Early Entries/Attention Points Needs a Hotfix Topic

Jackson St is low d1 and he's been there for 2 seasons. I'm one year into a couple low d1 rebuilds, and sure my D2 is quite a bit better than both, and likely will be for a couple years. Don't be dense.The petty crap is getting ridiculous.
11/30/2016 7:29 PM
Posted by shoe3 on 11/30/2016 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Jackson St is low d1 and he's been there for 2 seasons. I'm one year into a couple low d1 rebuilds, and sure my D2 is quite a bit better than both, and likely will be for a couple years. Don't be dense.The petty crap is getting ridiculous.
Says the guy who also has zero DI experience, nevermind high DI experience and therefor has no place discussing the problems facing high DI programs. You are no different then Spudhole. A coach with no experience at DI trying to dispense information as if he was a seasoned vet. The petty crap is coming from guys like you and Spud.
11/30/2016 7:46 PM
To put it another way, I screwed up my first recruiting. I knew I would when I ran out of scouting money almost immediately. n00bs like to play with their new toy. Nonetheless, I thought I'd go after a couple players above D3. Terrible for their level but still projected above D3. Well, I'm assuming the coaches at their level also so screwed up recruiting. Lo and behold, they're recruiting the guys I want. Almost positive I'm going to lose. So I'm chasing a couple of D3 that will at least be able to play a few minutes as back-ups.

How is that different than a D1 going all in on a couple of recruits and losing?
11/30/2016 7:48 PM
Posted by snafu4u on 11/30/2016 7:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shoe3 on 11/30/2016 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Jackson St is low d1 and he's been there for 2 seasons. I'm one year into a couple low d1 rebuilds, and sure my D2 is quite a bit better than both, and likely will be for a couple years. Don't be dense.The petty crap is getting ridiculous.
Says the guy who also has zero DI experience, nevermind high DI experience and therefor has no place discussing the problems facing high DI programs. You are no different then Spudhole. A coach with no experience at DI trying to dispense information as if he was a seasoned vet. The petty crap is coming from guys like you and Spud.
Not like me who never comments out of his own way and knowledge. I would never try to help a guy who is ahead of me and is in division 1 untill I gain experience in low major division 1.
11/30/2016 7:50 PM
Posted by snafu4u on 11/30/2016 5:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rogelio on 11/30/2016 5:20:00 PM (view original):
It is helpful to remember that Coach has no idea what he's talking about. 833 posts to 155 wins. Some of the worst recruits I have ever seen at D1 on that Jackson State team. I would never begrudge someone continuing to learn the game, but pretending to be an expert at something that you are demonstrably bad at is just obnoxious.
Man, this is so spot on. I just looked at CoachSpud's team and I am shocked. He doesn't have a single legitimate DI starter on the roster. A couple of his upperclassmen could serve as deep bench guys, but overall it is a mediocre DII team at best. His current freshmen are worse than what I target for the DIII team I just picked up. There is not a single DI player in the group. It is insane to me that he feels entitled to give advice to others and argue against experienced coaches when his in game performance perfectly illustrates that he hasn't the faintest idea how to succeed at HD. It is like watching Johnny Manziel try to tell Tom Brady how to win at life. /facepalm
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Spud is Johnny Manziel???
11/30/2016 7:51 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2016 7:48:00 PM (view original):
To put it another way, I screwed up my first recruiting. I knew I would when I ran out of scouting money almost immediately. n00bs like to play with their new toy. Nonetheless, I thought I'd go after a couple players above D3. Terrible for their level but still projected above D3. Well, I'm assuming the coaches at their level also so screwed up recruiting. Lo and behold, they're recruiting the guys I want. Almost positive I'm going to lose. So I'm chasing a couple of D3 that will at least be able to play a few minutes as back-ups.

How is that different than a D1 going all in on a couple of recruits and losing?
That's not what people are talking about Mike. They're talking about losing and not having full funds to replace players. If you have 2 openings and lose, well that stinks but it won't crush you. If you 2 openings and 2 EEs and lose, that hurts a lot because that's 4 spots you need to fill.

