Trump still talking about sabotaging obamacare..- pure evil.....that would be hitler - like.
7/28/2017 3:15 PM
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Posted by dino27 on 7/28/2017 2:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/28/2017 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Jesus, you're bucket of class, aren't you? McCain has cancer and you're making light of it. Dick. saying he improved since surgery..his intellect returned.
didnt you hear his speech was the return of his old self...he literally seemed re-energized....i was happy for got it way wrong......the cancer is the other illness of course which he will fight with dignity.....last night he was the president of the united states and hopefully will remain so until trump is out.
7/28/2017 4:04 PM (edited)
Sorry to repeat myself, but there's no point in engaging with MiniTrump23. Of course he understood what you meant. He plays dumb for trolling purposes. All he wants is for you to waste some time typing out a response to him. That's his own personal #WINNING.
7/28/2017 3:23 PM
MikeTitty will do anything to change the subject off of Dump. Although "he's not a fan"
7/28/2017 3:29 PM are brain damaged..he had a clot removed above his eye...doctors believed it was causing mental confusion and explained a meltdown during a senate hearing...everything said about you is true.
7/28/2017 4:06 PM
new tv show i highly recommend - get shorty on epix.....very coen brothers...very fargo tv show....excellent.
7/28/2017 4:58 PM
Posted by dino27 on 7/28/2017 2:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 7/28/2017 1:32:00 PM (view original):
Jesus, you're bucket of class, aren't you? McCain has cancer and you're making light of it. Dick. saying he improved since surgery..his intellect returned.
Dino, I kind of disagree here. I don't think intellect (or his brain) had anything to do with it.

I've watched McCain for decades. I remember when he really WAS a maverick. The difference now is that he's FREE!

The cancer means running for re-election (again! at HIS age!) is out of the question for sure. That means no political baggage no NEED to pander to anyone for dollars or votes. He can be himself FREELY again.

What McCain did was exhibit Courage and independence. He COULD vote his conscience. Vote for what he really believes was best for the citizens he represents (us Arizonans!) He was in close contact with our governor (Ducey---a REPUG.) and considered consequences and voted accordingly.

He walked up to the podium, (with McConell standing just feet away glaring, arms crossed) and poked his finger in Chump's eye, put his foot up McConnell's ***, and voted for America like the hero he was once, and has decided to be again. Like I said, he's FREE.

He will now concentrate on the fight against cancer. With the courage he has always exhibited. Should he lose his battle, Governor Ducey will (you heard it here first!!!) keep Arizona strong in the senate by appointing (a former Atty. Gen) Grant Woods to his position. (If Woods is willing)
Woods would continue the long held tradition of independent conservative (in the old fashioned meaning!!) representation that we Arizonans expect of our Senators.

Every state should be so fortunate as to have a Senator who (from time to time) has the COURAGE to stand up against the swamp (and the head snake Pres. Chump!) and vote for REAL Americans from time to time. Hopefully, our younger Senator (Flake) takes a lesson learned from McCain and starts to do some REAL standing up-----rather than just meaningless prattle while he votes along with the party line!! Shame on him, and kudos for McCain for re-finding the true John McCain!

7/28/2017 5:16 PM
i definitely agree with just adding that the blood clot was inhibiting him...he would still have acted the same on the vote but his mind was also clear and he spoke eloquently.
7/28/2017 5:56 PM
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That would be a "pretty tard" statement if dino had said anything like that. Seems "pretty tard" to interpret what he said that way.

Trump channelled his inner Rodrigo Duterte today:

Trump tells police not to worry about injuring suspects during arrests

During a speech on Long Island on Friday, President Trump took a break from discussing gang violence and illegal immigration to give the law enforcement officers gathered for his remarks some advice on how to treat suspects.

“When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over?” Trump said, miming the physical motion of an officer shielding a suspect’s head to keep it from bumping against the squad car.

“Like, don’t hit their head, and they just killed somebody — don’t hit their head,” Trump continued. “I said, you can take the hand away, okay?”


In response to a question regarding Trump’s comments and the officers who applauded, the Suffolk County police quickly distanced the department from Trump’s comments, saying Friday that they would not accept this treatment of people in custody.

