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Posted by johnsensing on 2/23/2018 5:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by oldwarrior on 2/23/2018 5:07:00 PM (view original):
I skimmed through all the posts and maybe someone already mentioned this:

If a player took money from an agent or from a school to go to that specific school, and then goes elsewhere, it is possible that a school that did nothing illegal will be punished because they played an ineligible player.

As an example, let's say Miles Bridges took $20,000 from an agent to steer him towards Kentucky. But he instead goes to Michigan State. Michigan State could forfeit all the games Bridges played in, even though there wasn't any inappropriate recruiting done by MSU.
I'm not even sure the agents are steering players to specific schools, based on the yahoo article that was published this morning. Looks more like they're loaning them $$/taking them out to dinner in the hopes that they'll sign with the agency once they go pro. As much as I'd love to see Duke/UNC/Sparty get the death penalty (I'm a UVA fan), I'm not sure why this is the school's fault at all.

And as others have said, the only reason this is happening is because the NCAA (in cahoots with the universities) is depressing the labor market. These guys have tremendously marketable skills -- someone is going to find a way to pay them. It really ought to be the schools -- the ones who profit the most off of them.
It should only be the schools fault if they're helping the agencies. If the coaches are also taking money to make the connections with the players they're in deep Doo Doo
2/23/2018 6:16 PM
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 5:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 5:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 4:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:42:00 PM (view original):
You do understand why what you suggest is a problem, right?

Bobby Big Booster at Kentucky will pay kids 1 million for their first game worn jersey. What school do you think they will attend?
Right, what will college hoops look like if Kentucky or Duke starts to get all the best players... great question that we'll never know the answer to.
Exactly what I was gonna say. Those teams already get those elite players. No difference.
Well, both of your sort of miss the point. It just becomes a bidding process. Which just becomes professional ball. If that's what we want, do away with any required school. Just create basketball players. Which will suck for all but 1-2 players on every team. Because everyone doesn't move on to NBA millions.
You missed the point that its already a bidding process.
Well, yeah, except it isn't. Unless it's just prestige of school/coach that are the chips. Or maybe education. Prettiest girls. Nice weather. Whatever but it's not money. When it's money, it's professional basketball. We call it the "NBA".
Sure its money, just indirectly.

Come to Duke and I'll get you in the NBA where you can make millions. That's why players go those schools, to get to next level and make $$$
Because pros only come from the top 7-8 schools? I'll give you "prospect of future money" but it's not money. Not even indirectly. It's exposure, coaching, playing time, facilities, etc, etc. That's far different than "I'll give you 1 million dollars for your first game used jersey." C'mon.
2/23/2018 6:19 PM
Posted by zorzii on 2/23/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:55:00 PM (view original):
Anyway, I think Lavar Ball(of all people) has the right idea.

Start a league of guys who will be one and done(or aspire to be). Pay them. Provide them training, instruction, coaching, room and board. Play a 30-40 game season. All he needs is a television contract and the "problem" is solved. If you're good enough, you're going to get paid for that 1 year wait. And you don't have to deal with the pretense of "student/athlete".
I like that. Do we have enough money Mike? Let's get our eight teams league out but we need more than one and done
That's why it's "aspire to be" as well. You'd need to start with 100 players and a sweet TV deal.
2/23/2018 6:20 PM
Posted by tecwrg on 2/23/2018 10:01:00 AM (view original):
While numerous NCAA rules may have been broken, what federal laws have been broken?

In other words, what is the FBI's interest in this? Why are they doing the NCAA's job for them?
My thoughts exactly. **** the NCAA.
2/23/2018 6:24 PM
Posted by mullycj on 2/23/2018 10:29:00 AM (view original):
The "funny" part is no one ever mentions the value of a free scholarship for these players. How many of them would not have even gotten into these universities without that full ride. Since a small % of them actual make a living playing in the NBA, a four year degree (if they actually go to class) may be the most valuable thing they could possess.
No one argues that the scholarship doesn’t have value. The argument is that it isn’t enough value considering the fact that the NCAA makes BILLIONS off of the players’ labor.
2/23/2018 6:26 PM
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Slippery slope. Dinner becomes a night out on the town. Night out on the town becomes an awesome crib. Awesome crib becomes a sports car. Sort of like a booster giving a kid a job that requires him to punch in, or be punched in, then go about his business.
Sounds like the ridiculous argument about how smoking pot leads to shooting up heroin. It's a convenient argument for people to use when they don't want to give an inch on certain issues. In this case, NCAA pigs making billions, not wanting to pay the players (oops, student athletes) who make the schools money.

Basically people are free-market fans at all costs, until those people have to fork over their spoils.
2/23/2018 6:33 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/23/2018 6:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Slippery slope. Dinner becomes a night out on the town. Night out on the town becomes an awesome crib. Awesome crib becomes a sports car. Sort of like a booster giving a kid a job that requires him to punch in, or be punched in, then go about his business.
Sounds like the ridiculous argument about how smoking pot leads to shooting up heroin. It's a convenient argument for people to use when they don't want to give an inch on certain issues. In this case, NCAA pigs making billions, not wanting to pay the players (oops, student athletes) who make the schools money.