Look. I get it. People are mad at High D1 coaches because they enjoyed a lot of advantages for a long time. Now the pendulum is swinging ALL the way back around. It's gone too far in my opinion.

All people are saying in regards to EE is "give the same resources that you'd get if a player graduated". That's it. Nothing more. Not a hand out. Not another advantage. Just make it an even playing field. Why is that such a bad thing? I really don't get it. Why does everyone want teams to get hit twice - first by losing a player earlier than 4 seasons and then being at a resource disadvantage for an entire recruiting session. Are we all really that bitter?
11/30/2016 7:53 PM
Posted by bofreedom on 11/30/2016 7:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by snafu4u on 11/30/2016 5:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rogelio on 11/30/2016 5:20:00 PM (view original):
It is helpful to remember that Coach has no idea what he's talking about. 833 posts to 155 wins. Some of the worst recruits I have ever seen at D1 on that Jackson State team. I would never begrudge someone continuing to learn the game, but pretending to be an expert at something that you are demonstrably bad at is just obnoxious.
Man, this is so spot on. I just looked at CoachSpud's team and I am shocked. He doesn't have a single legitimate DI starter on the roster. A couple of his upperclassmen could serve as deep bench guys, but overall it is a mediocre DII team at best. His current freshmen are worse than what I target for the DIII team I just picked up. There is not a single DI player in the group. It is insane to me that he feels entitled to give advice to others and argue against experienced coaches when his in game performance perfectly illustrates that he hasn't the faintest idea how to succeed at HD. It is like watching Johnny Manziel try to tell Tom Brady how to win at life. /facepalm
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Spud is Johnny Manziel???
I once thought I was Johnny Manziel but that was really the only time I was ever delusional and then I came to the conclusion I wasn't Johnny Manziel!!!!
11/30/2016 7:53 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2016 7:21:00 PM (view original):
You go to Vegas. You're good at counting cards. You sit at the table betting minimum until you get a good feel for what's up. You bet your life savings on the next three hands. You lose all three. You say "How am I going to get home? I have no money." Does that seem like a plan?

Mike : it's designed that way, i could take you step by step but if you do not get into the battle, someone else will... And if you are not in this battle, you will be in another... No cheap players... in the end, you are left with a small idea of what's going compares to 2.0 so it's a lot tougher to make up for it... And, in 2.0 you knew you would lose against certain teams, in certain situations so you would spare the cash. Now, you are vh.. Why not go for it? The game is broken cause there is not as many options as some of you try to tell us...
11/30/2016 7:58 PM
Posted by snafu4u on 11/30/2016 7:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shoe3 on 11/30/2016 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Jackson St is low d1 and he's been there for 2 seasons. I'm one year into a couple low d1 rebuilds, and sure my D2 is quite a bit better than both, and likely will be for a couple years. Don't be dense.The petty crap is getting ridiculous.
Says the guy who also has zero DI experience, nevermind high DI experience and therefor has no place discussing the problems facing high DI programs. You are no different then Spudhole. A coach with no experience at DI trying to dispense information as if he was a seasoned vet. The petty crap is coming from guys like you and Spud.
This is a stupid response. First of all, I play as pkoopman as well, and have 2 big 6 programs I'm 10-12 seasons in. Both were rebuilding doormats, and both are now about ready to start competing for the types of players we're talking about. You don't know who anyone else plays as. This ad hominem junk is a cop out, because you apparently don't have anything useful to say yourself.

If you don't think I have had enough success to listen to, that's fine. Block me if you want, make your life easier. But you're not a shareholder, and this isn't a board election. You're a customer, like me. My opinion and preference as to how the game plays matter as much as yours do.