“The Suffolk County Police Department has strict rules and procedures relating to the handling of prisoners, and violations of those rules and procedures are treated extremely seriously,” the department said in an emailed statement. “As a department, we do not and will not tolerate ‘rough[ing]’ up prisoners.”

Trump’s remarks also drew a rebuke from the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In a statement, the group did not specifically mention Trump by name but appeared to respond to his speech by stressing the importance of treating all people, including suspects, with respect.

Someone's always got to clean up Trump's mess after one of his speeches, don't they?

7/28/2017 10:23 PM
Posted by crazystengel on 7/28/2017 10:23:00 PM (view original):
That would be a "pretty tard" statement if dino had said anything like that. Seems "pretty tard" to interpret what he said that way.

Trump channelled his inner Rodrigo Duterte today:

Trump tells police not to worry about injuring suspects during arrests

During a speech on Long Island on Friday, President Trump took a break from discussing gang violence and illegal immigration to give the law enforcement officers gathered for his remarks some advice on how to treat suspects.

“When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over?” Trump said, miming the physical motion of an officer shielding a suspect’s head to keep it from bumping against the squad car.

“Like, don’t hit their head, and they just killed somebody — don’t hit their head,” Trump continued. “I said, you can take the hand away, okay?”


In response to a question regarding Trump’s comments and the officers who applauded, the Suffolk County police quickly distanced the department from Trump’s comments, saying Friday that they would not accept this treatment of people in custody.

“The Suffolk County Police Department has strict rules and procedures relating to the handling of prisoners, and violations of those rules and procedures are treated extremely seriously,” the department said in an emailed statement. “As a department, we do not and will not tolerate ‘rough[ing]’ up prisoners.”

Trump’s remarks also drew a rebuke from the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In a statement, the group did not specifically mention Trump by name but appeared to respond to his speech by stressing the importance of treating all people, including suspects, with respect.

Someone's always got to clean up Trump's mess after one of his speeches, don't they?

He's speculating that McCain had a cancer driven epiphany to reignite his integrity which called on him to block the bill. So if he didn't have cancer he'd vote differently?

How the **** does he reach that conclusion? Does he know him? It's a hard statement.totally without basis.
7/28/2017 11:39 PM
Perhaps you could you quote where dino speculated about McCain's "cancer driven epiphany to reignite his integrity"?

Because all I see is dino writing about the surgery that removed the blood clot that allegedly contributed to McCain's confusion at that one senate appearance a while ago. It seems very clear to me dino was referring to that particular procedure re-energizing McCain. Which dino could be wrong or right about, but either way he did not say anything close to what you claim he said.

McCain questioning Comey, before surgery that removed blood clot

McCain speech after surgery

Does he seem to have more energy in the later appearance? Does he seem less confused? I would say so.
7/29/2017 2:23 AM (edited)
still 33 cents trump doesn't make it to January 1 2019 as president, 67 cents he does

this week's drama meant nothing to the betting public

a lot of that is just he's old probably
7/29/2017 1:35 AM
Posted by crazystengel on 7/29/2017 12:09:00 AM (view original):
Perhaps you could you quote where dino speculated about McCain's "cancer driven epiphany to reignite his integrity"?

Because all I see is dino writing about the surgery that removed the blood clot that allegedly contributed to McCain's confusion at that one senate appearance a while ago. It seems very clear to me dino was referring to that particular procedure re-energizing McCain. Which dino could be wrong or right about, but either way he did not say anything close to what you claim he said.

McClain questioning Comey, before surgery that removed blood clot

McCain speech after surgery

Does he seem to have more energy in the later appearance? Does he seem less confused? I would say so.
Dino said: "since he got his surgery McCain is a different person.......the medical issues must have affected his intellectual ability......"

Really? How'd he come to that conclusion? He watches hours of CSPAN? He's married to Meagan?

And how do you come to the conclusion he's 'less confused'? Are you guys doctors?

My point is McCain is McCain. I don't think his condition has anything to do with his 'intellectual ability'. And I'd hammer Moy and All3 for a similarly ridiculous statement.
7/29/2017 1:41 AM
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