Cleveland Indigenous Americans Topic

Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
You just summarized what makes you ignorant in this little conversation.
This happens every time:
1. You make a bold claim fitting your narrative.
2. Your claim gets disproven multiple times.
3. You move to ad hominem, trying to take away your opponent's right to an opinion.
4. You change the subject, only to bring it back up again later making the same ignorant point again.

And so the cycle continues.

You didn't know the difference between an opinion and a fact and you claim to be a journalist...should I continue?
2/6/2018 10:07 PM
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
We have never met. LOL

Your logic makes sense but I just think you are a liar so I don't believe you. Oh well. What do you care? I am just some Internet rando.

OK. So you can be a Jew and I Christian. We have clarified that. Why am I a liar? Do you have Spidey sense?
Just a hunch. I think you say what you feel like saying to fit a narrative. Which is fine.

Your rhetoric of "All real Christians are Pacifists" screams insanity. So either you are a troll or a fool.

You pick. I don't believe one word that you type.
That is dangerous. Again, you are taking away my right to have an opinion. It is one of the worst argumentation skills. I am Jewish. You obviously do not believe me, however you have no reason not to. I cannot prove this is true, unless you come up with a way I can prove it.

I am a Christian. I have a right to a BELIEF in Christianity. As you are not a Christian, I would advise you to stay out of what I believe, unless you have a reason why my belief is morally or logically wrong, in which case, state WHY! I believe that one of Jesus' core teachings was a form of pacifism.
We are on an internet site. LOL

I am just saying I don't believe you. What is so dangerous about that? Please explain.

2/6/2018 10:09 PM
To get back on topic, I caught an Indians/Reds game last May. It was in Cincinnati, but there were 3 people outside of the stadium protesting the Indians. They were all white and young. It kills me how people need a cause to protest just for the sake of protesting. What they were too stupid to realize is nobody was paying them any attention. They were simply waisting their time. These people who cry injustice about every little thing are nothing more than attention whores. They really could care less about the cause. They want to be seen and feel good about themselves.
2/6/2018 10:11 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/6/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 9:56:00 PM (view original):

So my parents are Jewish as were my grandparents. I am an atheist. So while I celebrate all the traditions and tell the kids I am Jewish (they don't know I am atheist) technically I need proof there is a God. Tangy is a pure Christian. He cannot be both Jewish and Christian. Now he can state that he was Jewish by heritage but raised a Christian that is fine but he is openly Christian.

It is not the same thing at least not to me. I did not give up my Jewish faith for another faith. I still follow the traditions and the holidays as homage to my ancestors but I don't believe there is a higher power.

Did I connect the dots for you well enough?
No. You’re still too stupid to function.

He, like you, is of Jewish heritage. Like you, he doesn’t practice the Jewish faith. You choose no faith. He chooses Christianity.
Maybe. My issue is he says whatever he feels like saying to fit a narrative. I just don't believe him. Such is life.

Half the stuff we say here we would never say to each other in person. It is a smack talk site for all intents and purposes. Many here think you are an idiot. Do you really care? No.

So by that logic, do you really think I care what you think? Get real, BL.

For the record, I don't think you are as dumb as people here say. I think you just troll them. Which is fine since it is a smack talk site.

For the record I think tangy is a liar. He as Jewish as BHO.
What narrative am I pushing? MY OPINIONS?
When I said I am a Jew and have experienced racism you played the Jew card. When we discussed war you played the Christian and pacifist card.

Let me ask this Capt. Christianity. Are you pro life or pro choice?

OK. Let's break this down. You were pushing that narrative that Jews are better than white people, yes? And you stated that you had experienced racism. When I attacked this, I mainly stated that institutional antisemitism does not exist, and you failed to prove that it does. How is that playing the Jew card?

And yes, I am MORALLY against war, because I identify as a pacifist. Is that a narrative?

I am pretty moderate on the issue. I believe that first trimester abortion should be legal, and only legal after that with special doctorate permission (For a situation when giving birth is dangerous to the mother). I can see both sides of the issue.
2/6/2018 10:11 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
You just summarized what makes you ignorant in this little conversation.
This happens every time:
1. You make a bold claim fitting your narrative.
2. Your claim gets disproven multiple times.
3. You move to ad hominem, trying to take away your opponent's right to an opinion.
4. You change the subject, only to bring it back up again later making the same ignorant point again.

And so the cycle continues.

