I'm not really following Zorzii. Are you saying that scouting or recruiting is discouraging?

Why would not being able to pull down set yourself up for a mess? I'd just try to go for a couple D1 guys with APs who aren't considering any humans. Then have a couple D2 or D3 guys with interest in you as well. That way you have some back up options.

I don't think it's really going to impact newbies. People who are brand new to the game don't even know what ratings to even look for yet. So they don't know the difference between D1 vs D3 players. They can just recruit D3 guys to start, learn the ropes and as they understand the game, work on getting better at going for D2 and D1 players. It's not much different than today I don't think- new players today don't understand how pull downs work until after several seasons and I bet those who never go on the forum still don't know.
9/3/2016 9:49 AM
Benis - I think he is saying the newbies will shoot for the stars trying to get the best players they can. When the upper level school then takes them away they will have no signings because they don't have the know it all to keep backups in their pocket.
9/3/2016 10:57 AM
Posted by mullycj on 9/3/2016 10:57:00 AM (view original):
Benis - I think he is saying the newbies will shoot for the stars trying to get the best players they can. When the upper level school then takes them away they will have no signings because they don't have the know it all to keep backups in their pocket.
Yeah that's a possibility. For me personally, I'd intuitively think I could only recruit D3 projected players because my team is D3. Why would a coach of a D3 team think they can get a 5 star guy? I suppose it could happen though. Maybe I'm giving newbies more credit than I should.
9/3/2016 11:52 AM
Posted by cubcub113 on 9/2/2016 4:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by hughesjr on 9/2/2016 8:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dacj501 on 9/2/2016 6:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by favre3xmvp on 9/1/2016 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 9/1/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
I disagree, many of us long time players are being fair minded in our reasons for leaving. Most of us have made it clear there are multiple factors. Even some are adding to our good bye, "for now".
I am leaving in part because I don't enjoy the new recruiting system, and in equal part because of users like our buddy Spud here telling me what a ***** I am because of the reasons I don't like the new system, so frankly, **** both the new system and users like spud.

And it's not "for now" for me. You won't see my hairy *** here again after 10/7.
@dacj: I wish you would stay. I have enjoyed playing the game with you.

When I stopped playing a couple months ago, it had nothing to do with game play and everything to with personal attacks on the forums. But my issue seems to have been resolved.

We do need to try to be less attacking and more friendly on these forums.

People think because they 'paid' for something, it gives them the right to be jerks, attack people and call the most disgusting names. They think that is free speech, guaranteed in the constitution and all that.

But, 'Free Speech' has nothing to do with members speaking in private clubs (which is what this is) .. Free Speech forums do not allow bullying (fighting words) or obscenity, even if a private club for private members provided for free speech; which it does not.

I like what chapel and Benis are doing with the guide. I like the effort that some many others (like cubcub) are also putting in.

I know some people don't like the changes .. and if they don't like them then they should discuss them reasonably here and they should stop paying to play the game (if they dislike it that much). They should also be able to discuss that reasonably here as well.

But the name calling and personal attacks need to stop. And I hope you stay dacj.
+1, it is a shame we are loosing so many great players over this update. Oh, I also like the cub cub part.
Sucks to be losing them too. Sorry but the whole "loosing" versus "losing" thing just bugs the **** out of me. Not to mention the "your/you're" and all the variations of "their/there/they're" mistakes I constantly see.
9/3/2016 6:33 PM
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Posted by dahsdebater on 9/2/2016 10:39:00 PM (view original):
"Shut your spud hole, Spudhole."
nailed it!
9/4/2016 12:55 PM
their are some coaches in here talking about how its getting harder for rookies to learn, and i think they're right. over time, IMO, it's gotten harder and harder to learn the recruiting side of the game. of course, coaches come in loosing in game planning and team setup, and will be loosing in recruiting for a little while. but when i started, i feel i was only stabbing blindly for the first season, because it was easy to catch on listening to guys on the forums. there advice was to focus on the cores, listing a few per position - and i could see those numbers at face value, for every player. as long as low work ethic was avoided, you could pick fairly decent players to target for season 2.

when FSS came on, it did lower the pool of recruits, but you had to get the basics of scouting, and how the potential growth system worked, to be able to compare players. they're are coaches who recruit without scouting but that is obviously a loosing strategy. before, 50 ath was 50 ath, and i knew my bigs needed ath, it was pretty simple. now, the coach has to take on achieving basic proficiency in managing scouting expenditures, and has to be thinking about, well is that 40 ath blue better than 55 ath red, do i need a guy to play today or is he going to be a backup until junior year, and so on. when i thought about new coaches, i thought, their are screwed, no way i'd be ready and equipped to select reasonable targets by season 2.

