TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by strikeout26 on 2/21/2018 8:33:00 PM (view original):
The internet played a large role. Also, the last two times our economy was truly strong was when we had two different parties in the executive branch and the legislative branch and we had a POTUS that was willing to work across the isle. Reagan had Skip O'Neil and Clinton had Gingrich. Obama had the Republicans for most of his presidency, but he had no desire to compromise.
This is true.......... BUT it wasn't Obama who had NO DESIRE to compromise. THAT would be the Repugnicans! McConnell (weasel face) said it openly and directly. HIS job was to make sure Obama failed. Party first, Country last! THAT's the Republican credo.......... and why R. Reagan will be the LAST Rep.. I ever vote for for President...................until they collapse and reorganize with a better group of members and LEADERS. At present they have NONE.......... which is how and why Trump is a Rep. and won the nomination.
2/22/2018 7:55 AM
I love how Bob states his opinion and then stamps it as a fact. You'll never vote for a GOP candidate and I will never vote for a Dem until they apologize for flying the flag of the Terror State of Palestine at their convention. What matters to you matters less to me and vice versa. Such is life in a democracy. I used to have more in common with the Dems as I am pro choice, I believe we need to rethink the 2nd amendment, I am not religious and I believe that we need to regulate the salaries of CEOs of public companies. BUT the Dems spit in my face. They are a divisive party. From their safe spaces, cries of institutional racism, their anti Israel stance, open borders, higher taxes, refusal to admit that Islam is radical. They are out of touch with reality. They have forced me to vote GOP. Thank you, @$$holes!
2/22/2018 9:12 AM
Both parties suck............. especially on their respective fringes. But I fear creeping facism way more than I do MOST of the fears about progessivists. So should any Jewish person I would think. I want my freedom to live my way, without undue interference from ANY Gov't (feds, States, or Counties) and I want you to have the same Boris. As long as you don't try to meddle with my lifeways, I won't F with yours. THAT'S the concept I embrace about America. I would slit the throat of anyone who tried to take that freedom away from me or my kin.

I've never JOINED any party. Not much of a joiner. I learned to respect and even like "W". As mentioned......... at one time I supported Reagan. We've had (at least) two 20th Century Pres. who were honest, god-fearing good men and pretty much failures as an effective President. I speak of Carter and "W". We've had ******** as President who have done much better. I can't explain everything, nor do I understand why good men don't succeed.

BUT, I do know a bad man when I see one. A liar. A cheat. A braggart. A user. A man with no respect for other ways, other peoples, others ideas. An ego-maniacal jerk with a thin skin and a shallow intellect. At my age it's quite easy to recognize these traits in SPADES in our current POTUS.
Add on to that the SUSPICION that he may have colluded, (or worse) with the Russian Gov't to facilitate his efforts to achieve rule and you SHOULD be able to clearly see why many of us are downright skeptical (and beyond) about this ******* that the majority of voters voted for.

As an *******. I can clearly recognize *******. Trump may be worse.......... he may be a traitorous *******............ as well as just a completely reprehensible human being who tries to profit (on ANYTHING!) using others money!
Well......... he finally got a REAL JOB. And I'm pretty much scared to death, because the BEST I can hope for is that he's just an incompetent BOOB. All the other choices are far, far, worse!
2/22/2018 9:32 AM
I disagree Bob. I believe the Dems have taken away my freedom of speech. If I say anything that they deem remotely offensive I am called a racist, spy, bigot, sexist. That is insanity personified. I say "Radical Islam" and I am an Islamaphobe. I say "BLM" is a terror group and I am racist. I say I want fewer regulations and I am a capitalist pig. Dems deal in absolutes. There is no middle ground with them. They have lost their minds and taken away free speech. IMO.


And again flew the Terror State of Palestine a regime that throws gays from roofs, something the Dems supposedly stand for (gay rights) yet they have no issue with that flag at their convention. This is NOT their fringe group. This is what most of them believe.