You didn't know the difference between an opinion and a fact and you claim to be a journalist...should I continue?
Uhh we agreed. Opinions cannot be wrong. We agreed on that. So, sure, continue on.
2/6/2018 10:12 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 2/6/2018 10:11:00 PM (view original):
To get back on topic, I caught an Indians/Reds game last May. It was in Cincinnati, but there were 3 people outside of the stadium protesting the Indians. They were all white and young. It kills me how people need a cause to protest just for the sake of protesting. What they were too stupid to realize is nobody was paying them any attention. They were simply waisting their time. These people who cry injustice about every little thing are nothing more than attention whores. They really could care less about the cause. They want to be seen and feel good about themselves.
I am OK with changing the name and or symbol if it is offensive. Problem is "offensive" is highly subjective. It can be a slippery slope. Look at Canada. The place has gone insane. The prime minister says "Peoplekind" not "Mankind". Was the astronaut on the moon a sexist?

The Left has gone insane so that even their tangible arguments are difficult to take seriously.
2/6/2018 10:13 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
We have never met. LOL

Your logic makes sense but I just think you are a liar so I don't believe you. Oh well. What do you care? I am just some Internet rando.

OK. So you can be a Jew and I Christian. We have clarified that. Why am I a liar? Do you have Spidey sense?
Just a hunch. I think you say what you feel like saying to fit a narrative. Which is fine.

Your rhetoric of "All real Christians are Pacifists" screams insanity. So either you are a troll or a fool.

You pick. I don't believe one word that you type.
That is dangerous. Again, you are taking away my right to have an opinion. It is one of the worst argumentation skills. I am Jewish. You obviously do not believe me, however you have no reason not to. I cannot prove this is true, unless you come up with a way I can prove it.

I am a Christian. I have a right to a BELIEF in Christianity. As you are not a Christian, I would advise you to stay out of what I believe, unless you have a reason why my belief is morally or logically wrong, in which case, state WHY! I believe that one of Jesus' core teachings was a form of pacifism.
We are on an internet site. LOL

I am just saying I don't believe you. What is so dangerous about that? Please explain.

Because your strategy, whether intentional or not, is to undermine my right to have an opinion. You do this by personally insulting my character and my beliefs, calling me a fool, a troll, and a lunatic, among other things. I have studied argumentation long enough to recognize this.
2/6/2018 10:13 PM
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
You just summarized what makes you ignorant in this little conversation.
This happens every time:
1. You make a bold claim fitting your narrative.
2. Your claim gets disproven multiple times.
3. You move to ad hominem, trying to take away your opponent's right to an opinion.
4. You change the subject, only to bring it back up again later making the same ignorant point again.

And so the cycle continues.

You didn't know the difference between an opinion and a fact and you claim to be a journalist...should I continue?
Uhh we agreed. Opinions cannot be wrong. We agreed on that. So, sure, continue on.
Agreed, after you argued against it. Want me to ask wylie to confirm?

So are you pro choice or pro life, Capt. Christianity?
2/6/2018 10:14 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 2/6/2018 10:11:00 PM (view original):
To get back on topic, I caught an Indians/Reds game last May. It was in Cincinnati, but there were 3 people outside of the stadium protesting the Indians. They were all white and young. It kills me how people need a cause to protest just for the sake of protesting. What they were too stupid to realize is nobody was paying them any attention. They were simply waisting their time. These people who cry injustice about every little thing are nothing more than attention whores. They really could care less about the cause. They want to be seen and feel good about themselves.
I agree. I really don't care what a white college kid thinks on this. Show me what natives think.
2/6/2018 10:14 PM
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
We have never met. LOL

Your logic makes sense but I just think you are a liar so I don't believe you. Oh well. What do you care? I am just some Internet rando.

OK. So you can be a Jew and I Christian. We have clarified that. Why am I a liar? Do you have Spidey sense?
Just a hunch. I think you say what you feel like saying to fit a narrative. Which is fine.

Your rhetoric of "All real Christians are Pacifists" screams insanity. So either you are a troll or a fool.

You pick. I don't believe one word that you type.
That is dangerous. Again, you are taking away my right to have an opinion. It is one of the worst argumentation skills. I am Jewish. You obviously do not believe me, however you have no reason not to. I cannot prove this is true, unless you come up with a way I can prove it.

I am a Christian. I have a right to a BELIEF in Christianity. As you are not a Christian, I would advise you to stay out of what I believe, unless you have a reason why my belief is morally or logically wrong, in which case, state WHY! I believe that one of Jesus' core teachings was a form of pacifism.
We are on an internet site. LOL

I am just saying I don't believe you. What is so dangerous about that? Please explain.

Because your strategy, whether intentional or not, is to undermine my right to have an opinion. You do this by personally insulting my character and my beliefs, calling me a fool, a troll, and a lunatic, among other things. I have studied argumentation long enough to recognize this.
On an internet site. So what? You don't like it? Shut it off? You can have as many opinions as you like. Start a thread or 100. How am I stopping you?
2/6/2018 10:15 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
You just summarized what makes you ignorant in this little conversation.
This happens every time:
1. You make a bold claim fitting your narrative.
2. Your claim gets disproven multiple times.
3. You move to ad hominem, trying to take away your opponent's right to an opinion.
4. You change the subject, only to bring it back up again later making the same ignorant point again.