By the way, are you sure you're good enough to comment? I mean, no championships... took how long to get past the second round with a big 6 school. Only 1 trip to the national tournament in your first 6 seasons at low D1, I mean come on, those conference titles are pretty easy after a couple seasons of your own recruits, right?
11/30/2016 8:36 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2016 7:48:00 PM (view original):
To put it another way, I screwed up my first recruiting. I knew I would when I ran out of scouting money almost immediately. n00bs like to play with their new toy. Nonetheless, I thought I'd go after a couple players above D3. Terrible for their level but still projected above D3. Well, I'm assuming the coaches at their level also so screwed up recruiting. Lo and behold, they're recruiting the guys I want. Almost positive I'm going to lose. So I'm chasing a couple of D3 that will at least be able to play a few minutes as back-ups.

How is that different than a D1 going all in on a couple of recruits and losing?
AP + promises will often be sufficient to sign d2 & 3 players during period #2. Not always, but you have a more legitimate fallback option than you realize. Players will slip through the cracks at that level.

At mid to high D1, everyone sees the recruits. So, the field of potential recruits narrows considerably faster than at D2 or D3. Also, since late in the game all recruits could theoretically sign at any level, the number of competitors grows as time goes on.

It's pretty much apples and oranges.
11/30/2016 8:36 PM
Posted by shoe3 on 11/30/2016 8:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by snafu4u on 11/30/2016 7:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by shoe3 on 11/30/2016 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Jackson St is low d1 and he's been there for 2 seasons. I'm one year into a couple low d1 rebuilds, and sure my D2 is quite a bit better than both, and likely will be for a couple years. Don't be dense.The petty crap is getting ridiculous.
Says the guy who also has zero DI experience, nevermind high DI experience and therefor has no place discussing the problems facing high DI programs. You are no different then Spudhole. A coach with no experience at DI trying to dispense information as if he was a seasoned vet. The petty crap is coming from guys like you and Spud.
This is a stupid response. First of all, I play as pkoopman as well, and have 2 big 6 programs I'm 10-12 seasons in. Both were rebuilding doormats, and both are now about ready to start competing for the types of players we're talking about. You don't know who anyone else plays as. This ad hominem junk is a cop out, because you apparently don't have anything useful to say yourself.

If you don't think I have had enough success to listen to, that's fine. Block me if you want, make your life easier. But you're not a shareholder, and this isn't a board election. You're a customer, like me. My opinion and preference as to how the game plays matter as much as yours do.

By the way, are you sure you're good enough to comment? I mean, no championships... took how long to get past the second round with a big 6 school. Only 1 trip to the national tournament in your first 6 seasons at low D1, I mean come on, those conference titles are pretty easy after a couple seasons of your own recruits, right?
The difference is that you appear to be making an effort at learning and playing the game. Coach does not appear to be making any effort other than to troll the forums.

The fact remains that some noob might read his nonsense and believe it. Coach is pretty smart. He could learn the game, if he tried.
11/30/2016 8:44 PM

All people are saying in regards to EE is "give the same resources that you'd get if a player graduated". That's it. Nothing more. Not a hand out. Not another advantage. Just make it an even playing field. Why is that such a bad thing? I really don't get it. Why does everyone want teams to get hit twice - first by losing a player earlier than 4 seasons and then being at a resource disadvantage for an entire recruiting session. Are we all really that bitter?

But it IS an even playing field now. Everyone has a much more similar opportunity to recruit the EEs and experience the same pain or "punishment" when they leave early. What is unequal about that? The current system is only unequal if you buy into the premise that only certain elite level teams should be able to recruit the EE caliber players. If you believe that, then I guess you could say the game isn't fair.

The reason the resource disadvantage likely remains in place is to serve as a deterrent to a coach pursuing those players en masse. Sure you can still aim for that strategy, but it's likely going to hurt when they all leave at the same time. That is the cost now. That is why you don't give those teams the resources until those players have graduated. And what's wrong with that? There are plenty of coach's still recruiting EE caliber players even though they come at a high cost. Those pining for WIS to "lower the cost" through early resources or bonus resources are doing nothing more than asking for the cost of those players to be lower so they can more easily pursue those players and keep their rosters filled with the top tier talent season in and season out . The high level game at D1 has shifted/is shifting to building the best possible team you can that might actually have blemishes and doesn't rely solely on EE level talent. In the end that makes for a more strategic and challenging game.

