....and cheat
11/16/2016 1:52 PM
Posted by shoe3 on 11/16/2016 1:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sh0wtime99 on 11/16/2016 1:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/16/2016 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 11/16/2016 12:43:00 PM (view original):
RE changes in HBD: "It required adjustments and all the noise has settled down." It'll be delightful when that finally happens here. Imagine these forums without every other thread turning into the same old bitchfest. Wow.

Part of the whining problem works like this: long-time user X gets an idea. Of course, in his head it is a terrific idea and will benefit his team. He posts his idea. A couple of other guys see that it would help their team or make the game easier or whatever floats their boat, and climb on the bandwagon. Now this idea is thought to be the best thing since sliced bread. WIS scrutinizes it from the point of view of what's good for the game overall, and sees that from that point of view it is a bad idea. They don't implement it. They also don't give feedback on bad ideas. If they did, they would be doing nothing but trying to convince people who don't want to hear it that an idea is bad, and that would become a never-ending process. Nothing else would get done. User X and his small bandwagon still think the idea is great and now have TWO whines: WIS never implemented their idea AND they are ignored.

Since the idea becomes permanently lodged in a few heads and thought to be a great idea, I don't think the whining will entirely go away. That's understandable. Two things I do hope will go away are (1) users with a chip on their shoulder trying to trash HD on their way out the door, and (2) out-and-out hate posts, ad hominem attacks that have no place here.

MikeT, welcome to these threads. You bring a perspective that we really need here. Thanks.
At the risk of becoming a pariah, the whole "great idea" thing is spot on.

I noticed, in HBD, that some owners posted "great ideas". On the surface, they weren't bad. However, if you dug deeper, you realized it benefited few, sometimes at the expense of others, sometimes not. When it helps a few and has little effect on others, is it worth programming? IMO, probably not. But no one wants to hear that their well-thought out and reasonable idea isn't so great. And the "Thanks for your input" response is off-putting. But everyone drops a stinker. That said, some of my "great ideas" get recycled from time to time. One is scouting regions in HBD. Someone will bring it up and I'll post my 2007 ticket and the "We're working on some ideas" response. I still think it's a great idea but it might be a ***** to program. Looking back, some of my other great ideas were crap.

That said, I have no idea what was proposed for HD and I'm certainly not qualified to judge even if I did. However, stopping the "planting of a flag" as pkoop put it, is a good idea. If a weighted roll of the dice means you lose a recruit you were leading on, so be it. It evens the playing field. You'll win some of those too. What I'm seeing, and I could be completely wrong, is an overreaction to the first season or two when a user didn't win one.
If it was battles they wanted, then there were easier ways to get them than what happened. What I actually think this new system does is it better monetizes the game. Do you know the last time any of the top coaches actually paid to play? This system of randomness removes that because you won't find elite programs that don't get gutted anymore. So now everyone pays. Am I in love with it? No, not really, but only because I feel like battles could have been accomplished without a huge overhaul to the system. But that requires believing that battles is what they were actually after and not the monetization. What people were asking for were more options in game planning and coaching, but those largely went ignored at the expense of the recruiting overhaul.
Working backwards...

1) lots of people wanted a recruiting overhaul, especially at D1.
2) the old scouting was horrid. To find potential, you sent your scout who would send back the same notes over and over. You could scout a guard 10 times, and not know his ball-handling potential. This desperately needed an overhaul, it was maybe the most common complaint outside of sniping (commonly misunderstood as "poaching"... but a separate rant).
3) there is literally no way to increase battles in a multi-player commodity game without a) unintended consequences, and b) p!ssing certain people off.
4) so what if they want to "monetize"? Is that supposed to be a negative? Are you aware of any business that sells a good or service that is not primarily interested in "monetizing" its idea? At least they're targeting an under-served market (i.e., game-players interested in sport management simulations). If they really wanted to "monetize", they'd dumb it down to the point of absurd simplicity, release it as an app, charge .50$ per season to play, and feature posterizing dunk cutaways alongside ad panels. They're trying to make the best and most competitive game for the market they're trying to hit. Of course they want to make some money along the way.
1-2) I would agree about the scouting, although FSS kind of solved most of that. Not whether it was "high high" or just "high", etc, but you did have a sense. Not sure it was everyone wanting a change, though.

