Posted by tangplay on 2/17/2018 5:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 2/17/2018 4:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/17/2018 1:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/17/2018 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 2/17/2018 12:25:00 PM (view original):
it is not wrong to politicize....it is right to do it if is honest truth....the republicans want to equate politicizing as lying...who is in the forefront of politicizing...the the students...the teachers...the families...the communities.....and concerned citizens...thats our choice ..speak out or be sheep....politicize it all the way to the voting booth starting then and now and kick the bums out.
Truth is a deranged person killed kids and teachers and there was zero police presence. The FBI had multiple warnings and did nothing about it. The rest is noise.
FBI had multiple warnings?

Why was that guy allowed to get an assault rifle?
1.) YES. The FBI had multiple warnings. The last one about 4 weeks ago. That information was never forwarded to Miami. I guess they're too busy going after Trump.

2.) THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW! What happened to the gun check? I want somebody's *** in jail. He was expelled from school. Where was the followup? He had a history of problems. Where was big government to clean it up? Both of his parents died and he lived with???? Where was big government taxpayer money to keep us all safe and happy?
he was legally allowed to have an assault rifle.
Yes, he was, but why is a 19 year old kid with known mental problems legally allowed to own an assault rifle? Of course I want to know why any private citizen is legally allowed to own an assault rifle. There is no logical reason for a citizen to own one.
2/19/2018 6:55 PM (edited)
OF course a 9 year old shouldn't have a gun. It's illegal. AND a 19 year old shouldn't have one either. You can't drink till you're 21.

ANY INDIVIDUAL who has a history of problems at school or socially in society, should not be allowed to buy a gun. THEY SHOULD THEN have the onus placed upon them to pay a fee and go through the system to have that PRIVILEGED RIGHT reinstated.

This ain't rocket science.
2/18/2018 12:59 PM
well said, doug...and the assault weapon was for the military and should remain so.
2/18/2018 1:01 PM
later, i am going to list the 15 so called democrat senators who voted no on the assault weapon ban in 2013......5 of them voted yes on a watered down ban of limiting capacity to 10 rounds...the other 10 voted no twice.....a watered down bill failed 44-56.......yes , as trump said...because of democrats.
there is one name many of us are going to be surprised about...he has ambitions and he must be stopped.
the main vote was 40 yes - 60 no..one R from ill voted yes.
2/18/2018 1:23 PM (edited)
Posted by dino27 on 2/18/2018 1:01:00 PM (view original):
well said, doug...and the assault weapon was for the military and should remain so.
That's why you can't own a working TANK. The only citizen owned rocket launchers I know of are in their back yard or a park and they have ESTES stamped on them.

Citizens do not need a fully automatic weapon like our military has...yet.

A semi automatic with a 15 to 30 clip is enough to defend your home against any intruder.
2/18/2018 1:13 PM
Posted by dino27 on 2/18/2018 12:27:00 PM (view original):
when you really think about it the comment that the fbi fell down because they spend too much time on collusion.
that is about the most evil thing he has said in 3 days.
first..a real loyal american president would be gung ho about learning everything the russians did..we have to know....and who they did it with..we have to know.
second......he has obstructed the investigation at every turn.
third....factually what he said is ridiculous......the only fbi agents are from special depts and a real president would say the investigation is vital to NATIONAL SECURITY.
4TH- he has made the victim's families feel worse by bringing in his PERSONAL politics.
Great post.

Especially agree on the FBI slam. He's saying 17 people died because the "Deep State" is trying to frame him for the Trump and Rusher hoax. I don't know how anyone halfway reasonable can still support him.
2/18/2018 1:47 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/18/2018 12:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 2/18/2018 11:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/18/2018 10:03:00 AM (view original):
I think its more complex than that. Operational definition of TREASON: The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Even Liberal Schiff agrees BHO had a hand in this. Keep in mind DJT was a businessman running for office he had no idea who was doing what. Russia is a meddler but to go to open war is just insanity.
But that is a bad excuse. A crime is a crime and Trump had and has MULTIPLE advisors who knew. I think we can guess why Trump is not open to sanctioning Russia.
Are you seriously trying to debate foreign policy? You are a dope. Open warfare is not an option. They spy on us and we spy on them. It is a little game we all play. It has been happening for 70 yrs plus. There has been zero indictments. The only crime here is noise pollution coming from you.
Really? Mueller has indicted more people quicker than any special council in history - and it is not close. It is this attitude of 'collusion? Who cares' that risks the end of democracy.
2/18/2018 2:17 PM
Dino makes some great points. WE want to know EVERYTHING the Russians did and who they did it with. We wanna know why HILLARY and the DNC paid STEELE and FUSION/GPS 10 MILLION DOLLARS out of the DNC coffers for opposition research. That would be a good start.
2/18/2018 2:19 PM
what is wrong with hiring fusion for opposition research...why is it wrong.
2/18/2018 2:35 PM
when chris the animal steele found out what was going on he made contact with the fbi.....a lot of it the fbi already had......what is wrong with opposition research.
2/18/2018 2:37 PM
Posted by dino27 on 2/18/2018 2:35:00 PM (view original):
what is wrong with hiring fusion for opposition research...why is it wrong.
Ohr. That's what's wrong.

Bruce Ohr is top DOJ guy.

His wife worked for FUSION/GPS guys and got lots of money.

IF Trumps wife was working for opposition research...would you have a problem with that?
2/18/2018 2:51 PM
im only interested in the product of the research.....there is so much incest and cross fertilization in politics.....im sure he gave her a good recommendation....it isnt that big of a deal...honestly.
2/18/2018 2:59 PM
Chris Steele is not an American. He is on record for HATING TRUMP and DOING ANYTHING to make sure he isn't elected.

Steele was paid real money by HILLARY CLINTON and the DEMOCRAT PARTY.

Steele did not receive a dime from TRUMP. FBI and DOJ agents are on record to enact illegal acts against the President of the United States in an effort to OVERTURN the legal election of a President. Unacceptable.

This is not a time to argue over which party did what. This is the time to attack and defeat the criminal elements within this overbearing government to the best of our ability. DRAIN THE SWAMP!
2/18/2018 3:07 PM
Whenever tangplay posts anything I just laugh. I have never met a more ignorant person. None of us are constitutional lawyers either. We need to relax. What Russia is doing or was doing is nothing new. We all spy on one another. China is the worst. People are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
2/18/2018 5:41 PM
chris steele did not " hate crumpets " until he did the research and was alarmed..literally....he sought out a contact in the fbi...doug, you are falling for trump propoganda by going after steele.......he is considered an fbi hero long long before this.......he has more then solid credentials..it is he over our own people who has been teaching our agents about russia...dont the trump people have to make him a boogieman..........they always have to do something in every instance........even curt gowdy has suddenly flipped to the anti-trump side.......i never ever thought i would see that day.
i used to consider him the lowest of the low
2/18/2018 6:25 PM
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