t somebody say this two years ago instead of going through all of this crap — pardon me — that we’ve been through? Why couldn’t this have just been said two years ago, “The Russians do not tamper with our infrastructure. What they generally do is try to promote discord and distrust within our system. And the way they do it is by stoking the losers with the idea they’ve been cheated!”

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7/22/2018 10:05 PM
Posted by moy23 on 7/22/2018 9:34:00 PM (view original):

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump’s approval rating edged higher during a week in which he faced withering criticism following a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, signaling that he is positioned to weather the latest controversy sparked by his unusual brand of politics.

Mr. Trump’s job approval rating rose to 45% in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the highest mark of his presidency and up 1 percentage point from June. The survey was taken over a four-day period that started July 15, a day before Mr. Trump’s news conference with Mr. Putin in which he questioned the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Underpinning Mr. Trump’s job approval was support from 88% of Republican voters. Of the four previous White House occupants, only George W. Bush, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, had a higher approval rating within his own party at the same point in his presidency.

His actual approval hasn't budged in a while, and it's at around 41%.
7/22/2018 10:10 PM

RUSH: Yesterday I told you that I didn’t want you to repeat this to too many people. I didn’t want the deep state to hear about it, didn’t want you calling other shows. But the point I made was that all of this hysteria that we saw yesterday and the day before is actually causing more and more people to turn to Donald Trump. This hysteria is irrational. It’s scary to watch the media and all of these official Washington types melt down like this. It’s frightening. Well, the Today show sent a reporter out there to real America. They went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, to find out hopefully how many Trump voters are abandoning him.

MORGAN RADFORD: When he kind of backtracked those statements today, did that surprise you?

MAN #1: Well, he did get some Republican backlash on that, and I think they just didn’t hear the whole story before they started coming after him.

MORGAN RADFORD: Some voters in red states are praising Mr. Trump’s approach to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

MAN #2: What they’ve been doing in years past, being enemies with him and just not talking to him or anything hasn’t worked. So why not try something new?

MORGAN RADFORD: In Kenosha, Wisconsin, a county that flipped from blue to red in 2016 many here say the president is still their guy.

MAN #3: I’m totally in support of him.

MORGAN RADFORD: And why! Why are you so supportive?

MAN #3: Because he’s an entrepreneur. He’s a businessman, working-class person’s president. He’s trying to make this country great again.

MORGAN RADFORD: Do you support the president?

WOMAN #1: Yes.

MORGAN RADFORD: Do you continue to support him despite —

WOMAN #1: Yes.

MORGAN RADFORD: — this week?

WOMAN #1: Yes!

RUSH: They’re shocked. It was a nightmare. They went out there hoping to find a bunch of Trump voters ticked off and ready to abandon Trump. So here is Hoda Kotb, anchorette on the Today show, reacting to this report with the infobabe.

KOTB: You talked to those people, obviously. They weren’t concerned with the backlash but were they concerned with the Republican backlash against the president?

MORGAN RADFORD: They were not, Hoda! In fact, they doubled down because they said their allegiance is to the president. In fact, they said they were upset with their elected officials because they feel like they were not getting [sic] the job they were sent there to do. They were not completing it because they weren’t standing behind the president a hundred percent.

RUSH: This is why — and I told you yesterday — that the odds are not just the hysteria from yesterday and the day and the night before, but the cumulative effect, the never-ending hysteria, the never-ending Trump is causing the end of the world, Trump this or Trump that. It’s irrational. Particularly the people that do not watch the media every day, and they tune in and see this? The odds are that this is going to backfired, and NBC found evidence of it, and you could hear that both the anchorette and the infobabe were very shocked, taken aback, and disappointed by this.

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7/22/2018 10:12 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/22/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 7/22/2018 9:34:00 PM (view original):

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump’s approval rating edged higher during a week in which he faced withering criticism following a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, signaling that he is positioned to weather the latest controversy sparked by his unusual brand of politics.

Mr. Trump’s job approval rating rose to 45% in a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, the highest mark of his presidency and up 1 percentage point from June. The survey was taken over a four-day period that started July 15, a day before Mr. Trump’s news conference with Mr. Putin in which he questioned the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

Underpinning Mr. Trump’s job approval was support from 88% of Republican voters. Of the four previous White House occupants, only George W. Bush, in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, had a higher approval rating within his own party at the same point in his presidency.

His actual approval hasn't budged in a while, and it's at around 41%.
Nothing can bring Teflon Trump down!!!
7/22/2018 10:16 PM

RUSH: It’s amazing — and look, I’ve said this I don’t know how many times. But it is amazing, because we’ve had now a year and a half of Donald Trump in the Oval Office, and there’s not even an effort to understand him. There is no effort made whatsoever to understand him. These people started out thinking Trump is whatever they think he is, and it’s only gotten worse. And this is a hallmark of rigidly stupid people, people that are not even open to what may actually be true or real, who simply have created a narrative and an agenda — and by God, that’s gonna be what it is no matter what we have to do.

