Where Should New Players Start? Topic

Sorry, cubcub, I forgot about your ability to suck-up.

Updated suck-up standings:
1. benis
2. cubcub
3. zorzi

That said, if emy and I were arguing about gameplay, winning percentage would be a great point. We're not. So, IOW, your post added almost as much as emy's.

BTW, someone sent me a sitemail a couple of days ago saying emy got caught cheating with an alias. Any truth to that?
12/7/2017 2:19 PM
"Anyway, remember, dcy and emy are the same exact human... it's the guy who cheated as angmar."
12/7/2017 2:20 PM
Mike - have you abandoned the "D1 is not different from D2/D3" rhetoric then? Or is it just more convenient for you to hop over to the other side of the fence on this specific issue?
12/7/2017 2:20 PM
Posted by mbriese on 12/7/2017 2:20:00 PM (view original):
Mike - have you abandoned the "D1 is not different from D2/D3" rhetoric then? Or is it just more convenient for you to hop over to the other side of the fence on this specific issue?
Not really. Just pointing out you can't have it both ways. Don't tell me people need to learn at D2/D3 THEN say "D1 is so different. If you're not in D1, you shouldn't comment on it!!"

I compared the three levels to throwing. Throw a rock, a football and a baseball. It's a little different but it's still slinging an object thru the air.
12/7/2017 2:22 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:20:00 PM (view original):
"Anyway, remember, dcy and emy are the same exact human... it's the guy who cheated as angmar."
Anyone want to confirm this? I don't know the History of HD Cheating.
12/7/2017 2:23 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:20:00 PM (view original):
"Anyway, remember, dcy and emy are the same exact human... it's the guy who cheated as angmar."
Anyone want to confirm this? I don't know the History of HD Cheating.
I'll confirm it. Those are the three ID's that I've used, yes. It's also no secret. Those are also ID's that I've won NT's with. Seems that a certain user can't drop his infatuation with me. He can think whatever he wants to think but I've never left a team in worth shape than when I started there (with the possible exception of a team that I stopped paying attention to when the switch from 2.0 to 3.0 happened). I told him that if he had any proof whatsoever that he should present it to Seble and have him decide what he thought. Well, I'm still playing so that should answer your question. As far as I've been told, if you have two teams in a world, as long as they are over 1000 miles apart, then it's all good. But I'll go ahead and say this: I'll put my coaching abilities up against anyone playing this game. Including you Mike.

And FWIW, emy and dcy are NOT the exact same human. Dcy is my son and it is his ID. Angmar is my ex-wife's ID. When he is interested in playing, he does. When he isn't, I do. When she was interested in playing, she did. When she wasn't, I did.

You keep playing your behind the scenes games Npb, why don't you just put all the info out there? Because I could really give less than two ***** what you, Mike, Spud or anyone else thinks about me. I'll never meet you, you'll never meet me, why do I care? Because of some "reputation" on an internet gaming website? Please. You say I cheated, I say I didn't. What you don't seem to realize is that I know YOUR alternate ID's as well.

So there you go Mike. There's your answer. You feel better now? Is your day complete? You feel like a better HD coach now? You call me a hypocrite? Well, guess what Michael? I'm ABSOLUTELY a hypocrite. Everyone posting on this forum has done something hypocritical in their lives. Including you Michael. And if anyone says they haven't, well, then they're a hypocrite AND a liar. Npb wants to call me a cheater? Okay, Npb I'm a cheater, that make you feel better? I'm also 12 feet tall and polka dotted. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Hey Mike, Npb thinks I'm a cheater so I must be. So since you seem to want to be the forum hall monitor, what's your next move Michael? Gonna put me in after school detention?
12/7/2017 3:48 PM (edited)
"And FWIW, emy and dcy are NOT the exact same human. Dcy is my son and it is his ID. When he is interested in playing, he does. When he isn't, I do."

Holy smokes, that's it!

That's why Spud always says he's not l80r20. I bet one account was his son's and then he left or something. Now Spud just uses both. So when Spud claims "I'm not l80r20", it's true through a technicality- even though it's actually the same guy posting.
12/7/2017 3:21 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 12/7/2017 3:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:20:00 PM (view original):
"Anyway, remember, dcy and emy are the same exact human... it's the guy who cheated as angmar."
Anyone want to confirm this? I don't know the History of HD Cheating.
I'll confirm it. Those are the three ID's that I've used, yes. It's also no secret. Those are also ID's that I've won NT's with. Seems that a certain user can't drop his infatuation with me. He can think whatever he wants to think but I've never left a team in worth shape than when I started there (with the possible exception of a team that I stopped paying attention to when the switch from 2.0 to 3.0 happened). I told him that if he had any proof whatsoever that he should present it to Seble and have him decide what he thought. Well, I'm still playing so that should answer your question. As far as I've been told, if you have two teams in a world, as long as they are over 1000 miles apart, then it's all good. But I'll go ahead and say this: I'll put my coaching abilities up against anyone playing this game. Including you Mike.

And FWIW, emy and dcy are NOT the exact same human. Dcy is my son and it is his ID. Angmar is my ex-wife's ID. When he is interested in playing, he does. When he isn't, I do. When she was interested in playing, she did. When she wasn't, I did.

You keep playing your behind the scenes games Npb, why don't you just put all the info out there? Because I could really give less than two ***** what you, Mike, Spud or anyone else thinks about me. I'll never meet you, you'll never meet me, why do I care? Because of some "reputation" on an internet gaming website? Please. You say I cheated, I say I didn't. What you don't seem to realize is that I know YOUR alternate ID's as well.

