Posted by DoctorKz on 1/29/2018 9:36:00 PM (view original):
My one prediction: Brennan will serve time.

This seems crazy, but considering all the other spy novel stuff that is our every day political landscape, perhaps not...


He has flat out lied to Congress before. And he's a spook, but a political spook.

then there's this...


Perhaps it is tabloid fodder. But maybe the best news really is in the tabloids(MIB reference)...
Dr. in the summer going into fall you complained that no one was arrested....4 now and there could be more...it might be that kotter page said things that could lead honest doj people into believing that there was a reasonable to better then reasonable chance that the klown was involved in something.....and thru him was produced a continuing important product....are they going to shake down the fisa judge too.
first the dossier was bullshit.....some of the evildoers still say that.
then nunes made his midnight run like charles grode and played a malicious shell game..got caught .
then they tried to show something sinister about the unmasking.....that failed.
when the chips are down for the democracy we can see who is right and who is noble....
it is joe and charlie mccarthy all over again.
nuke gingrich!!
1/29/2018 10:17 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/29/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/29/2018 8:38:00 PM (view original):
1/ True Pundit is a pro-Trump fake news site that began publishing on June 9, 2016—the day that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort met with Kremlin agents in Trump Tower to discuss the Kremlin's provision to the Trump campaign of incriminating material on Clinton.

That's how that link starts out....this website started 'THE VERY DAY' of the Trump Tower meeting. Another coincidence...right?
you are very well read and i agree with you on all of your observations.
Heh, I read way too much. Drives the wife nuts. LOL

Thanks Dino.
1/29/2018 10:23 PM
now it is being announced that trump wont impose the congress sanctions on russia resulting from interfering with the election by the believe it or not bipartisan ( as in sometimes lindsey graham ) senate vote 98-2......
wonder why trump wont do it..i dare any of you to convince a breathing non zombie human being that he isnt pimping himself out for mr P.
1/29/2018 10:23 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/29/2018 10:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 1/29/2018 9:36:00 PM (view original):
My one prediction: Brennan will serve time.

This seems crazy, but considering all the other spy novel stuff that is our every day political landscape, perhaps not...


He has flat out lied to Congress before. And he's a spook, but a political spook.

then there's this...


Perhaps it is tabloid fodder. But maybe the best news really is in the tabloids(MIB reference)...
Dr. in the summer going into fall you complained that no one was arrested....4 now and there could be more...it might be that kotter page said things that could lead honest doj people into believing that there was a reasonable to better then reasonable chance that the klown was involved in something.....and thru him was produced a continuing important product....are they going to shake down the fisa judge too.
first the dossier was bullshit.....some of the evildoers still say that.
then nunes made his midnight run like charles grode and played a malicious shell game..got caught .
then they tried to show something sinister about the unmasking.....that failed.
when the chips are down for the democracy we can see who is right and who is noble....
it is joe and charlie mccarthy all over again.
nuke gingrich!!
Yup, it's been funny watching the narrative change.

1/29/2018 10:26 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/29/2018 10:23:00 PM (view original):
now it is being announced that trump wont impose the congress sanctions on russia resulting from interfering with the election by the believe it or not bipartisan ( as in sometimes lindsey graham ) senate vote 98-2......
wonder why trump wont do it..i dare any of you to convince a breathing non zombie human being that he isnt pimping himself out for mr P.
It's like beating your head against a wall man...not sure why I do it myself but there's no talking any sense into them.

