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my muse
7/22/2017 3:30 PM
Double Whammy (Carl Hiassen) - His second solo novel, the focus of which is the competitive bass fishing world. A former newspaper photographer, RJ Decker, is hired by a wealthy businessman to prove that a rival (and celebrity) fisherman is a cheater. Chaos ensues. More focused storytelling than "Tourist Season", the novel is notable chiefly for the debut of the character Skink, a seeming wild man living alone out in the swamps and subsisting on roadkill. Skink has both an interesting backstory and several future appearances in Hiassen's novels.

Skin Tight (Carl Hiassen) - Hiassen's next novel focuses on Mick Stranahan, a former detective for the State Attorney (and who will make future appearances in later novels). Stranahan now lives alone out in Stiltsville and is a bit surprised when an East Coast hitman shows up to finish his life. Stranahan survives and later becomes convinced that the hit attempt is related to a case he investigated several years ago, in which a college student disappeared after getting a nose job from Dr. Rudy Graveline. Stranahan decides he needs to find some answers, and learns he is competing with a Geraldo Rivera-type reporter who is looking to do a story on the case himself. Besides Stranahan, the second hitman sent after him proves to be a memorable character.
7/24/2017 5:35 PM
hey forg, if you enjoy Hiassen, try reading Tim Dorsey. His books also take place in Florida and are filled with crazy FL characters
7/24/2017 6:56 PM
One of his books just came up as "recommended for you" in an e-mail from Amazon.
7/25/2017 2:59 PM
Kermie, ever read John Sandford? Highly recommended. Also, try David Housewright
7/26/2017 12:32 PM
Old school? Try

John D. MacDonald
7/26/2017 12:44 PM
I haven't read Sandford, and haven't heard of Housewright. I feel like I've read some of MacDonald's short stories, but none of his novels.
7/26/2017 4:33 PM
definitely read Sandford. You won't be disappointed. Housewright is very good too. I've read a number of MacDonald novels. Pretty good if you like that sort of stuff.
7/26/2017 6:59 PM
What I'm in the mood for is a sci-fi series (preferably no more than four books)... anyone have suggestions?
7/27/2017 10:18 AM
The Heechee Saga--Frederik Pohl--5 in the series plus 1 of short stories which i skipped

The Hyperion Cantos---Dan Simmons-----4 in the series

Sprawl Trilogy-----William Gibson
7/27/2017 11:25 AM
Hyperion I've read.

I read Neuromancer... maybe I should move forward with that series.
7/27/2017 11:32 AM
i need a function or equation or something

say i had a dollar and after twenty years its worth eight dollars

how much did it compound each year on average to get there
8/16/2017 10:38 AM (edited)
there's a claim made in a book about what a dollar is worth in 1880 --how much it buys-- and I want to compare it to a table of interest rates or inflation rates or fed funds rates or something like that over the last 150 years

a five dollar gold piece buys a hooker and a dinner. it seems overpriced
8/16/2017 10:37 AM

8/16/2017 12:16 PM
Based on my modeling, the answer is slightly less than 10.96% annually.
8/16/2017 12:35 PM
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