And so the cycle continues.

You didn't know the difference between an opinion and a fact and you claim to be a journalist...should I continue?
Uhh we agreed. Opinions cannot be wrong. We agreed on that. So, sure, continue on.
Agreed, after you argued against it. Want me to ask wylie to confirm?

So are you pro choice or pro life, Capt. Christianity?
Yes. I changed my opinion. I am allowed to do that. It is actually a good thing to be able to do, you know. And it isn't like that makes me uninformed. Who really thinks about the difference between a fact and an opinion?

I already answered. I am moderate. Legalize first trimester, only with special doctorate permission after that.
2/6/2018 10:16 PM
Yeah, I could 2 give ***** what they name sports teams. It's the fact that leagues want to pander to the minority. It has really shown itself with the NFL and ratings are in the basement. Adam Silver is the only commish with a pair and the NBA is thriving.

To address your 2nd paragraph, the left lost credibility because they whine about so many things. When you whine about everything, society stops listening.

2/6/2018 10:17 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
We have never met. LOL

Your logic makes sense but I just think you are a liar so I don't believe you. Oh well. What do you care? I am just some Internet rando.

OK. So you can be a Jew and I Christian. We have clarified that. Why am I a liar? Do you have Spidey sense?
Just a hunch. I think you say what you feel like saying to fit a narrative. Which is fine.

Your rhetoric of "All real Christians are Pacifists" screams insanity. So either you are a troll or a fool.

You pick. I don't believe one word that you type.
That is dangerous. Again, you are taking away my right to have an opinion. It is one of the worst argumentation skills. I am Jewish. You obviously do not believe me, however you have no reason not to. I cannot prove this is true, unless you come up with a way I can prove it.

I am a Christian. I have a right to a BELIEF in Christianity. As you are not a Christian, I would advise you to stay out of what I believe, unless you have a reason why my belief is morally or logically wrong, in which case, state WHY! I believe that one of Jesus' core teachings was a form of pacifism.
We are on an internet site. LOL

I am just saying I don't believe you. What is so dangerous about that? Please explain.

Because your strategy, whether intentional or not, is to undermine my right to have an opinion. You do this by personally insulting my character and my beliefs, calling me a fool, a troll, and a lunatic, among other things. I have studied argumentation long enough to recognize this.
On an internet site. So what? You don't like it? Shut it off? You can have as many opinions as you like. Start a thread or 100. How am I stopping you?
OK, but the thing is that intentionally or not you are doing this. I just wanted to let you know that because it is a dangerous skill of argumentation, like whataboutism. It is used in regimes to distract from protesters, etc. Your style of argumentation was used by Hitler.
2/6/2018 10:18 PM
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/6/2018 10:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/6/2018 10:04:00 PM (view original):
You just summarized what makes you ignorant in this little conversation.
This happens every time:
1. You make a bold claim fitting your narrative.
2. Your claim gets disproven multiple times.
3. You move to ad hominem, trying to take away your opponent's right to an opinion.
4. You change the subject, only to bring it back up again later making the same ignorant point again.

And so the cycle continues.

You didn't know the difference between an opinion and a fact and you claim to be a journalist...should I continue?
Uhh we agreed. Opinions cannot be wrong. We agreed on that. So, sure, continue on.
Agreed, after you argued against it. Want me to ask wylie to confirm?

So are you pro choice or pro life, Capt. Christianity?
Yes. I changed my opinion. I am allowed to do that. It is actually a good thing to be able to do, you know. And it isn't like that makes me uninformed. Who really thinks about the difference between a fact and an opinion?

I already answered. I am moderate. Legalize first trimester, only with special doctorate permission after that.
Not very Christian of you. Killing babies. Hypocrite.
2/6/2018 10:19 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 2/6/2018 10:11:00 PM (view original):
To get back on topic, I caught an Indians/Reds game last May. It was in Cincinnati, but there were 3 people outside of the stadium protesting the Indians. They were all white and young. It kills me how people need a cause to protest just for the sake of protesting. What they were too stupid to realize is nobody was paying them any attention. They were simply waisting their time. These people who cry injustice about every little thing are nothing more than attention whores. They really could care less about the cause. They want to be seen and feel good about themselves.
You know that MLB has decided to discontinue the chief wahoo logo right?

Seems like someone was paying attention.
2/6/2018 10:19 PM
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Cleveland Indigenous Americans Topic

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