1/29/2018 10:28 PM
Posted by The Taint on 1/29/2018 10:15:00 PM (view original):
LOL...Ted Lieu of the Senate Judiciary committee:

As a Member of the House Judiciary Committee, I read the partisan, classified Nunes House Intel memo. I can't talk about it. However, here's an analogy. Remember Geraldo Rivera and the infamous Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults? It's like that, but Geraldo Rivera has more integrity.
If Nunes is behind it, it's more or less guaranteed that it's garbage. That is one sleazy SOB.
1/29/2018 11:42 PM
Tom Tomorrow exposes the Deep State villains and their dastardly plans!
1/29/2018 11:53 PM
melania has not identified her special guest for the state of the uniom speech -but her guest is her recently hired divorce attorney.
melania has also lately been heard screaming at trump that he has been in bed with putin.
1/30/2018 12:03 AM
Posted by crazystengel on 1/29/2018 11:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/29/2018 10:15:00 PM (view original):
LOL...Ted Lieu of the Senate Judiciary committee:

As a Member of the House Judiciary Committee, I read the partisan, classified Nunes House Intel memo. I can't talk about it. However, here's an analogy. Remember Geraldo Rivera and the infamous Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults? It's like that, but Geraldo Rivera has more integrity.
If Nunes is behind it, it's more or less guaranteed that it's garbage. That is one sleazy SOB.
Yeah, his hometown paper was calling for his head over the weekend. Fresno used to be a bastion of conservatives in California, not sure about now.
1/30/2018 12:11 AM
Posted by crazystengel on 1/29/2018 11:53:00 PM (view original):
Tom Tomorrow exposes the Deep State villains and their dastardly plans!
LOL, that's great.
1/30/2018 12:12 AM
More evidence (as if more were needed!) there was never any collusion between Rusher and Trump:

White House says there’s no need for new Russia sanctions

The Trump administration, under fire from lawmakers for not punishing Moscow over election meddling, said Monday it will not implement Russia-related sanctions mandated by Congress last year because the threat itself is acting as a “deterrent.”

The decision was made public after nightfall on deadline day for implementing sanctions against those who do business with Russian defense and intelligence firms, as required under a 2017 law.

That'll show Putin!

EDIT: Sorry, just noticed this sanctions stuff was mentioned earlier by dino. Oh well, I'll keep the post up anyway in case someone wants to click on the link.

1/30/2018 2:16 AM (edited)
you know putin and his generals and spies are laughing their heads off at the united states..they installed a baboon as prez that will not defy them....got his party to become simple traitors more interested in protecting a baboon then protecting their nation they swore to defend..the same traitors are the willing executioners of their fbi and justice dept. and are killing off the democracy making this country clearly inferior while putin plays a fiddle and laughs.
putin got 40% of the supposedly and formerly smartest country to pray at the feet of the baboon while he destroys the climate and their institutions and they think it is smart to let him do it even though they know he colluded with russians and doesnt give a **** about the united states. he cares only about his his power which is dependent upon loyalty and fealty to putin.....they share his racism which is so strong and welcome to them that the benefits of having a whiter nation more then excuses the traitorous objectives of the leader..
and these others wonder why the 60 % who fight without guns are in a state of panic as rome burns.
1/30/2018 2:02 AM (edited)
i know......expel the chorus of LOL.
1/30/2018 1:59 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 1/29/2018 8:22:00 PM (view original):
Regardless of which party you belong to, weaponizing the DOJ and politicizing the FBI isn't good for our Republic.

We saw politicizing of the IRS, when they went after conservative groups. How would Dems feel if Trump asked them to go after progressive groups? Yeah sure, remind me that was due to rogue agents in Cincinnati. I will sell you some valuable swamp land...

Nixon tried to use them to strike his enemies. They refused.
Doc I completely agree with this:

"Regardless of which party you belong to, weaponizing the DOJ and politicizing the FBI isn't good for our Republic."

What is going on right now (this attempt to damage the reputation of our intelligence community) is shameful and dangerous!
There isn't anyone that has any belief in the credibility of Nunes. HIS memo (a recap of an in-depth investigation) is based on information he has not even read, according to the DOJ.

Let Mueller do his job........... and release the results of EVIDENCE against everybody who violated our Country's laws regarding elections and governing!!
IF it takes down BOTH sides, I say Good damn deal and GOOD RIDDANCE. Get rid of ALL the crooks. IF that soils HRC and Bill's legacy..... tough ****!
1/30/2018 9:19 AM
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