Again in my opinion they are out of touch with reality.
2/22/2018 9:47 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 2/21/2018 6:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/21/2018 3:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 2/21/2018 3:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/21/2018 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/21/2018 1:57:00 PM (view original):
You two need to just stop conversing. You will not agree and that is fine. Agree to disagree and move on.
I can respect disagreeing, whether it be politics, religion, social issues, or whatever.
What I can't respect, and have zero tolerance for, is people making sheit up, then posting it as fact.
When it's in an effort to slander the person who the citizens of this Country elected as our President, who deserves everyone's respect whether they like him or not, it p!sses me off, and I don't believe it should go without being called-out as BS.
He doesn't deserve respect because he was elected president. Would you respect HRC more if she had won? I highly doubt it. I don't care who or what a person is. As far as I am concerned they need to earn my respect. In my opinion, Trump has not earned my respect in the slightest. he lies, he chats on his wives, he wastes time arguing with people who have hurt his feelings. When he does something worthy of my respect, he will get it.
He does, as does anyone in that Office. If we, as Americans don't show that person respect, how can we expect the rest of the World to do so?
You are correct that had HRC won the election, I probably would NOT have any more respect for her than I do now, but I would show her respect by NOT making things up about her and trying to talk her down. She would be the leader of my Country, and would deserve at least that.
so, what things did I make up about Trump? Others may feel differently, but I think you don't deserve respect because of your position or job. You have to earn it. In my view, trump has done nothing to earn my respect. You can and do feel differently. That's fine. You are entitled to your views just as I am entitled to mine.
So, when you get hired at a new job, you shouldn't respect your co-workers or bosses because of their positions?
When your children go to school, they shouldn't respect their teachers and administrators because of their positions?
Policemen and Firemen should be respected because of their jobs? What about Military men and women?
Maybe you're pointing-out one of the big problems of people today: too many of them feel others need to earn respect - maybe it should be more like it was before, when everyone treated everyone else with respect, until something was done to lose it.
2/22/2018 10:58 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 2/22/2018 9:32:00 AM (view original):
Both parties suck............. especially on their respective fringes. But I fear creeping facism way more than I do MOST of the fears about progessivists. So should any Jewish person I would think. I want my freedom to live my way, without undue interference from ANY Gov't (feds, States, or Counties) and I want you to have the same Boris. As long as you don't try to meddle with my lifeways, I won't F with yours. THAT'S the concept I embrace about America. I would slit the throat of anyone who tried to take that freedom away from me or my kin.

I've never JOINED any party. Not much of a joiner. I learned to respect and even like "W". As mentioned......... at one time I supported Reagan. We've had (at least) two 20th Century Pres. who were honest, god-fearing good men and pretty much failures as an effective President. I speak of Carter and "W". We've had ******** as President who have done much better. I can't explain everything, nor do I understand why good men don't succeed.

BUT, I do know a bad man when I see one. A liar. A cheat. A braggart. A user. A man with no respect for other ways, other peoples, others ideas. An ego-maniacal jerk with a thin skin and a shallow intellect. At my age it's quite easy to recognize these traits in SPADES in our current POTUS.
Add on to that the SUSPICION that he may have colluded, (or worse) with the Russian Gov't to facilitate his efforts to achieve rule and you SHOULD be able to clearly see why many of us are downright skeptical (and beyond) about this ******* that the majority of voters voted for.

As an *******. I can clearly recognize *******. Trump may be worse.......... he may be a traitorous *******............ as well as just a completely reprehensible human being who tries to profit (on ANYTHING!) using others money!
Well......... he finally got a REAL JOB. And I'm pretty much scared to death, because the BEST I can hope for is that he's just an incompetent BOOB. All the other choices are far, far, worse!
Can't believe you're dumb enough to actually still be clinging to the Russian garbage. Why are you totaling ignoring the fact it started before Trump even announce his candidacy. That sir, is a proven fact. Something you obviously don't understand.
2/22/2018 1:32 PM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 2/22/2018 11:02:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 2/22/2018 9:32:00 AM (view original):
Both parties suck............. especially on their respective fringes. But I fear creeping facism way more than I do MOST of the fears about progessivists. So should any Jewish person I would think. I want my freedom to live my way, without undue interference from ANY Gov't (feds, States, or Counties) and I want you to have the same Boris. As long as you don't try to meddle with my lifeways, I won't F with yours. THAT'S the concept I embrace about America. I would slit the throat of anyone who tried to take that freedom away from me or my kin.

