Faux Outrage, Silly Tantrums, & a Nation for Sale Topic

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Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 4:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 10/12/2017 4:04:00 PM (view original):
I've heard that opinion line before somewhere. And I just don't get it.

opinions are wrong all the time. opinions are an individual's judgment of" something" based on what they know and understand about that "something".
Some opinions are well grounded in known (and understood) fact, solid logic, and correctly framed and stated.
Opinions to be listened to and considered.

Then there are opinions just because of a notion, or bias, or prejudice, or stupidity, or hatred, or, etc.........
opinions NOT based on anything other than some person's irrational thought. Happens every day, all over the globe, at every level of societal wealth and intellect. It's just a basic part of the human condition. Probably why the creator gave us a conscious........... because he/she knew without That, we'd never be honest with ourselves!
What creator? Again you are jumping to conclusions. Opinions are not facts and cannot be wrong.

The speed limit is 55. FACT
I think the speed limit is stupid. Opinion

Now I still have to adhere to the speed limit despite my opinion.
Tell your opinion to all3..
the right on these forums goes back and forth on that.
10/12/2017 4:19 PM
Boris, I would never be uncivil to you. But, how can you "debate" with someone who "chooses" to think Trump doesn't "inflame or divide"? That's just delusional. You have chosen to NOT face truth on this issue. Even his supporters know he divides. They will publicly state that. They want the division. They want the destruction of the governing establishment. Have openly said so.
Trump (himself) has publicly called for his supporters to use violence against anti-Trump protestors. That's not dividing, inflaming??? I could list many other examples, but it's not worth my time. IF you can't even be intellectually honest enough with yourself to acknowledge and admit that Trump is a divider, an inflamer, there is no point to debating with you. Last point, Boris. I have many good friends who are a part of that 60+ million voters who were duped. I think they were wrong and foolish, but I don't mean personal insult to them by saying what I do. I just want to help them be wiser next time!

They/WE could start by refusing to even consider party acknowledgment when voting........... other than to hold Repugs. and Democraps in HIGH suspicion when comparing their candidates to any others (Ind., Lib., Green, whatever!)
After all, whose fault is it? If it isn't Repugs and Democraps and us fools who voted them in year after year after year after year!!!
10/12/2017 4:19 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/12/2017 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 4:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 10/12/2017 4:04:00 PM (view original):
I've heard that opinion line before somewhere. And I just don't get it.

opinions are wrong all the time. opinions are an individual's judgment of" something" based on what they know and understand about that "something".
Some opinions are well grounded in known (and understood) fact, solid logic, and correctly framed and stated.
Opinions to be listened to and considered.

Then there are opinions just because of a notion, or bias, or prejudice, or stupidity, or hatred, or, etc.........
opinions NOT based on anything other than some person's irrational thought. Happens every day, all over the globe, at every level of societal wealth and intellect. It's just a basic part of the human condition. Probably why the creator gave us a conscious........... because he/she knew without That, we'd never be honest with ourselves!
What creator? Again you are jumping to conclusions. Opinions are not facts and cannot be wrong.

The speed limit is 55. FACT
I think the speed limit is stupid. Opinion

Now I still have to adhere to the speed limit despite my opinion.
Tell your opinion to all3..
the right on these forums goes back and forth on that.
Why does all3 care what I think?
10/12/2017 4:21 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 10/12/2017 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Boris, I would never be uncivil to you. But, how can you "debate" with someone who "chooses" to think Trump doesn't "inflame or divide"? That's just delusional. You have chosen to NOT face truth on this issue. Even his supporters know he divides. They will publicly state that. They want the division. They want the destruction of the governing establishment. Have openly said so.
Trump (himself) has publicly called for his supporters to use violence against anti-Trump protestors. That's not dividing, inflaming??? I could list many other examples, but it's not worth my time. IF you can't even be intellectually honest enough with yourself to acknowledge and admit that Trump is a divider, an inflamer, there is no point to debating with you. Last point, Boris. I have many good friends who are a part of that 60+ million voters who were duped. I think they were wrong and foolish, but I don't mean personal insult to them by saying what I do. I just want to help them be wiser next time!

They/WE could start by refusing to even consider party acknowledgment when voting........... other than to hold Repugs. and Democraps in HIGH suspicion when comparing their candidates to any others (Ind., Lib., Green, whatever!)
After all, whose fault is it? If it isn't Repugs and Democraps and us fools who voted them in year after year after year after year!!!
LOL - still talking down to me, eh? Lovely. Trump is telling the truth and the country was already divided. It really came to boiling point during the Baltimore riots and the formation of BLM --- long before Trump. What were they protesting in Baltimore? Black police chief, black mayor, 10 of the 15 members of the legislature were black and all were Democrats. The POTUS was black as was the AG. So yes, black lives do matter, I agree as do all lives. You think I was duped, thats fine. My vote was meaningless anyway. I think when you use that sort of terminology and call Republicans, "Repugs" you are divisive and you are insulting. I am not even a Republican.

10/12/2017 4:26 PM
Doubt he does. Your opinion is of no concern to him IF he disagrees with it. At least I think that was the point being made.

My simple point about opinions is that THEY DAMN SURE CAN BE WRONG.

Over my 6+ decades I've held many opinions that were flat wrong. Once in a while my opinion turns out to be well thought out, grounded, logical, and ends up true and on the level. (That's good carpenter talk!)
But, I've been wrong. Held stupid opinions!
There are literally millions and millions of wrong opinions, Boris.
You must be able to see that, can't you??
Otherwise.............. man I'd be worried about you.
10/12/2017 4:27 PM
Tell me one opinion that is wrong. Please provide an example.
10/12/2017 4:29 PM
Boris, maybe I'm just older. Not meaning to talk down........... you must be short.

