Cooperstown World Chat Topic

Looks like 14 have pulled out of Coop as of right now.
4/9/2010 8:31 AM
i'm sure he wanted/wants to stay. he wants to reap the rewards of how he's run his team the past couple seasons.
4/9/2010 8:31 AM
I never thought I would give this game up but it is becoming increasingly likely. All of the private leagues I have joined were because they had strong commissioners who I trusted to protect the integrity of the league. Now with this power gone, the integrity is sure to follow. Maybe not be immediately but eventually some joker is going to get in and wreck your league.

Ironically, it is entirely likely that I will play out the rest of my credits in my original public world, Mays. It was always one of the best public worlds out there and now it is really no different than my private worlds. I guess I got my wish to turn Mays private after all.

Bottom line for WIS is this, if you lost a dedicated and loyal customer like myself with this policy, you have a major problem.
4/9/2010 8:32 AM
Same here mlhutch.
4/9/2010 8:33 AM
i'm pretty sure we all would be ok with wis's stupid fair play guidelines pertaining to public worlds only. if they wanna be uneven and sucky, so be it.

but private worlds and commishes that care about their worlds should be able to enforce whatever standard they so choose.

4/9/2010 8:34 AM
It's clear to me they want to reduce the number of tickets they receive.

Less customers = less tickets


4/9/2010 8:36 AM
I let Admin know that I felt the same as you guys. I love playing this game. It's become a huge part of my daily routine, for better or worse, but I wouldn't tolerate some of the problems other leagues have encountered because of recalcitrant owners and lax commissioners.

Now that WiS has effectively introduced those problems to every league, I kinda feel like a chump sticking around. Glad I didn't buy a four-pack when I paid for my last season of Cooperstown.
4/9/2010 8:37 AM
Quote: Originally Posted By travisg on 4/09/2010I let Admin know that I felt the same as you guys. I love playing this game. It's become a huge part of my daily routine, for better or worse, but I wouldn't tolerate some of the problems other leagues have encountered because of recalcitrant owners and lax commissioners.

Now that WiS has effectively introduced those problems to every league, I kinda feel like a chump sticking around. Glad I didn't buy a four-pack when I paid for my last season of Cooperstown

i'm thinking if faced with multiple demands of refunds of hbd credits or changing their policy toward private hbd worlds, wis would do the smart thing. but then again, they could have done the smart thing in coop several days ago...
4/9/2010 8:40 AM
They ain't giving any refunds, I can tell you that.
4/9/2010 8:41 AM
hey- i just had an idea:

since wis is catering to smoel and it is working it's way to only being him in the world, admin should just transfer commish-ship to smoel once mike leaves.

that way smoel can try to recruit all the other owners and run the world how he likes it!!!
4/9/2010 8:43 AM
Quote: Originally Posted By travisg on 4/09/2010They ain't giving any refunds, I can tell you that

that i know
4/9/2010 8:43 AM
They can keep my last $25.00, but unless power is restored to the commish they wont see anymore.
4/9/2010 8:46 AM
I'm out too, any update on how many are still in? When I it was fairly empty.
4/9/2010 8:49 AM
I'm seeing 17 openings right now.
4/9/2010 8:51 AM
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