So there you go Mike. There's your answer. You feel better now? Is your day complete? You feel like a better HD coach now? You call me a hypocrite? Well, guess what Michael? I'm ABSOLUTELY a hypocrite. Everyone posting on this forum has done something hypocritical in their lives. Including you Michael. Npb wants to call me a cheater? Okay, Npb I'm a cheater, that make you feel better? Doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Hey Mike, Npb thinks I'm a cheater so I must be. So since you seem to want to be the forum hall monitor, what's your next move? Gonna put me in after school detention?
I'm a step away from mediocre. Saying "I'll put my coaching abilities up against anyone including you" isn't much of a challenge. I'll put my coaching abilities up against any mediocre coach as well. I'll show them.

Meh on the technicality of son/me. If you're logging in as him, it is the same person. poiuyt isn't technically me. It's my alias I created while drinking. I'm not really the same person when I'm drinking. I'm nicer.

If those two/three usernames are in the same world, it's probably cheating. I wouldn't take WifS' inaction as a sign that it's not. They tend to NOT issue any sort of punishment when people are caught cheating.
12/7/2017 3:31 PM
Hey, don't drag me into your petty intramural squabble.

emy, FWIW it looks to me like you have been posting quite helpfully and largely without rancor lately and I have no problem with that. If you have a problem with Mike keep it there, I don't want it.
12/7/2017 3:34 PM
Posted by CoachSpud on 12/7/2017 3:34:00 PM (view original):
Hey, don't drag me into your petty intramural squabble.

emy, FWIW it looks to me like you have been posting quite helpfully and largely without rancor lately and I have no problem with that. If you have a problem with Mike keep it there, I don't want it.
My apologies Spud, I've got no beef with you.
12/7/2017 3:34 PM
Posted by emy1013 on 12/7/2017 3:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by CoachSpud on 12/7/2017 3:34:00 PM (view original):
Hey, don't drag me into your petty intramural squabble.

emy, FWIW it looks to me like you have been posting quite helpfully and largely without rancor lately and I have no problem with that. If you have a problem with Mike keep it there, I don't want it.
My apologies Spud, I've got no beef with you.
12/7/2017 3:38 PM
Damn, you're long-winded. I thought I read the entire post. I didn't.

I say you're a hypocrite because you passive-aggressively post about how the forums are no good now. You're sniping at others without appearing to snipe. That's a bitchy way to go about it. Don't be something you don't want the forums to be. If you want to add content, please do. If you want to defend yourself against "baseless" allegations, why bother? If you want to snipe at someone, have at it but be straightforward about it. That's all I'm saying.
12/7/2017 3:41 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/7/2017 2:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by emy1013 on 12/7/2017 1:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 12/5/2017 11:34:00 AM (view original):
Well, there you go. Stupid me, learning the ropes at D2/D3, doesn't know what to use at D1.

I'd have learned that had I spent the last year at Cornell as opposed to Lander/WCSU. Simply because I'd have known what I was facing at D1 every game.

Point made.
Point made my ***. If you'd been paying attention at D2/D3 instead of going through the motions on your race to D1, you'd have KNOWN that set-up would have been very, very difficult to run successfully. You want to know what you'll be facing at D1 each game? Simple. Try looking at the roster's of some of the good human coached teams. Or hey here's an idea, even some of the Sim teams in the conference you're in such a sprint to join. Then you'd know EXACTLY what you were facing every game. It's not like they're all shrouded in secrecy.

You made a point all right. Point made is that you're simply clueless on the subject and want to add your two cents on any and every topic that comes along, whether you've got the slightest iota of understanding or not. The very epitome of the old saying, " I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he THINKS he's worth".

FWIW, I voted to let users start wherever they want. I also happen to think it's better to learn the game's basics in the kiddie pool of D2/D3 than with the sharks in the oceans of D1.
No, point made period. I know what I play against in D2. A bunch of goddam SIMS. What they run in D2 is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to what humans run in D1. Would you like to argue that?

I know what I read. "It's impossible to run Press nowadays because of the EE issues!!" Constantly.

As for the sharks, they are at every level. Some very good users park in D2/D3 and never move. Seems I see your name at the top of the wins leader board in D2 Rupp. Non-shark?

You've been threatening to crawl back into your cave for days. Do it.
Awww, did I hurt someone's feelings? Ruffle some feathers? I'll let you in on a little secret Michael. You telling me to "do it" means just slightly more to me than jack ****. Who in the hell do you think you are trying to tell other people what to do? You the forum police Michael? Well then, I guess since I've been ordered by Michael to "do it", I'd best do what he says before he gets triggered and has to run off to find his safe place.

And yes, you mental midget, there are "some" very good coaches at both D2 and D3, but where do you expect that you'd find the majority of the best coaches? That would be in D1 Einstein. I guess I'll have to pay better attention to the forums, I didn't realize that you were this slow. Next time I'll type much, much slower so it'll help you keep up professor. Damn, what a moron.
12/7/2017 3:43 PM
:LOL. Still turning the forum into something you don't like? Hypocrite.
12/7/2017 3:47 PM
"If you'd been paying attention at D2/D3 instead of going through the motions on your race to D1, you'd have KNOWN that set-up would have been very, very difficult to run successfully."

This is a great point.
12/7/2017 3:51 PM
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