Multiple single season EEs (by that I mean 3 or more) is a rarity in real life college basketball - outside of Kentucky most of the teams that have experienced it are not the elite cream of the crop teams season in season out and even Kentucky, the poster child of real life "1 and dones" has missed the NCAA tournament in 2 of the last 10 seasons. So why should teams that pursue that strategy in WIS expect the unparalleled consistency (as the did in 2.0) with pursuing that strategy?
11/30/2016 9:01 PM
What I know about this game can be written in a sentence. Nonetheless, EVERYONE knows how the game is designed. And EVERYONE with an EE problem should understand the game design even better.

My comment was directed at those who are SHOCKED that they suddenly don't have the resources to replenish their great team. How can that possibly be?

So, assuming they do understand how the game is designed, how can they NOT have a back-up plan in place? Or is it just the standard ******** and moaning about the game design?
11/30/2016 9:04 PM
Posted by Benis on 11/30/2016 7:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2016 7:48:00 PM (view original):
To put it another way, I screwed up my first recruiting. I knew I would when I ran out of scouting money almost immediately. n00bs like to play with their new toy. Nonetheless, I thought I'd go after a couple players above D3. Terrible for their level but still projected above D3. Well, I'm assuming the coaches at their level also so screwed up recruiting. Lo and behold, they're recruiting the guys I want. Almost positive I'm going to lose. So I'm chasing a couple of D3 that will at least be able to play a few minutes as back-ups.

How is that different than a D1 going all in on a couple of recruits and losing?
That's not what people are talking about Mike. They're talking about losing and not having full funds to replace players. If you have 2 openings and lose, well that stinks but it won't crush you. If you 2 openings and 2 EEs and lose, that hurts a lot because that's 4 spots you need to fill.

Look. I get it. People are mad at High D1 coaches because they enjoyed a lot of advantages for a long time. Now the pendulum is swinging ALL the way back around. It's gone too far in my opinion.

All people are saying in regards to EE is "give the same resources that you'd get if a player graduated". That's it. Nothing more. Not a hand out. Not another advantage. Just make it an even playing field. Why is that such a bad thing? I really don't get it. Why does everyone want teams to get hit twice - first by losing a player earlier than 4 seasons and then being at a resource disadvantage for an entire recruiting session. Are we all really that bitter?
Teams do get full funds - they don't get them until the second recruiting session (currently - unclear if that will change or not with the upcoming update). What they don't get are full attention points. But I think people sometimes fail to take into account that 20 APs for a high D1 program who just lost EEs is actually worth quite a bit more than the APs some random low D1 has. At low D1, it can take well over 100 APs to unlock scholarships for 3-4 star recruits, the kind of recruit it takes a B level big 6 program 50-60 points to unlock (presumably even less for the elite teams). Those APs are all weighted, as far as I understand.
11/30/2016 9:05 PM
Possum- i agree that its harder now to get EE quality players. therefore itd stand to reason that if something is difficult to achieve that those accomplishing it are talented or lucky. So youre a talented recruiter and are better at battling than another coach so you are rewarded with a good player. That player comes with the risk that he may leave early and you'll have to battle again. And that battle, again, is difficult to win. I say thats enough trade off. Its basically force feeding parity down our throats in my opinion.

and the real life comparison simply doesnt apply since the recruiting in this game is nothing like real life. but Im not talking UK one and dones here. im talking about having zero openings and 1 EE is already a crappy situation. just give the APs for that EE and let the coach battle again.

And right shoe you get other full funds but not APs. The problem with this is that its A LOT of APs and theyre not just needed to unlock actions, theyre CRUCIAL to winning battles.
11/30/2016 9:22 PM
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