I've never JOINED any party. Not much of a joiner. I learned to respect and even like "W". As mentioned......... at one time I supported Reagan. We've had (at least) two 20th Century Pres. who were honest, god-fearing good men and pretty much failures as an effective President. I speak of Carter and "W". We've had ******** as President who have done much better. I can't explain everything, nor do I understand why good men don't succeed.

BUT, I do know a bad man when I see one. A liar. A cheat. A braggart. A user. A man with no respect for other ways, other peoples, others ideas. An ego-maniacal jerk with a thin skin and a shallow intellect. At my age it's quite easy to recognize these traits in SPADES in our current POTUS.
Add on to that the SUSPICION that he may have colluded, (or worse) with the Russian Gov't to facilitate his efforts to achieve rule and you SHOULD be able to clearly see why many of us are downright skeptical (and beyond) about this ******* that the majority of voters voted for.

As an *******. I can clearly recognize *******. Trump may be worse.......... he may be a traitorous *******............ as well as just a completely reprehensible human being who tries to profit (on ANYTHING!) using others money!
Well......... he finally got a REAL JOB. And I'm pretty much scared to death, because the BEST I can hope for is that he's just an incompetent BOOB. All the other choices are far, far, worse!
Can't believe you're dumb enough to actually still be clinging to the Russian garbage. We are you totaling ignoring the fact it started before Trump even announce his candidacy. That sir, is a proven fact. Something you obviously don't understand.
That doesn't prove anything about whether Trump meddled or not. Neither does saying that it all happened under the Obama administration.
2/22/2018 11:20 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/22/2018 9:48:00 AM (view original):
I disagree Bob. I believe the Dems have taken away my freedom of speech. If I say anything that they deem remotely offensive I am called a racist, spy, bigot, sexist. That is insanity personified. I say "Radical Islam" and I am an Islamaphobe. I say "BLM" is a terror group and I am racist. I say I want fewer regulations and I am a capitalist pig. Dems deal in absolutes. There is no middle ground with them. They have lost their minds and taken away free speech. IMO.


And again flew the Terror State of Palestine a regime that throws gays from roofs, something the Dems supposedly stand for (gay rights) yet they have no issue with that flag at their convention. This is NOT their fringe group. This is what most of them believe.

