Posted by MikeT23 on 3/13/2017 4:24:00 PM (view original):
Virtually every whining loudmouth says "I haven't bought a team in years. I'm playing off credits." Which, to me, is a really stupid way to convince the powers that be to change anything. You haven't paid a dime in years. How valuable are you as a customer?
The "obvious flaws" aren't necessarily flaws. That's opinion-based. Personally, I think EE is working as intended. And that's why no adjustments have been made. Anyone who's going to quit, probably has.
ALL of my opinions are based on something I've observed. You won't catch me telling anyone how to play. But I will say "Maybe you should adjust what you're doing." You know why? Because what they're doing isn't working with the way the game is set up. Yet, every few weeks, we get a flood of "FIX EE" threads. Same complaints, same users.
I don't think I've seen anyone (let alone "virtually every whining loudmouth") make that argument -- maybe you're reading different threads than me, or more likely, you're making things up. It is a convenient strawman for you, though, to bash successful coaches who played and enjoyed the game long before you got here. In any event, I do agree with your point -- "I haven't paid for years" is a crappy argument to convince WIS to change things (if they're even listening, which I am starting to doubt). Can you find anyone making that argument, though?
You missed the point of my response, which it's all opinion-based -- both your original comment and my response. They're just two perspectives on two separate issues: (1) many veteran coaches (many of whom have already quit) do not like the new update; and (2) MikeT posts often on the forums. And you tell people how to play the game all the time -- it's part of why you're driving poor zorzii (and I assume, others) to distraction.
It's the same complaints, same users, because WIS isn't doing their damn jobs. You and I both know there are easy fixes that would resolve the majority of these issues.