best president ever Finals Time! Topic

You are the southern fascist not me. Is your klan robe back from the cleaners yet?
8/16/2017 10:39 AM
Hmmmm....I am a Jewish Southern Fascist from Boston.

Wow this is rich. Again your posts are offensive as I lost 90% of my family to the Nazis. Please take them down as it seems we are of the same mindset here, old man.
8/16/2017 10:41 AM
It is called freedom of speech and is reflective of who I think the Dumpster really is. If it offends you then be my guest and block me
8/16/2017 10:45 AM
I don't care if it is Mother Theresa or Trump you place in those pics they are offensive and the fact that you cannot see that illustrates how much of a dumbass you are. The real Hitler killed 6mil plus of my people. You use that as a form of a meme for your amusement. You sir are an idiot and a dumb old man because you cannot see that. The first amendment protects your free speech as it does mine. So please listen to this. You are a coward and an idiot.

Have a nice day. Old man.
8/16/2017 10:47 AM
You are welcome to your opinion and I plan to have a nice day
8/16/2017 10:52 AM
Wow still cannot fathom how Jewish people would find those pics offensive. Mind Boggling.
8/16/2017 10:55 AM
Oh I get it, I just do not care
8/16/2017 10:59 AM
Yes, cause you are an anti-semite.
8/16/2017 11:05 AM
And you a Trump fascist, so what?
8/16/2017 11:10 AM
How can a Jew be a fascist? Wrong again but you didn't deny being an anti-semite. You probably believe the holocaust was made up as well. You are an ignorant old man.
8/16/2017 11:11 AM
Posted by Benis on 8/13/2017 6:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/13/2017 6:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/13/2017 5:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/13/2017 5:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/13/2017 3:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/13/2017 1:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/13/2017 11:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 8/13/2017 11:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 8/9/2017 9:40:00 AM (view original):
My argument does not hinge on owning people. It hinges on rushing into a war that kills 600,000+ Americans over property.
Easily the most ignorant thing I've read on this site. And I've seen quite a bit.
Did you know that the US Government classified slaves as property until 1865? Yep, you could buy slaves just like you buy a cheeseburger today. Do you know when Lincoln started the Civil War?
I'm a little disturbed that you're missing the entire point.

Slavary was legal. Yes.

But it was IMMORAL. It was wrong and needed to end immediately.

Who said it wasn't immoral?

You obviously haven't bothered to read much of this thread. The US Government allowed the purchase of slaves. When you purchase something, it is your property. I'm not going to judge to morality of people 160+ years ago with today's standards.
I only read some of your dribble and I'm not going to read the other 10 pages of it.
And who said anything about today's standards? It was already viewed as immoral by the vast majority of the civilized world in the 19th century. USA's "peers" were already abolishing slavery.

your analogy of the govt taking away your car is bullshit and ignorant.
Property is property, moron.

And the USA didn't abolish slavery until 1865. Was the USA not in the civilized world?

FWIW, I've already said we were pretty barbaric back then. Native Americans agree.
Some northern states already abolished it WAY before 1865 dipshiit.

The North (and Lincoln) didn't view slaves as property. They were human beings. So Lincoln didn't "start a war that killed 600,000 Americans over property" you narrow minded piece of ****.
Here we go. You weren't offended. You were UPSET.

How mad are you at Lincoln for referring to slaves as property? Is he now a narrow-minded piece of ****?
8/16/2017 11:12 AM
Stop right there. My father was one of the troops that liberated camps so do not make the mistake of thinking you know me. It is my firm belief that our current president is very close to being the American 21st century version of Hitler and that is what the purpose of my posts are. Stop defending the man and recognize the danger he represents.
8/16/2017 11:18 AM
So you post pics of him as Hitler. No, my grandfather liberated the camps as he came from Russia. You are an ignorant anti semite.
8/16/2017 11:19 AM
What is a Semite? I mean if I am anti something then explain it to me. You are like moy, you love Trump and since you can not defend his racist position , you label the opposition as "anti semite" in hopes that it will detract from the message. Oh, and I am Jewish *******.
8/16/2017 11:27 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 8/16/2017 11:11:00 AM (view original):
How can a Jew be a fascist? Wrong again but you didn't deny being an anti-semite. You probably believe the holocaust was made up as well. You are an ignorant old man.
bracco doesn't know what "fascist" means. He heard someone use it and can't stop using it himself. It's better to block his stupid *** than the interact with him.
8/16/2017 11:31 AM
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