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Posted by The Taint on 12/4/2018 9:47:00 PM (view original):
Looks like Flynn is cooperating with 2 or 3 different investigations.

Oh baby, Individual 1 has got to be shitting his pants right now.
12/4/2018 10:21 PM
Without a doubt. Watching Tucker Carlson was beautiful. He was pretty damn anxious.
12/4/2018 10:25 PM
OH BABY! HOW 'BOUT THAT FLYNN! Over 1 year and 40 MILLION dollars. Wrecked his family.

FELON for life. For what? And they give him a pass out of shame and guilt. A lot of people need to go to prison.

Unfortunately Mueller isn't looking at any of them. They all got the get out of jail free card from the Obama holdovers.

HANNITY says he has breaking news tonight at 9:00 EST. I wonder what it is. I do know this.......

FLYNN was just ANOTHER big fat NOTHING BURGER. And Mueller is still out to destroy Trump. That's why they hired him.

And unless something happens....this is exactly what you will get for another two years. BS NOTHING BURGERS.

The only thing that is certain is...there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. And one more thing.

I think the Dems are gonna keep pushing this thing until they turn over the rock they can't cover back up.

The FBI and JUSTICE imbeds are thinning rapidly. The movements, retiring and firings are stunning. Never seen anything like it.
12/5/2018 8:37 PM
yeah..all that black ink was fake blood in a was just there to fool everyone into thinking there was something important still being worked on...the judge was in on the scam too....he knew what it covered and went along with letting it get blacked out.
cant wait till the end when trump and mueller go on tv.....snl....and unison....SMILE..YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA !
12/5/2018 9:27 PM's the Hannity news.

Some guy proves the FBI knew the Steele dossier was fake but we knew this already.

This is not breaking news. The Republicans had 2 years to move on this and didn't.

I don't know what is going to happen. I hope the criminals get fired and go to jail.

Thank You for your service President George H. W. Bush. You were magnificent in Desert Storm.

Some of us will reflect upon your life as we fulfill ours. I pray to meet him in Heaven. I know he will shake my hand.
12/5/2018 9:45 PM
Posted by dino27 on 12/5/2018 9:28:00 PM (view original):
yeah..all that black ink was fake blood in a was just there to fool everyone into thinking there was something important still being worked on...the judge was in on the scam too....he knew what it covered and went along with letting it get blacked out.
cant wait till the end when trump and mueller go on tv.....snl....and unison....SMILE..YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA !
LOL....I can only imagine what Dumbout was posting about.

Whatever Rush or Hannity prattled on about in the last 24 hours I'm sure.

12/5/2018 10:18 PM
Posted by The Taint on 12/5/2018 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 12/5/2018 9:28:00 PM (view original):
yeah..all that black ink was fake blood in a was just there to fool everyone into thinking there was something important still being worked on...the judge was in on the scam too....he knew what it covered and went along with letting it get blacked out.
cant wait till the end when trump and mueller go on tv.....snl....and unison....SMILE..YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA !
LOL....I can only imagine what Dumbout was posting about.

Whatever Rush or Hannity prattled on about in the last 24 hours I'm sure.

TAINT for the WIN!

12/6/2018 12:41 AM
Posted by DougOut on 12/5/2018 9:45:00 PM (view original):'s the Hannity news.


Thank You for your service President George H. W. Bush. I know he will shake my hand.

Of couse he’ll shake your hand...


12/6/2018 12:48 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 12/4/2018 10:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 12/4/2018 9:47:00 PM (view original):
Looks like Flynn is cooperating with 2 or 3 different investigations.

Oh baby, Individual 1 has got to be shitting his pants right now.
12/6/2018 9:11 PM
Posted by The Taint on 12/4/2018 10:25:00 PM (view original):
Without a doubt. Watching Tucker Carlson was beautiful. He was pretty damn anxious.
12/6/2018 9:16 PM
Posted by The Taint on 12/5/2018 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 12/5/2018 9:28:00 PM (view original):
yeah..all that black ink was fake blood in a was just there to fool everyone into thinking there was something important still being worked on...the judge was in on the scam too....he knew what it covered and went along with letting it get blacked out.
cant wait till the end when trump and mueller go on tv.....snl....and unison....SMILE..YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA !
LOL....I can only imagine what Dumbout was posting about.

Whatever Rush or Hannity prattled on about in the last 24 hours I'm sure.

RUSH didn't say anything about it. Only a judge can come in and say Comey or other FBI leadership people withheld information to get a false FISA warrant.

But, if you want some RUSH LIMBAUGH.....I guess I can dig something up from today......

The Left Compares Mary and Joseph to Illegal Immigrants

Dec 6, 2018

RUSH: I have a story here. It is from The Daily Wire.

Headline: “Baby Jesus Held In Steel Cage As Part Of Church’s Immigration-Themed Nativity Scene – A church in Massachusetts has set up a nativity scene in which the baby Jesus is inside a small steel cage, under a banner that reads ‘Peace on Earth?’ The nativity scene at St. Susanna Parish in Dedham also has the three wise men barricaded from Mary and Joseph by a fence-like structure.”