Apparently, something happened just now at the cabinet meeting. The cabinet meeting in the White House. As always, cameras are allowed in before the meeting starts. And Trump answers some questions, and somebody asked him, “Do you think the Russians are still meddling? Do you think the Russians are still meddling?” It’s never ending. It’s like a like bunch of babies in Romper Room. “Mr. President? Dad? Are the Russians still meddling? Are the Russians gonna take my Milk Duds away? Are they gonna take away from me the right…? Are they gonna kill us?” Blah, blah, blah.

Trump says, “I don’t know. I’m not sure. I don’t think they are.” (laughs) The lid has blown again. How many times, ladies and gentlemen, have you heard Donald Trump say that he would never preannounce any strategy that he has regarding military action or foreign policy regarding another country? How many times has Donald Trump chastised Obama and others for announcing specific dates and agenda plans for, say, taking out ISIS or running an operation somewhere in the Middle East?

How many times has he been critical of doing that? We’re back to the old saw that these people take Trump literally and refuse to understand that there may be an overall strategy for Trump. Trying to say, “Ah, the Russians aren’t doing anything,” maybe he’s got some idea of dealing with them by pretending that he doesn’t think they’re any kind of a threat. Who knows! But instead, look what the assumption is. The assumption, the ongoing, the default reaction to Donald Trump is what? That he’s dumb, that he’s stupid, that he’s an idiot.

No matter what he does, no matter what he says, no matter how much he achieves. We’re looking at a 4% GDP for the second quarter. We’re waiting on the numbers to come in. I’ve got other evidence of agenda success for the Trump administration. All of it’s ignored. “Trump’s an idiot. Trump’s stupid. Trump’s a dunce. Trump is unsophisticated.” It’s the product of closed minds.

7/22/2018 10:19 PM

And in the process, who is it that looks dumb, stupid, closed-minded, rigid? It’s all of his critics. Here’s another story just cleared. It’s from It’s by Liz Peek. It’s an opinion piece. Headline: “Trump Is Winning the Trade War because China Has More to Lose.” Now, this is another sorry: Psst! Don’t tell anybody. Keep this close to the vest because once they figure this out, they’re gonna get even angrier. “Don’t look now, but there are numerous signs that President Trump is winning the trade war with [the ChiComs]. …

“While the battle over tariffs and protecting intellectual property may eventually damage the United States’ economy, there are signs that China is already paying a price for its refusal to bend to Trump’s demands. What does that tell you? Investors think China has more to lose than the U.S. They are correct. … Another indication that Beijing is feeling the heat is that officials appear to be softening their bold ‘Made in China 2025’ campaign. The Financial Times reported, ‘A propaganda directive leaked in late June ordered Chinese media no longer to refer to the term.’ …

“Meanwhile, growth in China is cooling. In the second quarter, the economy grew at 6.7%, the slowest [ChiCom economic growth] rate since 2016. … By contrast, in the U.S., economic growth remains on the upswing,” maybe heading to 4% GDP. “The recent rise in retail sales, up 6.6 percent in June compared to last year, fuels continued optimism…” So another dirty little secret here is that Trump may be prevailing in this so-called trade war with China.

Where everybody thought Trump was once again being stupid and dumb and actually inflicting economic pain on the very people that voted for him. Now, how smart would that be to do? How smart would it be for Trump to adopt policies that in the end are gonna economically harm the people that voted for him? When he has openly said how many times that the exact opposite is his agenda: To create wealth, to make America great again, to make the world and U.S. a fair trading place or playing field.

7/22/2018 10:22 PM

These people, you have to understand, in their world, you don’t criticize them. They have constitutional immunity and protection. You don’t criticize them. They are journalists. You don’t investigate them the way they investigate. You don’t do this, you don’t criticize ’em, you don’t make fun of ’em, you don’t laugh at ’em, you don’t show them disrespect.

But it’s even more than that. It may be so deep and far gone as to be inexplicable. I mean, it may be so multifaceted, this degree of hate. Well, by inexplicable, I don’t think that I could probably cover all the reasons. I think another reason they hate him is he’s ripping the Obama agenda to shreds and leaving it stranded by the roadside. You don’t understand. They love Obama. Oh, my God, folks. This is the biggest insult in the world, that he doesn’t have the practiced reverence and devotion to Obama and the Obama years.

But I think it’s a class thing too. I think they think Donald Trump is a low-class individual that they just would never deign to enjoy being around. But it’s also — never forget this — it’s also agenda and policy related. It’s multifaceted. But the point, they’re not gonna be mollified or bought off in any way, shape, manner, or form. They have to be defeated each and every day like Trump’s been doing.

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7/22/2018 10:25 PM
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