4) And there's nothing inherently wrong with monetization of a product -- but I do think it needs to be acknowledged when it happens.

3) True. But one that causes the mass exodus of everyone (isn't that where this thread started???) is one that I think should have been rethought. Removing distance would have been a better compromise, but that's obviously just my opinion.

11/16/2016 2:00 PM
Posted by Benis on 11/16/2016 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 11/16/2016 1:50:00 PM (view original):
"At the risk of becoming a pariah, the whole "great idea" thing is spot on."

Thank you. I don't think you'll become a pariah for expressing that, for two reasons. For one, the people with the "great ideas" are impervious to your input. And secondly, the haters troll the CoachSpud user name like flies mindlessly buzzing around flypaper. Scroll up to 12:56 PM or down to 1:39 PM in this thread and you'll see an example. I play the game peacefully and successfully at all three Divisional levels under different user name(s), and I'll probably leave this user name out there as flypaper.

"If a weighted roll of the dice means you lose a recruit you were leading on, so be it. It evens the playing field. You'll win some of those too. What I'm seeing, and I could be completely wrong, is an overreaction to the first season or two when a user didn't win one."

Correct again. In fact, it is interesting to read posts and see the level of understanding of 3.0 that the poster has. Many understand the game quite well. Most of those enjoy the game (including myself). Others understand nothing more than a roll of the dice or a flip of a coin.
So you only have the coachspud user name so you can argue with people on the forums? huh? whats the point of that?
Spud plays under at least 3 aliases. He's using this one to dominate the forums. I can't really hate him for that.
11/16/2016 4:10 PM
Posted by Benis on 11/16/2016 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 11/16/2016 1:50:00 PM (view original):
"At the risk of becoming a pariah, the whole "great idea" thing is spot on."

Thank you. I don't think you'll become a pariah for expressing that, for two reasons. For one, the people with the "great ideas" are impervious to your input. And secondly, the haters troll the CoachSpud user name like flies mindlessly buzzing around flypaper. Scroll up to 12:56 PM or down to 1:39 PM in this thread and you'll see an example. I play the game peacefully and successfully at all three Divisional levels under different user name(s), and I'll probably leave this user name out there as flypaper.

"If a weighted roll of the dice means you lose a recruit you were leading on, so be it. It evens the playing field. You'll win some of those too. What I'm seeing, and I could be completely wrong, is an overreaction to the first season or two when a user didn't win one."

Correct again. In fact, it is interesting to read posts and see the level of understanding of 3.0 that the poster has. Many understand the game quite well. Most of those enjoy the game (including myself). Others understand nothing more than a roll of the dice or a flip of a coin.
So you only have the coachspud user name so you can argue with people on the forums? huh? whats the point of that?
It's not as uncommon as you think.
11/16/2016 5:01 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/16/2016 5:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 11/16/2016 1:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 11/16/2016 1:50:00 PM (view original):
"At the risk of becoming a pariah, the whole "great idea" thing is spot on."

Thank you. I don't think you'll become a pariah for expressing that, for two reasons. For one, the people with the "great ideas" are impervious to your input. And secondly, the haters troll the CoachSpud user name like flies mindlessly buzzing around flypaper. Scroll up to 12:56 PM or down to 1:39 PM in this thread and you'll see an example. I play the game peacefully and successfully at all three Divisional levels under different user name(s), and I'll probably leave this user name out there as flypaper.

"If a weighted roll of the dice means you lose a recruit you were leading on, so be it. It evens the playing field. You'll win some of those too. What I'm seeing, and I could be completely wrong, is an overreaction to the first season or two when a user didn't win one."