Again in my opinion they are out of touch with reality.
That is wrong. So is calling someone a troll and an idiot whenever they post. Hypocrite much?
2/22/2018 11:22 AM
Not someone. You. I have plenty of evidence to prove that. You are a troll. You are an idiot. Sorry man.
2/22/2018 11:26 AM
You are also uneducated.
2/22/2018 11:27 AM
Posted by all3 on 2/22/2018 10:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 2/21/2018 6:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/21/2018 3:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 2/21/2018 3:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/21/2018 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/21/2018 1:57:00 PM (view original):
You two need to just stop conversing. You will not agree and that is fine. Agree to disagree and move on.
I can respect disagreeing, whether it be politics, religion, social issues, or whatever.
What I can't respect, and have zero tolerance for, is people making sheit up, then posting it as fact.
When it's in an effort to slander the person who the citizens of this Country elected as our President, who deserves everyone's respect whether they like him or not, it p!sses me off, and I don't believe it should go without being called-out as BS.
He doesn't deserve respect because he was elected president. Would you respect HRC more if she had won? I highly doubt it. I don't care who or what a person is. As far as I am concerned they need to earn my respect. In my opinion, Trump has not earned my respect in the slightest. he lies, he chats on his wives, he wastes time arguing with people who have hurt his feelings. When he does something worthy of my respect, he will get it.
He does, as does anyone in that Office. If we, as Americans don't show that person respect, how can we expect the rest of the World to do so?
You are correct that had HRC won the election, I probably would NOT have any more respect for her than I do now, but I would show her respect by NOT making things up about her and trying to talk her down. She would be the leader of my Country, and would deserve at least that.
so, what things did I make up about Trump? Others may feel differently, but I think you don't deserve respect because of your position or job. You have to earn it. In my view, trump has done nothing to earn my respect. You can and do feel differently. That's fine. You are entitled to your views just as I am entitled to mine.
So, when you get hired at a new job, you shouldn't respect your co-workers or bosses because of their positions?
When your children go to school, they shouldn't respect their teachers and administrators because of their positions?
Policemen and Firemen should be respected because of their jobs? What about Military men and women?
Maybe you're pointing-out one of the big problems of people today: too many of them feel others need to earn respect - maybe it should be more like it was before, when everyone treated everyone else with respect, until something was done to lose it.
So, the problem with the word today is that too many people feel other people should earn respect instead of just automatically be given it?? Really?
Not all bossed and co-workers deserve respect. If I disrespect my new boss that much, I'll find a new job. I've had bosses I didn't respect. I didn't go around calling them idiots, but I tried to have a little to do with them as possible. I did what they asked me to do and stayed out of their way. I have two sons in high school. Not all of their teachers are worthy of respect, but I tell my kids they still need to listen to the teachers. Not every fireman or police officer is worthy of respect either. I respect what they do (and thank them for it) but that doesn't mean I respect them as individuals. Same goes for the teachers.
You want to give anyone respect without them earning it, that is your business.
2/22/2018 12:43 PM
Very well stated Mr. Wylie. It is the business of each of us to make our own way thru life. Some folks are fine being sheep. Never question authority figures, etc. As someone who was in high school during the Viet Nam war and who watched the Watergate hearings on TV, as well as the C. Thomas "hearing"......... those of us in my generation were taught to think critically. Our H.S. teachers actually instructed us to question authority, turn over every rock of supposed "info" and make sure we understood the FULL truth before we formulated our own opinions! It was quite apparent that sheep were being abused......... by our own governmental leaders. WE were being lied to......... about serious national matters......... like war and the death of our OWN........ brothers, sisters, and even Moms, Dads, and a few Granddads. All killed fighting a war in which OUR OWN Government was NOT telling us the truth!!

So, YES. I have disdain for sheeplike twinkies who want to automatically believe every authority figure they ever met. It's their right, sure........ but it's horridly STUPID!!! There are plenty of good cops and soldiers............. the good ones aren't clamoring for attention! There are also plenty of BAD cops who deserve NO respect......... and there are bad teachers as well. They shouldn't be respected either,,,,,,,,, they should politely be encouraged (at LEAST) to find another vocation! Dummies like to make heroes of those that protect us............ I say HORSESHIT! It's their chosen profession and they get paid fairly well for it......... in fact considering the pension plans of most firefighters I say they get paid real well.

The REAL heroes in our society are the quiet dignified folks going about their daily jobs of involved parenting, demonstrating the daily responsibility and duty of doing good and productive work to sustain and nurture oneself and one's kin! THESE are the real heroes in our society and they rarely if EVER get mentioned. Custer was no hero. His ordinary soldiers who just did their duty were! Too bad they were so poorly led. As their bravery was wasted by ego and self worship! Kinda reminds me of the present "troopleader".
2/22/2018 1:27 PM
OMG I cannot Bob just dismissed my post.
2/22/2018 1:29 PM
??? Not sure what you mean Boris.......... I ain't dissing anyone.............. not intentionally anyway.
Except for Russkie troll/bots............ I ain't responding to them (IF I know of them) at all any longer.......
2/22/2018 1:39 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 2/22/2018 1:29:00 PM (view original):
OMG I cannot Bob just dismissed my post.
There's a reason I had his ridiculously Liberal rantings blocked for so long (like I do dino).
Got to go back to that, for my own good. It seriously disturbs me that there are such delirious people just walking around in this Country. If I want to read crazy, made-up, Liberal BS, I'll go to the Huffington Post.
2/22/2018 1:45 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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