You are correct though........ the Country WAS divided prior to Trump's run.
He just capitalized on it.

Now, PLEASE, tell me specifically what "truth" is Trump telling us that you refer to in your above comment.

That it's all the illegals fault?
That, what? you tell me............... all I've heard from his mouth are crass insults, YUGE exaggerations, bald faced lies, etc..
Enlighten me. What "truth" is he telling us Americans that needs heeded pronto!??
10/12/2017 4:34 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 4:29:00 PM (view original):
Tell me one opinion that is wrong. Please provide an example.
Easy Boris. At one time I thought you were smart. lol

Sorry, that was just too easy. You teed it up for me man! Just a joke, really!

But seriously, folks.......... Here's one opinion that I know was dead wrong.

I once thought that the universe had some sort of spiritual balance. You know, some call it Karma. Now I know I was wrong. Flat stupid.
The universe has no such law of "fairness".
There is only the way. Survive and grow, or perish. That's it. My opinion was wrong!

Here's another. I once thought there were only two sexes. male and female. Now I know better. I was wrong.

Here's the best example off the top of me peanut.

Once upon a time, millions of folks had the opinion (dead certain about it in most cases) that the earth was flat.
They were wrong!! Just as you are about Trump. He's an immoral, evil person that should have NEVER been allowed anywhere close to power!!
10/12/2017 4:40 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 10/12/2017 3:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 3:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 10/12/2017 3:16:00 PM (view original):
Or..he could skip all that and take a knee and, over a year later, people still talk about it.
In a negative light. And now he has become the villain as have the NFL players. Racial divides have widened IMO.
Any protest by a black person about the police would be received negatively.

A majority didnt like King in the 60's. People freaked out when NBA and NFL players wore tshirts that said "Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford," (a statement no one should disagree with) and people still hate it when someone simply says black lives matter.

Be honest.
I am just giving my opinion. I do not understand why and how he is conflating racial injustice (in his view) with standing for the anthem. But to your point that I will concede. I am not black so I cannot possibly know what it is like to walk in his shoes. Then again he is a millionaire.
Well, ok, he's protesting during the anthem as a way to draw attention to a problem with the country the anthem represents. Understand?

The anthem is a symbol of the US. Kaepernick believes there is a problem with the US.

10/12/2017 4:42 PM
10/12/2017 4:43 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 10/12/2017 4:34:00 PM (view original):
Boris, maybe I'm just older. Not meaning to talk down........... you must be short.

You are correct though........ the Country WAS divided prior to Trump's run.
He just capitalized on it.

Now, PLEASE, tell me specifically what "truth" is Trump telling us that you refer to in your above comment.

That it's all the illegals fault?
That, what? you tell me............... all I've heard from his mouth are crass insults, YUGE exaggerations, bald faced lies, etc..
Enlighten me. What "truth" is he telling us Americans that needs heeded pronto!??
  1. News casters and agencies are biased
  2. Country has become too PC
  3. Politicians are out for themselves and could not care less about the people who elected them
  4. Iran deal was terrible
  5. NAFTA is terrible
  6. We need to be an ally of Israel not support idiotic BDS crap
  7. The Clintons are corrupt liars
  8. Our immigration policies are weak
  9. Our tax code is too complex with too many loopholes
  10. Corporate inversions are killing our jobs

Here are a few
10/12/2017 4:43 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 10/12/2017 4:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 4:29:00 PM (view original):
Tell me one opinion that is wrong. Please provide an example.
Easy Boris. At one time I thought you were smart. lol

Sorry, that was just too easy. You teed it up for me man! Just a joke, really!

But seriously, folks.......... Here's one opinion that I know was dead wrong.

I once thought that the universe had some sort of spiritual balance. You know, some call it Karma. Now I know I was wrong. Flat stupid.
The universe has no such law of "fairness".
There is only the way. Survive and grow, or perish. That's it. My opinion was wrong!

Here's another. I once thought there were only two sexes. male and female. Now I know better. I was wrong.

Here's the best example off the top of me peanut.

Once upon a time, millions of folks had the opinion (dead certain about it in most cases) that the earth was flat.
They were wrong!! Just as you are about Trump. He's an immoral, evil person that should have NEVER been allowed anywhere close to power!!
Still waiting....no one ever claimed I was smart.
10/12/2017 4:44 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 10/12/2017 4:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 10/12/2017 3:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 10/12/2017 3:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 10/12/2017 3:16:00 PM (view original):
Or..he could skip all that and take a knee and, over a year later, people still talk about it.
In a negative light. And now he has become the villain as have the NFL players. Racial divides have widened IMO.
Any protest by a black person about the police would be received negatively.

A majority didnt like King in the 60's. People freaked out when NBA and NFL players wore tshirts that said "Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford," (a statement no one should disagree with) and people still hate it when someone simply says black lives matter.

Be honest.
I am just giving my opinion. I do not understand why and how he is conflating racial injustice (in his view) with standing for the anthem. But to your point that I will concede. I am not black so I cannot possibly know what it is like to walk in his shoes. Then again he is a millionaire.
Well, ok, he's protesting during the anthem as a way to draw attention to a problem with the country the anthem represents. Understand?

The anthem is a symbol of the US. Kaepernick believes there is a problem with the US.

The Anthem at least to me represents paying respect to the past and present veterans who defend this country. I guess it means something completely different to him. If he believes there is a problem in the US he can move.
10/12/2017 4:45 PM
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Faux Outrage, Silly Tantrums, & a Nation for Sale Topic

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