Anyone Skeptical Topic

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I don't think you can help but be skeptical given the history of this game. With that being said, Seble talked his new company into buying WiS for a reason. He obviously at least has intentions of improving and advertising the site. They wouldn't buy it if they didn't think they could make it worth the cost. So I do believe he has plans for the game. There is always the risk that they won't be good plans, or won't be executed well, or even that nobody ever gets to them. But I think the purchase of WiS clearly indicates intent to improve the games, and Seble probably deserves the benefit of the doubt for longer than he's had so far.
11/7/2017 11:29 PM
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"Seble talked his new company into buying WiS for a reason."

Say what?
11/8/2017 6:37 AM
Posted by thewizard17 on 11/7/2017 11:00:00 PM (view original):
With the future of WIS.

Seems like the same old song and dance with seble. His last post was on 8/19. Probably not a good sign when people have questions, yet there has been no response in that thread since. This is the same guy that was supposed to be in charge of HD and he disappeared for 5 years. Anyone else skeptical?

Looks he's done some stuff on sim league bball recently.

And at least we are getting tickets responded to.

Just set expectations that nothing will happen or be shared for the next year and you will probably be content.
11/8/2017 8:22 AM
I am skeptikal but hopeful some stuff will get done to improve the experience.

11/8/2017 8:25 AM
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But, if you want something relevant, they didn't buy WifS to lose money or let it fail 6 months later. Just because SportsHub isn't telling you when Joe the Accountant takes a smoke break doesn't mean they've forgotten you. They're a business that we know virtually nothing about. WifS might be small potatoes to them right now and they may have more pressing matters. The "Is this game going away?" posts are nonsense. Use. Your. Brain.
11/8/2017 10:48 AM
Granted I've been away for most of the Fox years, and just came back 3 days ago but I have to say this.... Seble left and just came back a few months ago. From what I've read the whole site went to hell, and now he's back. He may not have seemed to be running the company well, but from the sounds of it, he was handcuffed and also understaffed. Now that there is a new parent company doesn't mean things will change overnight. There has to be an evaluation period where Seble can come in and look at what needs fixed, and then also either read the staff in to changes for them to work on, and/or hire new staff to work for the company. Once a plan of action is put into place, it does take time for programming codes to be written and tested.

I know people want better communication, but a company that is understaffed initially and has a product that needs work, they're going to try and fix the major things immediately before communication happens. This isn't just with WIS, this would be the same for any company. Fortunately for me, I missed a lot of the headaches that occurred during the Fox years and I'm glad I'm back with seeing they're going back to what worked. Now if they could just get Tarek back with the company, I would be thrilled. I might message him on Facebook and see if we can get him to return to finish what he started. (I know that's not gonna happen, but I wish it could.)
11/8/2017 10:55 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/8/2017 10:48:00 AM (view original):
But, if you want something relevant, they didn't buy WifS to lose money or let it fail 6 months later. Just because SportsHub isn't telling you when Joe the Accountant takes a smoke break doesn't mean they've forgotten you. They're a business that we know virtually nothing about. WifS might be small potatoes to them right now and they may have more pressing matters. The "Is this game going away?" posts are nonsense. Use. Your. Brain.
God you are f****** thick. Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber.

Nobody is complaining.

If I'm running a business, especially considering there are several disgruntled paying customers, I'm going to keep those people in the loop and let them know what's going on. Considering their past history, keeping people in the dark isn't the best strategy. There were coaches that had questions for seble in that thread that he posted over 2 and a half months ago. And guess what Einstein? If WIS is small potatoes to Sports Hub, how is that good news when we had the same issues with Fox Sports?
11/8/2017 10:58 AM
Posted by tdiddy3 on 11/8/2017 10:55:00 AM (view original):
Granted I've been away for most of the Fox years, and just came back 3 days ago but I have to say this.... Seble left and just came back a few months ago. From what I've read the whole site went to hell, and now he's back. He may not have seemed to be running the company well, but from the sounds of it, he was handcuffed and also understaffed. Now that there is a new parent company doesn't mean things will change overnight. There has to be an evaluation period where Seble can come in and look at what needs fixed, and then also either read the staff in to changes for them to work on, and/or hire new staff to work for the company. Once a plan of action is put into place, it does take time for programming codes to be written and tested.

I know people want better communication, but a company that is understaffed initially and has a product that needs work, they're going to try and fix the major things immediately before communication happens. This isn't just with WIS, this would be the same for any company. Fortunately for me, I missed a lot of the headaches that occurred during the Fox years and I'm glad I'm back with seeing they're going back to what worked. Now if they could just get Tarek back with the company, I would be thrilled. I might message him on Facebook and see if we can get him to return to finish what he started. (I know that's not gonna happen, but I wish it could.)
I don't disagree with most of this. I'm just saying, I don't think it would be asking much for seble to come on and answer questions or post updates on what is happening for 10-15 minutes twice per month. I personally could care less if he does or doesn't, but I'm speaking mostly for some of the other coaches.
11/8/2017 11:05 AM
MikeT was redlined for acting like and idiot, trolling and going off topic. Have a nice day Mike.
11/8/2017 11:09 AM
Redline that one too.
11/8/2017 11:11 AM
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