with all this new stuff, it seems there just that much worse off, they'l be loosing in recruiting for so long it's going to be like, most new coaches will have to abandon their teams to take over a fresh, sim-run team, because there team is just so wrecked. not only is all of the potential stuff that complicated the game still in place, but their is more. what got simpler? dropdowns? pulldowns? coaches didn't need that to have a basically competent recruiting season 2. now they have to figure out all these scouting levels, camps, understand what players are even in range to target, understand a more diverse set of tools and restrictions as far as raw mechanics are concerned... i just don't see how new coaches are going to have a chance. there gonna be screwed.
9/4/2016 1:14 PM
my brain hurts. i am genuinely really curious to hear from the new folks who have been cropping up - who hopefully are real new coaches, not just spud's third alt or something - how do your first few seasons of recruiting go? is it really not that bad, or are you hopelessly lost? i don't know what to expect, but it sure seems to me recruiting basics have gotten harder to grok, not easier.
9/4/2016 1:20 PM (edited)
You intentionally used the there/their/they're incorrectly right?
9/4/2016 1:37 PM
And loosing?
9/4/2016 1:38 PM
About to embark on 1st season of d3 recruiting on Allen. I am a real actual human with plenty of experience in hoops coaching and playing, just not in HD world. Not anyone's 4th ID by any means hahaha
9/4/2016 3:36 PM
Posted by Bbeebe17 on 9/4/2016 3:36:00 PM (view original):
About to embark on 1st season of d3 recruiting on Allen. I am a real actual human with plenty of experience in hoops coaching and playing, just not in HD world. Not anyone's 4th ID by any means hahaha
welcome to the game, and good luck!
9/4/2016 4:35 PM
Posted by dcy0827 on 9/3/2016 6:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cubcub113 on 9/2/2016 4:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by hughesjr on 9/2/2016 8:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dacj501 on 9/2/2016 6:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by favre3xmvp on 9/1/2016 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 9/1/2016 11:08:00 AM (view original):
"I'm surprised this is the thing that is pushing many old-timers to leave."

It isn't the game. That's just the latest excuse for some people to rag all over the forums.
I disagree, many of us long time players are being fair minded in our reasons for leaving. Most of us have made it clear there are multiple factors. Even some are adding to our good bye, "for now".
I am leaving in part because I don't enjoy the new recruiting system, and in equal part because of users like our buddy Spud here telling me what a ***** I am because of the reasons I don't like the new system, so frankly, **** both the new system and users like spud.

And it's not "for now" for me. You won't see my hairy *** here again after 10/7.
@dacj: I wish you would stay. I have enjoyed playing the game with you.

When I stopped playing a couple months ago, it had nothing to do with game play and everything to with personal attacks on the forums. But my issue seems to have been resolved.

We do need to try to be less attacking and more friendly on these forums.

People think because they 'paid' for something, it gives them the right to be jerks, attack people and call the most disgusting names. They think that is free speech, guaranteed in the constitution and all that.

But, 'Free Speech' has nothing to do with members speaking in private clubs (which is what this is) .. Free Speech forums do not allow bullying (fighting words) or obscenity, even if a private club for private members provided for free speech; which it does not.

I like what chapel and Benis are doing with the guide. I like the effort that some many others (like cubcub) are also putting in.

I know some people don't like the changes .. and if they don't like them then they should discuss them reasonably here and they should stop paying to play the game (if they dislike it that much). They should also be able to discuss that reasonably here as well.

But the name calling and personal attacks need to stop. And I hope you stay dacj.
+1, it is a shame we are loosing so many great players over this update. Oh, I also like the cub cub part.
Sucks to be losing them too. Sorry but the whole "loosing" versus "losing" thing just bugs the **** out of me. Not to mention the "your/you're" and all the variations of "their/there/they're" mistakes I constantly see.
Bleck! I I hate all those things, always corrected my sisters grammar when we grew up! You know what drives me nuts the most? Could/couldn't care less!

"If you could care less you actually care!"
-Mike Greenberg
9/4/2016 7:30 PM
9/4/2016 8:13 PM
I'm done fellas thanks for kicking my a55 over the years! Good luck to those who will stay but this update is too much for me to deal with. I may give it another try down the road but it's over for now!
9/4/2016 9:03 PM
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