Basically people are free-market fans at all costs, until those people have to fork over their spoils.
Or the 18 y/o could go play overseas for year and get paid. You know why they don't? Exposure. Slammin' it down in the Slovakia doesn't get the same ESPN coverage as it does in Louisville.
2/23/2018 6:39 PM
I'm not against paying players. I'm against paying COLLEGE players. Who are considered amateurs. Truth is, if a 15 y/o wants to get paid to play ball, he should be allowed that opportunity. The NBA is the problem because they want let them play.
2/23/2018 6:41 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 6:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/23/2018 6:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 10:26:00 AM (view original):
Slippery slope. Dinner becomes a night out on the town. Night out on the town becomes an awesome crib. Awesome crib becomes a sports car. Sort of like a booster giving a kid a job that requires him to punch in, or be punched in, then go about his business.
Sounds like the ridiculous argument about how smoking pot leads to shooting up heroin. It's a convenient argument for people to use when they don't want to give an inch on certain issues. In this case, NCAA pigs making billions, not wanting to pay the players (oops, student athletes) who make the schools money.

Basically people are free-market fans at all costs, until those people have to fork over their spoils.
Or the 18 y/o could go play overseas for year and get paid. You know why they don't? Exposure. Slammin' it down in the Slovakia doesn't get the same ESPN coverage as it does in Louisville.
And maybe thy don’t want to live in a foreign country?

The why doesn’t really matter. The idea that someone can’t make a living in the US because of a forced amateur system that profits tremendously off of their labor is wrong.
2/23/2018 7:17 PM
Sure. If you read my next post, I said if a 15 y/o can make a living playing basketball, he should go for it. This post right here:

I'm not against paying players. I'm against paying COLLEGE players. Who are considered amateurs. Truth is, if a 15 y/o wants to get paid to play ball, he should be allowed that opportunity. The NBA is the problem because they won't let them play.

Thinking about it, The University of Kentucky Basketball School would work. Pay the players. If they want college classes, they can pay for them. If they want to eat at the training table, it's negotiated. The Kentucky fans would still be engaged as it's affiliated with UK and the bleeding hearts would be happy because the players are getting paid.
2/23/2018 7:22 PM
I don’t know why being in college matters. The colleges are sure as **** profiting off of the players.
2/23/2018 7:35 PM
Two words. Student/Athlete.

What is your objection to what I proposed? Seems like a win/win.
2/23/2018 7:41 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 6:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 5:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 5:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 4:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:42:00 PM (view original):
You do understand why what you suggest is a problem, right?

Bobby Big Booster at Kentucky will pay kids 1 million for their first game worn jersey. What school do you think they will attend?
Right, what will college hoops look like if Kentucky or Duke starts to get all the best players... great question that we'll never know the answer to.
Exactly what I was gonna say. Those teams already get those elite players. No difference.
Well, both of your sort of miss the point. It just becomes a bidding process. Which just becomes professional ball. If that's what we want, do away with any required school. Just create basketball players. Which will suck for all but 1-2 players on every team. Because everyone doesn't move on to NBA millions.
You missed the point that its already a bidding process.
Well, yeah, except it isn't. Unless it's just prestige of school/coach that are the chips. Or maybe education. Prettiest girls. Nice weather. Whatever but it's not money. When it's money, it's professional basketball. We call it the "NBA".
Sure its money, just indirectly.

Come to Duke and I'll get you in the NBA where you can make millions. That's why players go those schools, to get to next level and make $$$
Because pros only come from the top 7-8 schools? I'll give you "prospect of future money" but it's not money. Not even indirectly. It's exposure, coaching, playing time, facilities, etc, etc. That's far different than "I'll give you 1 million dollars for your first game used jersey." C'mon.
Don't follow college basketball much do ya
2/23/2018 7:50 PM
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 7:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 6:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 5:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 5:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Benis on 2/23/2018 4:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by npb7768 on 2/23/2018 4:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 4:42:00 PM (view original):
You do understand why what you suggest is a problem, right?

Bobby Big Booster at Kentucky will pay kids 1 million for their first game worn jersey. What school do you think they will attend?
Right, what will college hoops look like if Kentucky or Duke starts to get all the best players... great question that we'll never know the answer to.
Exactly what I was gonna say. Those teams already get those elite players. No difference.
Well, both of your sort of miss the point. It just becomes a bidding process. Which just becomes professional ball. If that's what we want, do away with any required school. Just create basketball players. Which will suck for all but 1-2 players on every team. Because everyone doesn't move on to NBA millions.
You missed the point that its already a bidding process.
Well, yeah, except it isn't. Unless it's just prestige of school/coach that are the chips. Or maybe education. Prettiest girls. Nice weather. Whatever but it's not money. When it's money, it's professional basketball. We call it the "NBA".
Sure its money, just indirectly.

Come to Duke and I'll get you in the NBA where you can make millions. That's why players go those schools, to get to next level and make $$$
Because pros only come from the top 7-8 schools? I'll give you "prospect of future money" but it's not money. Not even indirectly. It's exposure, coaching, playing time, facilities, etc, etc. That's far different than "I'll give you 1 million dollars for your first game used jersey." C'mon.
Don't follow college basketball much do ya
Educate me. I need your insight. Thanks in advance.
2/23/2018 7:58 PM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/23/2018 7:41:00 PM (view original):
Two words. Student/Athlete.

What is your objection to what I proposed? Seems like a win/win.
Lots of students have jobs and make money. Not sure why that’s an issue.
2/23/2018 8:39 PM
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