Again, this is St. Susanna Parish. “The church says it is hoping to spark a conversation about how immigrants are being treated at the U.S.-Mexico border.”
The Boston Globe says that the church wants to spark a conversation. You know, the church needs to spark a lot of conversations, but this is not one of them. But this is classic.

Homelessness is never an issue when the Democrats are in the White House or anywhere in power. Well, just as Mary and Joseph were never homeless — and see, the reason for appropriating Mary and Joseph for the homeless, we could be mistreating the next savior. Mary and Joseph were homeless. They had nowhere to go. And look what happened to them. They gave birth to Jesus Christ in a manger!

Well, they were not homeless. And Mary and Joseph were not immigrants. They were subjects of the Roman state. And like everybody, they had to make their yearly pilgrimage to register for a census ordered by Caesar Augustus, which required everyone to register in their hometowns. This was so they could be taxed. And that’s what Mary and Joseph were doing! They were on their way, their annual trek to register for the census so that they could pay their taxes.

And when they got to Bethlehem, they could not find a room at the inn because all of the other subjects of the Roman state had come to Bethlehem for the same reason. And Mary and Joseph had forgotten to guarantee the reservation with the American Express platinum card. And so they had nowhere to go. They went to the manger, and the rest, of course, is history. Joseph had failed to plan ahead and make a reservation.

So here the left, now for the second egregious time, is co-opting a religious narrative and trying to fit it into its political narrative. You want to call this what it is, cultural debasement at the very least. Baby Jesus held in a steel cage as part of church’s immigration theme? Mary and Joseph were not immigrants, legal or illegal, and they were not forced to stay in a steel cage. They were forced to show up every year and register that they were alive so that they could pay taxes. But the church says it’s hoping to spark a conversation about how immigrants are being treated.

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12/6/2018 9:29 PM (edited)
Every president since Richard Nixon has been investigated by a special counsel, with the exception of President Obama,
Number of Indictments
Nixon = 69
Reagan = 13
Whitewater/Clinton = 15
Mueller / Trump = 36
Mueller’s investigation has been faster than any other special counsel investigation — he wasn't appointed to his role until May 17, 2017.
Watergate = 4 years
Iran Contra = 7 years
Whitewater = 6.5 years
Mueller = 1.5 years
Expense: The Mueller investigation has actually come at a much lower cost than other inquiries — and with the forfeiture of Paul Manafort’s assets, could actually turn a profit of as much as $29 million for the U.S. government.
Watergate = $48 million
Iran Contra = $101 million
Whitewater = $107 million
Mueller = $17 miilion. (net to US Treasury after fines $29 million).
The public is in favor of continuing the investigation — 76% of Americans support Mueller despite Trump’s constant attacks. And a plurality support removing Trump from office: Impeachment polls at 49%, a higher percentage than the 40% before Nixon resigned.
12/7/2018 4:51 AM
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Posted by bronxcheer on 12/7/2018 4:51:00 AM (view original):
Every president since Richard Nixon has been investigated by a special counsel, with the exception of President Obama,
Number of Indictments
Nixon = 69
Reagan = 13
Whitewater/Clinton = 15
Mueller / Trump = 36
Mueller’s investigation has been faster than any other special counsel investigation — he wasn't appointed to his role until May 17, 2017.
Watergate = 4 years
Iran Contra = 7 years
Whitewater = 6.5 years
Mueller = 1.5 years
Expense: The Mueller investigation has actually come at a much lower cost than other inquiries — and with the forfeiture of Paul Manafort’s assets, could actually turn a profit of as much as $29 million for the U.S. government.
Watergate = $48 million
Iran Contra = $101 million
Whitewater = $107 million
Mueller = $17 miilion. (net to US Treasury after fines $29 million).
The public is in favor of continuing the investigation — 76% of Americans support Mueller despite Trump’s constant attacks. And a plurality support removing Trump from office: Impeachment polls at 49%, a higher percentage than the 40% before Nixon resigned.
good post....if you have the info id like to see comparisons of taxpayer costs of golfing and vacations between the trump family and obama's family.
12/7/2018 12:37 PM
Posted by bronxcheer on 12/7/2018 4:51:00 AM (view original):
Every president since Richard Nixon has been investigated by a special counsel, with the exception of President Obama,
Number of Indictments
Nixon = 69
Reagan = 13
Whitewater/Clinton = 15
Mueller / Trump = 36
Mueller’s investigation has been faster than any other special counsel investigation — he wasn't appointed to his role until May 17, 2017.
Watergate = 4 years
Iran Contra = 7 years
Whitewater = 6.5 years
Mueller = 1.5 years
Expense: The Mueller investigation has actually come at a much lower cost than other inquiries — and with the forfeiture of Paul Manafort’s assets, could actually turn a profit of as much as $29 million for the U.S. government.
Watergate = $48 million
Iran Contra = $101 million
Whitewater = $107 million
Mueller = $17 miilion. (net to US Treasury after fines $29 million).
The public is in favor of continuing the investigation — 76% of Americans support Mueller despite Trump’s constant attacks. And a plurality support removing Trump from office: Impeachment polls at 49%, a higher percentage than the 40% before Nixon resigned.
12/7/2018 4:02 PM
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