Introduce Option To Start HD In Div-1...? Topic

Thinking about it a little more, if D3 is turned into a sandbox - which is definitely preferable to wiping it out - you really have to completely separate the recruit pool, or you’ll have guys with multiple IDs picking up a bunch of D3 teams just for extra scouting. In that case, it makes the most sense to have 2 distinct pools, and remove all classifications. Then you can probably just as well ditch the red light, too, and maybe just bump the division boost a bit, if necessary.
11/30/2017 3:59 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2017 3:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 11/30/2017 3:53:00 PM (view original):
To clarify - my idea was that you would be qualified for any D level job at D1 if you are qualified in another world. Not that if you're qualified for A+ Duke in Smith that you are also qualified for A+ UCLA in Iba.

Or just start at D1 anywhere. Whatever.
Which means you were saying n00bs don't qualify for D1 right out the gate. Yeah, not on the same page.
Did you see the 2nd part?

"or just start at D1 anywhere. Whatever"
11/30/2017 4:03 PM
I guess should have said

"or noobs start whereever they want. I don't give AF"
11/30/2017 4:06 PM
Yeah, you should have.
11/30/2017 4:08 PM
In many cases the silent majority plays quietly season after season, paying no attention to the kindergarten that the forums have largely become, entirely or mainly satisfied with their game experience. The loud minority on the forums shouldn't fool themselves into thinking they are a part of a majority just because they are loud.

Take a moment to think, people. Regarding letting people start at D1:
1. It would be a certain death knell for D2 and D3 in HD.
2. Some people like to play at a college they attended or is nearby to where they live or work. There are a helluva lot more D2 and D3 schools than there are D1 schools.
3. If someone is so attention-deficit crippled that he cannot tolerate moving through the ranks, there is no reason to believe he would tolerate the down time that some of you have so loudly complained about.
4. As currently constituted, D1 enjoys a degree of stability that supports the game experience. Allowing players to make D1 job changes in and out of Worlds almost willy-nilly would totally disrupt that stability, and risk (if not assure) the demise of D1.
5. I doubt that a financial model is attractive to WIS or SportsHub if limited to the number of users that could occupy D1, compared to the number of users that could occupy three divisions. I doubt there is incentive for them or SportsHub to undertake the investment in time and resources to diminish their game.
6. If you think everybody should play at D1, and D2 and D3 should be trashed, you obviously haven’t thought about the so-called problems of EE’s and recruit generation.
7. If you think the job process sucks, terminating D2 and D3 is no solution. The solution is fixing the job process. WIS could do this in a way that retains some stability in D1 and shortens the period in which users become D1 eligible without discarding D2 and D3 from the game.
8. If you think too many sim teams is the problem, terminating D2 and D3 is no solution. WIS could:
a. contract the number of conferences in each world, which of course has its own problems.
b. reduce the number of worlds, which of course has its own problems.
c. finally do something effective to market the game to new users.
Any of those three would be better solutions, properly implemented, than trashing D2 and D3.

A reminder to those who stop reading when they see my user name on a post, never see the content of the post (you know who you are), and immediately start spewing your bile -- you are still nothing more or less than background noise to me and many others, of no more significance to the world than a dust bunny under your bed. Let’s try to keep this thread on topic.
11/30/2017 4:17 PM (edited)
1. So?
2. They can stay there and coach
3. I'm all for a D1 start and I've complained loudly about down time.

Ok, that's enough I'm sure the rest is comparable drivel.
11/30/2017 4:11 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/30/2017 4:11:00 PM (view original):
1. So?
2. They can stay there and coach
3. I'm all for a D1 start and I've complained loudly about down time.

Ok, that's enough I'm sure the rest is comparable drivel.
It wasn't written for you. It was written for people able to put some thought into the matter before they post.
11/30/2017 4:15 PM
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You don't seem to have an understanding of how you're regarded around here. Let's just politely say "lightly". I won't be the only person to respond to you but I will be the most polite.

If D2/D3 die, it's no big deal. HD cannot support 3 divisions of 300+ schools any longer.
If people want to stay in nearly empty D2/D3 to coach their alma mater, they can. They just wouldn't get rewarded for doing it.
Starting in D1 and downtime are not interrelated. It's folly to pretend they are.

There you go.
11/30/2017 4:21 PM
Change jobs willy-nilly? Nah. It’s still going to be difficult to take over a new team. You’re still starting from scratch, and RS2 recruiting is presumably still going to be a pain. It’s not about attention deficit, it’s about motivation to play, and consumer priorities. I knew about the game 6 years before I finally started playing it, having played HBD under another username in 2007-8. Having to start in D3 was the deterrent. Forcing players to spend a real life year, and the money to buy all the seasons needed to move up has always felt like a money-grab, and remains a big turn-off for me, which is why I can only half-heartedly recommend the game, with important caveats.
11/30/2017 4:24 PM
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“is anyone still even complaining about the job process anymore?”

Not so much complaining, as recognizing it as an obstacle to user expansion and retention.

If I’m a new player, and I can spend a few seasons learning the mechanics of the game at D3 for free, cool. And if, when I’m comfortable with my own competitiveness, I can join D1 in a new world, or get there quickly after a season or 2 of success at D2, even better. That model would look a lot more attractive to me than “paying my dues” (literally) for a year before allowed to play the game at the level I want to play. I would have been playing HD since 2007.
11/30/2017 4:37 PM (edited)
I'm not reading that wall of text. Especially from a guy who has zero teams.

amirite Mike?
11/30/2017 4:36 PM
why keep D3 and D2 at all?
11/30/2017 4:42 PM
I read 3. Then had enough because it was pointless. And my attention span ain't long enough to give a dude with no teams more than 3 lines. Goddam lurkers.
11/30/2017 4:42 PM
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Introduce Option To Start HD In Div-1...? Topic

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