Correct again. In fact, it is interesting to read posts and see the level of understanding of 3.0 that the poster has. Many understand the game quite well. Most of those enjoy the game (including myself). Others understand nothing more than a roll of the dice or a flip of a coin.
So you only have the coachspud user name so you can argue with people on the forums? huh? whats the point of that?
It's not as uncommon as you think.
And people don't care?
11/16/2016 7:53 PM
It's annoying but not noteworthy. If you want to be an ***, go ahead. It's the internet. It's just odd, to me, to have "split" personalities. "I have my game username and I have my forum username" seems really weird. But it doesn't affect gameplay so I don't think it's a big deal. After all, we're all aliases. I doubt your name is Ben Is. I'm not Mike T23 from the long line of T23s.
11/16/2016 7:58 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/16/2016 7:58:00 PM (view original):
It's annoying but not noteworthy. If you want to be an ***, go ahead. It's the internet. It's just odd, to me, to have "split" personalities. "I have my game username and I have my forum username" seems really weird. But it doesn't affect gameplay so I don't think it's a big deal. After all, we're all aliases. I doubt your name is Ben Is. I'm not Mike T23 from the long line of T23s.
Well, 1. It COULD impact gameplay. When you're intentionally hiding usernames, it looks pretty suspicious. It's pretty easy to cheat with multiple teams and usernames and there are rules against having multiple teams in the same world within 1000 miles of each other.

2. For someone to basically talk out both sides of their mouth is annoying. "We need to clean up the forums and make this place better for new folks!" and then "I use this username to troll others" is pretty hypocritical.

So basically it's one or the other in this particular situation.
11/16/2016 8:02 PM
Posted by Benis on 11/16/2016 8:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/16/2016 7:58:00 PM (view original):
It's annoying but not noteworthy. If you want to be an ***, go ahead. It's the internet. It's just odd, to me, to have "split" personalities. "I have my game username and I have my forum username" seems really weird. But it doesn't affect gameplay so I don't think it's a big deal. After all, we're all aliases. I doubt your name is Ben Is. I'm not Mike T23 from the long line of T23s.
Well, 1. It COULD impact gameplay. When you're intentionally hiding usernames, it looks pretty suspicious. It's pretty easy to cheat with multiple teams and usernames and there are rules against having multiple teams in the same world within 1000 miles of each other.

2. For someone to basically talk out both sides of their mouth is annoying. "We need to clean up the forums and make this place better for new folks!" and then "I use this username to troll others" is pretty hypocritical.

So basically it's one or the other in this particular situation.
Can't stand 2 faced people.
11/16/2016 8:04 PM
1. It certainly could. It's a real problem in HBD but they always seems to get caught. If you need two teams in one world to win, you're kind of dumb. And you screw up. Sometimes I think they want to get caught. The old "I got over on you for almost a year" thing. Or maybe they're just stupid.

2. Yeah, it's annoying in a weird way.
11/16/2016 8:09 PM
Anyway, I haven't seen Coachspud accused of cheating by having multiple teams in one world. I've just seen him being accused of being annoying. I'm an excellent fellow with haters. Maybe he is too. I don't know enough to judge.
11/16/2016 8:21 PM
I'm pkoopman, and also control shoe3, which started as my college son's account, but he handed it over to me when he lost interest, but wanted to keep someone on "his dynasty". (He's considering coming back, but he's not getting that account back). I'm pretty open about it. I'm also pretty dumb. I always try to keep it the same in any given thread to avoid confusion, but it ends up being whichever account I most recently checked.
11/16/2016 8:58 PM
I'm trentonjoe, scaturo, and dadbod , which I don't have a compelling story for why I started other than I was really drunk one night when dac send one of his rambling "lets make a super conference" smails and then immediately bailed on the idea, but hey I only fell for that twice. I'm pretty open about it. I'm also pretty dumb. I always try to keep it the same in any given thread to avoid confusion, but it ends up being whichever account I most recently checked.
11/16/2016 10:00 PM
I'm MikeT23 and poiuyt. I haven't had a drink in 7 minutes. So I'm 7 minutes sober. Oh, wait, it's not that kind of meeting. My bad.
11/16/2016 10:43 PM
1. I don't have multiple teams in any world.

2. I started out as CoachSpud, but after a while a bunch of haters started trolling me. Let's face it, who wants to play the game under a screen name that acts as flypaper for haters. So I have other screen name(s). I get to play the game peacefully. I still have CoachSpud so the haters don't win. Win-win.
11/16/2016 10:50 PM
I have all2matt, well because my name is Matt. And I have waykbordr because I love to wakeboard, but just dropped this ID/teams til they get some the issues like EE and 2nd session recruiting fixed. I have a few more seasons on this ID then I'll probably phase this one out and check back every once in awhile to see if the games is more to my liking. I used to have 3 or 4 GD teams and 1 HD team but after the GD overhaul I lost interest, I'm hoping the same doesn't happen with HD.
11/16/2016 11:48 PM
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